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Old 08-01-2011, 07:57 PM   #17
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diminishing returns law (D2)<br />The decline in output which occurs as successive units of a variable factor of production are applied to a fixed factor. The most familiar example was the application of increasing amounts of labour to a fixed amount of land with the consequence that the MARGINAL PRODUCT of labour declined. This view of agricultural production was central to much of CLASSICAL ECONOMICS, including RICARDO'S model of the economy. The US economist Henry Charles Carey (1793-1879) was one of the few economic writers of the nineteenth century to argue that in a developing economy cultivation can proceed from the least to the most fertile land bringing about increasing returns.<br /><em>See also:</em> returns to scale <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Carey, H.C. (1848) The Past, The Present and The Future, Philadelphia: Carey & Hart.

Christian socialism (P2)<br />The intellectual and practical endeavour to apply Christian social principles to an industrial and competitive society. It is particularly associated in England with Frederick Denison Maurice (1805-72) and Charles Kingsley (1819-75) who preached the merits of co-operation, promoted associations for working men and founded in 1854 a working men's college. In the twentieth century, the FABIAN sociETY and GUILD SOCIALISM continued the tradition; many in the UK Labour Party have attempted to marry Christian ideals to socialism. In France SAINT-SIMON (17601825) recommended a new Christianity which would encourage producer associations; later in the nineteenth century there were strong Roman Catholic movements to provide a theology of socialism. In the USA Washington Gladden (1836-1918) fought to make the Congregational Church accept its social responsibilities and inspired the Social Gospel movement. Richard Ely (1854-1943), a founder of the AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, expressed his Christianity in his advocacy of the public control of resources and the encouragement of trade unions. The Society of Christian Socialists was founded in 1889. The earliest inspirations for Christian socialism were the New Testament, with its injunction 'Love Thy neighbour as Thyself', and the experiment of the early Church of holding all things in common. In the Middle Ages, AQUINAS and others recommended a JUST PRICE.<br /><em>Reference</em><br />Cort, J.C. (1988) Christian Socialism: an informal history, Mary Knoll, NY: Orbis. Norman, Edward (1987) The Victorian Christian Socialists, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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