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Old 05-28-2011, 09:33 PM   #1
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Default 多少个老友又难得的聚在了一起

。我们多少个人既不爱饮酒,又不爱打牌,吃吃喝喝对我们来说并非是种享受。在风跟日丽的日子,遍山遍野地乱 跑、在聚首的时候大家东拉西扯地神聊是我们的独特喜好。在这严寒的节日里,到处人满为患,又把我们挤到了一 起,不知是大家在这平铺直叙的日子里,没有新发明还是找不到使人高兴的新话题,一阵寒喧过后,在香茶和吞云 吐雾中,不知是谁开了头,把话题转向了我。说道:“你看中医书也多年了,有什么收成和感想给我们讲讲。”。 确实,平时不忙的时候,我总爱看些中医方面的刊物和书籍,也成了一种习惯,聊地利偶然也会带上几句,这是我 们几个人共知的机密,也可说是有点共同的爱好,常为些说不清的问题,开展不着边际地口水大战。看来这一次是 要共同的凑合我了。这也是咱们的一种习惯。我只好讨饶隧道:“咳,哪有什么播种和感触,不过是为解闷罢了。 ”,“那你就说说中医的渊源与现状吧。”。“喝,好大的标题。你们想吓逝世我吧!这是一时能说清的吗?别拿 我打哈哈了,还是说点别的吧。”,“不行,今天就听你的了,说不清当前接着说,或是在QQ上说。”。无奈中 我只好接收。于是说道:“中医是我们的国宝,这是大家都晓得的,不想在改造开放的今天,还有人打着使医药卫 生走向古代化的幌子,提出中医不迷信,真不知他怎么想的。尽管他是我们中国人,我不能说他崇洋媚外,也不能 说他无知,只能说他对中国的文明知识不深刻的研讨。不信你给他一本他自以为粗通的外语书,让他翻译一下尝尝 ,看他能不能成为一个公认的翻译家。好了,这是题外话,我不说这些,还是说中医。首先我要申明一点,只管我 爱看这方面的书,只不外是爱看而矣,我成不了中医大夫,也不会给人治病,只是作为一种常识多少了解一点罢了 。为什么?因为从医必需有高贵的情操和高深的医术。我记得上学时老师对我说的一句话:学医能养家糊口,造福 百姓,你要学医就必须在这“糊”字和“庶民”二字高低工夫,否则你就别学,不然当医生也是庸医。”我在看医 书进程中缓缓的对这句话,多少有了些懂得,在事实生涯中我做不到,所以也就当不了医生。做一个庸医也就无所 谓了。可我又不想去误人,所以还是瞎混吧。”,“得,别瞎扯了。仍是说正题吧。”“好,我就试着说说吧。” 。
  因为货色方文化的差别,使古老的文化与现代文明产生了激烈的触犯,这是不争的事实,这种冲撞在医学范畴 表示的更为凸起,如中医的博奥高深不逊于宇航的坚辛,它是几千年来祖先们对自然察看、思考和发展的成果,宇 航是现代科技的结晶,所以说二者并驾齐驱;就医学来说,中医是人与自然相结合的产物。例如:在今天人们分外 重视生活品质,尽力进步生活的品德时,《内经》中“上古天真论篇第一”一文,也就突显了它在养生方面的重要 性。它不仅仅对医家主要,就是对一般百姓也能够说是难得的科普读物。因为它不仅是一篇医学论文,而且还是一 篇,越千年而不变的扼要简要的领导人们生活起居、饮食习惯及摄生办法的论文。除此之外,自认为它还是一篇教 诲人们如何去做人的好教材。它语言简练明了发人深省,读后让人觉得实在而亲热,让人由衷的感激先人的教导。 在“上古天真论”中,详细说明了人与“天真”之气的关系。高士宗说:“无邪者,本性自然之真,毫无人欲之杂 也。”,《老子》曰:“其中有精,其精甚真。”,在“四气调神大论篇第二”文中,强调了适应四时天气的变化 ,调养精神意志,来达到健身防病的目标。在“阴阳应象大论篇第五”中说:“阴阳者,天地之道也,万物之纲纪 ,……”,人的性命运动是和天地四时阴阳的活动变化相通的。人和自然是非亲非故的,人只有适应外界环境,根 据天地阴阳、四时的自然变化规律来进行公道的养生,才干到达益寿延年的目的。因为人生于天地之间,是不能离 自然界而生存的。而西医则是树立在人体解剖学上的产物,对人体器官骨骼……等有准确的定位;所有都在现代化 装备和视觉的范畴之内,使人高深莫测,简直完整摈弃了看不见的因素。中医总体来说是看不见摸不着但感到得到 的产物,(当然也有看得见的部门)。两个着重点的不同,必定得出两种不同的论断,也就有了两种不同的治疗方 法,因此达到的目地也就不尽相同,然而在总的方向上却是殊途同归的——那就是救死扶伤,至于谁劣谁优,就象 一个是从高级学校造就出来的工程师,一个是工人从实际操作中成长起来的技巧能手,你说谁劣谁优?他们都各有 千秋,各有所短,如能使中西医奇妙而自然的结合起来,将会使卫惹事业跨上一个新的高度。
  中医发祥于我们国家,已有几千年的历史了,是人们长期与疾病奋斗的丰硕经验的积聚,早在二千年前就构成 了一种完整的理论,始终在为国人和世界做奉献。
  在年龄战国时期诸子百家各种理论簇拥争鸣,就在这一时期,一些有名气的医生用文字记载了当时的医学成绩 ,写成了中医的第一部不朽的著作——《黄帝内经》。
  它用一种朴实的唯物论和天然辨证的规律阐明了人与自然的同一,用简略而活泼的语言说明了“天地人”三才 合一的情理,用阴阳五行辨证的说明了人与天然的关联和人体五脏六腑的彼此关系;进行了具体的比方与阐明。用 以讲述生理、病理、病因、诊断、治疗等问题,同时处处联合四时气象、地舆水土、风气人情、精力状况等各方面 的变更情形。人和做作是不可分别的一个整体,这是“内经”的宗旨,也是中医医治的主旨。
  治疗的目的是以和谐人体内、外环境的状况为主。因而也就发生了辩证论治的治疗方法。在人作为一个整体的 准则下,阐明了疾病的诊断、预防、治疗和病理……等等医学上的一切问题,奠定了中医的实践基础。从实际中总 结出了一套完整的治疗法则:如阴阳五行、四时、六气、营卫气血、十二经络以及六经分证等等学说一应俱全,还 明白的指出“上工治未病”是医疗的最高目的和医者的最高境界。这一目的,是西医无论如何也无奈 达到的,trainers asics。这一方法对医者的道德涵养、医疗技术也提出了很高的请求。这很少有人能做到,也是我当不了医生的原因。同 时,还为疾病的防备翻开了辽阔的天地,指出坚持情志安定是预防疾病的最重要方法。我想,现代人们风行的养生 保健当是这一方法的衍生物。从养生的角度来说,人身上各种细菌都有,换句话说就是人身上各种病 菌都有,prvcy jeans,就其人体抗病力来说也大抵相同,但每个人的体质还是有差异的,所以得病也就不同,更何况每个人的生活、工 作环境、各种习惯……各不相同。讲求卫生是必须的,却也不能长期生活在无菌室中。过火的去寻求,自身就是一 种病态,还能养生吗?所以文中讲授了,人,生老病死的过程,以说明养生不如养心,养心能使人懂道理而顺其自 然,不贪得无厌,自然心态温和,处事坦然,遇事不惊,就不会被情志所伤。从而防止了由于心理上的不健康,导 致外邪称虚而入,引起各种各样的疾病。在诊治疾病的详细方法上提出了望、闻、问、切的四诊法。名医扁鹊首先 运用了“切脉”的方法为人治病,为后人对脉学的研究、运用作了个很好的开始。“脉诊”到当初还是中医诊断病 情的重要手腕。直到今天,这部著述依然是每一个学中医的人必需要学好的。它指点着全部中医学术 思维的发展。
  二千多年来,人们不断用血肉之驱,用生命一脉相承,一直证明、丰富、发展构成了今天这样丰富的,多姿多 彩的中医理论体制。例如:东汉时期,巨大的医学家张仲景。他生活在战乱时期,看到当时战斗频发,国民生活艰 难,民不聊生,信心学习医术,以杀人如麻。他在《伤寒杂病论》自序中写道:“余每览越人入虢之诊,望齐侯之 色,未尝不慨然叹其才秀也,怪当今居世之士,曾不留心医药,精究方术,上以疗君亲之疾,下以救贫贱之厄,中 以保身长全,以养其生。但竞逐荣势,企踵权豪,孜孜汲汲,惟名利是务,崇饰其末,忽弃其本,华其外而悴其内 ,皮之不存,毛将安附焉?”以忧国忧民的仁爱襟怀总结了汉代以前的医学理论和实践经验。在“内经”的基础上 ,进一步发展了“辨证论治”的法则,写成的《伤寒杂病论》和《金匮要略》两部著作。
  《伤寒杂病论》将外感疾病发生、发展过程中呈现的各种症状,根据天时、天时、人体抗病力的强弱、生理、 病理的反应情况,以及在病势进退缓急的变化等方面,进行综合分析,找出了一定的规律,归纳成六个证候类型。 使“内经”热论的六经分证得到了进一步的充实与发展;(六经:三阳经太阳、阳明、少阳和三阴经太阴、少阴、 厥阴)。“素问”热论只谈了六经的热证,《伤寒杂病论》又阐述了三阴的虚寒证。凡抗病力强,病势亢奋的为三 阳症;抗病力弱,病势虚衰的为三阴症。从而,确立了以六经作为辨证论治的纲领。
  它详细应用了阴、阳、表、里、寒、热、虚、实八纲辨证的法令,而八纲是依据病人的整体状态,通过望、闻 、问、切的诊查与剖析后所作出的演绎。由于任何一种疾病,或是一个证候群,甚至仅仅是一个症状,都因人而异 ,各有不同的性质,或属于表,或属于里,或属于寒……。以六经作为辨证论治的总纲,确破了理、法、、方、药 的运用法则,使六经证治得到了完美与确立;使中医特有的辨证论治系统更加完全,更有体系,更切合临床的运用 ,更能机动的运用到实际之中,从而奠定了中治疗疗学的基本。
  《金匮要略》一书,以讲述杂病为主,同样是以“内经”为重要依据,进一步运用天人合一、阴阳五行、四诊 八纲、营卫气血等作为“辨证论治”的立论基础,通过临症实践证实了“内经”理论的准确性和指导性。它包括了 40多种杂病和妇、产、外科等,用整体观和辨证论治的方法来说明病因、诊疗、治法和预防等各种问题,它既是 一部理论结合实践的经典著作,又为后世医家对杂病的治疗打下了深沉的基础。这两部著作到今天还是中医学领域 的指导性著作,除此之外,这两部著作还弥补了已经失传的“外经”的部分缺憾。
  须要说明的是“伤寒”二字毫不是今天人们常说的“伤风感冒”。当然伤风感冒也包含其中,而是应在更狭义 的范围去懂得,light blue by dolce & gabbana,去解读。它是一切外感病的总称。今天常说的感冒、发热、流感,只是“伤寒论”中很小的一部分 。
  东汉末年战乱频发,致《伤寒杂病论》等消散不全是自然的,经晋代太医令王叔和将伤寒部分编排仍成今天风 行的版本。经宋代林亿等名家校证,到金代才有成无已给予注解,尔后对《伤寒论》进行的解释层出 不穷。
  虽各朝各代均著名祖传世,如三国时期的华佗精于医术在外科治疗上首先利用全身麻醉的方式给病人作开腹手 术。后汉书华佗传记载:“若疾发结于内,针药所不能及者,乃先令以酒服麻沸散,即醉无所觉,因刳剖腹背,抽 割积累,若在肠胃,则断截湔洗,除去疾秽,即而缝合,tods shoes mens,敷以神膏,四五日疮愈,一月之间皆平。”这是世界上最早用麻醉法进行腹部手术的记载。晋代王叔和在伤寒例 中,根据“内经”加以施展,提出:冬令有非时之暖,人感之成为冬温。他认为春天的瘟病、夏天的暑病,都是冬 天受了寒邪,没有即时发病,寒毒藏于身材里面,过期而发的起因。给后代瘟病的发展开了个头。隋朝的巢元方著 “诸病源候论”,进一步把瘟病分为二十二种,唐代孙思邈的“千金方”有治肝病阴阳毒等方;王焘的“外台秘要 ”较详细的叙述温热、温毒、冬温等症状,并提到了温病发癍的景象,对“伤寒论”中的不足作了些弥补解释。宋 代朱肱在“活人书”中,首先提出:风温治在少阴、厥阴;湿温治在足太阴,都不可发汗。金代刘守真认为热病初 起,单用辛温解表足以误人,制有凉膈散、天水散。到明朝王安道指出:“温病不得混称伤寒,治当以清里热为主 ,而解表兼之;也有治里而表自解者,此足以明其热之自内达外。”。汪石山对温病的成因提出了伏气和新感两种 ,他说:“冬伤于寒,……至春而发……此伏气温病也。又有不因冬伤于寒而病温者,此特春温之气可名曰春温。 如冬之伤寒,秋之伤湿,夏之中暑雷同,此外感之温病也。”。
  明朝的李时珍,以理论接洽实际的方法,边行医边总结。用了二十七年的时光,写成了誉满寰球的《本草纲目 》一书,为中医中药的运用与发展作出了宏大贡献。
  然而各家各派虽有各自的观点与教训,却没有人能全面的再进行空虚与发展,只不过是小打小闹而矣,但对推 进中医学的发展也都起了必定的作用。直到清朝叶天士吸取了前人理论的精髓,结合本人的实践提出“温邪上受, 首先犯肺,逆传心包。”吴鞠通师承了叶天士之学,与古人的学说贯串起来,再加上自己的心得,写成了《温病条 辨》一书,以三焦学说和卫气营血学说,形成了温病辨证论治的纲要。至此《内经》、《伤寒论》、《金贵要略》 、《温病条辨》成为了现代中医必须精修的四部经典著作。
  在祖国医学的教育方面,据史料记录,早在南朝时代就有了用学校教导的情势来培育医生,到唐朝太医署的设 立,就有了相称大的范围,有了组织相称完善的医学学校,由署令丞主持,下设有博士、助教、医师、针师、按摩 师、药园师、医工、医生、药园生等工学职员多达三百余人,同时太医署又分为药和医两局部,各司其职。医部设 有医、针、推拿、咒禁等四科,医科又分为体疗、疮肿、少小、线人口齿、角法等科,而且各科都有不同的修业年 限,统一的测验措施。这样的医学学校,比西方国度不知道要早上几百年。民国时期,因为西方列强的入侵,西医 也随之传入中国,在外来的和尚好念经的影响下,就有人提出中医不科学,让政府废止中医,但受到国人的强烈反 对,只好把取消中医改为逐渐毁灭。全国解放后提出了继续和发挥祖国医学遗产的方针政策,使祖国医学事业有了 前所未有的蓬勃发展,更使祖国医学走向了世界,使世界医学的内容更加丰盛多彩了起来。这就是中医的从前和现 状,将来虽是不可知的,但我敢断言,“中西结合”将是世界医学的发展方向。
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Old 05-28-2011, 10:04 PM   #2
Second Lieutenant
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 366
w5zy2nq7fq is on a distinguished road

│ 12.23-01.01>> apple │ 01.02-01.11>> Fir Tree │ 01.12-01.24>> elm │
│ 01.25-02.03>> Cedar │ 02.04-02.08>> poplar │ 02.09-20.18>> Cedar │
│ 02.19-02.28>> Pine │ 03.01-03.10>> willow │ 03.11-03.20>> linden tree │
│ 03.21-03.21>> Oak │ 03.22-03.31>> Hazelnut Tree │ 04.01-04.10>> Sorbus │
│ 04.11-04.20>> Maple │ 04.21-04.30>> walnut │ 05.01-05.14>> poplar │
│ 05.15-05.24>> Chestnut │ 05.25-06.03>> ash │ 06.04-06.13>> hornbeam │
│ 06.14-06.23>> no blooms │ 06.24-06.24>> birch │ 06.25-07.04>> apple │
│ 07.05-07.14>> Fir Tree │ 07.15-07.25>> elm │ 07.26-08.04>> Cedar │
│ 08.05-08.13>> poplar │ 08.14-08.23>> Cedar │ 08.24-09.02>> Pine │
│ 09.03-09.12>> willow │ 09.13-09.22>> linden tree │ 09.23-09.23>> olive │
│ 09.24-10.03>> Hazelnut Tree │ 10.04-10.13>> Sorbus │ 10.14-10.23>> Maple │
│ 10.24-11.11>> walnut │ 11.12-11.21>> Chestnut │ 11.22-12.01>> ash │
│ 12.02-12.11>> hornbeam │ 12.12-12.21>> no blooms │ 12.22-12.22>> Beech │
question is as follows:
apple (Love-type)
slender, magical and rich appeal, that is attractive, carefree, full of imagination, gives a pleasant feeling. Slightly impetuous, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, is the faithful gentle lover, like the feeling of love and be loved, to understand life, to enjoy at the present.
ash trees (aggressive)
has a unique attractive, lively and impulsive, requiring a lot, do not care about other people's criticism, ambitious, smart and capable, like against the fate, easy self-centered, it can totally depend on, trusted people, is reliable and prudent lover, sometimes more than emotional sense, but partner is very seriously.
Beech (creative)
extraordinary taste, concerned about their image, materialist, life and career organized, are good leaders, do not take unnecessary risks, reasonable, is a great lifelong companion, keen to maintain the body (thin, sports, etc.).
birch (inspired by type)
lively, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, unassuming, not like excesses move,Christian Louboutin Slingbacks shoes, hate the vulgar, to enjoy life is the natural quiet, not impulsive, imaginative, slightly ambition, to create An Jingyi people atmosphere.
Pine (self-type)
plain, strong ability to adapt, likes luxury, healthy, generous, shy, easy to look down on others, too confident, determination, character, impetuous, like the eye-catching, talented, hardworking, optimistic, decisive ; waiting for the arrival of true love in life.
chestnut (honest type)
looks good, do not like attention, have a good sense of justice, lively wit, born diplomat, can be done boss's seat. However, because no self-confidence in groups and often sensitive and easily provoked, sometimes feel not to be understood. Only love once in life,christian louboutin sales, will not easily find their partner.
cypress (loyalty type)
strong, adaptable, fatalism, optimism, contentment, desire money and others recognize, do not like loneliness is enthusiastic partner, not easy to meet, but still reliable. Willful, Jizao temperament, good accountability, careless.
Elm (aristocratic type)
elegant figure, wearing a tasteful, humble,christian louboutin tall boots, noble, demanding, does not forgive other people's fault. Nature of happiness, like a leader and not follow, is honest and reliable partner, like the ideas of others, generosity, sense of humor, practical or pragmatic.
fig tree (sensitive)
very strong, independent, self-will of some centers do not like conflict and controversy, love life, love of family, children and animals, sense of humor, like the quiet lazy, practical ability and aptitude.
Fir tree (Mysterious type)
extraordinary taste, dignity, a little profound, like all beautiful things, irritability, stubbornness, and some self-serving, but concerned about the people close to him. Modest, but very ambitious, talented, hard, is not very satisfactory partner, friends many enemies are many, is reliable.
Hazel (Special Type)
attractive, not to ask too much, very understanding of others, know how impressive, in order to cause a positive contribution to society, their own strength. Accurate sense, popular,christian louboutin sale, irritability, personality and sometimes volatile, is still honest and generous lover.
hornbeam (excellent grade type)
image well, the cool appearance, care about their appearance and condition, superior quality, not selfish, know how to arrange for their comfortable living, rational, orderly and look forward to a wealth of partners from the get emotional care and recognition , dreams of unusual lovers, is very critical of the emotional, the majority of people do not trust their decisions are always not sure, but a sense of responsibility.
linden tree (doubt type)
calmly accepts what life gives you, do not like fighting, do not like stress and fatigue, do not like the lazy and idle and man generous friend willing to make sacrifices, talented but not full, they will complain, will complain ; are jealous but loyal character.
Maple (separate)
not from mediocrity, with a rich imagination and creativity, shy, quiet, ambitious, proud, confident, always looking for new experiences, sometimes slightly neurotic, personality complex, good memory, learning ability love life more complicated difficulties.
Oak (bold type)
healthy, brave, strong, ruthless, independent, sensitive, do not like change, down to earth, is action oriented.
Olive (Smart)
like sunshine, warmth and affection, rational, balanced, away from the attacks and violence, tolerance, joy, peace, civic-minded, sensitive, not jealous, love reading, worldly sophistication.
pine (stress type)
people were happy in love with Wu, a very healthy and understand how to make ourselves comfortable, very active, character by nature, is a good partner, it is easy to fall in love, but the heat will be fleeting. Things often hold down any manner, unless proved to be the ideal thing. Very trustworthy, practical work.
poplar (uncertain)
decorated appearance, not very self-confident, occasionally showing a brave face, you need to find themselves in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, very picky,louboutin sales, often lonely, easy to produce hatred, there is the artist's temperament,christian louboutin pumps sale, is a good organizer, have a tendency to study philosophy, and in many cases can trust, attach great importance to the partners.
Sorbus (sensitive)
magical and happy nature, not conceited, like attention, love life, active, restless, contradictory set of independent and dependent unified in one, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, is a good partner, but does not forgive other people's fault.
walnut (passion type)
ruthless, character surprisingly, with a strong contrast between the rich passionate, often self-centered, aggressive, strong, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions and behavior often, endless ambition, no toughness, is not easy to get along with partner , is not easy to be liked, but often worship. There is a clear-minded strategist, jealousy weight, failing to compromise.
willow (depressed type)
beautiful but with a melancholy temperament, attractive, loved all beautiful things, tastes good, like to travel, love dreams, personality is not stable, easily repeated, but it is honest, vulnerable to human influence and about, but not easy to get along demanding, sensitive and intuitive, and often trapped by the situation, but sometimes also the stability of the partner
like my choice! choose my favorite!
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Old 05-29-2011, 12:25 AM   #3
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Old 05-29-2011, 12:53 AM   #4
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Cool Zizz...,brick

[align=left]The preacher was vexed because a certain member of his congregation always fell asleep during the sermon .[/align][align=left]  As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon. So, in a whisper, he asked the congregation. "All who want to go to heaven,please rise." Everyone got up except the snorer. After whispering "Be seated", Ceramic tile[/align][align=left]the minister shouted at the top of his voiced, "All those who want to be with the devil, please rise."[/align][align=left]  Awaking with a start , the sleepy-head jumped to his feet and saw the preacher standing tall and angry in the pulpit , "Well, sir," he said, "I don't know what we're voting on, but it looks like you and me are the only ones for it."brick[/align]
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