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Old 03-30-2011, 12:09 PM   #1
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Default Using an Outdoor Mat Under Your Hammock_5012

Love to use your hammock but don't want to ruin the grass around it?
1. Show up! I'm up at your audition...preferably on time.Last week I sat in on a session where a full 15% of the actors did not even show up for their time slots. Not only that, they didn't call or have their agents call to offer a reason or apology. This is simply unacceptable and rude behavior. If you do a no-show for a good reason, then at least call or have your agent call.If you don't have a good reason, then show up or quit acting. You're just making a fool of yourself, claiming to want to act, but not having the self-dignity or respect of all the parties involved in casting to do the work and prioritize your auditions. You are not going to last, so either change your work habits or switch professions. There are too many hungry actors who could have filled your spot to leave it unfilled.
This is just a simple tip to keep your backyard space attractive and your oasis for rest and relaxation neat and clean, while in the process you are protecting your lawn by simply using an outdoor mat under your hammock.
These are some of the many unnecessary questions/comments that come out of the mouths of even extremely experienced actors before they begin their auditions.I have sat in on countless professional casting sessions to read and/or operate the camera. I am constantly amazed at what actors say and do seconds before they begin to perform. I am equally amazed at the advice that actors give each other when it seems they have no experience on which to base their opinions other than perhaps something an acting teacher told them who was just trying to sound like he knew what he was talking about.Based on my experiences, I feel it my duty to dispel certain myths and point out some of the best ways that an actor can improve their chances of booking a job when they get that magical call to audition.
Don't you just hate the look of a 'dead grass' patch when you've had something sitting on it? Yuck. It's an eye sore that no one wants. The question is how do you get around it? Cover the back yard with bricks, flagstones or a layer of concrete. That WILL work but may not be the most comfortable, and certainly no the most attractive. The idea is to enjoy the natural lush green that makes you feel like you are part of the outdoors when you are relaxing in your yard, or playing in your yard.
Consider using an outdoor mat underneath the hammock in the backyard. It's attractive, easy to clean, reduced the little critter that would fly up from the grass, and best of all it doesn't kill the grass underneath it. It's a great feature because when you work to keep it trimmed, green, and free of weeds and dandelions the last thing you want is for your outdoor furnishing to kill what you have worked to achieve. Add to the list of benefits is the idea that the mat will pick up grass, dirt and debris off your shoes so it's not lifted up onto the hammock. Who wants to lie in dirt? No me!
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