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Old 03-31-2011, 11:35 AM   #1
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tyyq3456642 is on a distinguished road
Default vibram fivefingers shoes Usa5681

  吴父当时喝了些酒,又开始责骂儿子没工作,父子俩因此起口角并发生拉扯,asics tiger mexico,吴父一时气愤说:“我不煮了!”随即转身走楼梯上楼。不料吴嫌竟随手抓起地上一支铁锤,从后面一把将父亲 拉下楼梯,吴父摔倒仰躺地上,birkenstock women shoes,吴嫌举起铁锤就从正面重击父亲脸部,杀红眼的吴嫌连续敲了十多下,见父亲没气息才罢手。

  警方调查,birkenstock flip flops,吴启豪高中没毕业,因青光眼不用当兵,没一技之长,长期失业在家,靠父母资助过活,常遭父亲责备,因此积 怨颇深。昨午1时许,吴嫌和父亲在1楼厨房,吴父正准备午餐,大妹在3楼房间玩计算机。

  警方表示,惨遭儿子杀害的吴台兴(62 岁)有1子2女,凶嫌吴启豪是他的独子。检警昨相验遗体,发现吴父头部血肉模糊,遭钝器重击十多下,至少5 处深可见骨,颜面已难辨认,连脑袋都被打破,脑浆外溢,死状甚惨。负伤逃出的吴嫌大妹吴竹婷(20岁),后 脑勺有两处钝器伤,burberry bags7368,后颈、背部及双手共11处遭剪刀刺、割伤,送医治疗无生命危险。

  �父凶嫌吴启豪(21岁)昨在警局侦讯后,面对记者询问为何杀人,毫无悔意,还理直气壮说:“他骂我啊 ,叫我去死啊!去找工作啊!干脆把我抓起来蹲苦窑!我跟他呛啊,他不高兴,我就干掉他啊!”记者追问:“你 怎会对你爸爸下得了手?”吴嫌竟说:“我不知道,反正我这个人就是这样,他对我怎样,我就对他怎样!”他向 警方坦承两年前就想杀死父亲,在警方上脚镣手铐时,还不忘跟一旁的母亲呛声:“如果放我回去,我会杀光全家 ,birkenstock footbed。”冷血心态让警方难以置信。
�父凶嫌吴启豪 图片来源:台湾苹果日报

  吴嫌犯案后,先把铁锤和剪刀丢在厨房水槽和椅子上,然后清洗沾满血迹的双手并换掉上衣,他心知大妹逃出 后一定会报警,于是徒步走向两公里外的派出所投案。

  此时大妹听到楼下打斗声,正欲下楼察看,见哥哥衣服满是血,一副凶神恶煞模样,连忙奔逃,吴嫌朝妹妹后 脑和背部猛砍乱刺,还拿椅子砸妹妹,幸好她跑得快,supra sale6433,逃下楼夺门而出求救,outlet timberland,邻居帮忙报警送医。
  急诊室医师说,吴竹婷被送到院时,身体蜷曲不断发抖,医护人员碰到即大叫“痛!”她神经紧绷,惊恐向医 师说:“他(指哥哥)是神经病,疯了啦!杀爸爸,还要杀我!”医师说:“她真的被哥哥凶残杀父的情景吓坏了 。”警方指出,吴启豪疯狂�父时还好母亲到邻居家聊天,supra shoes uk,小妹也有事外出,否则恐怕都会遭毒手,vibram fivefingers shoes Usa
  吴嫌�父后,想到大妹在3楼,如果发现他杀了爸爸,一定会告诉母亲和警方,将他抓起来,便拿着沾满父亲 鲜血的铁锤,又抓起一把剪刀上楼,想把大妹杀掉灭口,clark shoes uk,babyliss pro ceramic straightening iron2155
  律师陈志峰指出,杀害直系血亲尊亲属,罔顾人伦,依法加重其刑,可处死刑或无期徒刑,但因凶嫌是投案, 未来得减轻其刑。不过陈志峰仍痛批凶嫌泯灭人性、禽兽不如,法官应处以极刑,让他永久与社会隔 绝。
  中新网1月9日电 据台湾《苹果日报》报道,birkenstock kids,新竹县8日发生令人发指的逆子凶残�父惨剧。男子吴启豪游手好闲,不满父亲要他找工作,与父亲起口角,吴 嫌竟将父亲拽下楼梯,发狂似的拿铁锤猛敲父亲头部十多锤,birkenstock men shoes,将父亲打得面目全非、脑浆四溢,当场死亡;他又拿铁锤和剪刀要杀妹妹灭口,所幸妹妹逃得快,负伤逃过一劫 。吴嫌�父后向警方投案,讯后被依杀直系血亲尊亲属罪收押侦办。
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Old 03-31-2011, 11:45 AM   #2
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Default Does changing Windows XP for Windows 7 affect the information fund on my computer?

Hello, I just bought a new Windows 7 Starter Key for my personal use at home windows 7 32bit and have set up a secondary user account for my girlfriend to use Office 2007 Serial. The problem I am running Office Enterprise 2007 into is programs which I've downloaded (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, AIM, Gtalk, etc..) do not appear when she Office 2010 Key is logged in. Is there anyway to get them to show for both user accounts without my having to download Office 2010 Activation and install them twice? Thanks!
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Old 03-31-2011, 11:46 AM   #3
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Default What is the difference when buying windows 7 from upgrade and full?

Hello, I just bought a new Windows 7 Ultimate Key for my personal use at home windows 7 serial and have set up a secondary user account for my girlfriend to use Office Pro 2007. The problem I am running Office Professional Plus 2007 into is programs which I've downloaded (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, AIM, Gtalk, etc..) do not appear when she Office Professional Plus 2010 Key is logged in. Is there anyway to get them to show for both user accounts without my having to download Office 2010 Professional Plus and install them twice? Thanks!
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