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mill90771 04-21-2011 01:07 AM

Fitness illnesses and to share - the practice of k
made good 150 grams of meat, ham, pork fat fat 150 grams sliced ​​ginger 30 grams 50 grams 30 grams onion festival salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, soup, a little sesame oil base of the large amount of food a few pieces of cabbage leaf

kelp soaked in water to wash, cut wire, placed in the cup 3 times continuously soaked with water, each about 30 seconds, and tossed away the water, add sugar and mix soft food, eat a cup of morning and evening, and even served a week, on elderly patients with chronic bronchitis have significant effect.

150 grams of water, hair seaweed (cut into filaments), 1 egg, lean pork, 20 grams of silk.
system of law:

is a dark brown kelp seaweed. It is a unique flavor, quality soft and delicious, nutritious food, suitable for all ages, especially the illnesses and the elderly fitness, longevity of effect, and therefore, kelp has


kelp pork

remember when most do not like to eat seaweed, but the family always told me to eat more seaweed good for health. Grow up not only because it was eating nutritious value, is more like it's taste and flavor.

approach: 1) the kelp in the water for it.

Cook put the pot of water, remove with water wash away mucus, drain water, cut into filaments. Pot into the vegetable oil until the oil temperature seven maturity, into the kelp, kelp and deep fry stiff, remove when crisp, with soft white sugar, salt and mix well Serve. Crisp and delicious dish; unique flavor.

three soup category

Kelp 200 grams of water, fat, pepper 40 g,

Kelp 300 grams
duck is rich in protein, fat, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and other elements. Duck sweet, salty, slightly cold, a Yin Yang Wei, benefits of water swelling, strong lumbar bone health effect. Summer eating seaweed stewed duck, you can increase nutrition, can be cold cured heat.

eat kelp and a variety of nutritional value
key: When kelp washed with water, takes about 24 hours, but also changing the water 2-3 times to remove excessive salt and sodium salt and the surface.

200 grams of fat seaweed, spare ribs (or pork) 300 grams.


30 grams of dried seaweed,tory burch peep toe wedge, washed, dried and ground into powder. 3 grams per day to the cloth, put vinegar in the soaking, Serve kelp vinegar. Vinegar to drink this slowly for goiter, thyroid cancer, lymphatic cancer embolism.

III, seaweed fungus soup
pork ribs 400 grams, 150 grams of seaweed, scallion, ginger, salt, rice wine, sesame oil and the right amount.
soaked kelp washed and shredded, pork skin equivalent
salt, MSG, salad, soup, starch

the seaweed to soften the two tips
2, add 3 tablespoons oil in wok, heat, add sugar and fried golden brown, put pork pieces, aniseed, and Ginger scallion stir fried pork pieces and other colors on the surface Shanghao sugar, add boiling good kelp, into the soy sauce, Shaoxing wine and salt, then stir a while, add water to boil, turn low heat, till the meat and kelp Shulan tasty can be.
3. take a casserole, the first pad in the bottom of the pot a few pig bones (to prevent the burnt pot), then code the crisp layers of paper burning kelp green body. After the first layer of code, the covered ginger; code finished the second layer, covered with garlic; code finished the third layer, covered with onion festival; code finished fourth layer, Drizzle sauce. Finally, cover cabbage leaves, and into the water (in volume for the degree of submerged kelp), cover the pot.

fried seaweed balls
1. Kelp good hot wash, cut into strips the end of bad stew, lean pig meat, add onions, ginger, chopped fine, fat cut Ding, onions, ginger, red pepper cut silk, parsley and cut back.
fried kelp Undaria

a cold class
1, the dried seaweed steamed twenty-five minutes or so out, hot water soak thirty minutes, then wash with cold water sediment, cut into filaments.

This soup Cornish rotten
the seaweed, kelp, melon skin, with the release watermelon rind pot, add the appropriate amount of water in a bowl or soup pot Serve.

sea with rich nutrition, iodine content of food in the first ranks, also contain carotene, protein, fat, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamins and other ingredients. Kelp of taste cold, salty, with Endometriosis, diuresis Xiere, cough and asthma, Quzhi antihypertensive effect, people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol who eat more kelp useful in the summer.
2. Braised kelp burning paper, if the soup pot halfway Shaogan, should be promptly added water, so as not to burn the casserole.
Tip two: wet steam method

Effects: Kelp is a sea vegetable, iodine, alginate acid and mannitol, etc., can prevent goiter, cretinism, osteomalacia, rickets. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that eating seaweed can increase the activity of monocyte-macrophage cells, enhance immunity and resistance to radiation.




5) served in a bowl and the marinated meat, seaweed soup on top.

cleaning must take all of the above saline wash. After half an hour, will groan 清水中浸泡 steamed seaweed, the amount of water soaking kelp should not have kelp appropriate. Incubation time is 12 hours, that is, the night time.

10 grams of seaweed, kelp, 20 grams, 30 grams of skin melon, watermelon rind 50 grams of salt a little.
40 grams of dried kelp, raw wheat, 1,000 grams, add water, cook, serving soup liquid a day for 4 ~ 5 times served. This party is ideal for a variety of health recipes for cancer patients, can be dressed in uniforms, role of adjuvant therapy.

Second, kelp vinegar
2, Heat peanut oil into pot, add chopped green onion, ginger stir fragrant, then add tofu, seaweed, into the amount of water boiling, and then burn to simmer, add salt, Dunzhi seaweed, tofu tasty, pan plate and serve Serve.
2) beef cooked on the water for some time, so when the meat mushy and to remove torn into thin strips marinated condiments.
four staple food categories
kelp washed, cut into filaments, on the water boiled fish in the control of dry, sprinkle with salt, mix well and dish vegetable silk, and finally put onion, ginger, and pour vinegar, pepper soy oil heating balls.
1, Wash the pork, cut into 2-3 cm pieces; the kelp washed with boiling water about 15 minutes, cut into diamond-shaped pieces stand (with kelp, then rolled into a knot.)

system of law:

seaweed, chicken breast, red pepper, green pepper, onion, ginger

features: duck Hong bad, easy to eat off the bone, seaweed and fresh.

15 grams of dried seaweed, black fungus 15 grams, 60 grams of lean pork (cut into filaments). Seaweed and fungus first wash hair thoroughly with water, cut into filaments, together with boiled pork, salt, monosodium glutamate, starch, starch with water, can be eaten. This shall only apply to patients with gastrointestinal cancer and hyperlipidemia, but also prevention of hypertension, coronary heart disease, goiter. Tackling the consumer product side seaweed, black fungus, blood circulation, lean pork yin tonic, is ideal for cancer patients medicated.

four, three kelp silk
onions, ginger, coriander, red pepper, fat Zhu Biaorou

soaked kelp washed and shredded, the same amount of pork skin, washed, cut into small pieces, put the pot add water, add cinnamon, anise and other spices, simmer the mixture gently into a mud-like, add salt, poured into a square of gold, the air into the freezing cold.

seaweed tofu stew
tofu 200 grams, 100 grams of kelp,mbt sport 2 black, salt, ginger, green onion, peanut oil the right amount.
kelp containing protein, amino acid, carotene and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, D a prime C, vitamin P, and iodine, calcium, cobalt, fluorine, alginate, kelp Su, mannitol, seaweed polysaccharides, semi- AGPs, potassium hydroxide, seaweed and acid and so on. The taste salty, cold, Phlegm, soft Caine, Lee water effect. Indications gall tumor (goiter), M. scrofulaceum (lymphatic system), edema. There are anti-cancer effect. Nutritious and disease prevention because of its remarkable effectiveness, is known as
2. let cool, add garlic, sesame oil, vinegar, MSG and other spices, the mix can be eaten. (No salt)
1,500 grams of net


1, kelp with blisters open, washed, cut into strips, red and green pepper seeded and cut into bar with boiling water and boiled.

1, cut into easy to eat boiled noodles length.
kelp pound five ounces of water five money salt pepper oil vinegar, three vegetables, three-five money one money, money, spring onion ginger three
Note: fried candy colors, not stir, the application of fire to sugar melt evenly in the oil, sugar bubbling and golden brown, the next best meat; adding the amount of water to have not seen Meat Loaf is appropriate.

kelp seaweed soup
salt, monosodium glutamate, onion ginger oil, eggs, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce

dish with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, and the dryness, heat-clearing and detoxifying seaweed cooked with tofu. Seaweed rich in iodine, mannitol and other nutrients. Iodine to prevent thyroid enlargement and the pulse is very beneficial to maintain normal thyroid function and mannitol on the treatment of acute kidney failure, brain edema is curative.

2, then dried kelp and a variety of spices in mixing bowl and mix well together, and then loaded cylinder, foam and marinate for 10 days can be eaten.
recent study found that kelp, seaweed, seaweed and other algae foods, have anti-cancer, anti-cancer effect. One of colorectal cancer, breast cancer prevention role has been affirmed. According to WHO, the United Nations statistics, almost no Japanese women with breast cancer, mainly due to eating seaweed and more. American women more than breast cancer, mainly due to less food kelp, meat, milk and more. According to the experts to statistics, many years old eat kelp, the average prevalence rate of low 5% to 8%, life expectancy an average of 4-8 years.
3, then Shaonei put the oil, with chopped green onion, ginger, soy pan, into the bubble of good fans, stir fry, a spoon, after cooling, the code placed on the kelp, and pork.



4) fried look after the boil, then add soy sauce, minced garlic, green onions.

two cooking classes

1, the kelp hair with warm water, washed, cut into diamond-shaped pieces; the tofu cut into chunks and put it into pot, add water to boil, remove and let cool, cut into Ding.

4, added MSG, garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil and other spices, mix well and serve immediately.

1, after soaking the kelp, put Long Ti and steam for about half an hour, remove the water and then soaked for 4 hours, completely bubble, the wash water control, cut into squares; ribs washed, cut with a knife along bones open, cross-chopped into segments of about 4 cm, into the boiling pot to cook, remove and wash with warm water.
kelp high nutritional value. It is rich in protein, amino acids, seaweed polysaccharides, vitamin B1, C, D, niacin, carotene, riboflavin, mannitol, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, such as cellulose and alginic acid. Kelp, chlorophyll and trace elements in iron, cobalt, has the function of blood.

Experts have found that kelp in the the formation and development, as well as anti-clotting effect. Diet containing animal fat cook add some seaweed, make savings in the body fat tends to skin and muscle tissue, not in the heart, blood vessels and the intestinal wall stop product. Therefore, eat seaweed can prevent hardening of the arteries, coronary heart disease, obesity, retinal hemorrhage, cataract and other diseases. In addition, the alginic acid kelp also lower blood pressure.

kelp is also high medicinal value. There is also a kind of seaweed called This component allows diabetics improve insulin sensitivity, blood glucose decreased, so the kelp is an effective medicinal treatment of diabetic food.

role of kelp still warm. Cold winter, people often eat, can effectively improve their ability to keep out the cold.

3, add curry powder, soy sauce, cooking wine, tomato sauce, to taste Stir salt, pepper to taste.

one, seaweed raw wheat drink

400 grams net


30 grams of dried seaweed, lily 15 grams, 20 grams of shredded bamboo shoots. After soaking shredded kelp, and day lily, bamboo slice Gong Zhu. This shall only apply to patients with diabetes and obesity, can always eat.

five sugar mixed with seaweed

Kelp 250 grams of water, fat, 250 grams of lean pork.
2, chicken breast into strips, with the amount of salt, MSG, starch yards taste, under the pan boiled, picked up after the stand.
system of law:

effects: benefits of water, cool down, lose weight.


2, Guo Lifang heating oil, strong fire, stir fry noodles.

seaweed cut into strips or box, together with the ribs Dunlan pot and add the right amount of soy sauce, salt, MSG and sugar can be.

seaweed containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, amino acids, phycoerythrin, phospholipids, nicotinic acid, organic acids, volatile oil and vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and so on. Its sweet, salty, cold, soft firm phlegm, heat diuretic effect. Indications gall tumors, M. scrofulaceum, edema, obesity and so on.

Spicy Kelp

2. take a piece of seaweed on the case of the board rolled out, and then placed horizontally in the kelp on a bar and a ham fat fat meat section, and then scoop into a roll and tied with cotton thread, Serve crisp seaweed paper burning green body, one by one according to the system finished.

2, the net pot by adding 1,000 grams of water, into the ribs, scallion, ginger, rice wine, stir boiling, skim foam, and then opened fire with the fire stew about 20 minutes into the kelp block , and then stir boiling for 10 minutes, to pick ginger, spring onion, add salt seasoning, Drizzle sesame oil Serve.

4. to put the casserole on the stove, first with the fire to boil, then simmer till the kelp Sulan change and when the soup is quick-drying, the pan from heat, let cool kelp will roll out, the dissolution of Open thread cut in short sections, you can transfer to a plate and serve.




2, then shred meat, remove cooked in boiling water pot boil for a short, stacked together with the kelp tray.

system of law:
kelp aspic

Youpo kelp patty

Kelp 200 grams of water, fat,asics sneakers, 100 grams of soybean oil.

seaweed stewed duck

seaweed water will be cut into diagonal pieces, flour Guahu, into the pan fried until the batter fried dry, remove the color when Huang Liang . Pot stay in base oil, pour with salt, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, garlic juice, a good tune, boiled water, starch, starch, kelp into the sauce, the stir fry a few, topped with sesame oil, that is, to pan. This menu features a crispy bite.
cold three wire
2. Cut into small pots to take the meat, fat D, kelp at the end, salt, MSG, eggs, stir into the stuffing.
kelp rib soup
production methods:

3. Soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, soup, chicken tune into juice.


1. kelp repeatedly washed, cut into 15 cm long, 8 cm wide block; pig fat fat meat, ham were cut 6 cm long, 0.5 cm square section; salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, soup, sesame oil, edible base into the bowl, and mix thoroughly into the sauce.
Characteristics: salty and sweet and delicious, with a softening effect of blood vessels.

characteristics: smooth delicious, with oil but not greasy.
these two ingredients, combined with the benefits of water melon weight loss are markedly skin, peel, nori seaweed soup form, if regular diet, short interest moisture, fat weight loss. Fat women, to meet slim, muscular body, you can always eating this soup, the effect will be significant.
500 grams of kelp
if it is to buy dried seaweed, remember to first soak, remove impurities and toxic substances, Kelp iodine content is very high, so not often food, blisters two hours after the first water to boil, and then into the kelp, garlic, and cook for two or three minutes, although the seaweed can be eaten, but because it is seafood, so it is best to cook a few minutes, if you do not like so light, the fish out, you can use lean meat, etc., and the fry and put some red pepper or green pepper, so that the protein, vitamins, calcium, iron, iodine ..... and so on, have it all, pepper vitamins c content is relatively high, so do not fry too far, and red pepper with a high β-carotene, and green peppers contain vitamin high, so are very high nutritional value of food, and finally cut a number of green onions sprinkled on top, remember Cut onions should be longer, good-looking and delicious!
4. Stir in stuffing made of 5 cm in diameter, 2.5 cm thick cake, fried or steamed placed in the dish, and pour juice, sprinkle with onion ginger and other end, pouring oil on a hot onion ginger can be.
kelp 4000 grams, 100 grams of salt, MSG, 10 grams, 700 grams of soy sauce, five spice powder 30 grams, 200 grams of sugar, wine, 40 grams, 10 grams of ginger.
duck, seaweed cut into the box, the duck and seaweed with water to take it again, add water to a boil, playing to the floating end, add a large diced green onion, ginger, cooking wine, pepper, pepper with the fire will duck Dunlan, then add salt, MSG and adjust seasoning, pan plate.

system of law:

light, a seafood flavor. Decoction food can kelp, seaweed, eat at the lunch meal is appropriate.
kelp pork bowl of soup
kelp, the amount of carrot, clove, anise, cinnamon, pepper, walnut, vegetable oil, soy sauce, the right amount.
fried kelp
need raw materials: food base
kelp soaked in water for 24 hours (the middle of changing the water 2 times), then wash, and cut wire, Carrot cut into thick wire also. Heat oil, fry a few Jiahai with wire and put it into cloves, anise, cinnamon, pepper, walnuts, soy sauce and water to boil, change in the fire to be rotten seaweed, and put Ruluobosi stew can be cooked.
a new study also found that extracts of kelp Laminaria apoptosis due to suppression of the immune cells with anti-radiation effect. Kelp can be said that radioactive material Points kelp making a good variety of methods, now recommended for everyone one of the most simple and delicious way, is cold. Life of the electromagnetic radiation,asics hyperspeed 4, isotope radiation everywhere, many hazards to human existence, so the kelp - species not eat health food
system of law:
seaweed salad silk

couple of lean pork, dried seaweed twenty-two, stem fan twenty-two, peanut oil one or two. Soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, garlic amount.

are cut into filaments. Pan put oil, salt, ginger, onions and peppers cooking; adding kelp fry over high heat, then add the right amount of MSG, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and sesame oil to stir fry, you can pan. This dish features a crisp and refreshing.

seaweed stewed pork ribs
of salty kelp cold, Endometriosis, heat dissipation benefits of water, lowering blood pressure. Due to iodine rich seaweed, it is a good hair UFA food. Beautiful women on their hair more emphasis, therefore, has to eat more kelp and other iodine daily food.

1, kelp washed, cut wire, the pot with boiling water and cook for 20 minutes, remove, and then wash with water, then dried;
Features: silk long Weixiang, distinctive flavor.
crisp burst kelp block


from bone, kelp slip bad. The whole dish delicious, Tang Xian.

Korean seaweed soup

3) put soybean oil, fried seaweed, into the soy sauce

crisp seaweed paper burning

4, poured into a vessel, with dirty dishes and red bell pepper.


hair cut into large areas of kelp, a good mix of pork last volume growth increased volume, steamed out, cut into about 3 cm long segment, home plate, topped with water starch to thicken.

salt 4 grams, 10 grams of cooking wine, MSG 3 grams, 15 grams of ginger, pepper, 2 grams, 2 grams of pepper, large diced green onion 15 grams.
1. produce burning crisp seaweed paper, you can put food base, but it can hold, but did not put the time of alkali burn longer.


meals eaten cut into the
will be made of fine seaweed and pork into a mess, and monosodium glutamate, salt, diced green onion, ginger and other spices, mix, and then made into balls, put Zhashu into the oil.

steamed seaweed roll
seaweed stew carrot


Tip one: base heating method
Japanese medical profession's therapeutic role of seaweed were highly: eat seaweed good for the treatment of gastric ulcer; eat seaweed to prevent, mitigate and treat disease, menopausal women have a good effect; more eat seaweed on aging, prevent anemia, prevent skin bioclastic and itching, prevent tooth decay, treatment of night blindness, blood pressure, blood fat and cholesterol have a very good effect.
1. the kelp washed, cut into filaments cook for half an hour after the remove and let cool.

chopped into small pieces

kelp, lean pork meat

with kelp therapeutic side


materials: seaweed, beef (Ha clam), soy sauce, sesame oil, soybean oil, minced garlic, green onions
system of law:

pot of water to be opened, it will lay eggs, pork, and salt into the pot and make soup, then kelp and MSG, sesame oil, pepper, scallion and other spices into the dish, the soup into the can. This dish can maintain the freshness and green tones.

Eat a lot of kelp, fried, stewed,nike air max white, steamed, boiled can be. Here are some kelp gastronomy and dietetic prescription.

Effects: kelp seaweed containing polysaccharides, there is a strong anti-tumor function, which sulfonyl can kill cancer cells. The product is applicable to the endocrine system tumors (such as thyroid, breast, prostate, etc.) patients eat.
Braised Chicken
3, pot and put a little oil down into the diced green onion and ginger until fragrant, add stock, and put all the raw materials Stew 3 minutes, seasoning, thicken with starch, Serve.

fried seaweed

because kelp contains special ingredients, heat will expand, so the kelp added to the water after a small adjustment to the fire, and you also need attention. In the cooking time to keep turning kelp, to evenly heat. Next step is to put cold water in the cooked seaweed bubble cool and clean, then remove and can be consumed after.
nutritional diet:
vermicelli 2 groups, salad oil 1 / (1 / 3) tablespoon curry powder 1 tsp soy sauce 1 / (1 / 3) tablespoon condensed milk 1 / (1 / 3) tablespoon tomato sauce 1 / (1 / 3) tablespoons of, a little salt, a little dirty dishes, a little red bell pepper, pepper.

soaked seaweed 200g,

soy Kelp

Arefeffib 04-21-2011 01:09 AM

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