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Old 05-23-2011, 01:01 AM   #1
General of the Army
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Default 1月学习1

  能否提供优质的客户服务对于企业的商业运作影响重大。良好的服务是客户所期望的,优质的服务能提升客户 的满意度,而客户服务方面的怠慢或失误则容易导致客户的流失,甚至伤害企业的信用。
  在很大水平上,客户服务可以以为是一种低本钱高效力的营销手腕。有的企业器重新客户的拓展,而忽略了现 有客户的保持,有考察数据表明,开发一个新客户的破费5倍于维持一个现有客户的消费。如果客户有了一次不满 的阅历,均匀需要客户服务职员的12次积极尝试才干补充。
  此外,据调查,人们更偏向于将自己觉得不满的服务经历告诉别人,人们平均将自己的不满经历 告诉9-16人,而只将自己的满意经历告诉4-5人。
  只有盘算一下每个客户平均的年花费额,将其乘以每年流失的客户数,以及那些被告诉某企业恶劣服务的人数 ,就可知道客户服务问题会给企业带来如许大的丧失。
  企业已经广泛地意识到客户服务的重要性,许多企业都将客户服务放在重要地位。但人们通常更为关注外部客 户,即组织之外的,向组织购买产品或服务的客户。而对内部客户,即组织内部与我们共事的人,则有时会缺乏关 注。
  我们必须看到,为外部客户和内部客户提供服务是一个同一的整体,二者的处置准则也有良多可鉴戒之处,强 调内部客户是很有必要的。
  首先,为内部客户服务有助于成功地为外部客户提供服务。员工之间的工作彼此依附,员工需要他人提供的信 息、服务等来实现自己的工作。保持对同事的服务意识能增进组织内部的合作,从而更好地为外部客 户服务。
  第二,内部客户得到来自同事的关心与帮助,便更可能主动为外部客户提供良好的服务。而且,如果你与同事 之间的关系融洽,你在工作时就更容易感到高兴,否则天天的工作对你都可能是种煎熬。
  第三,对那些不直接与外部客户打交道的非一线员工,更需要强调内部客户的含意,使他们也能保持服务意识 。由于固然他们不直接服务于外部客户,但全部员工整体上都是为外部客户服务的。
  优质的客户服务包括许多内容,如:与客户建立良好的关系;向客户提供必要的信息;满足客户的需求;良好 地展现你的企业及其产品或服务……
  概括说来,客户服务就是我们向客户提供的,能晋升客户体验的货色。客户对于与商家的来往,会有自己的需 求与期望。我们要在了解客户需求与期望的基础上,为客户提供优质的服务,使客户满意。
  要想真正提供优质的客户服务,仅仅将这作为一项工作义务是不够的,还要投入到客户服务中去,以客户为核 心,将客户满意作为每次服务运动的目标。
  并不是每个企业都能够做到提供优质的客户服务,妨碍企业提供优质客户服务的因素主要有四个:重开拓轻维 护;认为失去个别客户没关系;忽视客户之间的差异;缺乏客户服务的评价标准。
  1、重开拓轻维护。有的企业将开辟新客户放在重要位置,而认为如果客户已经抉择了我们,就不需要再投入 更多精神。这种重开拓轻保护的景象依然存在。
  首先,如果不能把持老客户的流失,即便新客户一直增长,客户数目也难以有效增添。其次,比起维护老客户 ,开拓新客户需要花费更多的资金与人力。再次,客户维护工作的失败也会侵害企业名誉,间接影响到新客户的吸 纳。
  2、认为失去个别客户不要紧。有一种见地认为,客户这么多,有一两个不满意是畸形的,不会有什么影响。 这种消极的态度很轻易导致客户的散失。当前市场竞争空前剧烈,客户可以从很多处所得到他所需的产品和服务, 因此必须尽力捉住每一个提供服务的机遇,争夺使每一个客户满意。
  3、忽视客户之间的差异。不同的客户有不同的个性特点,需求与期望也有差别,与不同类型的客户交往需要 加以差别。疏忽客户的特点,会使客户感觉冷淡而缺乏诚意。对此,在既定的服务程序基础上,还要斟酌到每个客 户的不同特点,最大程度地令客户满意。
  4、缺乏客户服务的评估尺度。对客户服务工作没有明确的质量标准或要求,会使人员缺乏举动根据。所以, 必须将“使客户满意”的口号落到实处,制订出详细的服务标准与评估轨制,使员工知道应该做出哪些行为,以及 哪些行为是受激励的。
  我们知道,客户满意是客户对服务的需求、期望与实际休会之间到达了某种程度的一致。因此,要做到使客户 满意,就首先需要了解客户有什么需乞降期望。客户的基础需求主要包括以下三个方面。
  1、失掉尊重。尊重是客户最基本的需求。以下行为能帮助展示你对客户的尊重:礼貌、友好的态度;对客户 的情况和所遇到的问题表现理解;准确了解客户的问题。
  2、专业性的服务。客户希望招待他的客户服务人员存在专业性,能够准确提供有关企业产品、服务、政策等 信息,有才能解决问题。否则,客户就无法对客户服务人员甚至该组织,建立起信任感,更无法获得 满意的服务。
  3、介入感。给予客户一定的参加感能使你更容易了解客户的需求,并满意这些需求。使客户感到参与感的方 法包括,讯问客户希望情况如何解决,及时告诉客户进展情况等。
  在基本需求的基础上,对于每一次的服务,客户还会有一些详细的期望。客户的期望是在不断变更的,而且每 个客户都有一些奇特的期望,因此我们每次面对客户时都要从新确定客户的期望。明确客户期望的方法主要有以下 三种。
  1、设想。站在客户的角度,设想他对我们可能会有什么具体的期望。例如,如果客户购置了我们出产的挪动 电话后,投诉说电池有问题。让我们设想一下,客户会希望怎么处理,并将这些假想排序:退货;换货;道歉;上 门服务……;很重要的一点是,对客户期望的设想一定要通过交谈、提问等其他手段进行验证。
  2、倾听。当真倾听客户的言谈,从中了解客户的主意和期望。有些客户对所期望的成果特殊明确,他们往往 会在言谈中说出自己的希望。此外,在交谈中察看客户的非语言行为,也能帮助我们了解客户的奢望 。
  对于噤若寒蝉型客户,可以采取引导法,向对方提问,针对客户关心的问题询问他的看法,从而促使客户与你 交谈。也可以特别要注意客户的表情、举动等非语言行为,了解他们的真正用意。
  对于呶呶不休型客户,在倾听的同时抓住主动权。倾听客户的话,向他表示你的关注。同时又要积极抓住主动 权,引导话题,以获得你所需的信息,及时停止谈话。
  客户念叨与主题无关的话题,任其泛论,可能会影响你的工作,如果暂时没有需要了解的其他信息,应采用礼 貌委婉的方式及时结束谈话。例如:“不好心思,我不能继续和您谈下去了,我必须马上处理好您的资料,来日上 午十点我给您打电话,谈谈这个问题的解决方案!”
  3、提问。有时客户并不明白意识到自己的期冀,因此也无法清晰地表白出来。此时,我们可以采用提问的方 式来领导谈话,摸索出客户心中的盼望,从而确保接下来的服务可以令人满足。而且,提问也是准确、直接了解客 户冀望的有效方式。
  提问时可以问关闭式问题,使客户做出“是”或“否”的谜底。可用于:获得确定的信息;廓清客户的想法; 对客户的陈说进行确认。
  在实际为客户提供服务之前,我们应该控制三种方法,保证以最佳的状态来提供客户服务。一、保持积极的态 度。客户服务人员经常要与客户打交道,保持积极的态度无比重要,因为客户更愿意与积极的人配合。积极的态度 既是自身性情的一部分,同时也可以有意识地培育。采用积极的言行,避免消极的想法,都能有所帮 助。
  我们还能够有意识地采取积极的自我交谈。自我交谈是我们与自己的心坎进行交换的一种方式。自我交谈影响 着我们对外界的见解以及我们的行动方式等。常常进行消极的自我交谈可能使我们对自己缺少信心,夸张艰苦。这 种自我交谈会增大我们的压力。相反,积极的自我交谈则可能加强信念,以乐观、积极的立场来面对客户、解决问 题。
  二、建破可信度。可托度是由我们的常识、荣誉和专业性等因素独特决议的。要胜利地为客户提供服务,必须 取得客户的信赖。为此,我们必须做到如下三点。
  第一点是,了解自己的产品和服务。了解自己的产品和服务是为客户提供良好服务的基础。我们不仅要了解产 品和服务的特点,还要了解这些特点如何对客户有利,以及我们的产品和服务与竞争者的产品和服务 区别何在。
  第二点是,熟知公司的政策、划定。了解公司的政策、规定,便于你在帮助客户解决问题时确定哪些是可以做 的,哪些是公司政策不许可的。
  第三点是,言行不一。做到语言和行动前后一致,语言与行为之间也保持一致,使客户对我们的服务产生依赖 感。
  优质客户服务的方式之三是,主动防备。为避免问题的发生,我们可以积极主动地采用一些办法,来防患于未 然,例如做出承诺务必谨慎,过高的许诺会使客户产生过高的期望,容易产生不满。
  案例:某邮购公司,从接到客户订单到货物送达一般为2天,但公司的订购条款中承诺的投递时 间为3-4天,以防特别情况造成的耽搁。事实上,客户因为比预期时间更快地收到了货物,往往感到很愉快。谨慎做出承 诺,并将承诺的事项做到最好。
  欢送进入第一课:与客户进行有效的沟通。以下是您的学习目的:重视非语言沟通;提高倾听技能;准确传递 信息。
  清晰、有效地与客户进行沟通是客户服务工作的重要内容。一、重视非语言沟通。非语言沟通是以语言之外的 声音、表情、举止等因素,来促进与客户的友好关系,并表示出对客户的特别关注。对客户的关注既体现了我们对 客户的真诚关心,又使客户更违心表达自己的感受,与我们分享信息。微笑、专一的面部表情,有助于向客户展现 你的真诚,和对客户问题的兴致,并让客户感到放松。应用自信,使客户感触到你认真、关注的态度和对本身能力 的自负。
  适当保持视线的接触:避开对方的视线或左顾右盼的盯着对方都是不恰当的做法,比较适宜的做法是保持与对 方的视线接触,并适时地转移一下眼光。得体的仪态:整齐、端庄的衣着能帮助你建立职业化的形象,端正的站姿 和坐姿能很好地表现你对客户的尊重,如果采取斜倚等懒惰的姿态,容易使客户感觉你对他的问题不 感兴趣。
  尊重对方的空间:与客户面对面交流时,应在双方间保持适当的间隔。你可以凭借自己的感觉发现一个适当的 地位,使双方感觉既亲热又保险、自由。例如,如果你发现当你走到客户眼前与他交谈时,对方向撤退了一步,那 么这就可能是因为对方感到与你的距离过近,使他感觉不舒畅了。
  倾听是经常被忽视的一项沟通技能。倾听是了解客户需求与期望、获守信息、解决问题、提供满意服务的重要 手段。良好的倾听技能可以从两个方面给我们提供帮助。
  首先,可以获得提供服务所需的信息。通过对客户的倾听,了解客户的设法,以及对服务的需求和期望,避免 产生曲解,帮助我们找到最佳的解决方案。其次,进步倾听技巧可与客户建立良好的关系。认真倾听表现了我们对 客户的重视和关注,以及帮助客户解决问题的欲望,有助于建立与客户的友好关系。
  要使倾听更加有效,我们也要在两个方面加以注意:其一,避免噪音和烦扰。在需要与客户谈话,尤其是电话 交谈时,为确保能听清客户的话,就要注意挑选一个宁静的环境。除此之外,如果客户发现,我们在谈话过程时常 被他人打断,或被电话打断,客户可能认为我们对他不够重视,因此,我们需要尽量保持在谈话过程 中不受打搅。
  其二是,一心倾听。精力不集中会使我们疏忽客户言谈中的主要信息,因而必需集中留神力,潜心倾听客户的 谈话,从客户的言谈中发明有用的信息。通过视线接触、面部表情、拍板等表示你的关注。并以复述、发问等方法 确保完整懂得了客户的话。
  沟通失败的因素主要是误会。为了使客户准确理解我们的信息,而不产生误解,可以采取一些措施,确保准确 传递信息:避免使用含糊、含混的语言;尽量不使用客户不熟悉的专业术语;如果感到客户可能存在怀疑,及时提 问澄清;必要时举例进行说明。
  欢迎进入第二课:电话中的交流。以下是您的学习目标:电话交流中的非语言行为;电话交流中 的礼节。
  与客户通过电话交流时,要注意一些不同于背靠背交流的细节。首先,电话交流中的非语言行为。与客户进行 电话交流时,虽然双方不是面对面,但同样也需要注意面部表情、姿势等。微笑的表情有助于传递友 爱的信息。
  微笑的表情既有助于使客户感想到你的真诚与真挚,同时,也能帮助你自己保持积极的态度。同样,端正的坐 姿易于使你的语气保持职业性。此外还要记住,不能在与客户通话时,吃东西、喝水等,这都可能使客户感到你对 他不尊敬。思考:想一想,我们自己在以下哪方面还存在不足需要改良:面部表情、姿态、语气、打电话时吃东西 、其余。
  其次,要重视电话交流中的礼仪。及时接听:尽量在电话铃响三声之内接听电话,接听电话后首先向对方问候 并报出你的部分和名字。
  打电话前做好筹备:给客户致电应选择合适对方的时间。在给客户致电前,先列出你将要与对方沟通的主要事 项,以保证通话时条理清晰,避免跑题和遗漏。此外,通话可能需要的相关资料,也应该先预备好,如果在通话过 程中再去寻找,就会延误双方的时间。
  别让客户久等:在通过电话为客户提供服务时,你可能常设需要寻找资料、确认信息,或遇到其他的干扰,此 时应向客户道歉,请他稍候。如果需要时间稍长,或你不能估量时间,则最好留下客户的联系方式,并尽快给他回 电。
  转接电话:在通过电话为客户提供服务的过程中,经常遇到需要转接电话的情况。例如,客户遇到了一个问题 ,但并不知道应该找哪个具体的人,此时你应先询问客户的情况,确定应由谁来解决,并确认该员工正在座位上, 然后向客户说明你将把电话转接给谁,之后再转接电话。
  礼貌结束通话:在通话过程中记载必要的信息,并在结束通话前确认要点,以确保双方都理解了对方的意思。 一般由致电人先挂断电话,免得对方还有话没说完。挂断电话时应轻放话筒,以免对方听到重重的摔发话器声而感 到不快。
  欢迎进入第三课:其他沟通工具的使用。以下是您的学习目标:电子邮件的使用;语音信箱的使用;传真机的 使用。
  我们在工作中常常采用一些工具帮助进行沟通,如电子邮件、语音信箱、传真机等。首先,电子邮件的使用。 电子邮件是我们与客户进行沟通的重要手段之一,在电子邮件中我们也应表现出与面对面交谈时等同的职业性。使 用电子邮件进行有效沟通的原则主要有以下几点。
  1、及时回复邮件。及时处理邮件,尽快给客户回答。如果客户的问题或恳求是你无法立刻回答,需要一段时 间进行处理的,应先发给客户一封简短的邮件,说明你将于何时进行回复。如果回复邮件后必定时间内,对方没有 反馈信息,应向对方确认是否已收到回复,以防邮件传递失败等情况发生。
  2、使用准确的邮件主题。准确的邮件主题使收件人能够对邮件内容高深莫测,并便于搜寻、整理邮件。邮件 主题应该简略明了,过长的主题由于无法完全显示,因而不利于收件人阅读。
  3、使邮件内容清楚明了。因为电子邮件不同于书面邮件的浏览特色,所以应尽量简短,一封邮件只解决一个 问题,并坚持在一页之内,使收件人不必翻页即可阅读全体内容。如内容确实较多,一页无奈包容,则应在邮件开 头阐明本邮件的重要内容,而后再具体开展,并在每段的开端应用主题句,使收件人懂得该段的要点 。
  4、使用适当的字体和标点符号。我们在书写时,常会通过粗体、斜体等方式来对内容进行强调。但在书写电 子邮件时,我们应当注意,并非所有的邮件系统都支撑这种表示。此外,还要使用准确的标点符号。 “ :)”等表示情绪的符号合适使用于非正式的邮件中
  5、增加邮件签名。邮件签名相称于一张电子手刺,普通包含姓名、职务、地址、接洽电话等信息。个别的邮 件体系都容许用户当时设计一个或多个签名,并在
  6、公道使用附件。需要使用附件时,我们要确认以下多少个问题,以保障对方能够顺利接受附件:对方是否 有翻开附件所需的软件、对方的邮件系统是否允许吸收附件以及附件较大时是否正常传送。
  7、发送前进行检讨。发送前对邮件进行检查,看看有没有拼写、标点符号等毛病,是否使用了恰当的语气, 是否有可能引起歧义。以防止因这些过错而给客户留下缺乏职业性的印象、造成不用要的麻烦。
  语音信箱的使用。当我们有事外出或临时不能接听电话时,语音信箱可以帮助我们留下致电人的 信息,ferragamo bags。此外,我们也会时常遇到需要给他人的语音信箱留言的情况。1、个性化并时常更新的问候语:给自己的语音信 箱制造个性化的问候语并时常更新,能使致电人感觉友好,并知道你会常常查收语音留言,因此更乐 意留下口信。
  2、解释回复时间:在语音信箱问候语中说明你将于何时查收并回复留言。3、告知其他联系方式:某些情况 下,例如紧迫情况时,或外出时间较长时,可在语音信箱问候语中留下你的其他联系方式,或代为处理工作的其他 共事的联系方式。4、留言前先列要点:给他人的语音信箱留言前,先列出留言要点,有助于避免漏掉信息。正常 包括你的姓名、留言事由、联系方式,如有必要,还可说明适合的回电时光。5、留言清晰:给他人语音信箱留言 时,应确保语速适中,语言清晰,并且不要过长,以便于对方听清并理解你的留言。
  传真机的使用。传真机也是我们经常用来与客户沟通的工具之一,向客户传真资料时,我们应当做到以下几点 。1、通知对方接收传真:在发送传真前,确认对方此时是否方便接收传真,核查传真号码,并告诉其注意查看传 真。
  2、准备传真件的封面:传真资料时最好准备一个封面,封面内容一般包括:你的姓名、联系方式,收件人的 姓名、联系方式,传真件的主要内容,页数等。传真封面有助于体现公司的专业性,并便于收件人查收。3、电话 确认:传真完成后适当时间内,打电话向对方确认是否已收到传真件,文字是否清晰,对内容是否需要澄清,如有 需要可以与对方商定一个时间就传真件内容进行探讨。4、及时回应:收到客户的传真件,应答其提出的问题及时 做出回应。
  在与客户进行沟通过程中,我们还要特别留意一些不恰当的做法,包括:对客户说“我不知道”。说“我不知 道”意味着我们没有能力向客户提供必要的信息,而且我们没有努力去获取这些信息。我们应该尽量向客户提供所 需的信息,即使这需要花费一些时间和精力。
  推辞义务。碰到答复不了的问题,不要即时推给经理。先看看有什么是自己能做的,尽本人所能辅助客户。假 如确切须要咨询经理,最好由自己去征询经理,并将信息告知客户,而不是让客户直接与经理交谈。这样的做法能 赞助咱们博得踊跃自动的
  消极的措辞。在客户提出请求时,我们会很注意哪些是企业不能提供的,而忽略了哪些是企业能做的。这种态 度上的不同影响到我们的措辞。
  如果信息对客户不利,也应以建设性的方式来表述。请比较:A:我们只能保管到6点。B:没问题,很兴奋 替您保存。您可以在下战书6点我们放工之前来取。
  使用过多客户不熟悉的术语。与客户沟通进程中使用过多客户不熟习的术语,既妨碍了客户的理解,同时也容 易使你显得至高无上,妨害你与客户建立友好的关联。
  对客户束之高阁。请比较:你正在与一名客户交谈,此时,又有一名客户来了,你应该怎么做:请当前的客户 稍候,去召唤另一名客户;结束与当前客户的交谈后,再去招呼另一名客户;示意另一名客户稍候,继续与当前客 户的交谈。
  与客户争辩。当客户责备我们的企业、产品或服务时,我们会很天然地想要争辩。然而争辩往往会增加客户的 怒气,不便于疾速解决问题。即使你在辩论中胜出,你的服务却是失败的。相宜的做法应是着眼于目前的情况,致 力于解决问题。
  辨认基本的客户类型,可以帮助我们敏捷调整自己的行为,以客户乐于接受的方式进一步建立友好关系,发掘 详细信息,从而提供更加适应客户需求的服务。但每个客户都有其独特的个性特点,我们要避免死板地给客户“贴 标签”,将其归到特定的类别,而要意识到在这些基本种别之上的独特个性。
  严厉要求型客户。这类客户十分关注结果,而不关心过程。如果他感觉事情是在向着他期望的方向发展,他会 立刻说出来,反之,不合乎期望时,他也会马上提出。严格要求型客户很爱好表达自己的需求和期望,并希望你认 真听。与这类型的客户交往,最好采取迅速而自信的行事方式,使客户感觉你将迅速达成结果。
  和颜悦色型客户。这类客户愿望被别人接收,并希望自己的问题在客户服务人员的友好帮助下得到解决。在与 这类客户的交往中,给予特别的关注很重要。因为和气可亲型客户生机你们之间有着友好的关系,而非仅仅例行公 事式的贸易关系。所以,热忱的态度,对客户的特别关注,适度与当前事情无关的一些闲聊话题等,都有助于与这 类客户的交往。
  理智型客户条感性强,有耐心。他们对于事情的运作方式、问题的处理过程很有兴趣,希望有确定的服务程序 。这类客户的需求如果得到满意,他们会保持较高的虔诚度。顺利为理智型客户提供服务的要害在于,保持冷静理 性的态度,以及富有条理的处理方式。
  服从型客户。这类客户看重对规矩的遵照,对你供给的信息很敏感。他们盼望得到的服务是正确而高品质的。 因此,你提供的服务应当清晰、精确,转达信息应该谨严、老实。
  遇到客户投诉的情况下,我们必须尽快采取措施,打消客户的不满,使客户乐意持续取舍我们的服务。处理客 户的投诉,有四种根本办法。
  1、理解客户。客户认为遇到了问题,所以来找我们解决,我们应该理解客户此时的心境。如果客户的问题是 我们服务的失误引起的,还应及时、真诚隧道歉。报歉越及时,越容易得到客户的原谅,并有助于使客户冷静下来 ,从而进一步解决问题。
  向客户道歉表明我们对彼此间的关系很重视,并希望为客户提供良好的服务。道歉必须是真诚的。我们在说“ 对不起,给您带来了不便利!”时,我们的表情和语气就应该表现出这种歉意,口是心非的道歉可能会使客户更加 朝气。
  2、向客户致谢。对服务不满的客户中约有90%都不会把这种不满直接告知企业,而是将自己的经历告诉四 周的人。因此,我们应该感激客户,他的投诉对企业来说是一个获守信息的机会,能帮助企业找到目前产品或服务 的不足之处,并使产品或服务进一步改良。
  3、倾听。让客户详细说明他的情况,认真倾听并理解。如果你认为对某些情况还不太了解,可以提问以获取 更充足的信息。认真倾听给予了客户一个发泄的机会,表现出你对客户问题的关怀,并为下一步解决问题打下基础 。
  4、解决客户的问题。制定方案帮助客户解决问题。迅速解决问题能减轻客户的不满,从行动上表明你对客户 的关心,以及为客户提供服务的诚意。
  当客户对服务不满意时可能会生气、发怒,有时这是因为我们服务中的失误,有时并不是我们的服务有问题, 而只是实际的服务不契合客户自己的期望。面对生气的客户,我们可以运用以下五个原则来处理。
  1、保持冷静。作为客户服务人员务必保持冷静和耐烦,以便找出客户活力的原因并针对原因进行解决。如果 客户有什么冲动的言行,要知道他并不是针对你个人,只是发泄受挫的情感。如果将客户的怒气视为针对你个人的 ,就容易报之以消极的举措。
  转移注意力。使自己保持沉着的一个方法,是使自己的注意力从客户的消极言行转移到他的需求上来,集中于 你可以做些什么来帮助客户。
  暂时离开。如果感到自己有情绪失控的迹象,最好以查找材料等借口分开片刻,借此机会使自己安静下来,然 后再回来继承处理面前的情况。
  勉励自己。遇到生气、无礼的客户时,我们可能感到难以保持冷静、友好的态度。此时,不妨告诉自己:“保 持住,过几分钟他就要走了,不要因为这影响了我的心情。”
  2、让客户发泄不满。当客户感到不满时,会试图抒发自己的感触,甚至将怒气发泄在别人身上,以减轻自己 的懊丧感。禁止客户谈话、打断客户的话都会使他变得更加赌气。客户说完自己想说的,能力更好地注意你要说的 话。
  3、平息客户的怒气。在解决问题之前首先要使客户冷静下来。表达对客户的理解,站在客户的角度,理解客 户的感受。对客户表示理解并不象征着赞成他的观点,而是表示我们尊重并理解他的感受,愿意与他共同解决问题 。
  转移客户的注意力。努力使客户的注意力转移到如何解决当前问题上来。要做到这一点,我们要对谈话进行引 诱,例如:我怎么做能够帮你解决这个问题?您认为怎样的解决措施比较好?
  遵守规定敷衍无礼客户。如果客户做出粗鲁无礼的言行,经努力仍无法使他配合工作,则可以告知对方,在这 种状态下你是无法帮助他解决问题的,请他先离开,另找时间商谈。或依照公司规定请公司有关部门 处理。]
  4、找出问题所在。细心倾听客户的描写,并有针对性地提问,提问能帮助确定发生问题的起因。复述客户的 话,以确认你听到的信息。
  5、制定、实施解决方案。获得足够信息后,与客户一起寻找最合适的解决方案。让客户参与进来,这种参与 感和责任感能替换客户先前的怒气,并帮助找到最能令客户满意的方案。在双方就解决方案达成共鸣后,按步骤进 行实行,并通过电话、邮件、访问等方式进行跟进,确保解决方案已经生效。
  作为一名客户服务人员,我们需要尽可能为客户的问题找到最好的解决方案。解决方案树立在了解客户需要、 期望的基本之上。晓得了客户对服务有哪些要求,期望呈现什么结果,我们才可能尽量令客户满意地 解决问题。
  一、了解问题的相干方面及影响规模。确定了问题所在后,进一步了解问题的相关方面及可能影 响的范畴。
  二、听取客户的倡议。有时客户对于解决方案会有自己的想法,不妨使他们参与到解决问题的过程中来,提出 自己的想法。
  三、提出可能的解决方案。依据客户的想法和企业的政策,提出可能的解决方案。可以采用脑筋风暴等方式, 激发大家的想法,并发表各自的意见。
  四、肯定最佳方案。评估所有可能的解决计划,比拟各个方案可能发生的作用跟影响,断定出最 佳的方案,sale christian louboutin
  六、评估结果。实施结束后,对结果进行跟进,确定方案起到了预期的后果,并询问客户的意见 。
  有时客户提出的要求是我们无法做到的,此时,应以一种积极的方式来表示谢绝。1、向客户说明原因:说明 原因,获得客户的体谅。如果是因公司政策不答应,仅仅说明“公司政策是这样规定的”还不够,最好还能说明公 司政策之所以这样规定的原因;2、对客户表示理解;3、尽量多地知足客户其他的需求;4、提供 其他的选择。
  客户服务是一项富有挑衅性的工作,需要面对各种情形和各种客户,蒙受着较大压力,如果不能及时调剂焦急 、缓和的精神状况,就难认为客户提供良好的服务。
  留心自己身材、精神上的迹象,及时发现压力的存在,可以便于我们及早采取措施缓解、排除压力。这些迹象 包括:感觉颈脖、肩背酸痛;咬紧牙关,磨牙;性格火暴,语气不友好;惧怕听到某个客户的声音......。 一旦发现压力的存在,可以采取一些措施来帮助减少压力。
  一、改善时间治理。训练时间管理的技能,通过提高效率来缓解压力。此外,尽量做到公、私明显。如果公、 私事不清楚,例如,将相称一部门上班时间用于处理私家事务,而私人时间的一部分又用来处理公事,也会使你感 觉始终处于压力之中,FendiBelts,难以放松。
  二、减少忧愁。我们为之忧虑的事情中有一半会往好的方向发展,另外一小半基本就不会产生,因此只有很小 一局部是真正值得忧虑的,mbt shoes on clearance。尝试以下做法:对那些你无法节制或影响的事情,结束忧虑;对那些你能够掌握或施加影响的事件,停滞忧虑, 寻找方法解决。
  三、整顿办公桌。定时收拾自己的办公桌,不仅能带来一个舒服的办公环境,更重要的是,颠三倒四的状态使 你便于寻找各种资料和物品,避免了因慌乱带来的紧张和懊恼。
  四、放松身心。每天花片刻时间来放松一下,也能起到减轻压力、提高效率的作用。迟缓地做深呼吸;活出发 体,放松肌肉;通过向友人倾诉等方式,发泄情绪。
  五、庆祝成功。庆祝自己或同事在工作中获得的成功,有助于增强信心,保持积极的状态,继续努力工作。一 顿午餐、一束花、一句庆祝都可以是一种庆贺。
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Old 05-23-2011, 01:44 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 78272 at 19:53 on May 17, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Categories: Transshipment
1. I see. I understand.
2. I quit! I quit!
3. Let go! let go!
4. Me too. So do I.
5 . My god! God!
6. No way! No!
7. Come on. Come (up)
8. Hold on. Wait.
9. I agree. I agree.
10. Not bad. Not bad.
11. Not yet. Not yet.
12. See you. Goodbye.
13. Shut up! Shut up!
14. So long. Goodbye.
15. Why not? okay! (and why not?)
16. Allow me. Let me.
17. Be quiet! quiet!
18. Cheer up! Cheer up!
19. Good job,A Dying Man's Favorite Cookies! well!
20. Have fun! have fun!
21. How much? How much?
22. I'm full. I'm full.
23. I'm home. I'm back.
24. I'm lost. I'm lost.
25. My treat. My treat.
26. So do I. Me, too .
27. This way. This way, please.
28. After you. You first.
29. Bless you! bless you!
30. Follow me. Come with me.
31. Forget it! No way! (forget!)
32. Good luck! Good luck!
33. I decline! I refuse,air max 2009!
34. I promise. I promise.
35 . Of course! course!
36. Slow down! slowly!
37. Take care! Take care!
38. They hurt. (Wound) pain.
39. Try again. Try again .
40. Watch out! careful.
41. What's up? What happened to you?
42. Be careful! attention!
43. Bottoms up! Cheers (bottom)!
44. Don't move! Freeze!
45. Guess what? Guess what?
46. I doubt it I doubt it.
47. I think so. I think so.
48. I'm single. I am a single people.
49. Keep it up! stick to it!
50. Let me see. Let me think.
51. Never mind. It does not matter.
52. No problem,air max 95 パープル! No problem!
53. That's all! so!
54. Time is up. Time is coming.
55. What's new? What should I do?
56. Count me on my count.
57. Don't worry. Do not worry.
58. Feel better? a good point you?
59. I love you! I love you!
60. I'm his fan. I'm his fan.
61. Is it yours? you do this?
62. That's neat. This is good.
63. Are you sure? Are you sure?
64. Do l have to have to do it up?
65. He is my age. He and I could.
66. Here you are. To you.
67. No one knows. No one knows.
68. Take it easy. Take it easy.
69. What a pity! too bad!
70. Any thing else? Anything else?
71. To be careful! must be careful!
72. Do me a favor? a favor, OK?
73. Help yourself. You're welcome.
74. I'm on a diet. I am on a diet.
75. Keep in Touch. Keep in touch.
76. Time is money. Time is money.
77. Who's calling? Which one?
78. You did right. You did right.
79. You set me up! you betray me!
80. Can I help you? I help you?
81. Enjoy yourself! Enjoy yourself!
82. Excuse me , Sir. Sir, I'm sorry.
83. Give me a hand! help me!
84. How's it going? how to?
85. I have no idea. I have no clue.
86. I just made it! I did it!
87. I'll see to it I will take note.
88. I'm in a hurry! I'm in a hurry!
89. It's her field. This is her bank.
90. It's up to you. To you.
91. Just wonderful! is fantastic!
92. What about you? you do?
93. You owe me one. You owe me one.
94. You're welcome. You're welcome.
95. Any day will do. Day will do the eve of
96. Are you kidding? You're kidding!
97. Congratulations! Congratulations!
98. T can't help it. I can not help.
99. I don't mean it. I did not mean.
100. I'll fix you Up. I have not seen you
101. It sounds great!. Sounds good.
102. It's a fine day. Today is a good day.
103. So far, So good. Is still good.
104. What time is it? What time is it?
105. You can make it! you can do it!
106. Control yourself ! control yourself!
107. He came by train. He came to the.
108. He is ill in bed. He was ill in bed.
109. He lacks courage. He lacks courage.
110. How's everything? everything okay?
111. I have no choice. I had no choice.
112. I like ice-cream. I like to eat ice cream.
113. I love this game. I love the sport.
114. I'll try my best. I do my best.
115. I'm On your side. I fully support you.
116. Long time no see! Long time no see!
117. No pain, no gain. No pain, no gain.
118. Well, it depends Oh,nike エアマックス95, it depends.
119. We're all for it. We all agree.
120. What a good deal! really cheap!
121. What should I do? how can I do?
122. You asked for it! you ask for!
123 . You have my word. I promise.
124. Believe it or not! Believe it or not!
125. Don't count on me. Do not count on me.
126. Don't fall for it! not be fooled!
127. Don't let me down. Do not let me down.
128. Easy come easy go. Easy come, easy go.
129. I beg your pardon. Please forgive me.
130. I beg your pardon? you say that again (I did not catch.)
131. I'll be back soon. I'll be right back.
132 . I'll check it out. I'll check.
133. It's a long story. Long story.
134. It's Sunday today. Today is Sunday.
135. Just wait and see! wait !
136. Make up your mind. Make a decision.
137. That's all I need. All I need.
138. The view is great. What a beautiful scenery!
139. The wall has ears. Walls have ears.
140. There comes a bus. A car coming.
141. What day is today? day of the week?
142. What do you think? how do you think?
143. Who told you that? Who told you?
144. Who's kicking off? who is now tee off?
145. Yes, I suppose So. Yes, I think so.
146. You can't miss it you will be able to find.
147. Any messages for me? have messages for me?
148. Don't be so modest. Do not be modest.
149. Don't give me that! to chance!
150. He is a smart boy. He was a child.
151. He is just a child. He was just a child.
152 . I can't follow you. I do not understand what you said.
153. I felt sort of ill. I feel a little discomfort.
154. I have a good idea! I have a good idea.
155. It is growing cool. It is growing cool.
156. It seems all right. It seems that no problem.
157. It's going too far. Too far.
158. May I use your pen? I can do with your pen?
159. She had a bad cold. She had a bad cold.
160. That's a good idea. The idea was good.
161. The answer is zero. The answer is zero.
162. What does she like? What does she like?
163. As soon as possible! the sooner the better!
164. He can hardly speak. He was almost speechless.
165. He always talks big. He always talks.
166. He won an election. He won the election.
167. I am a football fan. I am a football fan.
168. If only I could fly. If I could fly.
169. I'll be right there. I'll be right.
170. I'll see you at six. I'll see you.
171. IS it true or false? this is right or wrong?
172. Just read it for me. Read it for me better.
173. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power.
174. Move out of my way,air max+ 2009! Get out!
175. Time is running out. No time.
176. We are good friends. We are good friends.
177. What's your trouble ? your trouble?
178. You did fairly well! you've done a good 1
179. Clothes make the man. Clothes make the man.
180. Did you miss the bus? you miss the bus?
181. Don't lose your head. Do not panic.
182. He can't take a joke. He can not take a joke.
183. He owes my uncle $ 100. He owes my uncle $ 100.
184. How are things going? How are things going?
185. How are you recently? how you doing?
186. I know all about it. I know all about it.
187. It really takes time. It really takes time.
188. It's against the law. This is against the law.
189. Love me,I talked about college boys can not afford to sigh in love - Qzone log, love my dog. (Proverb) around the.
190. My mouth is watering. I'm talking to you.
191. Speak louder, please. Please speak loud.
192. This boy has no job. The boy did not work.
193. This house is my own. This house is my own.
194. What happened to you? how do you?
195. You are just in time. You've come just in time.
196. You need to workout. You need to workout.
197. Your hand feels cold. Your hand feels cold..
198. Don't be so childish. Do not be so childish.
199. Don't trust to chance! not luck.
200. Fasten your seat belt. Fasten your seat belts.
201. He has a large income. He has a very high income.
202. He looks very healthy. He looks very healthy.
203. He paused for a reply. He paused? Answer.
204. He repaired his house. He repaired his house.
205. He suggested a picnic. He suggested a picnic.
206. Here's a gift for you. Here is a gift for you.
207. How much does it cost? How much?
208. I caught the last bus . I caught the last bus.
209. I could hardly speak. I could hardly speak.
210. I'll have to try that. I'll have to try.
211. I'm very proud of you. I'm very proud.
212. It doesn't make sense. It does not make sense (the anomaly).
213. Make yourself at home. Make yourself at home.
214. My car needs washing. My car needs washing.
215. None of your business! with your business!
216. Not a sound was heard. Not a sound.
217. That's always the case. Used to it.
218. The road divides here. The road divides here.
219. Those are watermelons. Those are watermelons.
220. What a nice day it is! a nice day!
221. What's wrong with you? s wrong with you?
222. You are a chicken. You are a coward.
223. A lovely day, isn't it? good weather, are not you ?
224. He is collecting money. He is collecting money.
225. He was born in New York. He was born in New York.
226. He was not a bit tired. He was not tired.
227. I will be more careful. I will be more careful,
228. I will never forget it. I will never forget.
229. It is Just what I need. This is what I need.
230. It rather surprised me. Things that surprised me.
231. Just around the comer. In the vicinity.
232. Just for entertainment. Just for entertainment.
233. Let bygones be bygones. The past to let it go.
234. Mother doesn't make up. Mother is not.
235. Oh, you are kidding me. Oh, you are kidding me.
236. She has been to school. She went to school.
237. Skating is interesting. Skating is fun.
238. Supper is ready at six. Dinner is ready at six.
239. That's a terrific idea! really good idea!
240. What horrible weather! this horrible weather!
241. Which would you prefer? Which would you prefer?
242. Does she like ice-cream? she likes to eat ice cream for?
243. First come first served. First come first served.
244. Great minds think alike. Great minds think alike.
245. He has a sense of humor. He has a sense of humor.
246. He is acting an old man. He is acting an old man.
247. He is looking for a job. He is looking for.
248. He doesn't care about me. He does not care about me.
249. I develop films myself. I develop films myself.
250. I felt no regret for it. I do not feel regret about this incident.
251 . I get up at six o'clock. I get up at six.
252. I meet the boss himself. I saw the boss himself.
253. I owe you for my dinner. I owe you dinner.
254. I really enjoyed myself. I really enjoyed myself.
255. I'm fed up with my work! me to be true!
256. It's no use complaining. no use complaining.
257. She's under the weather. Her mood? Well.
258. The child sobbed sadly. Child sobbed sadly.
259. The rumor had no basis. That rumor is not? Basis.
260. They praised him highly. They praised him.
261. Winter is a cold season. Winter is a cold season.
262. You can call me any time. You can call me any time.
263. 15 divided by3 equals 5. 15 divided by 3 equals 5.
264. All for one, one for all. For all, all for one.
265. East, west, home is best. East, west, you'll succeed.
266. He grasped both my hands. He grasped my hands.
267. He is physically mature. He is physically mature.
268. I am so sorry about this. I am very sorry (sorry).
269. I can't afford a new car. I can not afford a new car.
270. I do want to see him now. I do want to see him.
271. I have the right to know. I have the right to know.
272. I heard some one laughing. I heard someone laugh.
273. I suppose you dance much. I think you dance.
274. I walked across the park. I walked across the park.
275. I'll just play it by ear. I used to.
276. I'm not sure I can do it. I 'm not sure I can do.
277. I'm not used to drinking. I'm not used to drinking.
278. Is the cut still painful? wounds still hurt you?
279. It's too good to be true! good to be true.
280. Jean is a blue-eyed girl. Jean is a blue-eyed girl.
281. Let's not waste our time. Let's not waste our time.
282. May I ask some questions? I ask a few questions?
283. Money is not everything. Money is not everything.
284. Neither of the men spoke. Two people spoke.
285. Stop making such a noise. Knock it off.
286. That makes no difference. No difference.
287. The price is reasonable. The price is reasonable.
288. They crowned him king. They crowned him king.
289. They're in red and white. They wore red and white.
290. We all desire happiness. We all want happiness.
291. We just caught the plane we just caught the plane.
292. What shall we do tonight? we do tonight what?
293. What's your goal in life is what your goal in life?
294. When was the house built? This buildings when the house is built?
295. Why did you stay at home? Why stay at home?
296. Would you like some help? help you?
297. You mustn't aim You must not aim too high too high.
298. You're really killing me,エアマックスプラス2009! really killing me!
299. You've got a point there. You've got a point.
300. Being criticized is awful! is a remarkable
301. Did you enter the contest? you enter the contest you?
302. Do you accept credit cards? credit cards do you accept?
303. Don't cry over spilt milk. Do not cry over spilled milk.
304. Don't let chances pass by. Do not let the opportunity slip away from us.
305. He owned himself defeated. He admitted that he failed.
306. He seems at little nervous. He seemed a bit nervous.
307. He strolls about the town. He strolls about the town.
308. Her tooth ached all night. She was not a little.
309. How about a drink tonight? How about a drink tonight?
310. I can do nothing but that. I will do that.
311. I get hold of you at last. I finally found you.
312. I have a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you.
313. I like all kinds of fruit. I like all kinds of fruit.
314. I saw it with my own eyes. I have seen.
315. I will arrange everything. I will arrange everything.
316. I wish I knew my neighbor. I wish I knew my neighbors.
317. I would like to check out. I would like to check.
318. It has be come much cooler. The weather has become much.
319. It's time you went to bed. You went to bed.
320. No spitting on the street. Prohibiting spitting on the street.
321. She was totally exhausted. She was totally exhausted.
322. Show your tickets, please. Please show your ticket.
323. Thank you for your advice. Thanks for your advice.
324. That's the latest fashion. This is the most popular styles.
325. The train arrived on time. The train arrived.
326. There go the house lights . Theater lights.
327. They are paid by the hour. They are paid.
328. Things are getting better. The situation is improving.
329. Wake me up at five thirty. Wake me up at five thirty.
330. We are all busy with work. We are all busy.
331. Where do you want to meet? Where do you want to meet?
332. You can get what you want. You can get what you want.
333. A barking dog doesn't bite! barking dog does not bite.
334. Are you free this Saturday? you free this Saturday you?
335. Be careful not to fall ill. Careful not to fall.
336. Being a mother is not easy. Being a mother is not easy.
337. Brevity is the soul of wit. Brevity is the soul of wit.
338. Cancer is a deadly disease. Cancer is a deadly disease.
339. Did you fight with others? you again, and fight with others?
340. Don't dream away your time. Do not waste time.
341. Don't keep me waiting long. Do not keep me waiting.
342. He has a remarkable memory. He has a remarkable memory.
343. He has completed the task . He completed the task.
344. He has quite a few friends. He has many friends.
345. He is capable of any crime. What he was capable of any crime.
346. He walks with a quick pace. He walks.
347. He was not a little tired. He is tired.
348. His looks are always funny. He was not funny.
349. How about going to a movie? how about going to a movie?
350. I think I've caught a cold. I think I caught a cold.
351. I was taking care of Sally. I was taking care of Sally.
352. I wish I lived in NEWYORK. I wish I lived in New York.
353. I'm very glad to hear that. Glad to hear you say so.
354. I'm your lucky fellow then. I'm your lucky fellow,在希望的田野上!
355. It's none of your business! This is not none of your business!
356. No littering on the campus. No littering on campus.
357. She is a good-looking girl. She is a beautiful girl.
358. She mended the broken doll. She mended the broken doll.
359. So I just take what I want. So I just take what I need.
360. Spring is a pretty season, spring is a good season.
361. The figure seems all Right. The stars are right.
362. The stars are too far away. The stars are too far away.
363. The whole world knows that. The whole world knows.
364. Tomorrow will be a holiday. Holiday tomorrow.
365. We walk on the garden path. We walk in the garden.
366. What you need is just rest. What you need is rest.
367. What's your favorite steps? What is your favorite dance dance?
368. You'd better let her alone. You'd better let her alone for a while.
369. A lost chance never returns. A lost chance never returns.
370. Don't let this get you down. Do not let this get you down.
371. He shot the lion with a gun. He shot the lion dead.
372. I don't think you are right. I think you are wrong.
373. I have never seen the movie . I have never seen the movie.
374. I haven't seen you for ages. I have not seen you.
375. I was alone, but not lonely. I was alone, but not lonely.
376. I went there three days ago. I've been there three days ago.
377. It's a friendly competition. This is a friendly competition.
378. It's very thoughtful of you. You are very thoughtful.
379. May I speak to Lora,エアマックス レッド, please? I went to talk to?
380. Mr.Wang is fixing his bike. He shot the bike.
381. My brother is see king a job. My brother is looking for a job.
382. Nancy will retire next year. Nancy will retire next year.
383. Neither you nor he is wrong. You are right, he is.
384 . Opportunity knocks but once. Now or never.
385. She dressed herself hastily. She dressed herself.
386. She hired a car by the hour. She rented a car charging by the hour.
387 . Someone is ringing the bell. Someone rang the doorbell.
388. The Smiths are my neighbors. The Smiths are my neighbors.
389. These shoes don't fit right. These shoes do not fit.
390. This is only the first half. This is the first half.
391. This pen doesn't write well. This pen does not write.
392. Would you like a cup of tea? you want to drink tonight?
393. You really look sharp today. You look beautiful today.
394. Another cat came to my house. Another cat came to my house.
395. Check your answers with mine. Your answers with check.
396. Don't keep the truth from me. Do not keep the truth.
397. Everything has its beginning. Everything has its beginning.
398. He came to the point at once. He came to the point.
399. He fell behind with his work. He fell behind.
400. He is the happiest man alive. He is the most happy person. 401. He neither
smokes nor drinks. He neither smokes nor drinks.
402. He ran his horse up the hill. He ran his horse up.
403. He reminds me of his brother. He reminds me of his brother.
404. He was efficient in his work. He was efficient.
405. He will do anything but work. Anything but work, He will do.
406. His father runs a restaurant. His father runs a restaurant.
407. I have something to tell you. I have something to tell you.
408. I smelled a smell of cooking. I smell the smell of cooking.
409. I want to see the film again. I really want to see it again.
410. I've got too much work to do. I have to do too much work.
411. Let's go for a walk, shall we? Let's go for a walk, okay?
412. Please let me check the bill. Please let me check.
413. Plenty of sleep is healthful. Plenty of sleep.
414. The sun comes up in the east . The sun rises in the east.
415. This is because we feel pain. This is because we feel pain.
416. What do you desire me to do? you want me to do?
417 . What you said was quite true. you said was quite true.
418. You can either stay or leave. You can either stay or leave.
419. Your life is your own affair. Your life is your own .
420. All that glitters is not gold. All that glitters is not gold.
421. Are you going to have a party? you to have a party you?
422. Aren't you concerned about it? Are you concerned about?
423. Don't forget to keep in touch. Do not forget to keep in touch.
424. He broke his words once again. He came to the promise.
425. He is in his everyday clothes. He was dressed in ordinary clothes.
426. He is taller than I by ahead. He is taller than me.
427. He led them down the mountain. He led them down the mountain.
428. He was trained to be a lawyer. He was trained to be a lawyer.
429. I am afraid that l have to go. I gotta go.
430. I don't have any cash with me. I do not have cash.
431. I have been putting on weight. I started putting on weight.
432. I have just finished the book. I just finished reading this book.
433. I was late for work yesterday, I was late for work yesterday.
434. It appears to be a true story. It appears to be true.
435. I've got to start working out. I have to start working.
436. Japan is to the east of China. Japan is to the east.
437. John asked Grace to marry him, John asked Grace to marry him.
438. My watch is faster than yours. My watch is faster than yours.
439. New China was founded in l949. Founding of new China in 1949.
440. Thanks for your flattering me. Thank you for the compliment.
441. They charged the fault on him. They charged the fault.
442. This car is in good condition. This car is very good.
443. This work itself is very easy. This work itself is very easy.
444. Truth is the daughter of time. Time to see the truth.
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