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Old 05-30-2011, 12:20 PM   #1
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Default 当今世界很是巧妙

,它们是这样走进一个又一个的怪圈。就像法国人用《亚森·罗宾大战福尔摩斯》来调侃英国人一样,英国人用《 坏狗》来调侃美国人。
    一条狗,名字就叫“坏狗”。书本里用的是第一人称来讲述这段斑驳陆离的狗生活。咱们就跟英国人马丁 ·查特顿一样,暂且用看人类、看美国人的视角来称说它。
    一条狗,一条到处流落的狗,dolce and gabbana watches,一条并非诞生于名门望族,被关在收容所的杂种狗,假如没有被人收养,就会送进一个叫“绿门”的房间。不哪 条狗可能回来描写里面的情况,由于那里是直达狗天堂,一去不复返的地方。坏狗所呆的处所被称为Z区,想想看 ,从A到Z字母排列,最后应当是什么样的终局呢。
    坏狗心眼不坏,直觉相对敏锐,脑子也算明白,就是稍稍慢了一点,每次都是临到临了,才把事件想清楚 了,紧接着确定是两眼一争光,危机就到眼帘底下。坏狗最要命的弊病就是他的狗性格。俗话说,山河易改,本性 难移。坏狗就因为他与生俱来、浑然天成的仇猫天性难以改造,使得本人的狗生涯,在天堂和地狱之间往返忽悠。 这个呆在Z区收容所的坏狗,每次都是景色光荣地被接出去,tory burch reva flats on sale,享受了一通荣华富贵以后,又莫名其妙的,灰头丧脸被送回来。兴许美国人就是这样,没有吃不了的苦,也没有 受不了的福。
    为彻底改造自己,坏狗不惜屈尊被迫报名参加一个叫“匿名戒猫大会”的培训班。在那里,坏狗要学会向 猫表现友爱、表示亲昵,prada sneakers。无论狗肠胃里怎么在排山倒海,对猫恶心得不得了,也得刻意表示出彬彬有礼的狗名流风采。
    主持培训班的是一个名叫“牧师”的狗。牧师狗个头极大,分量濒临河马。进Z区收容所之前,曾经是一 个威震四方的街区黑道喽罗。没人敢尝试和他叫板,不论是人仍是狗。是收容队伏击了屡次,才把他弄进收留所的 。后来发了一次高烧,把头脑烧坏了,醒来当前,信心改过自新、从新做“狗”。甚至不惜重新采取本来当街霸用 过的手腕来辅助同类的改革自新。他让每个人叫他“牧师狗”。是“匿名戒猫大会”的开创人。
    戒猫班里有种特效药,一种外用“药”——专门敲狗脑袋的棒子。药用方法及其简略,可随时随地的“用 药”。只有对猫有心怀不轨的表情和动向,这种“殊效药”随时就会有人给你用上,使你到达前提反射的后果。参 加戒猫班的每个狗都被命令随身携带一本小册子——《匿名戒猫者协会手册》,Prada Slippers,手册里面车轱辘话来来回回的说,最后能够演绎成一句话:你必需把本能放到一边,成为一只新生 的狗!
    后来,牧师狗成为坏狗的铁杆,两人联手逃出Z区收容所。流亡途中还阴差阳错变成了音乐人,成为了天 下第一叫唱狗……
    《坏狗》系列小说,是一套饶有幽默的讥讽风趣小说,作家马丁·查特顿深知美国人的习惯、深知美国人 的意识和生涯。把笔下的一条美国流浪狗写得惟妙惟肖,把当今美国社会的人之常情勾勒得鞭辟入里 。
    《坏狗》系列共有四册,分辨为《坏狗——大闹好莱坞》《坏狗——火星猫》《坏狗——总统的膝盖》《 坏狗——疯狂的音乐会》。马丁·查特顿用的是艰深小说的笔法,通篇都是悬念迭起,趣味丛生。就每一册的作风 来说也略有不同。《大闹好莱坞》全部的一部好莱坞笑剧大片;《火星猫》一部科幻片;《总统的膝盖》一部侦察 片;《猖狂的音乐会》活象是一部追追杀杀的警匪片。
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Old 05-30-2011, 12:42 PM   #2
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Reprinted from 1045140458 at 21:51 on July 3, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Parenting Tips

talked the success of the five tutors tutor
successful expression of closely related words with their parents. Especially parents for speaking with the child, the child's emotional intelligence will, intelligence, temperament, training have a profound impact.

(a) of the trust desired tone

kids trust adults, especially parents, so to speak when the child showed full confidence.
If children want to learn to play badminton, you trust the voice said: self-confidence, and let him know that only by adhering to be successful. If using a sarcastic tone:

(b) respect the tone

from two-year-old, the child's self-consciousness began to sprout, grow older this self-awareness will increasingly strong. Some children have their own strong-minded, that children know their own strength and abilities.
when he put forward their own views and demands,new balance sneakers, not that he does not listen to you, with you against, and violently against him. If you ask a child to learn English, but he would like to talk to junior partner to play for a while, you can not get angry: aversion learning. Should respect the tone:

(c) to discuss the tone

every child is a self-esteem. To a child to do something that can be used to discuss the tone and let him know that he is equal with you, you respect him. For example, you want the children's toys littered the ground clean up and sort out, so to speak: tone:

(d) appreciation of the tone

every child has the advantages of both, desire, found the child to appreciate the merits and will give him more happy expression.
child drew a picture, maybe paint a not very good, and the children kept on painting the enthusiasm and seriousness are the most valuable. When the child holding the picture you see, can not cope with a few casually: Should certainly appreciate the tone of his work: more interested.

(e) The tone

encouraged to have children do not at fault, it is not possible. When a child does something wrong, Do not indulge in criticism of blame, but should help him at fault in the drawing lessons and gain experience, encourage him to be successful again.
the first time to help his mother as a child accidentally fell to the ground broken side jobs , you can not blame him: fortification, the more vulnerable. Parents need to give careful care. For example: more concerned about their children's well-being of the heart; give him some smile and caring eyes; give him some understanding and support; often hugged him and said: Mother loves you. . parents not only the achievements in the child when wreathed in smiles, results.

Third, give the child to stay face, not reprimanded in front of others, accused of child; Do not nag the child in front of someone else's face, who said or done, made him feel embarrassed.

children have self-esteem, and if we educate our children to ignore their self-esteem when there is often criticized for their comments on, or even abuse, do not pay attention to the children left often the child in front of peers or outsiders before the child is not a rebuke, scolding punish the child, the child companions suppressed, no status, so that not only fail to educational purposes, but greatly hurt the child's self-esteem, emotional children hatred, hostility and tension, to promote children develop retaliation, the unhealthy psychological inferiority.
the saying goes, is the boast out boy instead of hitting out. I had heard such a story: One afternoon, a lack of after school aged students was playing alone in a forest. dark, and the timid child not out of the woods, he fear of being wild animal attack, climbed a tree to hide. father see the child has not come home late to their children home from school along the way to find, in the midst of the woods, through the sky, the faint Star, his father saw his son was hiding in vaguely the Shu Chashang a tree, his father did not immediately call his son down, but pretended not to see, whistling in the trees to hide from the son, not far from a walk. son heard his father whistle as the savior of met and immediately slipped down from the trees on, surprised and asked: spiritual support is the cornerstone of a child to perform good deeds, but also the internal driving force for self-development. All people have the self-esteem, do not think small children, can not respect them. the child's self-esteem, self-confidence to protect parents and teachers need to respect. If educators, intentional or not, hurt the children's self-esteem, self-confidence, then the child's mind will be hit and destroyed, you lose the power to perform good deeds and spiritual support for the development. regardless of the circumstances under which the child's self-esteem harm or slander, confidence are against the law of education folly.

real life, pay attention to protect the child self-esteem,new balance mens, self-confidence, do not respect the privacy of children has become commonplace. Some children did not do one thing, he said how can you be so stupid; children usually some timid, say you're a coward; child a poor test scores, he said how can you be so useless; child once in a small mistake to blame so do not give you how disappointing . Some parents, teachers, children do not look pleasing to the eye, always blame, blame, or even corporal punishment beatings. this continues, over time, a child would have been nice, would be accused of complaining in the midst of the sound, lost its self-motivated and self-esteem ultimately difficult to talent.

simple and rude, do not speak the ways and means, will only hurt the child's self-esteem. a qualified parents, teachers should use love to protect the child's self-esteem, confidence, teaching children to have love, patience and perseverance, adhere to encourage more praise and less blame blame, the only way to arouse and stimulate the development of the child's consciousness talent, enthusiasm, and thus enable them to continue to overcome the shortcomings, and gradually improve themselves and become a socially useful high-quality personnel.

parents educate their children how to treat a child is nothing less than three conditions: First, every pipe, tube from time to time, to do a lot of things, the effect is not good; II is that everything, do nothing, laissez-faire, turn a blind eye, the result is not good; third pipe, but also incomplete tube, do not much, but all the point, children grow up smoothly.
Obviously, fields ; good relationship better than a lot of education. parents when a good relationship with their children, their children's education leads to success; when a bad relationship with their children, their children's education are likely to fail. and to establish a good parent-child relations, the key is parents see their children out of the question, could not wait and became a and educate their children,What is love., unaware of their inner world would be impossible. The first key is to understand the child care of their self-esteem, maintain their rights, become a trusted and respected friend.

that parents treat a child, to as improper judge parents do the child's ; 3, improper themselves,new balance outlet, then their parents, increased self-awareness, to let the children of parents without fear of is very useful. For example, we look at a mosquito bite, whether it will soon be all right,OPPO basketball carnival, to the United States exp, if the total to scratch, yet they can be good for a long time. The reason is that the human body have a certain self-healing function is bitten by a mosquito yourself will get better soon, would be counterproductive to impose external forces.

education is the truth. stop, wait, the chance to talk to the children, and children to communicate effectively, not Education will solve the problem.

second thing: a good habit to cultivate children

habits decide the fate of the child, There's nothing more important than the habits. Parents who do not pay attention to fostering children's good habits, no doubt, is buried the child a better future.

1, everything from the habits culture began to develop education

tube lifetime of education. intellectual habits of mind is good, moral behavior is a small, quality education is more reflected in the behavior of small people .

a large number of facts have proven that the power of habit is a tenacious, can dominate one's life. all children beginning from the habits.

2 Habit

not in a day habit is a big problem, is great wisdom. well not in a day habit power, and its main principles are: low starting point, strict requirements, small steps, fast-paced, multi-activity,new balance shoes, changes in demand, fast feedback,Remedy for love - Qzone log, ground correction.

key Habit first three days, decided one month. parents should fully respect the rights of the child, let the children play in the host role habits.

3, through the habits casting character

education is like sailing the sea, traveling the route must be correct, otherwise, the ship ran aground the greater the more the danger of sinking.

people quality, determine the direction of human development. family education, a core task is to develop children to become a real person. but the cultivation of personality is often difficult to put into concrete action up.

; However, the researchers found that complementary habits and personality, habits of personality, personality will affect the habit. decent, honest, responsible, caring, cooperation, efficiency, attention to character can be used to train through to casting.

third thing: guide your child learn to love learning

attract children learn,new balance running shoes, parents guide their children learning to learn is an important responsibilities, but also the real charm of the parents.

1, there is a reason the child weariness

absolutely nothing of any The chic; random tube blind tube, you reap what you bean; chatter chatter, wanton beatings; place arranged to create a .

kids do not love learning is only a superficial phenomenon, there must be reasons behind it: not to develop good study habits? not find the child do best? There is no scientific use brain? impede the child's parents to ; 2, the child's curiosity and learning potential can be excited

they lack the intellectual curiosity, parental influence is usually not strict enough, or rather is blocking the child's interest.

interest (curiosity), dreams, achievement, challenge, Thanksgiving, strenuously, energies are all clear and inspire children's curiosity channel . As for the children, the so-called competitive advantage is the development of an effective potential only. mood, resuscitation, suggesting, speculating, temper, plan is to stimulate a child's six principles of learning potential.

; potential development, although not absolute 3, the children first, there are ways to test the

, ,new balance 574, and slowly read a textbook, finishing the wrong question, readily notes, selfless help students, high-efficiency tests, essays and other freely.

Now many parents educate their children on issues entered a new misunderstanding, that blind obedience and even obsessed with the so-called success of teaching children the tutoring experience, but these experiences listening to the easy, done. because they do not can not be implemented in their child's body, but easy to Imagine the complexity as a good grasp of the parent-child relationships, habits, learning these three events, the parents become distinguished parents, children become an outstanding child, not a distant dream.

education, self-esteem child self-confidence tone tag
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