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Old 11-07-2011, 04:20 AM   #1
Sergeant First Class
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 111
alewo9pe0a is on a distinguished road
Default Sale spyder -都有利于这个部位的血液循环

  45、当你涂抹面霜时,挤出比平常稍小的一团用双掌揉开预热,这样更容易使乳液分散在皮肤 上。
  46、从25岁起,平均每年你都会增加半磅脂肪,特别是在面部和颈部。定期的性生活能增强身体呼吸能力 ,为皮肤带来更多氧
  47、在湿润的皮肤上使用保湿剂,能使保湿剂产生最佳效果,因为它们可以帮助保存水分,为皮肤快速加湿 。
  48、在眼睛四周涂化妆品时要非常小心,因为这部位的组织特别细嫩,切勿有拉或扯的动作,这会使眼部皮 肤组织变松。
  49、夜晚是对付粉刺的最好时机,皮肤专家认为用含抗菌成分和控油成分(如锌)的保养品来护理皮肤,有 可能让它在一夜间消失。
  50、如果一天里连着参加聚会,应在两个聚会之间有意识地安排一份健康加餐,以凉拌、清蒸、或水煮的绿 叶蔬菜为主。
  51、只要你认为某段时间合适,它就是你合理的运动时间,这完全取于你什么时候想运动的兴趣。关键在于 要每天坚持。
  53、用一个小箱子来专门存放香水。如果存放得当,好的香水气味可以持续18个月或者更长的时间。夏季 要将冬天用的香水存放入冰箱。
  54、喷香水前先涂上润肤露。因为干燥的肌肤会令香氛迅速散发,所以应先以含天然油分的润肤露与香氛混 合,则可令香氛更持久。
  56、涂上防晒霜并不表明万事大吉。通常防晒霜在皮肤上涂抹量为每平方厘米2毫克时,才能达到应有的防 晒效果。
  57、由于肌肤白天的吸收效果大大低于晚间,为了发挥最大作用,精华素最好都在晚间使用,这样还可延长 其使用期限。
  58、在进行牙齿美白期间不要饮用咖啡,红酒,茶,如果你实在忍不住,可以尝试用吸管,而不要直接饮用 。
  59、最简单、方便的美白方法就是多喝水。这样不但可以促进肌肤排毒,还能将因紫外线照射皮肤底层增生 的麦拉宁黑色素也一并排出。
  60、艳阳天时最好不要食用“感光”蔬菜,如:芹菜、香菜、木瓜等,这些蔬菜会让爱长斑的皮肤更容易长 出斑点。

  据说日本女性的绝经期比西方女性晚就是大量服用大豆制品的结果。我是深有体会的,自从买了豆浆机每天喝 一大杯之后,周期延长到35天。正常女性是28天吧。每个月我偷得7天,如果我仍有200个排卵机会,就为 自己争取了1400天,差不多4年时间。
  这里补一句,周期也不是越长越好。如果因为生殖器官有病变或比较虚弱,月经周期太长,时间久了生殖器官 得不到正常的激素周期的刺激,会早衰的。所以几个月才来一次的MM也不要以为赚到了,不能走极 端。
  据调查40岁之前女人服用大豆就够了。40岁之后可补充雪蛤或蜂王浆(动物的东东就是厉害一些)。雪蛤 很好吃,现在也可以吃,一周一次就好,补多了皮肤好但子宫会长东东。蜂王浆到40岁以后可以开始喝了,可以 让更年期延期而且减轻更年期症状。豆浆和蜂王浆都可以外用,生的新鲜豆浆可以用来做水分面膜,豆渣可以用来 按摩身体去角质,蜂王浆也可以擦脸,比化妆品便宜天然,都是好东东。

  两年前买了一盆花,艳丽得很。可抱回家不久就开始败落,只一个星期,花全落光了,叶子也枯黄了。有经验 的人说这花是喷了激素的,为了卖相好,也有可能只是剪下来的花枝插进盆里,下面没有根的。
  我没法验证这些说法,一年来用尽各种办法,买了必开花、花之肥来喷洒。这盆花始终蔫蔫地。直到有一天, 家里养的小鱼死了一条,我将它埋在花下。天热了,给鱼换水的机会也多,小鱼的便便全便宜了这盆花,今年春天 ,花忽然开了一朵,接着就像火星一样,呼拉一下全开了。
  如果不是养花,我不会明白女人要怎么爱护自已。25岁以后我试用过各种牌子的护肤品,给我最大打击的是 一支VICKY的美白系列的精华素,用后皮肤严重过敏,起水泡。后来才得知这一系列加入的东东是?酸(也叫 曲酸),是酿造酱油的时候的副产品,在科学界被广泛怀疑可能诱发皮肤癌。后来试用过SKII 的多元修护精华,用完之后长了一脸豆。
  朋友也深受现代美容之苦,在一家高档美容院做皮肤护理,记得是秋天,她的皮肤变得很水润,红红嫩嫩,我 都动心了。可到了次年春天,她的脸严重过敏,脸上红一片白一片还脱皮。现在常年在医院皮肤科挂号,只要一停 药马上变成大花脸。
  我觉得我们简直是被喷了激素讨个好卖相的花。喜欢植物的人都明白,要花开得持久,土地就要有足够的肥力 来支撑,那些在花蕾上点一点就能立刻开花的药剂,一停用花就蔫了。
  所以朋友送我SKII的美白面膜,说超级有效,用过一次皮肤马上白了许多,我一听说没敢用 。
  1、痘痕是美女的大敌,如果没有遮瑕笔,可以用棉签蘸一点水、一点粉饼涂在需要的部位,也能起到不错的 遮瑕效果。
  2、每天连续做扬头,低头侧转头及水平环转头练习数次,并在生活保持抬头挺胸,可削减颈间脂肪,赶走肉 下巴。
  3、无论是在家里还是在自助餐厅吃饭,试着比你实际想吃的分量少盛些,这样就不会因为受不住诱惑而进食 过量。
  4、将薰衣草纯精油滴在枕头上、睡衣的衣领上或滴在棉花球上再塞在枕头底下,能让你睡好一 个美容觉。
  5、选择喜欢的精油(水果香、花香、青草香)滴在纸巾上,然后放入密封的砂糖罐里保存至少一个星期后, 你就能拥有独一无二的芳香砂糖。
  6、在食物中加入调味品:橄榄油,大蒜以及新鲜黑胡椒,这样在品尝美味时你会感觉吃的不多也能心满意足 。
  8、随身带一小瓶保湿喷雾,不仅能够保湿,当发丝如群魔乱舞或者裙子不配合地粘在大腿上时,你会发现它 更多的妙处。
  9、即使你用了锁色唇膏,也难免让美酒佳肴弄得色泽黯淡,颜色淡淡的透明唇蜜能迅速让双唇焕发诱人光采 ,并不与之前的唇色相斥。
  10、饭后喝一杯浓咖啡或者是卡布其诺。咖啡因是一种温和的食欲抑制剂,能帮助你促进新陈 代谢。
  11、使用植村秀水嫩保湿粉底液不仅遮暇还能强化润肤!其40%与人体体液接近的深海海洋水成分,能让 你的妆容清新水嫩。
  12、涂睫毛膏时要始终小心地从睫毛根部开始向毛尖方向涂,眼角处的细毛也要涂到,稍有涂到外面的睫毛 膏你可以用一根棉签修改掉。
  13、不同唇彩可每种颜色单独使用,或按不同比例调和使用,再或者能依次叠加使用,为你的双唇演变出更 多诱惑美丽。
  16、每天再怎么熬夜,千万记得在经期结束第一周内加强修复,这是内分泌的重建时刻,要吃饱睡好,反之 ,老化的速度也会加倍。
  17、勿抽烟,抽烟会导致口腔周围的皮肤提早老化,也因皮下微血管的血液供应较少,而加速 皱纹的产生。
  18、不管是白领还是蓝领,在闺中还是初为人妻,作为女人的你永远不要大大咧咧,风风火火。要记住,凡 事有度;矜持永远是最高品位。
  19、自我按摩是护发妙招:将手指在头皮上轻轻揉动,按头皮血液流向心脏的方向,按前额、发际、两鬓、 头颈、头后部发际的顺序进行。
  20、25岁后不保养,肌肤就会加速老化!但不必花重金投资昂贵保养品,选择有抗氧化成份的产品已足够 ,如维C或植物萃取复合物都可。
  21、OL由于不经常走动,血液回流不顺畅,足部容易疲劳,所以要尽可能在办公室利用闲暇时间走动,常 穿舒服平底鞋,定期做足底按摩。
  22、用吹风机吹头发不用吹得很彻底,最多只把发根吹干,形成自然蓬松。发干和发梢则让其处于半干状态 ,这样上护发品时会更方便打理。
  23、常饮绿茶、蔬菜汁(芹菜汁、番茄汁等)、果汁,或薯类、杂粮、海藻等食物能帮助排毒,你可每周花 两天只吃素食,让肠胃好好休息。
  身体里有一定的水份且代谢畅通就好了。水份滞留在体内的人会显得胖胖的,好像多出一层肉肉,脸圆鼓鼓的 ,眼皮肿肿的。MM们通常用冰块或茶叶敷眼睛。那只是治标之策。体内水份滞留是肾和淋巴的问题。也可能是摄 取太多高盐食物造成的。很多减肥药含有利尿剂成份,也是以排除身体水份为主,会加重心脏负担,引发不良后果 。
  解决方法很多,比如低盐饮食,或按摩淋巴和肾。人体的淋巴比较集中在脖子、腋下、大腿根。可以在晚上洗 澡时加点润肤油按摩这些部位,或搓热双手按摩后腰,促使肾脏血液循环加快。
  还有一个食疗方法,服用冬瓜。削掉皮,把瓜肉和瓜子一起用搅拌机打成汁(一定要用瓜子,最有效的就是它 ),在锅里煮,等汁变粘后加冰糖,再煮一会,冷却后会凝成一块。吃法就是用一勺的量泡茶喝。夏天喝这个真是 超级清理肾脏废物,还是排除多余水份的好方法。你的小脸会变得很结实,小腰也是喔。
  我们说的滋阴,其实是相对于不同内脏的火气说的。不同的人火气在不同的地方,有些人胃火大,胃灼热,有 口臭;有的人肝火旺,整天发脾气;也有些有肺火,热咳嗽。不过我想大部分MM都没什么病,只是身体暂时失调 时,有一点点火气罢了,用不着乱吃药。我更赞成不要整天忙着去什么火,等身体真起了火再去它。因为很难把握 尺度,去过了,又太寒凉而伤脾胃。最好平时饮食清淡多样,情绪不要走极端,心平气就平。
  滋阴的东西很多,如我们常喝的枸杞,滋补肝肾。枸杞的根,制过之后就是熟地黄,是六味地黄丸的主要成份 。我不吃六味地黄丸因为是药,是药三分毒,不如在煮粥时放一点枸杞。再比如苦瓜,去心火,南方到了夏天常用 它煲汤,或打成苦瓜菠萝汁来喝。
  还有很多:银耳、阿胶、桑椹子、女贞子、玉竹、鸭蛋、冰糖、西洋参、老鸭、百合、墨鱼、莲子、椰子和椰 汁。
  燕窝,非常滋补。滋阴就是滋养体内的阴液。燕窝是燕子的唾液,凝结后成为胶状,用来保护小燕。一旦被采 摘,燕子妈妈只好再吐,到没有唾液了,就会�┬血,也就是人觉得最滋补的血燕。
  雪蛤,是东北一种林蛙的输卵管,和燕窝的效果相似,但雪蛤含激素,不如燕窝性平。如果一星期吃一次,少 量激素是好的,加上炖雪蛤一般会加椰汁,椰汁是比较凉的,所以不会有什么问题。
  话说回来,要是我们已经上火,再去滋补,不如从一开始就不上火,现代人容易上火或不调,是因为吃五谷太 少而制成品太多五味太丰富。其实五谷是正气,补充了中气才是最好的。
  现在的东西不知道为什么都长得那么大,切一小块就能吃饱了。品种也极大丰富。有些人还专门吃食物的一小 部分,比如只吃鱼唇、鸭舌,罪过啊。
  一个完整的食物,能量和效用也是完整的,分割开来就不是那么回事了。比如鸡蛋,蛋白是凉性的,蛋黄是温 热的,加起来吃,是性平的。荔枝是最热气的,荔枝皮却很凉,所以我吃荔枝的方法是先吃够本,再拿几个皮洗干 净来泡茶喝。桔子吃多了会上火,可是桔皮却可以清热化痰。建议大家吃粗加工甚至未加工的食物,就是保证食物 的某些部分没有被去除。我们现在吃的精米,米胚芽就被基本去掉了。再做成米饼,基本上没有任何对人有用的东 西了。
  有时候那些被我们扔掉的东西比吃下去的更有益。我们在吃却不知自己为什么吃。比如玉米,玉米里最有美容 功效的是玉米胚芽,就是接近玉米芯的那个一个小小的半圆形的东西,里面富含维生素E,和我们花大钱去买小麦 胚芽油来吃是一个效果。所以我吃玉米超狼狈的,就是为了保证那些小胚芽一个不漏。再说吃鱼把鱼鳞扔掉,其实 鱼鳞里含大量胶原蛋白,鱼鳞和鱼骨头熬的鱼鳞冻,比皮冻还好。葡萄的皮和籽比果肉更有用,可是我们吃果肉, 把皮和籽吐了,再花钱去买葡萄籽精华素来美容。其实市面上买得到带籽的葡萄干,里面的籽晒干后脆脆的,很好 吃,还润肠通便,治疗过敏体质。可能是如果便宜的东东MM们会觉得亏待了自己的脸吧。
  去饭店吃饭,更要命,不管什么菜,油盐作料一大堆,完全盖过了食物的原味。建议MM们吃完整的食物,多 吃小小的食物,小豆子小芝麻小鱼小虾,它们的能量是最完整的。
  讨厌啊,到处都在做维生素的广告,好像不吃维生素就不是现代人。还有好多奇怪的营养品。吃,还是不吃? 我觉得可以吃一点点,但有三条原则:一,你得明白为什么吃;二,是在食物确实不能满足需要的情况下才吃。三 ,别吃多了。
  那些推销药片的才不管你呢,他告诉你维生素和矿物质是万用药,谁吃了都好。而且卖给你复合的多种维生素 ,你也就图个省事。劳驾如果什么都缺乏,你应该考虑的是换个食谱了。
  推销维生素的还会告诉你很多营养是从食物中吸收不到的,这绝对是谎言!人类就是在现有的食物基础上进化 过来的,是我们的体质适应了现有的食物环境,如果不能适应,我们早该像恐龙一样灭绝才是。
  尽量从食物中得到足够维生素,但有时我们的身体会有些特殊情况:比如心情紧张时,体内的维B会大量代谢 ,为舒缓压力我们可以补充维B。适用于女人经前紧张综合症,工作压力特大的时候,以及喝咖啡的女人。维C可 以有效防止日光灼伤皮肤,盛夏暴晒后或从海边回来,可以额外补充维C。补钙的时候要同时补充维D,但要同时 多晒太阳。准备怀孕或是孕初期保胎可以补充维E(医嘱)。有些维生素补多了没什么大事,水溶性的维生素比如 B、C,吃多了最多小便发黄,拉点小肚子。而有些补多了会中毒,像脂溶性的A、D、E还是要听医生的。区分 这两种很简单,药片的就是水溶性,胶囊一般就是脂溶性的。其实少吃药更好,补维 B不如口服一点花粉,补维C不如泡个柠檬茶,至于被奉为美容圣品的维E,吃玉米、芝麻就补上了。
  我强大的消化系统简直是金属也熔化了,怕那点脂肪做什么。代谢正常的人就会有最好看的身材。丰乳细腰肥 臀是e良好生育力的表现,至于怎么保持良好生育力前面都说过了。食物从泥土里生长出来,带着来自泥土的巨大 能量,我种的小葱香菜韭菜,剪了一轮又一轮,我老公都说怪不得把韭菜比成革命者,革命者是杀不 完的,哈哈~
  不过,吃食物的方式很讲究,一般人只考虑食物中的营养,其实,还有看不见的能量,就是让我们UP一点, 让我们的血不会堵在某个地方的那种能量。
  首先,要吃应季应地的食物,现在我都快没有季节感了,因为青菜水果一年四季都有卖,我们在夏天吃本应冬 天才出产的食物,我们的身体与自然之间的微妙联系就断掉了。应季的食物往往最能应对那个季节身体的变化。过 去冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,春天吃葱韭,夏天就吃大冬瓜,都是很有道理的。
  夏天虽热,但阳气在表,阴气在里,内脏反面是冷的,容易腹泄,所以要吃暖胃的姜;冬天阳气内收,内脏反 而是燥热的,要吃罗卜清胃火。再如,我吃肉,却不是每个季节都吃一样的肉,秋冬季节我吃大量红肉,到了春夏 ,就吃多鱼肉和鸭肉。如果我们不分时节地乱吃,可能在需要清火时却吃了热得要命的东西。何况反季节蔬菜有好 多加了化学成分,膨大剂甜味剂什么的,样子漂亮却没味道,化学残留物积累在身体里,损害我们的肝肾。化学的 东东太多了,它们解毒的任务好重啊。
  再说地域,一个地方的饮食习惯和它的气候风土有关,喜辣的地方,一般都是湿气重或容易发生食物中毒的地 方。四川女孩子吃多麻辣也不上火,因为四川湿气重。可是到了干燥的要命的北方,也吃四川菜,本来没什么水分 了再除点湿,不长豆豆才怪。墨西哥和印度也吃辣,是因为那些地方热,多辣味可以除肠道寄生虫。我们没有虫也 吃,唉,都坏在这张嘴上。

  沤农家肥的过程,不怕花钱怕麻烦,小时候家人用蛋壳、草木灰、不吃的鱼腮鱼肠,淘米水,沤出一缸子臭东 西去浇菜园。现在我们吃不到这样种出来的菜了,都是化肥催出来的。
  人也是化肥催出来的,以手边的口香糖为例,它的配料:木糖醇、麦芽糖醇、胶基、D-甘露糖醇、香料、阿拉伯胶、甘油、明胶、巴西棕榈蜡、乳化剂、甜味素(含有苯丙氨酸)、柠檬黄、靛蓝、抗氧 化剂……MM们买零食也可以试看它的配料表,你就会明白你脸上那些斑点是从哪来的,从一些我们的身体完全代 谢不了的废物中来。
  人的身体是从自然界的食物环境中获取足够营养。可是如果我们全部从农产品而非工业制成品获取营养,食品 加工企业怎么生存下去?所以他们做广告甚至改变我们的营养观念,让我们觉得那些经过无数次加工的食品比刚从 地里摘下来的东东更好。
  其实,我们用于保养的东西离开土地越久,它的效果就越差。中药里的美容秘方,很多是要强调时间性的。如 “新摘的益母草挤汁,配以新鲜乌骨鸡血,用于涂面……”,一些高档化妆品也许真是用某些稀有植物提取物制成 的,可惜这些稀有植物不长在我们家后院,它们被摘下到用于我们的面部,很可能已经历上百道工序并且相隔数年 之久。
  糯米酒是好东西,特别是冬天,它能补脾胃、益肺气。温能养气,正气旺盛,身体也就温暖了。在冬天加进一 些红枣、桂圆、花生,简直就是补血丰胸的不二方。可是好的糯米酒,在超市买不到。小时家酿的糯米酒,几斤米 才出一斤酒呢。算一下超市的酒一大瓶才几块钱,加了很多糖水,没几粒米的。自制方法:把糯米蒸熟放凉,拌一 些酒曲,然后中间挖一个洞(酒就是渗到那个洞里的),用毯子把整个酒坛包起来,放几天酒香就飘出来了。如果 在酒里加女贞子或枸杞,就是女儿酒了。

  很重要的一点是要珍惜自己的身体。尤其婚后女性,如果不讲究卫生或频繁人工流产,造成粘连或炎症,整个 生殖系统会遭受重创,再怎么调养也很难有面子喔。一次宫外孕就可能造成整个卵巢功能全失。还有一种情况,怀 疑自己不孕的女性,用保守的中药调养加运动的方法更安全。不要轻易使用西医的促排卵药物,为了加强受孕的机 会(有些MM想要双胞胎),西医可以促使你一次排出多枚卵子,但这是以抑制你以后排卵机能为代价的。你想, 一个器官这个月辛苦太多,下个月是不是要休息呢。可是你求子心切不能让它休息,不停使用药物,因为就算是排 了多枚卵子,也不能保证一次成功的,促排卵药一次可使你排出6枚卵子,想想女人一生才400枚,你有多少个 月可以浪费啊。一旦使用太多,卵巢机能就会严重抑制甚至早衰,它早衰,你青春的基础就没了。俗话说留得青山 在不怕没柴烧,中医常说“暖宫孕子”,只要子宫、盆腔气血通了,炎症消除自然就怀上了。乱用促排卵药,如同 “杀鸡取卵”一样可怕。
  女人就是水做的嘛,脸要水灵灵,眼要水汪汪。不过按中医说法不是养水,而是要养阴。前面我也说了,女人 长豆豆不是阳气太盛而是阴气不足,阴不足以涵阳,表现出来的就是火气。
  那水能灭火,就多喝水好了?不然,水喝多了也会中毒,肾会负担不了,眼皮会肿起来。那不是 真元之气。
  女人体内的水分,不能损耗过度。相对我们的身体,很多外在的东东都可以算作火气。比如,五味过甚。太咸 太辣太苦的食物,都需要我们用中气来调和,这就是火气。偏偏有些MM口味比较重,或者哪天心情不好压力大, 只怕都想来一碗辛辣的陕西凉皮或是水煮鱼痛快一下。中餐是把食物归入五味中的某种味道,其实只是食物并不要 紧,关键是调料,尤其是香料。中国的香料世界有名,一碗菜肴里面,比如五香粉,就是桂皮、八角、小茴香、芫 荽籽、花椒五íí香料,多半还会再加入姜、葱、蒜、辣椒、陈皮,唉我都数不清了……这些味道极其浓重的食物 会损耗我们的水源!如果它们的温度不是适中的,而是特别冷或特别烫的菜肴,就更多一层损耗。
  还有零食!那些经过油炸或烤制的东西,都很香脆。炸过东西的人都知道,油炸就是脱水的过程嘛。口感虽然 好,但是脱了水的食物进入我们的身体,就会立刻吸收体内的水分,所以吃多了你感到口干。其实它吸收的不是水 ,而是身体里的津液。我理解就是一种粘液,和水是不全一样的。
  还有我们的心情,如果不宁静平和,而是愤怒、压抑、悲哀、狂喜,这在职场又有什么奇怪呢,可我们要动用 身体的中气去中和它。
  说来说去我们身体里的这个水源,Women abercrombie fitch,只要凡事不过度,就是在涵养它了,饮食清淡一点,心情平和一点。那些温和的、口味不太重的、新鲜不加太多 调料的食物都是好东东。带有粘液(胶质)的东西特别好,比如猪蹄(炖就好,麻辣的算了)、鱼冻(鱼鳞冻)、 花胶(就是鱼的鳔)、银耳、鸡软骨、鱼翅。口味清淡的汤更好,因为它能留在身体里更长时间,而不会被当成水 过快地排出体外。女人是滋补出来的,这可一点没错啊。还有,在空调房里要多喝水或用加湿器。

  我所有抹在脸上的东东都是从嘴里省下的,可以抹的东西很多,但是我们的脸相对于内腑五脏只是一个末稍器 官,不能让它太疲累,不能整天剌激它。
  牛奶:能喝出好多花样,玫瑰的,姜汁的,桂圆的,杏仁的各种奶茶,香蕉、草莓、木瓜、蕃茄的各种奶昔, 省一口加一个纸膜可以敷脸。牛奶是敷脸的超级好东东。可以美白、镇静皮肤,north face Women's,特别夏天恢复日晒后皮肤的水份。牛奶里含牛奶酸,比化妆品的果酸温和。敷脸一定要在晚上,白天敷脸再被晒 过会长印子。冬天用普通纯牛奶,夏天用脱脂牛奶,但牛奶酸都在牛奶的脂肪里,所以脱脂奶的效果没有全脂奶好 。我的折衷方法是自己做半脂奶:把牛奶放在微波炉里加热,冷却后上面形成一层衣,那就是脂肪,揭掉它一次可 以去掉一部分脂肪。隔一会再揭一层,牛奶基本上就不含脂肪了。这样你能控制牛奶的含脂肪量,牛奶敷脸不长豆 豆,是秘方喔。
  蜂蜜:白砂糖是比较热气的,爱吃甜品,可以热饮用冰糖代替,冷饮就是蜂蜜了。蜂蜜是不会坏的,它本身就 抑制细菌生长。胃溃疡的人喝它能在胃表形成保护膜,使溃烂的地方得到保护。同样道理,蜂蜜也能护肤,抑制皮 肤的细菌生长,用蜂蜜敷脸更简单,连纸膜都省了,顺便可以用它按摩嘴唇、手脚,让它们也得到一 点特殊照顾,north face Outlet
  橄榄油:橄榄油有软化皮肤的作用。自制矿泉喷雾里滴一点橄榄油,用来喷头发,发质较硬、干燥的,喷过后 会变柔顺,还能防止头发被晒伤。橄榄油还可以抹在身上,用手一直抹到脚丫子,它没有想象中油腻,抹完之后用 热水冲一阵就好了。在夏天,先抹,再用沐浴露。橄榄油软化皮肤的效果好于我用过的所有润肤露。
  珍珠粉:维B和钙是一种超能组合(安利的维B药片就是加钙的),而珍珠粉就是维 B和钙的完美结合。人在精神紧张的时候钙和维生素B的排出量同时加快。所以不管是工作太劳累,经前紧张,还 是喝咖啡,都应该同时补充这两种东东。缺乏维B 对皮肤影响很大,会造成感染不易愈合(口腔溃疡或皮肤感染)和脱皮(手脚的皮屑或头皮屑)。珍珠粉还有其它 好处:对看电脑的MM可以明目,对睡眠不好的 MM可以安神,对皮肤或其它地方有热毒的可以解毒,对我这种大肚婆它还能安胎。只是要买真正的珍珠粉,不要 是贝壳粉!
  啤酒:前面说了缺维B会起皮屑,而啤酒酵母含有大量维B,所以喝剩下的啤酒可以用来洗头。先用水把头发 浸湿,然后淋上啤酒,用毛巾包起来,过十分种再按正常程序洗头就好了。以前用奥尼啤酒香波觉得挺好用的,现 在找不到了。
  花粉:维生素在两种食物中含量最全最丰富,就是花粉和香菇,所以一般情况下吃了花粉就不要再多补维生素 了。花粉就是植物的精子啊,含有很多核酸,也是食物中最佳的核酸来源。想生宝宝的MM可以吃喔,保证你的优 良基因能传下去。不过花粉含有微量激素,怀孕后就不要再吃了。花粉表面一般都有一层花粉壁,不把它打破,里 面的营养就吸收不了。所以冲泡它的时候要热一点的水,而且用勺子把它们全碾碎了再喝。

  普通的绿豆芝麻也很美容啊,如果你吃的绿豆糕和芝麻糊没加太多糖和防腐剂。至于它加了没有谁知道呢。工 业社会就是如此嘛。MM要是也相信天然的东东,也自已沤肥料试试看。
  MM因为怕长豆而不敢吃红肉的情况很普遍,都觉得红肉热气。如果你本身不喜欢吃肉可以不吃,用其它方式 补充铁质也可以。如多吃深红色水果,樱桃、草莓、桑椹、红枣。光吃水果体温会太低,怕红肉热气就不要加太多 香辛料,炖就好。加一些蔬菜更好,如烧牛肉加胡萝卜,羊肉火锅同时吃豆腐和白菜。
  长豆有很多可能,如果因为激素,可以喝豆浆用豆浆做面膜;特殊时期发豆,喝一些益母草化瘀血;出于压力 ,吃富含维生素B和钙的食物。太热的天,用蜂蜜水敷脸可以杀菌(蜂蜜放不坏,它本身就杀菌),珍珠粉可以去 除面部油脂同时也富含维生素B。都不会有副作用。
  不要吃太多太凉的东西,像龟苓糕本身是滋阴的好东东,但吃太多,或吃太冰的就会伤脾胃。一次一小碗,吃 到秋凉就行了。手脚冷并且豆印子老也消不去,说明体内有淤血,在月经前后一定保暖,吃温东西。脾胃不是很好 的MM,可以在做炖品的时候加薏米,或把薏米蒸熟压成泥吃,可以调养脾胃。薏米对改善粗大毛孔 和黑斑有效。
  三十以后长的是所谓的熟女豆,不是青春豆。青春豆是皮脂腺分泌旺盛造成的,我们的一般是内分泌出现了小 不调造成的,多多活动骨盆,让整个下腹部血液通畅,比如扭腰,摇胯或拉伸大腿韧带,都有利于这个部位的血液 循环。
  豆豆有两种类型,脾胃蕴热型,豆豆红色,发作面大,可挤出粉粒,同时有口干便秘牙痛口臭等症;气血郁滞 型的,豆豆颜色暗红或紫红,经期病情加重。
  夏天快到了,超市疯狂促销可乐、七喜、汇源果汁。可是我喝自已榨的果汁。早上起来看见耀眼 的阳光,abercrombie Womens,喝一大杯鲜榨橙汁吧。酸酸的味道含了特丰富的维 C,可以镇静、消炎,美白皮肤。维C是非常容易被分解的,只有自已鲜榨的橙汁才有效喔。总之太阳越大喝得越 酸,喝冰茶的时候要猛加柠檬汁。
  春天是阳气上升的季节,聚积一冬的内热要散发出去。天气忽暖忽热,身体很容易失调,皮肤容易过敏起豆。 富含维B、C的新鲜水果蔬菜能增强皮肤对阳光和过敏源的抵抗力。这个季节的MM因为日晒会起一些小斑点,把 它们“吃掉”吧!用柠檬汁等酸性的东东做面膜,在春天要小心一点,因为春天的皮肤太敏感了。
  所有新鲜上市的水果都榨而饮之。蕃茄黄瓜汁加上一点玫瑰花,是超能美白饮料。菠萝汁(榨的时候加一点点 盐)不但好喝,而且菠萝蛋白酶可以帮助消化,对吃了肉肉而内疚的MM是救星。木瓜汁也好,木瓜含有木瓜蛋白 酶和木瓜酵素,能帮助消化,分解脂肪,美白丰胸喔~
  可能有人会说,直接吃水果不就完了,干嘛费劲打成果汁呢。水果一般饱腹感强,吃两个水果肚子就饱了,打 成果汁可以喝更多,也不增加胃肠负担。还可以制程多种水果搭配的复合果汁。
  自制最好,超市里的加糖太多了。自己制可以加冰糖,冰糖比白砂糖清润。自制还有其它好处,想补肾的加点 黑豆,补血可以加花生,还能做杏仁茶。秋天喝这个可以润肺止咳。
  之所以只说热茶,是怕大家在天气转热而且干燥的时候贪喝凉茶和冰茶。说到解渴,热茶更理想。天热了肠胃 机能一般会差一点,再喝冰东西很伤害脾胃。喝热茶就是当时感觉不够畅快,但过后身体很解渴。其实,温热的茶 水会使食物里有效的东东更快运行到身体各处,冰茶就没有这种效果。
  这壶茶里,罗汉果清热解暑、化痰止咳、凉血、清肺润肠和生津止渴;虽然有甜味却并不含热量;红枣健脾胃 、补气血;枸杞明目、滋补肝肾;玫瑰花活血调经,舒肝理气。暑天时一杯热茶下肚,额头上马上出 汗。
  如果没有高血压或肾脏问题,喝盐水没什么不好。尽量淡一点就行。盐水可以去掉胃里的毒素和火气。便秘吃 红薯很有效。
  眼下的斑点一般对应的是子宫的问题,而颧骨上长的斑点和肝气郁结有关。如果在鼻子和嘴附近就是胃火气比 较大。
  胃火分虚实。实火表现为多食善饥、上腹不适、口苦口干、大便干硬。可用栀子、淡竹叶泡茶喝。虚火表现为 轻微咳、饮食量少、便秘、腹胀、舌红少苔,可吃些有滋阴作用的梨汁、甘蔗汁、蜂蜜等。火大到不致于要用药的 程度,饮食调养就好。少吃香辛刺激性的、油炸的食品,多吃清淡的食物和新鲜蔬菜水果。
  肤色黄表明肝肾功能不旺;眼角的斑点对应子宫气息不畅;手脚凉是MM的通病;一般是生殖系统比较寒凉; 气血不通则体内能量不能到达皮肤,皮肤就会比较干燥。皮肤只是一个末梢,它对应的是内部器官的 活力。
  调养生殖系统是一个很整体的事情,不是吃一点食物或药就行了。运动,饮食和生活习惯都有关系。一旦调养 好,好起来的也不只是一个部位,卵巢、盆腔、子宫等各个器官都会相应地好起来,皮肤上各种毛病的消除只是附 带效果。客观地说,想靠只吃一两种药立刻治好某一处豆豆或是斑点是不可能的,人体各处是一损俱 损一荣俱荣。
  可能很多人都试过在痛的时候喝姜汤吧。喝一两次效果不一定明显。姜是最能温暖身体的了,并且不会像益母 草那样多喝有副作用。一定要老姜,在感觉日子快到或第一天痛的时候吃。把姜削成薄片(姜皮一定要保留),尽 量多几片,越辣越好,加几勺红糖。不用怕热量高,女人在此期间可大量吃糖且不会胖。可以再加一点红枣和桂圆 。用沸水泡姜茶喝。要喝滚烫的姜茶才有效。如果一杯不够可加红糖再泡一次,两大杯下肚,会喝出一身汗来,痛 感能立刻减轻。关键点,姜要够多,茶要够烫。
  女人保养自己 爱护自己是很重要的希望能帮助到可爱的女性校友们。
人做得越纯粹,皮肤和身材就越好,没有一个步入更年期的女人能保持少女的模样。脐下三寸之地就是美丽的后花 园,问问自己:有没有炎症?有没有痛经?有没有包块和淤塞?已婚女人很难都没有,只要有其一,它们就是皮肤 的杀手,用多少化妆品都没有用。
  冷是一切麻烦的根源。冷女人血行不畅,手脚冰凉而且痛经。血行不畅,面部就会长斑,体内的能量不能润泽 皮肤,皮肤就没有生气,所以很多女人皮肤像细瓷一样完美,却一点不青春,假假的感觉;而一些年青女人再怎么 长豆豆还是很有生机。更可怕的一点是,我们的生殖系统是最怕冷的,一旦体质过冷,它就会选择长更多的脂肪来 保温,我们的肚脐下就会长肥肉。而一旦气血充足温暖,这些肥肉没有存在的必要,自动就会跑光光 。
  第一,MM们节食,只吃青菜水果,怕脂肪不敢吃红肉,而青菜水果性寒凉的居多。其实,红肉是女姓的恩物 ,尤其是牛肉和羊肉,都含大量的铁质,可以有效地避免贫血。贫血的MM脸色自然苍白。
  第二,MM们白领居多,天天上班坐着看电脑,下班倒着看电视,穿高跟鞋也实在不适合多动。出去约会GG 开车来接,买一张健身卡一年用不了两次。因为坐得太多,血都淤在小腹部位。流水不腐,老是不流动的血积压在 我们的盆腔,盆腔怎么能不长炎症。一旦有炎症,脸上自然就会发黄起斑。就算不至于发炎,不畅通的血堵在皮肤 的毛细血管里,就会肤色不均匀。
  第三,MM们爱美,用束身内衣把腰束得紧紧的,其实那一点用没有。束得太紧了,你的生殖系统没有血供应 ,就更冷,冷就长更多的肉肉。现在冬天都流行穿裙子啊,下面就是一条薄袜子,整个下身都冷了,寒从脚下起嘛 。
  还有,MM们爱吃冰,为了不生痘痘更爱喝凉茶。其实,女人怕冷,最好是少接触寒性的中药。长豆豆中的很 多人不是阳气太旺,而是因为阴虚,阴不能涵阳,与其损其阳气,不如滋阴更合适(后面再说这个)。我观察过, 南方喝凉茶多的省份如两广,女人生育之后面部长斑的情形更为严重(生育之后的肥肉不是月子里补的,是生育使 生殖系统功产生了伤口、炎症、不通畅,恢复中的系统更脆弱怕冷需要更多脂肪保护)。甚至古代的妓女,为了有 效避孕会服用寒凉的中药,可见这些药对生殖系统的伤害。在凉茶中,有一些滋阴补气的,是可以服用的,但性太 寒的,就不能用,比如MM流行生食芦荟,这很恐怖,芦荟中最有效的成份大黄素,是极其阴冷的,芦荟外用可治 烧伤(像蜈蚣),可想而知它有多冷,没事还是少吃为妙。
  呵呵,说了这么多,就是要大家不做冷美人,多吃红肉,生姜、红枣、动物血、糯米酒、樱桃……总之,含铁 丰富或比较温和的东西;有些好东东像银耳、柠檬、笋什么的不要在月经期间吃;随时注意保温,不要喝太冰的东 西,多喝热饮;别老在空调房里呆着,也不要要风度不要温度,秋凉了还穿露脐装。冬天最好的保温方法是泡热水 ,不要节省燃气,在热水里泡上三十分钟,加上按摩,再冷的身体也热了。没法泡浴泡脚也行。再不行就整天捧一 杯热开水,怀抱暖水袋,女人怕冷是天经地义的。
  当然最好是主动让自己热起来,过分的剧烈运动并无利于减肥,最有效的是腰腹部和大腿内部的拉伸动作,比 如早上起来的压腿,前后下腰,总之是以腰部为重点的运动,不要太急促,否则一停下来血会更多地淤集在腰部。 温和的瑜伽很有效,拉丁舞也很好。但我更推荐瑜伽,因为瑜伽更注重呼吸,气行才能血行。
  还有就是要注意服用一些活血化淤的中药和食品。这一点要很小心,不是每个人都有淤血,化瘀过甚,就会损 伤身体,比如造成月经量过多。所以MM可以根据月经量和经血的粘稠度、脸上有没有斑点来判断。活血化瘀类的 中药有:益母草、桃花、桃仁、红花,这是从温和到厉害排的,越往后越厉害,Sale spyder,我个人建议吃前两种就行了。可泡茶服用(热茶),用桃花泡酒更管用,这些茶和酒还可以用来擦脸,去脸上的 黑斑。
  说起来女人真是可怜啊,从第一次月经到绝经就是400多颗卵子,真的是用一颗少一颗,等用完了,咱作为 小美女的命运也就基本over了,只能尽力做一个优雅的老太太。每一次排卵的过程就是一次激素的代谢,体内 激素水平正常的女人,脸色红润细腻。代谢不好的女人,脸上就会出现各种各样的毛病,我每次在医院体检,偷看 那些来治妇女病的女人,一个个脸色灰黄满脸斑点,都不忍心看。
  当然激素太多了不好,有时激素过多的结果真的就是特别的好皮肤,我认识一个女人40多岁了脸色比少女还 漂亮,后来知道是得了重病不得已用激素治疗才会那样,后果是造成乳腺和子宫的增生,这太极端了。人工激素就 是这样的,天然激素就不同,很多都有双向调节功能,能抑制激素太多。所以我反对使用人工合成激素,加在化妆 品里我也怕怕。有些高级化妆品声称添加纯天然植物激素,没亲眼见有点不信。
  本来嘛,含天然激素的东东很多,吃多点不就完了嘛,我列一下喔:大豆、石榴、淮山、当归、小茴香、雪蛤 、蜂王浆……最有效最有效的就是喝豆浆,因为大豆含有双向调节功能的微量雌激素,又便宜可以当 水喝。

  25、在家里泡浴时可加入精油,如柠檬草3滴+马郁兰3滴+迷迭香3滴,可去除宿便,排解 毒素。
  26、运动的同时要时刻补充水分,可以喝水或绿茶,但绝不能喝碳酸饮料,坊间的运动型饮料会影响运动排 毒的功效,需警惕!
  27、如果爱吃糖,最好少吃巧克力、糖果这类单糖,尽可能吃水果或淀粉类的多糖,一来可减少身体负担, 另一方面也达到摄取糖类的目的。
  29、保持健康趾甲要多吃含锌、铁和基础脂肪酸的食物;如瘦肉、鸡蛋等。天气干燥时要经常用一些专业的 足部乳霜保持足部的湿润、娇嫩。
  30、让脚透透气,是防止脚臭的好方法。如公司允许,可以放一双拖鞋在办公室,如果不能,趁上厕所时, 脱一下鞋,让脚透透气。
  31、晚霜中多含的果酸、A酸成分,因其高感光性和吸光性,不适用于白天。如青睐柠檬、柑橘等果酸的美 白效果,也一定不要在白天使用。
  32、变瘦的要决就是多动少吃。如果想紧急变瘦,晚餐最好只吃蔬菜汤或小火锅,勿食甜的饮料或点心,少 量多餐几天后,脸至少能尖一点。
  33、如果皮肤出现过敏或不明原因的小红点,这时应加强保湿,可用没有酒精的化妆水湿敷患处,再涂一点 不太油性的凝露保湿。
  34、用到处都买得到的眼枕泡热水再泡冰水,交替冷热敷在眼部几分钟,可消除临时性眼睛浮 肿。
  35、涂上护手霜后,将手浸入热水中,几分钟后再重新擦干手,再涂一层,这样手会变得温暖柔软,有预防 手部变糙老化的作用。
  36、喝酒或缺乏睡眠会使你的双眼看来非常疲倦,布满血丝,滴上一两滴具有缓和疲劳效果的眼药水,能舒 缓眼部毛细血管充血症状。
  37、用眉笔在手臂上涂上颜色,用眉刷蘸上颜色,均匀地扫在眉毛上,你会惊喜地得到更为自然柔和的化妆 效果。
  38、把微湿的化妆海绵放到冰箱里,几分钟后,再将海绵拍在抹好粉底的肌肤上,你就会觉得肌肤格外清爽 ,彩妆也显得特别清新。
  39、温和的洗发水加上少量护发素可用来清洗化妆刷,能令刷毛柔软;用温水稀释清洁剂清洗旧眉刷,是使 眉刷恢复原貌的最好方法。
  40、如果你戴的是远视眼镜,镜片会放大双眼和化妆,这时候应选择偏暗的眼部色彩;配戴近视眼镜会使双 眼显得细小,宜选用明亮的色彩。
  41、如果你需要光彩照人,可以试试纯正红色唇彩。这种举足轻重的颜色,会使你的脸变得有磁性,在很多 重要场合里都是成功女士的最爱。
  42、早上空腹喝一杯槐花蜂蜜或是枣花蜂蜜,既可防止皱纹,又可排毒,长期坚持美容效果非 常明显。
  43、每天咀嚼15-20分钟的口香糖有助于美容,这是因为咀嚼能促进面部肌肉运动,改善血液循环,提高皮肤细胞的代谢 活动。
  44、如果胃没有毛病,绿茶和乌龙茶特别适合女性,茶是最天然、最有效的减肥剂,再没有什么比茶叶更能 消除肠道脂肪的了。
  记得有个叫萧芳芳的女明星说,女人啊,一过了40,除了年龄往上长,什么东西都在往下掉。恐怖喔,我们 的皮肤、内脏、咪咪、屁股都时刻在重力作用下,DOWNDOWN,55555……我家阳台上那棵树,一到春 天枝叶就腾腾腾向上窜。有一篇写植物的书说,植物的根扎在土里很深,它的生命力能把土地最深处的能量一直带 上云端。人的身体内部也有这种生命力,才能部分抵消重力的影响。
  其实相比皮肤和咪咪,更早下垂的是我们的内脏,因为内脏是没有太多支撑的。中年女人容易积蓄脂肪和生理 有关,可是中年男人也会长啤酒肚。肚子里有部分是脂肪,更多的是本来应该在上位的内脏掉下来了,肚子就变得 特别大。如果没有肋骨的支持,只怕有些人连心肺都会下垂吧。女人也有这样,按说,只有脂肪的腹部应该软软的 ,但很多人发胖的人,小腹部却是硬梆梆的,这就是因为内脏向下,肠子受到挤压的原因。MM们不能只重视面上 功夫,使内脏保持向上的健康姿态,脸上和身上的其它部分就会挺拔。
  经常按摩腹部可以保持腹部活力,最推荐瑜伽的腹式呼吸。很简单,在任何可能的时候,关注自己的呼吸,吸 气让小腹涨满,呼气让小腹内收。睡前或等车的时候锻炼几分种,腹部就能得到良好的触动。用手按摩是一种外力 ,而用自己的气息可以调动全身力量。还有一个简易加强版:空腹的时候,双腿站立与肩宽,可略弯腿,尽力向外 呼气同时尽力向内收瘪小腹,同时气息向上提,坚持片刻,肛门会自然向内紧收,下巴贴向胸骨,然后慢慢吸气, 待小腹恢复正常。这个动作很累人,一开始做三次就好,逐渐加到五次。经常做,小腹内收的程度会越来越大,内 脏得到更好的按摩,肠道内的脏东西会更有效地排出体外,腰变细,消化功能也会变得更好。
  站着或躺着的时候,经常曲膝压一下自己的小腹,也能消除涨气,排除肠子里的油和废物。要用自己的能量排 除这些东西。和减肥药不同,你的身体很知道自己应该排泄什么,药就不知道,它会把身体里的好东西比如水份一 起带出去,而体内积蓄脂肪的环境没有改善,很快又会堆起来。

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Old 11-07-2011, 04:21 AM   #2
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GlassFish is a robust business-compliant application server, to product-quality, free for development, deployment and re-distribution.
About GlassFish GlassFish project brief history of the role of functional benefits of GlassFish community is developing a free, open source Java EE5 (the next version of J2EE) application server. This server implements the Java EE5 platform, the latest features. Java EE5 platform includes the latest versions of some technologies, such as: Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0, JavaServer Faces (JSF) 1.2, Servlet 2.5, JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.1, Java API for Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0, Java Persistence 1.0, Common Annotations 1.0, Streaming API for XML (StAX) 1.0 and other new technologies. As of 2008-07-12 at the latest technical preview version of GlassFish v3 has been released, features a highly modular, easily extended to support java EE6, and support for php, jRuby on Rails, and Phobos javascript and other languages. GlassFish GlassFish project role is used to build Java EE 5 application server, the name of the open source development project. It is based on Sun Microsystems to provide the Sun Java System Application Server PE 9 source code, and Oracle TopLink persistence code contribution. The project provides high-quality application server for developing a structured process, with unprecedented speed to provide new functionality. It is hoped that access to source code and for the development of Sun's next-generation application server (based on GlassFish) Java developers to contribute to the response. The project aims to promote the Sun and Oracle engineers and communication between communities, it will make all developers are able to participate in the development of the application server to process. GlassFish development community is in its infancy, although a smaller scale, but is developing rapidly. At present, more than 100 contributors signed. Currently, involved in the development of the product number of Sun and Oracle engineers, developers and other application servers sizeable community of engineers. Advantages in compliance with Common Development and Distribution License (Common Development and Distribution License, CDDL) Version 1.0 of the premise,skechers shoes, developers can get the source code for free, you can also make changes to the code (as long as they see fit.) To apply for Java Compatibility, commercial distribution of the developers need to sign Java Developer License (JDL), and redistribute the code has passed the validation code before the compatibility test suite (compatibility test suite, CTS) test. Anyone can sign distribution agreement to contribute the code review changes, bug fixes and features. Updated version of GlassFish will be released every night. The code has been released a very basic testing to ensure that they can be constructed and implemented, but the code did not like the product releases that fully tested. GlassFish will implement the latest version of the Java EE platform, Java EE 5, the two would be about the same time as the final version. Meanwhile, Sun will release the final based on GlassFish compatibility supported Sun Java System Application Server PE 9.0. In June 2005, Sun GlassFish project's Web site will be open to the public,skechers women, which released the GlassFish project. Developers can access the source code, nightly builds, discussion groups and email lists. This is the first time, developers can understand and participate in application server development process. Initially, access is limited to Web tier, with the GlassFish development, access will be extended to other modules. GlassFish Java EE project will present more fans in front of these people will eventually become a Java EE licensees customers. GlassFish does not change the license terms of any license holder. In compliance with the terms of its license under the premise licensees can still sell or distribute the code, and use of the product has passed the Java Compatibility TCK brand. In granting the developer's compliance with the terms of the CDDL license, they can use, edit, change the code, and can distribute the code or use it for production. But they did not get permission to use the CTS can not use the Java Compatibility brand. Although it is a standard GlassFish JavaEE server, but it also has the advantages of lightweight Web container, as it is a good Tomcat Servlet container, the same time, it has the function of lazy loading, ie, GlassFish will only start when core services necessary to start some items, such as LocalJNDI services for JMX management services, and for all services being not less than the load, until the need time to say it, but this feature does not require additional configuration. GlassFish startup time that was previously half the memory footprint and only the previous half. 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Old 11-07-2011, 04:30 AM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2011
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Haruhi Suzumiya (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ) (suzumiya haruhi) is Japan, two characters can be substituted), the series is the author of the novel flow Tanigawa, who with the Serve as illustrations of the novel is い う と の い ぢ, but also novel Chinese name: Haruhi Suzumiya Date of birth: 25 February Zodiac: Pisces like people: A virtual team: SOS Group (Leader) School: North High School a year Nishinomiya City flights
Suzumiya Haruhi Biography war record in the Meng Meng Meng has published over one simplified Chinese version of the novel title 06 broadcast TV version of the animation sequence and time in April 2009 for broadcast on the new animation sequence and timing of Movie disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya ( broadcast in 2010) Abstract A virtual group SOS (キ ョ ン) John. Smith (ジ ョ ン? ス ミ ス) Suzumiya Haruhi Nagato have hope Asahina real Nine Asahina real Nine Okinawa (large) Old Springs a tree on campus students Asakura Ryoko Taniguchi Kunikida Tsuruya computer research club president hi green river beauty in Osaka in the other roles virtual girl Sammi line shamisen II multi-pill Keiichi more pills Yuxin Chuan Sen Park students in the River scholars (provisional translation) Yoshimura Miyoko opposing forces Sasaki Orange Kyoko week against nine Yao Fujiwara proprietary Glossary SOS Group Detailed on the alien words about the future of human lexical on the powers of those words on the different world's vocabulary timing list of Haruhi Suzumiya Series Summary Suzumiya Haruhi series schedule: Related Game Haruhi Suzumiya and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be affixed to it album

Suzumiya Haruhi novel content to as the center of Haruhi Suzumiya SOS group adventure story (or the protagonist's distress story.) At the beginning of bright spots, depicts a seemingly fantasy and realistic world that because of the desire of Haruhi Suzumiya is concentrated. Currently published to Dijiu Ji, the Chinese version published by the Taiwan Kadokawa. Kadokawa Comics is currently in the In the movie prior to broadcast, SOS group radio branch also joined the solidarity activities, radio support in the Feb. 3 started broadcasting from Hirano Aya as Suzumiya Haruhi seiyuu, long doors Greece and Asahina real Nine sulfur respectively by Mao Yuan real in-and post- Yap as the rattan child. The end of the SOS group dance cartoon animation broadcast by audiences and widely circulated, but also a large number of performances Cosplay enthusiasts will definitely one of the programs. First half of 2007 to In concert, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 『』 all of all the seiyuu debut, and live concert tracks. Seiyuu Hirano Aya to have also led the famous jump scene SOS dance group, causing the scene Fans scream. Suzumiya Haruhi shock 『』 DVD2007 played on July 27 sale. At the same time, has been adapted for the PS2 game. Kuso the center of the so-called plot must be no doubt with a variety of strange settings. 2009 for the production version of the new message in March 2009 issue of the magazine made NewType notice and related reports. Suzumiya Haruhi anime characters (11) Biography Haruhi Suzumiya Official Birthday: 25 February Zodiac: Pisces Age: high school appearance: dark coffee, short hair + dark yellow eyes + slender body = Haruhi Suzumiya team: SOS group (head) capacity: the destruction / creation of the universe (the world) into what you want in the world (universe) (I don't know) like people: A virtual Nishinomiya City North High School students in five classes a year, although the results excellent first-class sports figure everything looks the same good, but bad character and action but was all weird arm's length. Impulsive and extreme personality complete with ###### and her work is, without a brain,skechers outlet, and ambition is very strong, totally did not listen to others, often to the Queen hands on his hips like POSE, early Huanyi more openly in front of the bold boys behavior, Kyon very seriously,skechers women, even to Originally just an ordinary girl for her because sixth grade in primary school together with his father to see a baseball game, it was found and despair, which began trying to change their desire to live an interesting life. In the country with all the boys to her confession over contacts (time ranging from one week to five minutes), the embrace of the all kinds of weird behavior caused by aliens trying to pay attention, became the breath of the eccentric, but has been unable to do so, so very sad day. But she did not know was, in her seemingly futile actions, the world has begun to turn around her. With their consciousness with the power to change the world, who are part of the super powers, like the existence of Chuangshi Shen as I see it himself. War record Zhong Meng Meng Meng quarterfinals in 2007 the first China (sixth)
2008 world champion Meng ruby ​​
up to 16 people compete for the 2010 Meng Race 1 @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 313 votes two really red @ Rozen Maiden 248 votes assessment of the early part of season 1 Green Star Stone @ Rozen Maiden 241 votes 2 Haruhi Suzumiya @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of 181 votes in the failure group of a return to battle a Haruhi Suzumiya @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of 252 votes 2 rattan Linxing @ CLANNAD 238 votes in the failure group at the second battle a mercury @ Rozen Maiden 90 votes 2 Haruhi Suzumiya @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of 82 votes total score: Ninth Suzumiya Haruhi disappeared screenshots (20) has been published Fiction Title Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の depression) won its eighth Sneaker Award ISBN 4044292019 (Japanese) ISBN 9867427882 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750429 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi sigh (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の slip rate) ISBN 4044292027 ( Japanese) ISBN 9867299205 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750443 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi bored (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の back bend) ISBN 4044292035 (Japanese) ISBN 9867299531 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750436 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi disappeared (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒの disappeared) ISBN 4044292043 (Japanese) ISBN 9867189183 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750412 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi runaway (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の runaway) ISBN 4044292051 (Japanese) ISBN 9867189809 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750580 (mainland version) Suzumiya spring shake (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の action) ISBN 404429206X (in Japanese) ISBN 9861740481 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750597 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi conspiracy (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の conspiracy) ISBN 4044292078 (Japanese) ISBN 9787532750603 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi indignation (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の indignation) novel comes album (20P) ISBN 4044292086 (Japanese) ISBN 9787532750450 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi split (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の split) presented Viking) ISBN 9787532750610 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi shock (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の dismay) [will be May 25,shape up skechers, 2011 in the world, 13 countries also listed down Double Pack] Simplified Chinese version of Translation Publishing House to introduce, and in January 1, 2011 published.
Shanghai Translation Edition Haruhi Suzumiya
TV version of the animation sequence and broadcast 06 hours 【The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 01】 【Ⅰ】
TV02 Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
【02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ⅱ】 【TV03】 【03 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅲ】 【TV05】 【04 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅳ】 【TV10】 【05 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅴ】 【TV13】 【06 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅵ】 【TV14】 【 ],[TV01 Adventure Episode 00】 【】 【】 【12Live Alive Sagittarius TV12】 【13】 【TV11 day 14Someday in the rain】 【】 【】 TV09 Note: The TV did not play according to the order of the novel itself, the above is based on the novel the order of rows, the latter in parentheses is the order of .09 on TV for broadcast in April a new Section 01 order and if the time 04/02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 1 04/09 Section 02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya if 2
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
04/16 the first 03 words of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the first 04 words of 3 04/23 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the first 05 words of 4 04/30 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 5 05/07 first 06 words of Haruhi Suzumiya 6, No. 07 05/14 depression if the boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya the first 08 words of bamboo 05/21 Rhapsody No. 05/28 ← 09 new words for the image signal 06/04 10 words of the mysterious island syndrome (prequel) No. 06/11 11 words Island Syndrome (Part Two) 06/18 12 August endlessly if new work images ← 【back】 06/25 may be the beginning of the 13th August so endlessly for images ← 【New】 07 times No. 15498 / 02 14 August ← endlessly if a new image for the first 15,499 times】 【07/09 15 August ← endlessly if the new section 15 513 times for image 【16】 07/16 endlessly eight words ← new work on the first 15,521 times】 【image 17 of 07/23 August ← endlessly if the new section 15 524 times for image 【】 07/30 endlessly 18th August if new work images ← 【times】 08 No. 15527 / 07 19 August ← endlessly if the new section 15 532 times for image 【】 (end August) 20 08/14, then a sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 1 ← Image 08/21 for 21 new words a sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 2 ← 08/28 22 new words for the image of Haruhi Suzumiya sigh 3 ← 23 new words for the image 09/03 sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 4 ← Image 09/10 for 24 new words a sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 5 ← 25 new words for the image 09/17 Asahina real adventure 09/24 Nine Live Alive 10/01, then 26, then 27 the day of Sagittarius 10/08 28 Movie Someday in the rain, then animated the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (broadcast in 2010) in the just-concluded If at the end of the 28 special report, the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Theater in the spring of 2010! February 6, 2010 release. Theme Song PV There Healy Summary Nagato Haruhi Suzumiya with the power to create a new world (according to the length of the door I said this is BUG), a world created in the long door panel members in the SOS into the memory of ordinary people and everyone has been tampered with, only A Virtual memory is retained (Kyon Nagato want to choose.) The world did not spring, and a tree high in the northern foot of a private high school in the long door into a common love of books and girls a subtle change in personality, Asahina Nine is just an ordinary real sister school, the re-emergence Ryoko Asakura . A virtual world changed that long to find clues left by the door to the world change back. Kyon by John. Smith (Kyon in the After the spring is always do not know Kyon is John Smith.) so do not know the name of their spring and thus believe they found the key (when all the original members of the SOS group gathered in the community classroom). After the start of the emergency escape mode are not affected to the Tanabata three years ago, long in the original doors and Asahina (big) with the help of the time change back to the world just stop long door, only to encounter the attacks Asakura, Kyon stabbed to the ground. From the future to another Kyon, Asahina (small), normal successful completion of the long door back into the world of work. A virtual reality world fell from the stairs unconscious for three days. A virtual group SOS (キ ョ ン) seiyuu: Sugita Chile and

A is true, as the protagonist of this. Kyon is actually his nickname, real name unknown, is responsible for the role of story narration. Although the story as the center of Haruhi Suzumiya, but the angle of the story is Kyon spoken. North County high school students in five classes a year at home with parents with a younger sister, as well as A child eager to meet fun, miraculous events, but he understands that Until met Haruhi. Since the spring force to be pulled into the SOS group, he would often due to spring Guizhu Yi, which was overwhelmed. He is only normal SOS group, so often would be unreasonable spring spring orders and obey all the attitude of dissatisfaction and complaints (mostly on complaints of spring and the ancient spring, is also a feature of this for.) Nine of the actual sulfur Asahina have a good impression, and can detect micro-long changes in the expression gate. He is also almost the only people who will advise spring. According to ancient spring that he has a spring, He often intentionally or unintentionally to solve the spring break of the disaster, in this space has the largest capacity to incite spring. Although he often complained, but in fact he was very fond of life in the SOS group. Height is 170 cm, age 16 years. John. Smith (ジ ョ ン? ス ミ ス) Kyon in the The impression, but then still do not know A virtual spring is John Smith. This name has become a Suzumiya Haruhi Japanese Name: Cool House ハ Hikaru ヒ Hiragana: す ず み や Haruka industrialization Rome Music: Suzumiya Haruhi seiyuu: Hirano Aya

Suzumiya Haruhi, County North High School year five classes of students, SOS group's head , A virtual seat behind forever. Not only pose Duanli content, and whether academic or sports are quite good, but personal conceit, who do not like it are not listening. A high school was empty before the mantra understood as Had been living a normal life, but since the sixth grade in elementary school watched a baseball match, then find out that they are very tiny, very ordinary life is boring. So, she began to change his middle school, continue to make all kinds of strange things (such as sneak into the school playground in the evenings draw strange symbols - symbols are Nagato translated as countries in East and North High are known to everybody in her name, and she as a character. To North High after the words because of Kyon and idea came to set up SOS groups. Extremely impulsive and strong ambition, one have any tricks (usually not through the brain) must be executed immediately, but the rush has always been suffering with Asahina Kyon. I do not have the ability to consciously change the reality under, as long as she wanted, it would appear, but because she had a normal sense, the world and avoid being changed. This ability led to her she was all forces concerned, but I knew nothing. She Kyon deep feelings than others in multiple works, all showing she is the virtual Afghanistan very seriously. Height is 158 cm, age 16 years. Nagato has hope Japanese name: length doors Xi Hiragana: な が と ゆ ki Rome Music: Nagato Yuki seiyuu: Mao in the original implementation

Nagato have hope, County North High School's first-year students in six classes, SOS group is occupied by the Department of Art Department of the only remaining member of the classroom, usually always deadpan reading (mostly thick hardcover book), to live alone. Her real identity is present in the universe of She has through the The inner monologue of Without violating the laws of physics can be easily penetrated the operation of any computer connected to the network. In addition to books outside of the computer research community has little interest in own game. Debut the shape of a spectacle when the mother, moving in position after the unsuccessful assassination Kyon Kyon because of the views and positions on North Korea to give up without apology and glasses look. As the story develops, she gradually reveal a variety of feelings. In the Height is 154 cm, the appearance of age was 16. Asahina real Nine Japanese Name: Asahina み く る hiragana: あ さ ひ な み く る Rome Music: Asahina Mikuru seiyuu: Goto Yap child

Asahina real Jiu sulfur, County North High School sophomore, left chest at the have a star-shaped mole, has become a recognized fact Kyon Nine of the wretched method. Have a cute baby face and let the Big Spring Huo Da (due to MS is jealousy..), There are many boys and supporters, was Taniguchi referred to as Because the spring needs LORI Big Moe said the role of the mascot was forced to join SOS group. She was originally a student of calligraphy department now is the maid and mascot SOS group. Spring is often forced to do all kinds of cosplay, and left the computer in the classroom community many wonderful photos (by A ######## to hide the exclusive). Specified in the SOS group members work for the tea, in order to do my best, but will personally buy quality tea to serve the other members. Character timid and fearful, from time to time Distressed look. Her real identity is from the future investigators, but because of the low level without any special powers with the authority, with the ordinary people Meiliang Yang. The set limits, as long as the conversation about the issues involved in prohibited, I would have In the Consciousness and Kyon whenever there are any more intimate act nervous, and to make Kyon Suzumiya established between the emergence of issues that required Kyon with their distance. Height is 152 cm, age 17 years (from the future to ignore.) Nine solid sulfur Asahina (big) for the number of degrees in this debut, Nine Asahina real glossy look a few years later. In the text as Become more adult version of Asahina

mature. Nine solid sulfur (large) through striving after the organization has more authority and ability. A virtual who told , the mysterious transfer student, was hooked spring SOS nine groups of students a year, spring and was appointed Deputy Head of Mission SOS. Are similar think-tank in the story, always with a smile role. According to the different mood at that time, the ancient spring there will be a smile on his face subtle differences. And his face, Like to play a variety of table games, and often with different types of table games to the classroom and the Arab virtual community to play, but the technology is very bad. Like the philosophy of Kyon said (and most relevant of Haruhi Suzumiya). His true identity is a super ability to organize, The work and the spirit of Haruhi Suzumiya is not stable and made of closed space-related, so the mental state of Haruhi Suzumiya particularly concerned about saying that he is to study the mental state of Haruhi Suzumiya experts. In the Height is 178 cm, the age is 16 years old Japanese school classmate Ryoko Asakura Name: Ryoko Asakura hiragana: あ さ う く ら こ Rome ri ょ Music: Asakura Ryoko seiyuu: Sang Natsuko

flights a year's squad , was rated AA + level Taniguchi girl, a good mind, good character, is a very popular man of the hour in class. Her true identity and as long as the information integration doors missing body under the aliens, and as long the door has the ability to manipulate spatial information, and and long-lived in the same apartment building doors. She had the task is to assist the long door,shape up shoes, to observe Haruhi Suzumiya, but in order to enable observation of the object (Haruhi Suzumiya) change, and therefore decided to Kyon Suzumiya ─ ─ the only important person - to kill in order to observe the changes in the assassination of the last Kyon is a long process of lifting the door with the disappearance of information. Nagato in order to hide the secret, so people think that because of the disappearance of Asakura and his family to emigrate to Canada. In the Is 160 cm tall, looks age is 16. Suzumiya latest series as five classes of students, and graduated from the Eastern States, like spring. Like fishing MA, and has one year to the north all the girls in the high rating. Kyon Kyon and Haruhi is the former accosted Taniguchi say that the spring from the past. Height is 170 cm, age 16 years. Kunikida Japanese name: Kunikida hiragana: に く だ Rome ki tone: Kunikida seiyuu: Song-Yuan Hui flights year students in middle and Kyon is the students, has been surprised that the girls like Kyon (A virtual firm said there is a misunderstanding.) Height is 166 cm, age 16 years. Tsuruya Japanese Name: Tsuruya Hiragana: つ る や Rome Music: Tsuruya seiyuu: Matsuoka by your

Asahina classmates, SOS group's honorary adviser. Lively, bold aesthetic, the usual good care of Asahina. Money is not an ordinary family (living in a very large and the style mansions, and a number of villas), from Suzumiya Haruhi plot shows that the ancient springs of their home organizations to provide funding. That spring, long doors and Asahina are not ordinary people, and has said that Kyon and her body has the same normal taste. Height is 160 cm, the age is 17 years old. Japanese name of the computer club president: コ ン ピ ュ Minister seiyuu タ Research: Small-volt extension of the real name unknown second-year computer research agency, to live alone. By spring to his Deep grievances because of this, I often log SOS group's website to see if they have not been updated (and so he was involved in In the Hi Green River Misato Japanese Name: hi green river beauty in hiragana: ki み ど ri え み ri Rome Music: Kimidori Emiri seiyuu: white bird from the inside

County North High School sophomore girls, and Asahina is not the same class only in the common curriculum met with her, even between the two said nothing more than words. In the In fact, the computer research club president did not know they have such a girlfriend, according to ancient spring that is alien green hi end, but guess hi ancient spring is a long green door guardians (but do not know the ancient spring that is even green hi time as a) It is Kyon guess she belongs to the moderates. Now a student secretary. And most of the users guess the missing information integration length of the body in order to prevent the door again to create a for monitoring. Age was 17 years old. Sakamoto in the The second group of people commissioned by SOS. Is Kyon her classmates, the family is very rich, but not so much Tsuruya. She asked the SOS mission to investigate the area near the dog suddenly not an area of ​​mystery, her pet dog Rousseau more therefore does not apply, the last case resolved by the length of the door. Thereafter, spring like Rousseau visited her home and play. Other roles virtual girl Japanese name: キ ョ ン の sister seiyuu: Aoki Shizuka Kyon's sister, whose real name is unknown, fifth-grade student. Nickname Kyon Kyon is her students to Lively, innocent, sometimes participate in the activities of SOS groups (such as baseball games, co-places, film, etc.). Shamisen Japanese Name: シ ャ ミ ン セ Rome Music: Shamisen seiyuu: Kenichi Ogata in the Initial desire for a cool house ability to speak (and still said, full of philosophical taste some of it), then back to normal because the world lost the ability to speak, and was Kyon adoption. Nickname shamisen. (Note: The traditional Japanese musical instrument shamisen resonance box is fur made.) Shamisen II Japanese Name: シ ャ ミ セ ン 2 Rome tone: Shamisen Nigou () (animation did not debut) in reasoning because they have to play the spring game and picked up as props in the female tri-color cat. Nickname shamisen II. More pills Keiichi Japanese name: multi-pill Keiichi hiragana: ta ma る け い い ち Rome Music: Tamaru Keiichi seiyuu: Kazuhiko Inoue in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is the owner of the villa. Wan Yu Japanese name more: more pills Yu hiragana: ta ta か ま る ゆ Rome Music: Tamaru Yutaka seiyuu: Morikawa wise in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is a multi-pill Keiichi's younger brother. New River Japanese Name: New River hiragana: あ ら か わ Rome Music: Arakawa seiyuu: Akio Otsuka in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is employed in the multi-pill Keiichi housekeeper. He is also the Ministry that Forest Park, birthday text Name: Forest Park Health hiragana: ri そ の も う Rome Music: Mori Sonou seiyuu: Large front Sin in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is employed in the multi-pill Keiichi waitress. Japanese name in the river: the River Hiragana: な か が わ Rome Music: Nakagawa (not the animation debut) in the Is Kyon he knew in junior high school nodding acquaintance, is a robust body of young blood. In the SOS group on the first day of outdoor activities, long door at first sight, since the program was started ten years of marriage have been planned, and by Kyon Nagato hand to express their love and interest caused by the long doors. Last long, they discovered the whole story because the whole issue through the contact device in the river with ET (long door) to see the integration of information missing body powers, while the river is in fact love the integration of information distributed by the body miss out the wisdom of light. In this ultra-long ability to remove his door after door in the river will lose interest for long, but all along the river do not know the truth about the whole thing. Scholars (tentative translation) Japanese Name: ハ カ セ ん く Rome tone: Hakasekun (not animation debut) in Is a polite little boy (about fifth, small d), and very good at painting. Live in the neighborhood of Haruhi Suzumiya, Haruhi often help him. Future people, he is a very important person,skechers shoes online, he can not be achieved because there is no time travel. One day, the road home was almost killed the other people in the future car, Credit goes to Kyon and Asahina to the rescue, was spared. Kyon and Asahina is by Asahina (adult version) was prompted to save the scholars arrived at a crossroads. Time Machine may be the inventor. In addition, he made cold Haruhi no time flat inspired theory. Miyoko Yoshimura Japanese Name: Miyoko Yoshimura hiragana: yo し ら み よ こ Rome む Music: Yoshimura Miyoko Kyon's sister's friend, the virtual call Miyoko. Opposing forces (in the ninth book, Nagato has hope different aliens), Fujiwara (and Asahina real Nine Okinawa, also from the next person) composed of pseudo-SOS group, does not exist Kyon such a SOS group to enter false. Sasaki Japanese name: Sasaki Hiragana: さ さ ki Rome Music: Sasaki is Kyon a close friend of the third year. The face of men preferred A close relationship with the virtual to the river, springs and ancient misunderstanding Kunikida their romance. A virtual spring noted that the relationship between Sasaki and mental state to become unstable after the unconscious; ancient spring even said Sasaki was ten, eight will be fascinated to see her 'attractive woman',skechers tone ups, implying that similar with Haruhi Suzumiya. And with the cool house also that love is a mental illness. Orange said Kyoko Sasaki and spring also has the same ability to create a closed space, but relatively stable, but hope to receive Sasaki completely control the world power. Sasaki I am very confused about things after that. Orange Kyoko Japanese Name: Orange Kyoko hiragana: ta na ki ょ う ち ば こ Rome Music: Tachibana Kyouko are and In the A super-powers are, but claimed that ability come from Sasaki than Suzumiya Haruhi, that the ability of Haruhi Suzumiya is part Sasaki, simply because something goes wrong and become the current situation and wanted to eliminate the ability of Haruhi Suzumiya. Sasaki blocking access to create space in the three opposing forces in a leading role. And ancient springs over different factions who are able to have access to Sasaki with Kyon latching space. A virtual first met with in the Nine weeks of anti-Yao Japanese name: week nine against Yao Hiragana: す く う よ う お Rome Music: Suou Kuyou canopy areas are aliens. Character silent and strange, incoherent speech, and Orange followed Kyoko Sasaki, purpose and position is unknown. Appearance is a thick and long black hair with cold girl, (A description of the virtual) and the true identity of the door with hope and long integration of information corresponding to the missing body, adversary. Remember the story of distress in the snow, due to (Blasphemer, cut), but nine weeks of anti-Yao whether their participation can not be determined. Fujiwara Japanese Name: Fujiwara Hiragana: ふ じ わ ら Rome Music: Hujiwara and Asahina from the future of people in different organizations. In the In the The idea of ​​orange Kyoko performed casually. A virtual attitude was very annoying. Proprietary Glossary SOS Group Detailed World を Sekai wo large い に sheng ri on げ る ta め の Ooini moriagerutame no Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の Suzumiya haruhi no dan take paragraphs at the beginning of the Roman word for the abbreviation Suzumiya Haruhi group This society is heard Haruhi Suzumiya ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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Old 11-07-2011, 04:31 AM   #4
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g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

Haruhi Suzumiya (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ) (suzumiya haruhi) is Japan, two characters can be substituted), the series is the author of the novel flow Tanigawa, who with the Serve as illustrations of the novel is い う と の い ぢ, but also novel Chinese name: Haruhi Suzumiya Date of birth: 25 February Zodiac: Pisces like people: A virtual team: SOS Group (Leader) School: North High School a year Nishinomiya City flights
Suzumiya Haruhi Biography war record in the Meng Meng Meng has published over one simplified Chinese version of the novel title 06 broadcast TV version of the animation sequence and time in April 2009 for broadcast on the new animation sequence and timing of Movie disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya ( broadcast in 2010) Abstract A virtual group SOS (キ ョ ン) John. Smith (ジ ョ ン? ス ミ ス) Suzumiya Haruhi Nagato have hope Asahina real Nine Asahina real Nine Okinawa (large) Old Springs a tree on campus students Asakura Ryoko Taniguchi Kunikida Tsuruya computer research club president hi green river beauty in Osaka in the other roles virtual girl Sammi line shamisen II multi-pill Keiichi more pills Yuxin Chuan Sen Park students in the River scholars (provisional translation) Yoshimura Miyoko opposing forces Sasaki Orange Kyoko week against nine Yao Fujiwara proprietary Glossary SOS Group Detailed on the alien words about the future of human lexical on the powers of those words on the different world's vocabulary timing list of Haruhi Suzumiya Series Summary Suzumiya Haruhi series schedule: Related Game Haruhi Suzumiya and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be affixed to it album

Suzumiya Haruhi novel content to as the center of Haruhi Suzumiya SOS group adventure story (or the protagonist's distress story.) At the beginning of bright spots, depicts a seemingly fantasy and realistic world that because of the desire of Haruhi Suzumiya is concentrated. Currently published to Dijiu Ji, the Chinese version published by the Taiwan Kadokawa. Kadokawa Comics is currently in the In the movie prior to broadcast, SOS group radio branch also joined the solidarity activities, radio support in the Feb. 3 started broadcasting from Hirano Aya as Suzumiya Haruhi seiyuu, long doors Greece and Asahina real Nine sulfur respectively by Mao Yuan real in-and post- Yap as the rattan child. The end of the SOS group dance cartoon animation broadcast by audiences and widely circulated, but also a large number of performances Cosplay enthusiasts will definitely one of the programs. First half of 2007 to In concert, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 『』 all of all the seiyuu debut, and live concert tracks. Seiyuu Hirano Aya to have also led the famous jump scene SOS dance group, causing the scene Fans scream. Suzumiya Haruhi shock 『』 DVD2007 played on July 27 sale. At the same time, has been adapted for the PS2 game. Kuso the center of the so-called plot must be no doubt with a variety of strange settings. 2009 for the production version of the new message in March 2009 issue of the magazine made NewType notice and related reports. Suzumiya Haruhi anime characters (11) Biography Haruhi Suzumiya Official Birthday: 25 February Zodiac: Pisces Age: high school appearance: dark coffee, short hair + dark yellow eyes + slender body = Haruhi Suzumiya team: SOS group (head) capacity: the destruction / creation of the universe (the world) into what you want in the world (universe) (I don't know) like people: A virtual Nishinomiya City North High School students in five classes a year, although the results excellent first-class sports figure everything looks the same good, but bad character and action but was all weird arm's length. Impulsive and extreme personality complete with ###### and her work is, without a brain,skechers outlet, and ambition is very strong, totally did not listen to others, often to the Queen hands on his hips like POSE, early Huanyi more openly in front of the bold boys behavior, Kyon very seriously,skechers women, even to Originally just an ordinary girl for her because sixth grade in primary school together with his father to see a baseball game, it was found and despair, which began trying to change their desire to live an interesting life. In the country with all the boys to her confession over contacts (time ranging from one week to five minutes), the embrace of the all kinds of weird behavior caused by aliens trying to pay attention, became the breath of the eccentric, but has been unable to do so, so very sad day. But she did not know was, in her seemingly futile actions, the world has begun to turn around her. With their consciousness with the power to change the world, who are part of the super powers, like the existence of Chuangshi Shen as I see it himself. War record Zhong Meng Meng Meng quarterfinals in 2007 the first China (sixth)
2008 world champion Meng ruby ​​
up to 16 people compete for the 2010 Meng Race 1 @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 313 votes two really red @ Rozen Maiden 248 votes assessment of the early part of season 1 Green Star Stone @ Rozen Maiden 241 votes 2 Haruhi Suzumiya @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of 181 votes in the failure group of a return to battle a Haruhi Suzumiya @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of 252 votes 2 rattan Linxing @ CLANNAD 238 votes in the failure group at the second battle a mercury @ Rozen Maiden 90 votes 2 Haruhi Suzumiya @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of 82 votes total score: Ninth Suzumiya Haruhi disappeared screenshots (20) has been published Fiction Title Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の depression) won its eighth Sneaker Award ISBN 4044292019 (Japanese) ISBN 9867427882 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750429 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi sigh (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の slip rate) ISBN 4044292027 ( Japanese) ISBN 9867299205 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750443 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi bored (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の back bend) ISBN 4044292035 (Japanese) ISBN 9867299531 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750436 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi disappeared (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒの disappeared) ISBN 4044292043 (Japanese) ISBN 9867189183 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750412 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi runaway (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の runaway) ISBN 4044292051 (Japanese) ISBN 9867189809 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750580 (mainland version) Suzumiya spring shake (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の action) ISBN 404429206X (in Japanese) ISBN 9861740481 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750597 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi conspiracy (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の conspiracy) ISBN 4044292078 (Japanese) ISBN 9787532750603 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi indignation (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の indignation) novel comes album (20P) ISBN 4044292086 (Japanese) ISBN 9787532750450 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi split (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の split) presented Viking) ISBN 9787532750610 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi shock (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の dismay) [will be May 25,shape up skechers, 2011 in the world, 13 countries also listed down Double Pack] Simplified Chinese version of Translation Publishing House to introduce, and in January 1, 2011 published.
Shanghai Translation Edition Haruhi Suzumiya
TV version of the animation sequence and broadcast 06 hours 【The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 01】 【Ⅰ】
TV02 Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
【02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ⅱ】 【TV03】 【03 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅲ】 【TV05】 【04 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅳ】 【TV10】 【05 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅴ】 【TV13】 【06 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅵ】 【TV14】 【 ],[TV01 Adventure Episode 00】 【】 【】 【12Live Alive Sagittarius TV12】 【13】 【TV11 day 14Someday in the rain】 【】 【】 TV09 Note: The TV did not play according to the order of the novel itself, the above is based on the novel the order of rows, the latter in parentheses is the order of .09 on TV for broadcast in April a new Section 01 order and if the time 04/02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 1 04/09 Section 02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya if 2
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
04/16 the first 03 words of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the first 04 words of 3 04/23 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the first 05 words of 4 04/30 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 5 05/07 first 06 words of Haruhi Suzumiya 6, No. 07 05/14 depression if the boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya the first 08 words of bamboo 05/21 Rhapsody No. 05/28 ← 09 new words for the image signal 06/04 10 words of the mysterious island syndrome (prequel) No. 06/11 11 words Island Syndrome (Part Two) 06/18 12 August endlessly if new work images ← 【back】 06/25 may be the beginning of the 13th August so endlessly for images ← 【New】 07 times No. 15498 / 02 14 August ← endlessly if a new image for the first 15,499 times】 【07/09 15 August ← endlessly if the new section 15 513 times for image 【16】 07/16 endlessly eight words ← new work on the first 15,521 times】 【image 17 of 07/23 August ← endlessly if the new section 15 524 times for image 【】 07/30 endlessly 18th August if new work images ← 【times】 08 No. 15527 / 07 19 August ← endlessly if the new section 15 532 times for image 【】 (end August) 20 08/14, then a sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 1 ← Image 08/21 for 21 new words a sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 2 ← 08/28 22 new words for the image of Haruhi Suzumiya sigh 3 ← 23 new words for the image 09/03 sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 4 ← Image 09/10 for 24 new words a sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 5 ← 25 new words for the image 09/17 Asahina real adventure 09/24 Nine Live Alive 10/01, then 26, then 27 the day of Sagittarius 10/08 28 Movie Someday in the rain, then animated the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (broadcast in 2010) in the just-concluded If at the end of the 28 special report, the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Theater in the spring of 2010! February 6, 2010 release. Theme Song PV There Healy Summary Nagato Haruhi Suzumiya with the power to create a new world (according to the length of the door I said this is BUG), a world created in the long door panel members in the SOS into the memory of ordinary people and everyone has been tampered with, only A Virtual memory is retained (Kyon Nagato want to choose.) The world did not spring, and a tree high in the northern foot of a private high school in the long door into a common love of books and girls a subtle change in personality, Asahina Nine is just an ordinary real sister school, the re-emergence Ryoko Asakura . A virtual world changed that long to find clues left by the door to the world change back. Kyon by John. Smith (Kyon in the After the spring is always do not know Kyon is John Smith.) so do not know the name of their spring and thus believe they found the key (when all the original members of the SOS group gathered in the community classroom). After the start of the emergency escape mode are not affected to the Tanabata three years ago, long in the original doors and Asahina (big) with the help of the time change back to the world just stop long door, only to encounter the attacks Asakura, Kyon stabbed to the ground. From the future to another Kyon, Asahina (small), normal successful completion of the long door back into the world of work. A virtual reality world fell from the stairs unconscious for three days. A virtual group SOS (キ ョ ン) seiyuu: Sugita Chile and

A is true, as the protagonist of this. Kyon is actually his nickname, real name unknown, is responsible for the role of story narration. Although the story as the center of Haruhi Suzumiya, but the angle of the story is Kyon spoken. North County high school students in five classes a year at home with parents with a younger sister, as well as A child eager to meet fun, miraculous events, but he understands that Until met Haruhi. Since the spring force to be pulled into the SOS group, he would often due to spring Guizhu Yi, which was overwhelmed. He is only normal SOS group, so often would be unreasonable spring spring orders and obey all the attitude of dissatisfaction and complaints (mostly on complaints of spring and the ancient spring, is also a feature of this for.) Nine of the actual sulfur Asahina have a good impression, and can detect micro-long changes in the expression gate. He is also almost the only people who will advise spring. According to ancient spring that he has a spring, He often intentionally or unintentionally to solve the spring break of the disaster, in this space has the largest capacity to incite spring. Although he often complained, but in fact he was very fond of life in the SOS group. Height is 170 cm, age 16 years. John. Smith (ジ ョ ン? ス ミ ス) Kyon in the The impression, but then still do not know A virtual spring is John Smith. This name has become a Suzumiya Haruhi Japanese Name: Cool House ハ Hikaru ヒ Hiragana: す ず み や Haruka industrialization Rome Music: Suzumiya Haruhi seiyuu: Hirano Aya

Suzumiya Haruhi, County North High School year five classes of students, SOS group's head , A virtual seat behind forever. Not only pose Duanli content, and whether academic or sports are quite good, but personal conceit, who do not like it are not listening. A high school was empty before the mantra understood as Had been living a normal life, but since the sixth grade in elementary school watched a baseball match, then find out that they are very tiny, very ordinary life is boring. So, she began to change his middle school, continue to make all kinds of strange things (such as sneak into the school playground in the evenings draw strange symbols - symbols are Nagato translated as countries in East and North High are known to everybody in her name, and she as a character. To North High after the words because of Kyon and idea came to set up SOS groups. Extremely impulsive and strong ambition, one have any tricks (usually not through the brain) must be executed immediately, but the rush has always been suffering with Asahina Kyon. I do not have the ability to consciously change the reality under, as long as she wanted, it would appear, but because she had a normal sense, the world and avoid being changed. This ability led to her she was all forces concerned, but I knew nothing. She Kyon deep feelings than others in multiple works, all showing she is the virtual Afghanistan very seriously. Height is 158 cm, age 16 years. Nagato has hope Japanese name: length doors Xi Hiragana: な が と ゆ ki Rome Music: Nagato Yuki seiyuu: Mao in the original implementation

Nagato have hope, County North High School's first-year students in six classes, SOS group is occupied by the Department of Art Department of the only remaining member of the classroom, usually always deadpan reading (mostly thick hardcover book), to live alone. Her real identity is present in the universe of She has through the The inner monologue of Without violating the laws of physics can be easily penetrated the operation of any computer connected to the network. In addition to books outside of the computer research community has little interest in own game. Debut the shape of a spectacle when the mother, moving in position after the unsuccessful assassination Kyon Kyon because of the views and positions on North Korea to give up without apology and glasses look. As the story develops, she gradually reveal a variety of feelings. In the Height is 154 cm, the appearance of age was 16. Asahina real Nine Japanese Name: Asahina み く る hiragana: あ さ ひ な み く る Rome Music: Asahina Mikuru seiyuu: Goto Yap child

Asahina real Jiu sulfur, County North High School sophomore, left chest at the have a star-shaped mole, has become a recognized fact Kyon Nine of the wretched method. Have a cute baby face and let the Big Spring Huo Da (due to MS is jealousy..), There are many boys and supporters, was Taniguchi referred to as Because the spring needs LORI Big Moe said the role of the mascot was forced to join SOS group. She was originally a student of calligraphy department now is the maid and mascot SOS group. Spring is often forced to do all kinds of cosplay, and left the computer in the classroom community many wonderful photos (by A ######## to hide the exclusive). Specified in the SOS group members work for the tea, in order to do my best, but will personally buy quality tea to serve the other members. Character timid and fearful, from time to time Distressed look. Her real identity is from the future investigators, but because of the low level without any special powers with the authority, with the ordinary people Meiliang Yang. The set limits, as long as the conversation about the issues involved in prohibited, I would have In the Consciousness and Kyon whenever there are any more intimate act nervous, and to make Kyon Suzumiya established between the emergence of issues that required Kyon with their distance. Height is 152 cm, age 17 years (from the future to ignore.) Nine solid sulfur Asahina (big) for the number of degrees in this debut, Nine Asahina real glossy look a few years later. In the text as Become more adult version of Asahina

mature. Nine solid sulfur (large) through striving after the organization has more authority and ability. A virtual who told , the mysterious transfer student, was hooked spring SOS nine groups of students a year, spring and was appointed Deputy Head of Mission SOS. Are similar think-tank in the story, always with a smile role. According to the different mood at that time, the ancient spring there will be a smile on his face subtle differences. And his face, Like to play a variety of table games, and often with different types of table games to the classroom and the Arab virtual community to play, but the technology is very bad. Like the philosophy of Kyon said (and most relevant of Haruhi Suzumiya). His true identity is a super ability to organize, The work and the spirit of Haruhi Suzumiya is not stable and made of closed space-related, so the mental state of Haruhi Suzumiya particularly concerned about saying that he is to study the mental state of Haruhi Suzumiya experts. In the Height is 178 cm, the age is 16 years old Japanese school classmate Ryoko Asakura Name: Ryoko Asakura hiragana: あ さ う く ら こ Rome ri ょ Music: Asakura Ryoko seiyuu: Sang Natsuko

flights a year's squad , was rated AA + level Taniguchi girl, a good mind, good character, is a very popular man of the hour in class. Her true identity and as long as the information integration doors missing body under the aliens, and as long the door has the ability to manipulate spatial information, and and long-lived in the same apartment building doors. She had the task is to assist the long door,shape up shoes, to observe Haruhi Suzumiya, but in order to enable observation of the object (Haruhi Suzumiya) change, and therefore decided to Kyon Suzumiya ─ ─ the only important person - to kill in order to observe the changes in the assassination of the last Kyon is a long process of lifting the door with the disappearance of information. Nagato in order to hide the secret, so people think that because of the disappearance of Asakura and his family to emigrate to Canada. In the Is 160 cm tall, looks age is 16. Suzumiya latest series as five classes of students, and graduated from the Eastern States, like spring. Like fishing MA, and has one year to the north all the girls in the high rating. Kyon Kyon and Haruhi is the former accosted Taniguchi say that the spring from the past. Height is 170 cm, age 16 years. Kunikida Japanese name: Kunikida hiragana: に く だ Rome ki tone: Kunikida seiyuu: Song-Yuan Hui flights year students in middle and Kyon is the students, has been surprised that the girls like Kyon (A virtual firm said there is a misunderstanding.) Height is 166 cm, age 16 years. Tsuruya Japanese Name: Tsuruya Hiragana: つ る や Rome Music: Tsuruya seiyuu: Matsuoka by your

Asahina classmates, SOS group's honorary adviser. Lively, bold aesthetic, the usual good care of Asahina. Money is not an ordinary family (living in a very large and the style mansions, and a number of villas), from Suzumiya Haruhi plot shows that the ancient springs of their home organizations to provide funding. That spring, long doors and Asahina are not ordinary people, and has said that Kyon and her body has the same normal taste. Height is 160 cm, the age is 17 years old. Japanese name of the computer club president: コ ン ピ ュ Minister seiyuu タ Research: Small-volt extension of the real name unknown second-year computer research agency, to live alone. By spring to his Deep grievances because of this, I often log SOS group's website to see if they have not been updated (and so he was involved in In the Hi Green River Misato Japanese Name: hi green river beauty in hiragana: ki み ど ri え み ri Rome Music: Kimidori Emiri seiyuu: white bird from the inside

County North High School sophomore girls, and Asahina is not the same class only in the common curriculum met with her, even between the two said nothing more than words. In the In fact, the computer research club president did not know they have such a girlfriend, according to ancient spring that is alien green hi end, but guess hi ancient spring is a long green door guardians (but do not know the ancient spring that is even green hi time as a) It is Kyon guess she belongs to the moderates. Now a student secretary. And most of the users guess the missing information integration length of the body in order to prevent the door again to create a for monitoring. Age was 17 years old. Sakamoto in the The second group of people commissioned by SOS. Is Kyon her classmates, the family is very rich, but not so much Tsuruya. She asked the SOS mission to investigate the area near the dog suddenly not an area of ​​mystery, her pet dog Rousseau more therefore does not apply, the last case resolved by the length of the door. Thereafter, spring like Rousseau visited her home and play. Other roles virtual girl Japanese name: キ ョ ン の sister seiyuu: Aoki Shizuka Kyon's sister, whose real name is unknown, fifth-grade student. Nickname Kyon Kyon is her students to Lively, innocent, sometimes participate in the activities of SOS groups (such as baseball games, co-places, film, etc.). Shamisen Japanese Name: シ ャ ミ ン セ Rome Music: Shamisen seiyuu: Kenichi Ogata in the Initial desire for a cool house ability to speak (and still said, full of philosophical taste some of it), then back to normal because the world lost the ability to speak, and was Kyon adoption. Nickname shamisen. (Note: The traditional Japanese musical instrument shamisen resonance box is fur made.) Shamisen II Japanese Name: シ ャ ミ セ ン 2 Rome tone: Shamisen Nigou () (animation did not debut) in reasoning because they have to play the spring game and picked up as props in the female tri-color cat. Nickname shamisen II. More pills Keiichi Japanese name: multi-pill Keiichi hiragana: ta ma る け い い ち Rome Music: Tamaru Keiichi seiyuu: Kazuhiko Inoue in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is the owner of the villa. Wan Yu Japanese name more: more pills Yu hiragana: ta ta か ま る ゆ Rome Music: Tamaru Yutaka seiyuu: Morikawa wise in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is a multi-pill Keiichi's younger brother. New River Japanese Name: New River hiragana: あ ら か わ Rome Music: Arakawa seiyuu: Akio Otsuka in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is employed in the multi-pill Keiichi housekeeper. He is also the Ministry that Forest Park, birthday text Name: Forest Park Health hiragana: ri そ の も う Rome Music: Mori Sonou seiyuu: Large front Sin in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is employed in the multi-pill Keiichi waitress. Japanese name in the river: the River Hiragana: な か が わ Rome Music: Nakagawa (not the animation debut) in the Is Kyon he knew in junior high school nodding acquaintance, is a robust body of young blood. In the SOS group on the first day of outdoor activities, long door at first sight, since the program was started ten years of marriage have been planned, and by Kyon Nagato hand to express their love and interest caused by the long doors. Last long, they discovered the whole story because the whole issue through the contact device in the river with ET (long door) to see the integration of information missing body powers, while the river is in fact love the integration of information distributed by the body miss out the wisdom of light. In this ultra-long ability to remove his door after door in the river will lose interest for long, but all along the river do not know the truth about the whole thing. Scholars (tentative translation) Japanese Name: ハ カ セ ん く Rome tone: Hakasekun (not animation debut) in Is a polite little boy (about fifth, small d), and very good at painting. Live in the neighborhood of Haruhi Suzumiya, Haruhi often help him. Future people, he is a very important person,skechers shoes online, he can not be achieved because there is no time travel. One day, the road home was almost killed the other people in the future car, Credit goes to Kyon and Asahina to the rescue, was spared. Kyon and Asahina is by Asahina (adult version) was prompted to save the scholars arrived at a crossroads. Time Machine may be the inventor. In addition, he made cold Haruhi no time flat inspired theory. Miyoko Yoshimura Japanese Name: Miyoko Yoshimura hiragana: yo し ら み よ こ Rome む Music: Yoshimura Miyoko Kyon's sister's friend, the virtual call Miyoko. Opposing forces (in the ninth book, Nagato has hope different aliens), Fujiwara (and Asahina real Nine Okinawa, also from the next person) composed of pseudo-SOS group, does not exist Kyon such a SOS group to enter false. Sasaki Japanese name: Sasaki Hiragana: さ さ ki Rome Music: Sasaki is Kyon a close friend of the third year. The face of men preferred A close relationship with the virtual to the river, springs and ancient misunderstanding Kunikida their romance. A virtual spring noted that the relationship between Sasaki and mental state to become unstable after the unconscious; ancient spring even said Sasaki was ten, eight will be fascinated to see her 'attractive woman',skechers tone ups, implying that similar with Haruhi Suzumiya. And with the cool house also that love is a mental illness. Orange said Kyoko Sasaki and spring also has the same ability to create a closed space, but relatively stable, but hope to receive Sasaki completely control the world power. Sasaki I am very confused about things after that. Orange Kyoko Japanese Name: Orange Kyoko hiragana: ta na ki ょ う ち ば こ Rome Music: Tachibana Kyouko are and In the A super-powers are, but claimed that ability come from Sasaki than Suzumiya Haruhi, that the ability of Haruhi Suzumiya is part Sasaki, simply because something goes wrong and become the current situation and wanted to eliminate the ability of Haruhi Suzumiya. Sasaki blocking access to create space in the three opposing forces in a leading role. And ancient springs over different factions who are able to have access to Sasaki with Kyon latching space. A virtual first met with in the Nine weeks of anti-Yao Japanese name: week nine against Yao Hiragana: す く う よ う お Rome Music: Suou Kuyou canopy areas are aliens. Character silent and strange, incoherent speech, and Orange followed Kyoko Sasaki, purpose and position is unknown. Appearance is a thick and long black hair with cold girl, (A description of the virtual) and the true identity of the door with hope and long integration of information corresponding to the missing body, adversary. Remember the story of distress in the snow, due to (Blasphemer, cut), but nine weeks of anti-Yao whether their participation can not be determined. Fujiwara Japanese Name: Fujiwara Hiragana: ふ じ わ ら Rome Music: Hujiwara and Asahina from the future of people in different organizations. In the In the The idea of ​​orange Kyoko performed casually. A virtual attitude was very annoying. Proprietary Glossary SOS Group Detailed World を Sekai wo large い に sheng ri on げ る ta め の Ooini moriagerutame no Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の Suzumiya haruhi no dan take paragraphs at the beginning of the Roman word for the abbreviation Suzumiya Haruhi group This society is heard Haruhi Suzumiya ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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Old 11-07-2011, 04:32 AM   #5
Join Date: Feb 2011
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g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

Haruhi Suzumiya (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ) (suzumiya haruhi) is Japan, two characters can be substituted), the series is the author of the novel flow Tanigawa, who with the Serve as illustrations of the novel is い う と の い ぢ, but also novel Chinese name: Haruhi Suzumiya Date of birth: 25 February Zodiac: Pisces like people: A virtual team: SOS Group (Leader) School: North High School a year Nishinomiya City flights
Suzumiya Haruhi Biography war record in the Meng Meng Meng has published over one simplified Chinese version of the novel title 06 broadcast TV version of the animation sequence and time in April 2009 for broadcast on the new animation sequence and timing of Movie disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya ( broadcast in 2010) Abstract A virtual group SOS (キ ョ ン) John. Smith (ジ ョ ン? ス ミ ス) Suzumiya Haruhi Nagato have hope Asahina real Nine Asahina real Nine Okinawa (large) Old Springs a tree on campus students Asakura Ryoko Taniguchi Kunikida Tsuruya computer research club president hi green river beauty in Osaka in the other roles virtual girl Sammi line shamisen II multi-pill Keiichi more pills Yuxin Chuan Sen Park students in the River scholars (provisional translation) Yoshimura Miyoko opposing forces Sasaki Orange Kyoko week against nine Yao Fujiwara proprietary Glossary SOS Group Detailed on the alien words about the future of human lexical on the powers of those words on the different world's vocabulary timing list of Haruhi Suzumiya Series Summary Suzumiya Haruhi series schedule: Related Game Haruhi Suzumiya and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be affixed to it album

Suzumiya Haruhi novel content to as the center of Haruhi Suzumiya SOS group adventure story (or the protagonist's distress story.) At the beginning of bright spots, depicts a seemingly fantasy and realistic world that because of the desire of Haruhi Suzumiya is concentrated. Currently published to Dijiu Ji, the Chinese version published by the Taiwan Kadokawa. Kadokawa Comics is currently in the In the movie prior to broadcast, SOS group radio branch also joined the solidarity activities, radio support in the Feb. 3 started broadcasting from Hirano Aya as Suzumiya Haruhi seiyuu, long doors Greece and Asahina real Nine sulfur respectively by Mao Yuan real in-and post- Yap as the rattan child. The end of the SOS group dance cartoon animation broadcast by audiences and widely circulated, but also a large number of performances Cosplay enthusiasts will definitely one of the programs. First half of 2007 to In concert, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 『』 all of all the seiyuu debut, and live concert tracks. Seiyuu Hirano Aya to have also led the famous jump scene SOS dance group, causing the scene Fans scream. Suzumiya Haruhi shock 『』 DVD2007 played on July 27 sale. At the same time, has been adapted for the PS2 game. Kuso the center of the so-called plot must be no doubt with a variety of strange settings. 2009 for the production version of the new message in March 2009 issue of the magazine made NewType notice and related reports. Suzumiya Haruhi anime characters (11) Biography Haruhi Suzumiya Official Birthday: 25 February Zodiac: Pisces Age: high school appearance: dark coffee, short hair + dark yellow eyes + slender body = Haruhi Suzumiya team: SOS group (head) capacity: the destruction / creation of the universe (the world) into what you want in the world (universe) (I don't know) like people: A virtual Nishinomiya City North High School students in five classes a year, although the results excellent first-class sports figure everything looks the same good, but bad character and action but was all weird arm's length. Impulsive and extreme personality complete with ###### and her work is, without a brain,skechers outlet, and ambition is very strong, totally did not listen to others, often to the Queen hands on his hips like POSE, early Huanyi more openly in front of the bold boys behavior, Kyon very seriously,skechers women, even to Originally just an ordinary girl for her because sixth grade in primary school together with his father to see a baseball game, it was found and despair, which began trying to change their desire to live an interesting life. In the country with all the boys to her confession over contacts (time ranging from one week to five minutes), the embrace of the all kinds of weird behavior caused by aliens trying to pay attention, became the breath of the eccentric, but has been unable to do so, so very sad day. But she did not know was, in her seemingly futile actions, the world has begun to turn around her. With their consciousness with the power to change the world, who are part of the super powers, like the existence of Chuangshi Shen as I see it himself. War record Zhong Meng Meng Meng quarterfinals in 2007 the first China (sixth)
2008 world champion Meng ruby ​​
up to 16 people compete for the 2010 Meng Race 1 @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 313 votes two really red @ Rozen Maiden 248 votes assessment of the early part of season 1 Green Star Stone @ Rozen Maiden 241 votes 2 Haruhi Suzumiya @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of 181 votes in the failure group of a return to battle a Haruhi Suzumiya @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of 252 votes 2 rattan Linxing @ CLANNAD 238 votes in the failure group at the second battle a mercury @ Rozen Maiden 90 votes 2 Haruhi Suzumiya @ Haruhi Suzumiya The Melancholy of 82 votes total score: Ninth Suzumiya Haruhi disappeared screenshots (20) has been published Fiction Title Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の depression) won its eighth Sneaker Award ISBN 4044292019 (Japanese) ISBN 9867427882 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750429 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi sigh (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の slip rate) ISBN 4044292027 ( Japanese) ISBN 9867299205 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750443 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi bored (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の back bend) ISBN 4044292035 (Japanese) ISBN 9867299531 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750436 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi disappeared (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒの disappeared) ISBN 4044292043 (Japanese) ISBN 9867189183 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750412 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi runaway (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の runaway) ISBN 4044292051 (Japanese) ISBN 9867189809 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750580 (mainland version) Suzumiya spring shake (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の action) ISBN 404429206X (in Japanese) ISBN 9861740481 (Taiwan version) ISBN 9787532750597 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi conspiracy (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の conspiracy) ISBN 4044292078 (Japanese) ISBN 9787532750603 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi indignation (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の indignation) novel comes album (20P) ISBN 4044292086 (Japanese) ISBN 9787532750450 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi split (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の split) presented Viking) ISBN 9787532750610 (mainland version) Suzumiya Haruhi shock (Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の dismay) [will be May 25,shape up skechers, 2011 in the world, 13 countries also listed down Double Pack] Simplified Chinese version of Translation Publishing House to introduce, and in January 1, 2011 published.
Shanghai Translation Edition Haruhi Suzumiya
TV version of the animation sequence and broadcast 06 hours 【The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 01】 【Ⅰ】
TV02 Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
【02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ⅱ】 【TV03】 【03 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅲ】 【TV05】 【04 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅳ】 【TV10】 【05 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅴ】 【TV13】 【06 Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy Ⅵ】 【TV14】 【 ],[TV01 Adventure Episode 00】 【】 【】 【12Live Alive Sagittarius TV12】 【13】 【TV11 day 14Someday in the rain】 【】 【】 TV09 Note: The TV did not play according to the order of the novel itself, the above is based on the novel the order of rows, the latter in parentheses is the order of .09 on TV for broadcast in April a new Section 01 order and if the time 04/02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 1 04/09 Section 02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya if 2
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
04/16 the first 03 words of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the first 04 words of 3 04/23 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the first 05 words of 4 04/30 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 5 05/07 first 06 words of Haruhi Suzumiya 6, No. 07 05/14 depression if the boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya the first 08 words of bamboo 05/21 Rhapsody No. 05/28 ← 09 new words for the image signal 06/04 10 words of the mysterious island syndrome (prequel) No. 06/11 11 words Island Syndrome (Part Two) 06/18 12 August endlessly if new work images ← 【back】 06/25 may be the beginning of the 13th August so endlessly for images ← 【New】 07 times No. 15498 / 02 14 August ← endlessly if a new image for the first 15,499 times】 【07/09 15 August ← endlessly if the new section 15 513 times for image 【16】 07/16 endlessly eight words ← new work on the first 15,521 times】 【image 17 of 07/23 August ← endlessly if the new section 15 524 times for image 【】 07/30 endlessly 18th August if new work images ← 【times】 08 No. 15527 / 07 19 August ← endlessly if the new section 15 532 times for image 【】 (end August) 20 08/14, then a sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 1 ← Image 08/21 for 21 new words a sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 2 ← 08/28 22 new words for the image of Haruhi Suzumiya sigh 3 ← 23 new words for the image 09/03 sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 4 ← Image 09/10 for 24 new words a sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 5 ← 25 new words for the image 09/17 Asahina real adventure 09/24 Nine Live Alive 10/01, then 26, then 27 the day of Sagittarius 10/08 28 Movie Someday in the rain, then animated the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (broadcast in 2010) in the just-concluded If at the end of the 28 special report, the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Theater in the spring of 2010! February 6, 2010 release. Theme Song PV There Healy Summary Nagato Haruhi Suzumiya with the power to create a new world (according to the length of the door I said this is BUG), a world created in the long door panel members in the SOS into the memory of ordinary people and everyone has been tampered with, only A Virtual memory is retained (Kyon Nagato want to choose.) The world did not spring, and a tree high in the northern foot of a private high school in the long door into a common love of books and girls a subtle change in personality, Asahina Nine is just an ordinary real sister school, the re-emergence Ryoko Asakura . A virtual world changed that long to find clues left by the door to the world change back. Kyon by John. Smith (Kyon in the After the spring is always do not know Kyon is John Smith.) so do not know the name of their spring and thus believe they found the key (when all the original members of the SOS group gathered in the community classroom). After the start of the emergency escape mode are not affected to the Tanabata three years ago, long in the original doors and Asahina (big) with the help of the time change back to the world just stop long door, only to encounter the attacks Asakura, Kyon stabbed to the ground. From the future to another Kyon, Asahina (small), normal successful completion of the long door back into the world of work. A virtual reality world fell from the stairs unconscious for three days. A virtual group SOS (キ ョ ン) seiyuu: Sugita Chile and

A is true, as the protagonist of this. Kyon is actually his nickname, real name unknown, is responsible for the role of story narration. Although the story as the center of Haruhi Suzumiya, but the angle of the story is Kyon spoken. North County high school students in five classes a year at home with parents with a younger sister, as well as A child eager to meet fun, miraculous events, but he understands that Until met Haruhi. Since the spring force to be pulled into the SOS group, he would often due to spring Guizhu Yi, which was overwhelmed. He is only normal SOS group, so often would be unreasonable spring spring orders and obey all the attitude of dissatisfaction and complaints (mostly on complaints of spring and the ancient spring, is also a feature of this for.) Nine of the actual sulfur Asahina have a good impression, and can detect micro-long changes in the expression gate. He is also almost the only people who will advise spring. According to ancient spring that he has a spring, He often intentionally or unintentionally to solve the spring break of the disaster, in this space has the largest capacity to incite spring. Although he often complained, but in fact he was very fond of life in the SOS group. Height is 170 cm, age 16 years. John. Smith (ジ ョ ン? ス ミ ス) Kyon in the The impression, but then still do not know A virtual spring is John Smith. This name has become a Suzumiya Haruhi Japanese Name: Cool House ハ Hikaru ヒ Hiragana: す ず み や Haruka industrialization Rome Music: Suzumiya Haruhi seiyuu: Hirano Aya

Suzumiya Haruhi, County North High School year five classes of students, SOS group's head , A virtual seat behind forever. Not only pose Duanli content, and whether academic or sports are quite good, but personal conceit, who do not like it are not listening. A high school was empty before the mantra understood as Had been living a normal life, but since the sixth grade in elementary school watched a baseball match, then find out that they are very tiny, very ordinary life is boring. So, she began to change his middle school, continue to make all kinds of strange things (such as sneak into the school playground in the evenings draw strange symbols - symbols are Nagato translated as countries in East and North High are known to everybody in her name, and she as a character. To North High after the words because of Kyon and idea came to set up SOS groups. Extremely impulsive and strong ambition, one have any tricks (usually not through the brain) must be executed immediately, but the rush has always been suffering with Asahina Kyon. I do not have the ability to consciously change the reality under, as long as she wanted, it would appear, but because she had a normal sense, the world and avoid being changed. This ability led to her she was all forces concerned, but I knew nothing. She Kyon deep feelings than others in multiple works, all showing she is the virtual Afghanistan very seriously. Height is 158 cm, age 16 years. Nagato has hope Japanese name: length doors Xi Hiragana: な が と ゆ ki Rome Music: Nagato Yuki seiyuu: Mao in the original implementation

Nagato have hope, County North High School's first-year students in six classes, SOS group is occupied by the Department of Art Department of the only remaining member of the classroom, usually always deadpan reading (mostly thick hardcover book), to live alone. Her real identity is present in the universe of She has through the The inner monologue of Without violating the laws of physics can be easily penetrated the operation of any computer connected to the network. In addition to books outside of the computer research community has little interest in own game. Debut the shape of a spectacle when the mother, moving in position after the unsuccessful assassination Kyon Kyon because of the views and positions on North Korea to give up without apology and glasses look. As the story develops, she gradually reveal a variety of feelings. In the Height is 154 cm, the appearance of age was 16. Asahina real Nine Japanese Name: Asahina み く る hiragana: あ さ ひ な み く る Rome Music: Asahina Mikuru seiyuu: Goto Yap child

Asahina real Jiu sulfur, County North High School sophomore, left chest at the have a star-shaped mole, has become a recognized fact Kyon Nine of the wretched method. Have a cute baby face and let the Big Spring Huo Da (due to MS is jealousy..), There are many boys and supporters, was Taniguchi referred to as Because the spring needs LORI Big Moe said the role of the mascot was forced to join SOS group. She was originally a student of calligraphy department now is the maid and mascot SOS group. Spring is often forced to do all kinds of cosplay, and left the computer in the classroom community many wonderful photos (by A ######## to hide the exclusive). Specified in the SOS group members work for the tea, in order to do my best, but will personally buy quality tea to serve the other members. Character timid and fearful, from time to time Distressed look. Her real identity is from the future investigators, but because of the low level without any special powers with the authority, with the ordinary people Meiliang Yang. The set limits, as long as the conversation about the issues involved in prohibited, I would have In the Consciousness and Kyon whenever there are any more intimate act nervous, and to make Kyon Suzumiya established between the emergence of issues that required Kyon with their distance. Height is 152 cm, age 17 years (from the future to ignore.) Nine solid sulfur Asahina (big) for the number of degrees in this debut, Nine Asahina real glossy look a few years later. In the text as Become more adult version of Asahina

mature. Nine solid sulfur (large) through striving after the organization has more authority and ability. A virtual who told , the mysterious transfer student, was hooked spring SOS nine groups of students a year, spring and was appointed Deputy Head of Mission SOS. Are similar think-tank in the story, always with a smile role. According to the different mood at that time, the ancient spring there will be a smile on his face subtle differences. And his face, Like to play a variety of table games, and often with different types of table games to the classroom and the Arab virtual community to play, but the technology is very bad. Like the philosophy of Kyon said (and most relevant of Haruhi Suzumiya). His true identity is a super ability to organize, The work and the spirit of Haruhi Suzumiya is not stable and made of closed space-related, so the mental state of Haruhi Suzumiya particularly concerned about saying that he is to study the mental state of Haruhi Suzumiya experts. In the Height is 178 cm, the age is 16 years old Japanese school classmate Ryoko Asakura Name: Ryoko Asakura hiragana: あ さ う く ら こ Rome ri ょ Music: Asakura Ryoko seiyuu: Sang Natsuko

flights a year's squad , was rated AA + level Taniguchi girl, a good mind, good character, is a very popular man of the hour in class. Her true identity and as long as the information integration doors missing body under the aliens, and as long the door has the ability to manipulate spatial information, and and long-lived in the same apartment building doors. She had the task is to assist the long door,shape up shoes, to observe Haruhi Suzumiya, but in order to enable observation of the object (Haruhi Suzumiya) change, and therefore decided to Kyon Suzumiya ─ ─ the only important person - to kill in order to observe the changes in the assassination of the last Kyon is a long process of lifting the door with the disappearance of information. Nagato in order to hide the secret, so people think that because of the disappearance of Asakura and his family to emigrate to Canada. In the Is 160 cm tall, looks age is 16. Suzumiya latest series as five classes of students, and graduated from the Eastern States, like spring. Like fishing MA, and has one year to the north all the girls in the high rating. Kyon Kyon and Haruhi is the former accosted Taniguchi say that the spring from the past. Height is 170 cm, age 16 years. Kunikida Japanese name: Kunikida hiragana: に く だ Rome ki tone: Kunikida seiyuu: Song-Yuan Hui flights year students in middle and Kyon is the students, has been surprised that the girls like Kyon (A virtual firm said there is a misunderstanding.) Height is 166 cm, age 16 years. Tsuruya Japanese Name: Tsuruya Hiragana: つ る や Rome Music: Tsuruya seiyuu: Matsuoka by your

Asahina classmates, SOS group's honorary adviser. Lively, bold aesthetic, the usual good care of Asahina. Money is not an ordinary family (living in a very large and the style mansions, and a number of villas), from Suzumiya Haruhi plot shows that the ancient springs of their home organizations to provide funding. That spring, long doors and Asahina are not ordinary people, and has said that Kyon and her body has the same normal taste. Height is 160 cm, the age is 17 years old. Japanese name of the computer club president: コ ン ピ ュ Minister seiyuu タ Research: Small-volt extension of the real name unknown second-year computer research agency, to live alone. By spring to his Deep grievances because of this, I often log SOS group's website to see if they have not been updated (and so he was involved in In the Hi Green River Misato Japanese Name: hi green river beauty in hiragana: ki み ど ri え み ri Rome Music: Kimidori Emiri seiyuu: white bird from the inside

County North High School sophomore girls, and Asahina is not the same class only in the common curriculum met with her, even between the two said nothing more than words. In the In fact, the computer research club president did not know they have such a girlfriend, according to ancient spring that is alien green hi end, but guess hi ancient spring is a long green door guardians (but do not know the ancient spring that is even green hi time as a) It is Kyon guess she belongs to the moderates. Now a student secretary. And most of the users guess the missing information integration length of the body in order to prevent the door again to create a for monitoring. Age was 17 years old. Sakamoto in the The second group of people commissioned by SOS. Is Kyon her classmates, the family is very rich, but not so much Tsuruya. She asked the SOS mission to investigate the area near the dog suddenly not an area of ​​mystery, her pet dog Rousseau more therefore does not apply, the last case resolved by the length of the door. Thereafter, spring like Rousseau visited her home and play. Other roles virtual girl Japanese name: キ ョ ン の sister seiyuu: Aoki Shizuka Kyon's sister, whose real name is unknown, fifth-grade student. Nickname Kyon Kyon is her students to Lively, innocent, sometimes participate in the activities of SOS groups (such as baseball games, co-places, film, etc.). Shamisen Japanese Name: シ ャ ミ ン セ Rome Music: Shamisen seiyuu: Kenichi Ogata in the Initial desire for a cool house ability to speak (and still said, full of philosophical taste some of it), then back to normal because the world lost the ability to speak, and was Kyon adoption. Nickname shamisen. (Note: The traditional Japanese musical instrument shamisen resonance box is fur made.) Shamisen II Japanese Name: シ ャ ミ セ ン 2 Rome tone: Shamisen Nigou () (animation did not debut) in reasoning because they have to play the spring game and picked up as props in the female tri-color cat. Nickname shamisen II. More pills Keiichi Japanese name: multi-pill Keiichi hiragana: ta ma る け い い ち Rome Music: Tamaru Keiichi seiyuu: Kazuhiko Inoue in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is the owner of the villa. Wan Yu Japanese name more: more pills Yu hiragana: ta ta か ま る ゆ Rome Music: Tamaru Yutaka seiyuu: Morikawa wise in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is a multi-pill Keiichi's younger brother. New River Japanese Name: New River hiragana: あ ら か わ Rome Music: Arakawa seiyuu: Akio Otsuka in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is employed in the multi-pill Keiichi housekeeper. He is also the Ministry that Forest Park, birthday text Name: Forest Park Health hiragana: ri そ の も う Rome Music: Mori Sonou seiyuu: Large front Sin in the When the snow-capped mountains in the island and is employed in the multi-pill Keiichi waitress. Japanese name in the river: the River Hiragana: な か が わ Rome Music: Nakagawa (not the animation debut) in the Is Kyon he knew in junior high school nodding acquaintance, is a robust body of young blood. In the SOS group on the first day of outdoor activities, long door at first sight, since the program was started ten years of marriage have been planned, and by Kyon Nagato hand to express their love and interest caused by the long doors. Last long, they discovered the whole story because the whole issue through the contact device in the river with ET (long door) to see the integration of information missing body powers, while the river is in fact love the integration of information distributed by the body miss out the wisdom of light. In this ultra-long ability to remove his door after door in the river will lose interest for long, but all along the river do not know the truth about the whole thing. Scholars (tentative translation) Japanese Name: ハ カ セ ん く Rome tone: Hakasekun (not animation debut) in Is a polite little boy (about fifth, small d), and very good at painting. Live in the neighborhood of Haruhi Suzumiya, Haruhi often help him. Future people, he is a very important person,skechers shoes online, he can not be achieved because there is no time travel. One day, the road home was almost killed the other people in the future car, Credit goes to Kyon and Asahina to the rescue, was spared. Kyon and Asahina is by Asahina (adult version) was prompted to save the scholars arrived at a crossroads. Time Machine may be the inventor. In addition, he made cold Haruhi no time flat inspired theory. Miyoko Yoshimura Japanese Name: Miyoko Yoshimura hiragana: yo し ら み よ こ Rome む Music: Yoshimura Miyoko Kyon's sister's friend, the virtual call Miyoko. Opposing forces (in the ninth book, Nagato has hope different aliens), Fujiwara (and Asahina real Nine Okinawa, also from the next person) composed of pseudo-SOS group, does not exist Kyon such a SOS group to enter false. Sasaki Japanese name: Sasaki Hiragana: さ さ ki Rome Music: Sasaki is Kyon a close friend of the third year. The face of men preferred A close relationship with the virtual to the river, springs and ancient misunderstanding Kunikida their romance. A virtual spring noted that the relationship between Sasaki and mental state to become unstable after the unconscious; ancient spring even said Sasaki was ten, eight will be fascinated to see her 'attractive woman',skechers tone ups, implying that similar with Haruhi Suzumiya. And with the cool house also that love is a mental illness. Orange said Kyoko Sasaki and spring also has the same ability to create a closed space, but relatively stable, but hope to receive Sasaki completely control the world power. Sasaki I am very confused about things after that. Orange Kyoko Japanese Name: Orange Kyoko hiragana: ta na ki ょ う ち ば こ Rome Music: Tachibana Kyouko are and In the A super-powers are, but claimed that ability come from Sasaki than Suzumiya Haruhi, that the ability of Haruhi Suzumiya is part Sasaki, simply because something goes wrong and become the current situation and wanted to eliminate the ability of Haruhi Suzumiya. Sasaki blocking access to create space in the three opposing forces in a leading role. And ancient springs over different factions who are able to have access to Sasaki with Kyon latching space. A virtual first met with in the Nine weeks of anti-Yao Japanese name: week nine against Yao Hiragana: す く う よ う お Rome Music: Suou Kuyou canopy areas are aliens. Character silent and strange, incoherent speech, and Orange followed Kyoko Sasaki, purpose and position is unknown. Appearance is a thick and long black hair with cold girl, (A description of the virtual) and the true identity of the door with hope and long integration of information corresponding to the missing body, adversary. Remember the story of distress in the snow, due to (Blasphemer, cut), but nine weeks of anti-Yao whether their participation can not be determined. Fujiwara Japanese Name: Fujiwara Hiragana: ふ じ わ ら Rome Music: Hujiwara and Asahina from the future of people in different organizations. In the In the The idea of ​​orange Kyoko performed casually. A virtual attitude was very annoying. Proprietary Glossary SOS Group Detailed World を Sekai wo large い に sheng ri on げ る ta め の Ooini moriagerutame no Suzumiya ハ Hikaru ヒ の Suzumiya haruhi no dan take paragraphs at the beginning of the Roman word for the abbreviation Suzumiya Haruhi group This society is heard Haruhi Suzumiya ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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