As the Christmas season approaches and your thoughts turn to Christmas gifts, Christmas parties and Christmas dinner the last thing you need is to have your children underfoot. Once the school holidays arrive then everything soon reaches a fever pitch as the parties at the office start, children are in the house all day and the pressure of Christmas gift buying and dinner starts to mount.
If you would prefer to have a quieter Christmas season both pre and post December 25th then you may want to consider certain gifts for your children that will keep them engaged and out of your hair or at least out of the way. In this case, we are not taking about the typical video games, computer games or even the latest fad. This is all about their creative side and encouraging them to expand their horizons.
There are Spy Kits that you can buy for the kids that give them all the necessary tools to create and then break down the top-secret coded message. They will soon start believing they are part of MI5. The kit will show them different techniques used in encoding messages and uncoding a message. What is great about this gift is it will keep the kids occupied, keep their minds busy and most of all they will be bothering you every five to ten minutes.
There are also a number of gifts you can purchase for children to bring out their artistic side. It helps to keep them busy and occupied while you either shop, clean the house or prepare the dinner for Christmas day. Many of these types of gifts include instruction manuals,
Ugg Outlet Store, paper and even crayons or markers to start with. One such set is an Origami set. This oriental art form is great for young minds as it interests them and keeps them busy as long as they have a bit of patience.
Another great way to keep them quiet is keep them out of the house. Send them on a nice walk with their dad or even you. You can tire them out so that when they return they can barely take their head off their pillow and will soon be fast asleep. In addition, another way of keeping order in the house is not allowing them to have unsupervised sweets. Make sure you are aware of what they are eating for sweets so that a sugar rush does not come from out of the blue and surprise you.
Some of the older children may even be inclined to help with preparing the food for the big dinner. Peeling vegetables, stirring things as they cook on the stove or even making delicious treats all this will help prepare them for when they host Christmas parties or any party in their own home.
Another great tradition at Christmas time is to have certain evenings that are game time for the family. You can have game nights on the Wii or another electronic device, board games that will occupy time such as Risk, Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit.