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Old 05-10-2011, 03:58 AM   #1
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Default {herve leger} {store-herve-leger}

by Hans Christian Andersen
FAR away to your east, in India, which seemed in those days
the world's end, stood the Tree on the Sun; a noble tree, such as we
include never seen, and perhaps never often see.
The summit of this kind of tree spread itself for miles like an entire
forest, each of its smaller branches forming a total tree. Palms,
beech-trees, pines, plane-trees, and various other kinds, which are
present in all parts of the planet, were here like small branches,
shooting forth from the great tree; while that larger boughs, with
its knots and curves, produced valleys and hills, clothed by using velvety
green and included with flowers. Everywhere it absolutely was like a blooming
meadow as well as a lovely garden. Here were birds from all quarters on the
world assembled together; birds from the primeval forests of
The usa, from the rose backyards of Damascus, and from the deserts of Africa, when the elephant and the lion may feature being the only rulers. Birds from the Polar regions came soaring here, and of course the stork along with the swallow were not omitted. But the birds were not the only living creatures. There were stags, squirrels, antelopes, and many hundreds other beautiful and light-footed wildlife here found a
The summit of this tree was a wide-spreading yard, and in the
middle of it, where the green boughs formed a kind of hill, stood a
citadel of crystal, with a view from that towards every quarter associated with
heaven. Each tower was erected by using a lily, and while in the
stern was a winding staircase, through which one could ascend into the
top and step out upon the leaves while upon balconies. The calyx on the
flower itself formed your most beautiful, glittering, circular hall,
above which no other roof arose approach blue firmament and direct sunlight
and stars.
Just as much splendor, but of one more kind, appeared below, while in the
wide halls of this castle. Here, on that walls, were reflected
pictures on the world, which represented numerous plus varied scenes of everything that took place daily, to ensure it was useless to help read the
newspapers, and indeed there are none to be obtained during this spot.
All was to appear in living pictures by people who wished it, but
all would have been too much pertaining to even the wisest person, and this man
dwelt below. His name is really hard; you would not have the capacity to
pronounce it, so it really is omitted. He knew everything that a man on
planet can know or picture. Every invention already available or yet
to end up being, was known to the pup, and much more; still everything we know
has a limit. The wise king Solomon wasn't half so wise while this man.
He can govern the powers associated with nature and held swing over potent
spirits; even Death itself was obliged to give him every morning your
list of those who seem to were to die during the day. And King Solomon himself were required to die at last, which fact it was which usually occupied the thoughts on this great man in the castle on the Tree of the Sunlight. He
knew that this individual also, however high this individual might tower above different men in
wisdom, must some day die. He knew that his children would fade away like the leaves belonging to the forest and become airborne dirt and dust. He saw the human race wither and fall like leaves from the tree; he saw new men visit fill their places, but the leaves that fell down never sprouted forth again;
they crumbled to particles or were absorbed straight into other plants.
"What happens to man, " asked the actual wise man of themselves, "when
touched by this angel of death? What exactly can death be? Our bodies decays, and the internal. Yes; what is the soul, and whither does it go? "
"To eternal life, " says the actual comforting voice of faith.
"But what is this kind of change? Where and precisely how shall we exist? "
"Above; around heaven, " answers the actual pious man; "it perhaps there is we hope to
choose. "
"Above! " duplicated the wise man, correcting his eyes upon the actual moon
and stars above him. He saw that to the earthly sphere above plus
below were constantly altering places, and that the actual position varied
according to the spot on which anyone found himself. He suspected, also,
that even if he ascended to the top of the best mountain which
rears its lofty summit on this earth, the air, which will to us seems distinct
and transparent, would there be dark and over cast; the sun would have got
a coppery glow in addition to send forth no sun light, and our earth would likely lie beneath him twisted in an orange-colored air. How narrow are the actual limits which confine the bodily sight, and how little can be seen by the eye belonging to the soul. How little do the wisest among us know of that that is certainly so important to all of us.
In the most secret chamber belonging to the castle lay the best treasure
on earth- the actual Book of Truth. The actual wise man had read it through page
soon after page. Every man may read on this book, but only inside fragments.
To many eyes the characters seem so mixed in confusion that the words cannot be famous. On certain pages the actual writing often appears consequently pale or so blurred that the page becomes a blank. The wiser a man becomes, the more when called he'll read, and those who sadly are wisest read most.
The wise man knew the way to unite the sunlight as well as the moonlight with
the light of reason as well as the hidden powers of characteristics; and through
this much better light, many things while in the pages were made obvious to
him. But while in the portion of the publication entitled "Life after Death" not
a single point can he see distinctly. This kind of pained him. Should he or she
never be able here we know to obtain a light by which everything
written in this Book of Truth ought to become clear to your pet? Like the wise California king Solomon, he understood that language of animals, and may even interpret their talk in to song; but that manufactured him none the better.
He found out the actual nature of plants plus metals, and their strength in curing diseases plus arresting death, but nothing to destroy death themselves. In all created things within his reach they sought the light which should
shine upon the certainty of the eternal life, but he or she found it not.
The actual Book of Truth set open before him, although, its pages were to him as
blank documents. Christianity placed before him while in the Bible a promise
connected with eternal life, but he wished to read it in his / her book,herve leger, in which
nothing on the subject got written.
He had personal trainer children; four sons, educated as being the children of
such a wise father ought to be, and a daughter, fair, gentle, and
intelligent, although she was blind; but this deprivation appeared since
nothing to her; your girlfriend father and brothers ended up outward eyes to the woman,
and a vivid creativity made everything clear to help her mental sight. The actual
sons had never gone farther from the castle than the branches belonging to the
trees extended, and that sister had scarcely ever before left home. They
were happy children as home of their my child years, the beautiful and
fragrant Tree on the Sun. Like all youngsters, they loved to notice
stories related to these people, and their father informed them many things
which other children may not have understood; but these types of were as
clever as most grownup individuals are among us. He told them
what they saw while in the pictures of life to the castle walls- the
doings connected with man, and the progress of events in all the lands of the particular
earth; and the sons frequently expressed a wish construct y could be present,
and receive a part in these good deeds. Then their papa told them that
on the planet there was nothing nonetheless toil and difficulty: so it was
not quite what it appeared to these folks, as they looked upon it for their
beautiful home. He spoke to them on the true, the beautiful, as well as the
good, and told them of which these three held together on the planet, and
by that union they became crystallized into a precious jewel,
clearer than a diamond of the primary water- a jewel, whose splendor had
a value even while in the sight of God, in whose brightness everything are
dim. This jewel was called the philosopher's natural stone. He told them this,
by searching, man could attain into a knowledge of the existence of God, and that it was in the power of each man to discover the certainty that a real jewel as the philosopher's stone really existed.
This information can be been beyond the perception of other children; although these children understood, yet others will learn to understand its meaning after some time. They questioned their father in regards to the true, the beautiful, as well as the good, and he explained it to them in several ways.
He told these folks that God, when He made man out from the dust of the
planet, touched His work five times, leaving five strong feelings,
which we contact the five senses. By means of these, the true, the actual beautiful,
and the good are seen, understood, and perceived, and also through these
they are usually valued, protected, and motivated. Five senses have been recently
given mentally and corporeally, inwardly and also outwardly, to body in addition to
The children thought deeply on every one of these things, and meditated
upon them day and night. Then the eldest on the brothers dreamt a
great dream. Strange to claim, not only the second brother but also
the third and 4th brothers all dreamt identically thing;
namely, that each went away into the world to search for the philosopher's
stone. Each dreamt that he found them, and that, as he or she rode back on
her swift horse, in this morning dawn, over that velvety green
meadows, to his home while in the castle of his papa, that the stone
gleamed from his forehead for a beaming light; and threw such a
bright radiance upon the pages on the Book of Truth that each word
was illuminated which spoke on the life beyond the grave. But the
sister had no dream of going out into this wide world; it under no circumstances entered
her mind. Your girlfriend world was her dad's house.
"I shall ride forth into your wide world, " reported the eldest brother.
"I must try what life is compared to there, as I blend with men. I will certainly
practise only the fine and true; with these I may protect the
beautiful. Much will probably be changed for the better while We are there. "
Now these types of thoughts were great plus daring, as our views
generally are at home, before we have gone out into your world, and
encountered it has the storms and tempests, it has the thorns and its thistles. Around
him, and in many his brothers, the several senses were highly
discriminating, inwardly and outwardly; but them had one sense
which in keenness and development surpassed another four. In the
case on the eldest, this pre-eminent feel was sight, which he or she hoped
would be with special service. He had eyes for all times and all men and women;
eyes that could discover while in the depths of the our planet hidden
treasures, and explore the hearts of males, as through a pane connected with
glass; he could read in excess of is often seen within the cheek that blushes
as well as grows pale, in that eye that droops or smiles. Stags and antelopes
accompanied him to the western boundary of his / her home, and there this individual
found the wild swans. These types of he followed, and found himself miles away in the north, far from the land of her father, which extended eastward to the ends of the globe. How he opened his or her eyes with astonishment!
How many things were to appear here! and so different to the mere
representation of pictures for example those in his dads house. At
first he nearly shed his eyes in astonishment at the rubbish and
mockery added forward to represent the actual beautiful; but he held his
eyes, and in the near future found full employment pertaining to them. He wished to visit
thoroughly and honestly to your workplace in his endeavor to recognise the
true, the beautiful, and the good. Although how were they displayed in
the world? He observed that the wreath which rightly belonged to the
beautiful was often assigned the hideous; that the great was often
passed by way of unnoticed, while mediocrity ended up being applauded, when it ought to
have been hissed. People check out the dress, not at the wearer; thought
more of any name than of carrying out their duty; and trusted more to
reputation when compared with to real service. It absolutely was everywhere the same.
"I see I need to make a regular attack on these things, " said he; and also
he accordingly did certainly not spare them. But while searching for the truth,
came the actual evil one, the mother of lies, to intercept him or her. Gladly
would the fiend own plucked out the eyes of the Seer, but that would likely
have been a too straightforward path for your ex; he works more cunningly.
He allowed the young man to find for, and discover, the actual beautiful
and the fine; but while he seemed to be contemplating them, the nasty spirit
blew one mote after another into everyone of his eyes; and such a
proceeding would injure this strongest sight. Then he or she blew upon the
motes, and they also became beams, so that the clearness of his view was
gone, and the Seer was as a blind man on the planet, and had no
longer any faith in it. He had lost his good opinion on the world,
as well adjusted himself; and when a guy gives up the universe, and
himself too, it can be all over with your ex.
"All over, " reported the wild swan, who flew through the sea to the
"All over, " twittered the actual swallows, who were as well flying
eastward towards the Tree on the Sun. It was no real news which they toted home.
"I think the Seer has been badly served, " said your second brother,
"but the Hearer could possibly be more successful. "
Ours possessed the sense of hearing into a very high degree:
so acute was this feel, that it was mentioned he could hear this grass
grow. He took a fond leave coming from all at home, and rode out, provided
with good abilities and good intentions. The actual swallows escorted him,
and he followed the actual swans till he found himself out on the planet,
and far away at home. But he soon discovered any particular one may have too much of a very important thing. His hearing was way too fine. He not merely heard the grass mature, but could hear every man's heartbeat, whether in sorrow and also in joy. The whole world was to him for a clockmaker's great workshop, by which all the clocks ended up going "tick, tick, " and the many turret clocks striking "ding, dong. " It absolutely was unbearable. For a lengthy
time his ears endured it, but at last the many noise and tumult
became too much for one man to bear.
There were rascally children of sixty years old- for decades do not
alone complete a man- who raised a tumult, which might include made the
Hearer laugh, but for the applause which will followed, echoing through
any street and house, and also was even heard around country roads. Falsehood forced itself forward and enjoyed the hypocrite; the bells to the fool's cap jingled, and declared these were church-bells, and the noise became so bad for the Hearer that they thrust his fingers in to his ears.
Still, he or she could hear false notices and bad singing, chat and idle
words, scandal and also slander, groaning and moaning, without and
within. "Heaven assistance us! " He forced his fingers farther plus farther
into his ears, till at last the actual drums burst. And currently he could hear
nothing more on the true, the beautiful, as well as the good; for his listening to
was to have been the means with which he hoped to purchase his knowledge.
He grew to be silent and suspicious, and at last trusted no one, certainly not
even himself, and will no longer hoping to find and buying the costly
jewel, he or she gave it up, and also gave himself up too, which was worse when compared with
The birds for their flight towards the far east, carried the tidings,
as well as the news reached the castle while in the Tree of the Sunlight.
"I will try right now, " said the lastly brother; "I have a keen nose. "
Now that is not a very sophisticated expression, but it ended up being his way, and must take him as he was. He had some sort of cheerful temper, and ended up being, besides, a real poet; he will make many things appear poetical, by the way in which he spoke of them, and ideas struck him or her long before they occurred to the minds of others. "I can easily smell, " he will say; and he attributed to the sense of smelling, which he possessed in a very high degree, a great power while in the region of the lovely. "I can smell, " he or she would say, "and many places usually are fragrant or beautiful in accordance with the taste of the particular frequenters. One man feels at your house in the atmosphere belonging to the tavern, among the flaring tallow candles, and when the stench of
spirits mingles considering the fumes of bad cigarette smoking. Another prefers sitting
amidst the overpowering scent connected with jasmine, or perfuming him or her self with
scented olive gas. This man seeks the fresh sea breeze, while any particular one
climbs the lofty mountain-top, trend down upon the busy life in
miniature beneath him. "
As he spoke like this, it seemed as if he had been recently out
in the globe, as if he possessed already known and related to man.
But this experience was intuitive- it absolutely was the poetry within your ex,herve leger dresses, a
gift from Heaven bestowed on him within his cradle. He bade farewell to be able to
his parental roof while in the Tree of the Sunrays, and departed on ft ., from
the pleasant views that surrounded his residence. Arrived at its boundries,
he mounted on the bed of an ostrich, which runs faster than a
horse, and afterwards, when he fell along with the wild swans, he or she swung
himself on the strongest ones, for he loved change, and away he
flew on the sea to distant countries, where there were great forests,
deep lakes, high mountains, and proud places. Wherever he came that
seemed as if sunshine travelled with him through the fields, for
every snap dragon, every bush, exhaled a renewed fragrance, as if conscious than a friend and protector was near; one who comprehended them, and knew his or her value. The stunted rose-bush taken forth twigs, unfolded it has the leaves, and bore the most wonderful roses; every one can see it, and even the black, slimy wood-snail noticed its beauty.
"I will offer my seal to the flower, " said the actual snail, "I have trailed the slime upon it, I'll do no more.
"Thus it always fares with the beautiful these days, " said
the poet. And also he made a track upon it, and sung the item after his own
trend, but nobody listened. Then he gave a drummer twopence and a peacock's feather, and composed a song for any drum, and the drummer beat it through the streets of the in a niche community,herve leger dress, and when the men and women heard it they explained, "That is a capital tune. " The poet wrote many songs in regards to the true, the beautiful, as well as the good. His songs were believed in the tavern, where the tallow candles flared, while in the fresh clover field, while in the forest, and on this high-seas; and it appeared while if this brother was to be more fortunate than the other two.
But the evil spirit was angry with this, so he set to work with soot
and incense, which they can mix so artfully as to confuse an angel,
and the amount of more easily a bad poet. The evil one knew the way to
manage such people. He or she so completely surrounded the actual poet with
incense that the man lost his scalp, forgot his mission and his home,
and at last lost himself and faded in smoke.
But once the little birds heard associated with it, they mourned, as well as for three
days they sang not just one song. The black wood-snail became blacker
still; not regarding grief, but for be jealous of. "They should have provided me
incense, " he or she said, "for it was I who gave him the thought of the most
famous of his songs- the drum song of 'The Way of the World; ' but it was I who spat at the rose; I can bring a witness to that fact. "
But no tidings coming from all this reached the poet's residence in India. The
chickens had all been noiseless for three days, so when the time of
mourning was over, so deep ended up their grief, that they had
forgotten for to who they wept. Such could be the way of the globe.
"Now I must move out into the world, and disappear much like the rest, "
said your fourth brother. He was as good-tempered as being the third, but
no poet, though he might be witty.
The two eldest got filled the castle having joyfulness, and now
a final brightness was going out. Sight and hearing will always be considered two of the main senses among men, and people who they wish to keep bright; the other senses are looked upon at the time of less
But the younger son had another opinion; he had discerning his
taste in each and every way, and taste is rather powerful. It rules more than what
goes into this mouth, as well as over all that is certainly presented to the
thoughts; and, consequently, this close friend took upon himself to help taste
everything stored way up in bottles or jars; this kind of he called the rough part
of his work. Every man's mind was to him as a vessel in which
a thing was concocting; every land a kind of mental kitchen.
"There usually are no delicacies here, " he or she said; so he wished to go out into
everything to find something delicate geared to his taste. "Perhaps
fortune could possibly be more favorable to me than it was to my brothers. WE
shall start on the travels, but what conveyance will I choose? Are surroundings
balloons invented yet? " he or she asked of his mother, who knew of almost all
inventions that had been recently made, or would be made.
Air balloons had not then been invented, or steam-ships, nor
"Good, " reported he; "then I shall choose an air go up; my father
knows how they should be made and guided. No-one has invented one but, and the people will feel that it is an aerial phantom. After i have done with the balloon I shall melt away it, and for this kind of purpose,
you must give me a number of pieces of another new technology, which will come
following; I mean a few chemical matches. "
He or she obtained what he required, and flew away. The actual birds accompanied
him farther than they had another brothers. They were questioning to
know how this flight would end. Many more of them came swooping
decrease; they thought it have to be some new bird, and also he soon had a
goodly company of supporters. They came in clouds till the air became
darkened with birds because it was with the cloud of locusts within the
land of Egypt.
Now he was out while in the wide world. The balloon descended over
one with the greatest cities, and that aeronaut took up his / her station at
the largest point, on the community center steeple. The balloon went up by again
into the surroundings, which it ought to not have done; what became of it can be
not known, neither can it be of any consequence, for balloons had not then
been invented.
There he sat to the church steeple. The birds will no longer hovered
over him; they had got tired of him, and he was tired of them. All the
chimneys while in the town were smoking.
"There usually are altars erected to this honor, " said the actual wind, who
wished to speak about something agreeable to your ex as he sat right now there boldly
looking down upon people in the street. There were one stepping
along, proud of his purse; another, on the key he carried guiding
him, though he experienced nothing to lock in place; another took a self-importance in his
moth-eaten fur; and another, in her mortified body. "Vanity, almost all
vanity! " he exclaimed. "I must go straight down there by-and-by, and touch
and taste; but I shall sit here a little while longer, for the wind
blows pleasantly at this back. I shall remain here provided that the wind
blows, and consume a little rest. It is comfortable to sleep late while in the
morning when one had quite a lot to do, " reported the sluggard; "so WE
shall stop here provided that the wind blows, correctly pleases me. "
And also there he stayed. But as he was sitting to the weather-cock
of the steeple, which will kept turning round and also round with him, he or she was
under the misconception that the same breeze still blew, and that
he could stay when he was without expense.
But in India, while in the castle on the Tree belonging to the Sun, all was
one and still, since the brothers acquired gone away one following your
"Nothing goes well at their side, " said the papa; "they will never
bring the glittering jewel home, it is not created me; they are many
dead and gone. " Then he bent down on the Book of Truth, and gazed to the page on which he really should have read of the lifetime after death, but for him there were nothing to be learn or learned upon that.
His blind daughter seemed to be his consolation and enjoyment; she clung to him
with sincere affection, as well as for the sake of her happiness and peace
she wished the costly jewel might be found and brought property.
With longing tenderness she looked at her brothers. Where ended up
they? Where did they live? How she wished she might dream of them; but it was strange that not really in dreams could she be brought close to them. But at continue one night she dreamed that she heard the particular voices of
her brothers calling to her from the distant world, and your woman could
not refrain himself, but went out to them, and yet that seemed in her
wish that she still always been in her father's residence. She did not view
her brothers, but she felt because it were a fire getting rid of in her hand,
which will, however, did not injure her, for it ended up being the jewel she had been
bringing to her father. When she awoke she thought for any moment that
she even now held the stone, although she only grasped the actual knob of her
Through the long evenings she possessed spun constantly, and across the
distaff were woven threads finer approach web of a index; human
eyes could in no way have distinguished these threads when separated
from both. But she had wetted all of them with her tears, as well as the twist
was as strong as a cable. She rose considering the impression that her
dream have to be a reality, and your girlfriend resolution was taken.
It absolutely was still night, and your girlfriend father slept; she tighten up a kiss
upon her hand, and then took the woman distaff and fastened the finale of the
thread to be able to her father's house. But just for this, blind as she seemed to be, she
would never have found her way home once again; to this thread your woman must
hold fast, and trust to not others or even that will herself. From the Sapling
of the Sun she broke four leaves; which she threw in the towel to the wind in addition to
the weather, that they might be carried to the woman brothers as letters in addition to
a greeting, in case she would not meet them in this wide world. Poor
shutter child, what would turn into of her in individuals distant regions? But
your woman had the invisible thread, to which she could hold fast; and your woman
possessed a gift which the many others lacked. This was a determination
to chuck herself entirely into whatsoever she undertook, and it made her
feel as if your woman had eyes even at the tips of her fingers, and could
hear decrease into her very cardiovascular system. Quietly she went forth into your
noisy, bustling, wonderful earth, and wherever she attended the skies grew vibrant, and she felt this warm sunbeam, and a rainbow above while in the blue heavens seemed to help span the dark universe. She heard the song on the birds, and smelt the scent on the orange groves and apple company company orchards so strongly that she appeared to taste it. Soft hues and charming songs hit her ear, as well as hard sounds and rough words- view in strange contradiction together. Into the deepest recesses with her heart penetrated that echoes of human views and feelings. Now she heard the following words sadly sung, --
"Life is a shadow that flits away
In a very night of darkness and also woe. "
But subsequently would follow brighter thoughts:
"Life has the rose's fairly sweet perfume
With sunshine, gentle, and joy. "
Of course , if one stanza sounded painfully-
"Each mortal thinks of himself by yourself,
Is a truth, alas, too clearly known; "
And then, on the other fretting hand, came the answer-
"Love, for a mighty flowing stream,
Fills every heart featuring a radiant gleam. "
Your woman heard, indeed, such phrases as these-
"In the actual pretty turmoil here beneath,
All is a vain and also paltry show.
Then emerged also words of comfort-
"Great and good will be the actions done
By countless whose worth is by no means known. "
And in the event sometimes the mocking tension reached her-
"Why not join in the jesting cry
That contemns all gifts from the throne on high? "
While in the blind girl's heart a stronger voice repeated-
"To trust in thyself and God is best,
In His holy will certainly forever to rest. "
But the evil spirit could possibly not see this and continue contented. He
has a lot more cleverness than ten 1000 men, and he found means to
compass his end. He betook himself to the marsh, and collected a number of little bubbles of flat water. Then he uttered through them the echoes of lying words construct y might become strong. He confusing together songs of compliment with lying epitaphs, as much as he could find, boiled these people in tears shed by way of envy; put upon these folks rouge, which he experienced scraped from faded cheeks, and also from these he made a maiden, in form and appearance much like the blind girl, the angel connected with completeness, as men named her. The evil one's plot was successful.
Everything knew not which was the real, and indeed how should everything know?
"To trust in thyself and God is best,
In his Holy will certainly forever to rest. "
So sung the blind girl completely faith. She had entrusted the four green
leaves from the Tree of the Sun for the winds, as letters of greeting
to her siblings, and she had full confidence that the leaves would
reach these people. She fully believed that the jewel which outshines most
the glories of everything would yet be identified, and that upon the actual
forehead of humanity it might glitter even in the castle of her
mother. "Even in my dads house, " she duplicated. "Yes, the place
in which this jewel is to be found is earth, and also I shall bring a lot more
than the promise connected with it with me. I feel it glow and swell progressively more
in my closed side. Every grain of truth that the keen wind carried in place and whirled towards my home I caught and once-in-a-lifetime. I allowed it to be
penetrated with the fragrance on the beautiful, of which there's so
much in the globe, even for the shutter. I took the beatings of any
heart engaged in the best action, and added these folks to my treasure. Almost all
that I can get is but dust; even now, it is a portion of the jewel we
seek, and there is a lot, my hand is quite rich in it. "
She soon found herself again at your house; carried thither in your
flight of thought, never having loosened her hold on the invisible
thread fastened that will her father's house. Since she stretched out your girlfriend hand
to her papa, the powers of evil dashed considering the fury of a
hurricane on the Tree of the Solar; a blast of wind rushed through the
open doors, and into your sanctuary, where lay that Book of Truth.
"It will probably be blown to dust by wind, " said the actual father, as he
arrested the open hand your woman held towards him.
"No, " your woman replied, with quiet self-assurance, "it is indestructible. WE
feel its beam warming my very soul. "
Then her father observed than a dazzling flame gleamed from the
white page on that the shining dust had handed from her hand. The item
was there to show the certainty of everlasting life, and on this book
glowed one shining word, and only 1, the word BELIEVE. And soon the several brothers were again considering the father and daughter. Once the green leaf from home fell within the bosom of each, a longing had seized them to go back. They had arrived, combined with the birds of penetration, the stag, the antelope, and all the creatures belonging to the forest who wished to indulge in their joy.
We possess often seen, when a sunbeam burst through a crack in the
door into a dusty room, how a whirling column of airborne dirt and dust seems to
circle around. But this was possibly not poor, insignificant, common dust, which the blind woman had brought; even the rainbow's colors are dim when compared with the beauty which shone from the page on which that had fallen. The beaming phrase BELIEVE, from every feed of truth, had the brightness on the beautiful and the excellent, more bright than the actual
mighty pillar of flare that led Moses as well as the children of Israel to help
the land of Canaan, and from the word BELIEVE arose the bridge of
hope, reaching even to the unmeasurable Love in the realms belonging to the
Composed By Anderson
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