Screeching Weasel Acknowledge Lyrics:,
Microsoft Office 2007 Key
i am alive i am here i am now i acknowlege the
fact of my life i am alive breathing walking a nd
smiling acknowledge the fact of lmy life there 's a
big big world out there thime that i stepped in
'cause i'm getting tired of pretending that i
don't really give a shit there was guilt and s hame
there was fear and hate but now it's finally t ime
to appreciate the perfection of all life all t he
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times and places and time i'd waste i learned the
hard way and ever since when i look forward or
back i just gotta laugh 'cause it hit like a to n
of bricks i laid down on the ground and i look ed
around and i saw a miracle i appreciate the sim ple
beauty of the world it came to me like a bullet to
the heart but it was there in front of me all
along so obvious the only meaning of life is li fe
itself i'm not controlled by anybody else i mu st
get out of my way get out of my own way
Lyrics: Acknowledge,
Windows 7 64 Bit, Screeching Weasel [end]