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Old 10-07-2011, 07:05 PM   #4
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obg72dhe8z is on a distinguished road

Jiangning Tongjing hospital, a pregnant woman to have children in Meishan, originally scheduled for February 28 caesarean sections, can the hospital said the blood of pregnant women have a permit to operate on family and friends. Pregnant women early in the morning yesterday, her husband arrived in Nanjing Xin Jie Kou mobile blood collection point to donate blood, blood donation certificates back, the hospital yesterday afternoon surgery, pregnant women gave birth to a baby girl a day later. Pregnant women, family members questioned the lack of legal basis for such a donation, alleged violation. In this regard, Nanjing Health Bureau, explained that the current tension with blood, out of choice but requires mutual visits by relatives and friends to donate blood.
□ Express reporter Zhao Shoucheng

surprise donation

the husband can not be anxious

status: wife waiting for caesarean section, family and friends recently did not blood donation

lived Tongjing pregnant women admitted to this hospital Meishan, you need to caesarean section. The doctors told her family, blood bank blood tension, in order to ensure the smooth operation to ensure that bleeding appears in the middle, there is sufficient blood supply, requiring pregnant women to go to family members or friends blood bank to donate blood. Originally planned to be implemented on February 28 caesarean section, because his family could not get blood donation certificate, the hospital postponed the surgery date, urging his family go and donate blood.
husband anxious pregnant women, shop around to find whether there are relatives and friends recently donated blood, have said no. He also Jiangning Tongjing, hospital not entitled to their own blood, he must go to the Blood Bank of Nanjing city or mobile blood collection point to donate blood. The nearest blood collection point near the subway station at Xinjiekou, he was ready to go to the afternoon of February 28, it may Tongjing too far away from Nanjing, received notice of the hospital is at 4 o'clock, and fear of late, had to drag the next day to donate blood.
yesterday morning, a pregnant woman to her husband hurried to Xinjiekou blood points, offering the blood, get the blood donation certificate, Meishan and then rushed to the hospital. With this donation card, the doctor agreed that immediate surgery. Yesterday afternoon, his wife gave birth to a baby girl.
the son shook his head crying

status: the elderly urgent need of surgery, his family had never donated blood

Yesterday, the reporter went to the Meishan hospital, clinic building 4th Floor, the center of the blood room to see a middle-aged man said anxiously, some elderly people at home need to do surgery to remove cysts, can the hospital to donate blood at home to produce certificates. Family had never donated blood, the hospital urged him to complete the procedure, to go to Nanjing to donate blood before surgery to the elderly. Medical staff explained, as long as good health, no high blood pressure, heart disease, hepatitis and other diseases, can go to donate blood. Subsequently, the middle-aged man was brought inside the room to do blood donation procedures.
had a will, middle-aged man suffering with a straight face, holding a Men complaining of shaking his head.
under the Meishan lack of legal basis for the practice of the hospital.
surgery premise

donated blood to the last few days

the hospital's demand pricey, it is best said two days

Yesterday, a reporter for the identity of family members of patients consulting room Meishan hospital medical staff for blood, why blood donation before surgery? Medical staff explained that a serious shortage of blood bank stored blood, once surgical bleeding occurs, a doctor must rescue, given the tight inventory of blood,belstaff blouson, so the patient to family and friends to donate blood before surgery. Which friends and relatives in the hospital, as long as family and friends donated blood, blood on the convenience of patients. This is mainly stock blood, if we do not go to donate blood, the blood only to the individual patient, other patients with no blood. Therefore, conditions should be required to donate blood, if not blood donation certificate, blood banks not to take blood, surgery can not be guaranteed. Almost all of the operations are like this.
Medical staff hesitate to say, 200cc, 300cc will do. blood relatives of patients with such requirements, Meishan hospital stakeholders to do business with frustration said, supplied to us. So in addition to car accidents and other emergencies outside of critically ill patients sent for general patients, relatives and friends come to the hospital before blood donation certificate to the operation, which is no way to approach. Hospital sources said, greater demand for blood, blood bank's inventory may be blood in Nanjing is not sufficient, can not guarantee supply. blood banks to maintain a dynamic equilibrium,belstaff uk, requiring patients to friends and relatives to donate blood to other places on the blood supply to the hospital, the hospital before surgery.
Blood: The key is no blood

generally tight in the blood situation, not only in Meishan hospital before surgery the patient to donate blood relatives, other hospitals also have similar provisions. Yesterday, reporter learned from other hospitals,belstaff online, the hospital internal rules, distinguish between two cases, one rescue the wounded and patients can not produce a blood donation certificate to friends and relatives an operation; the second is elective surgery, if no relatives to take blood donation certificate, surgery is necessary to plan arrangements.
. The other is stressed that . Nanjing Hospital more, many foreign patients to medical treatment,15 -year-old girl to vote for students wishing to leave them off suicide suicide note,belstaff jacken, therefore, demand for blood is greater than similar Nanjing city. In addition,Electric vehicle rear-end car drivers claim more than 30 knife cut die, the hospital improved software and hardware facilities, outpatient increased, Yong Xueliang, too, are growing, and far more than blood volume. The source said that in the context of the blood in short supply, requiring the patient's own blood family and friends to enable patients with early surgery and recovery. It does out of frustration. Should advocate for one, one for all the dedication. Urged everyone to actively donate blood to ease the immediate tension with blood.
lawyers point of view

can Dialectical matter

blood collection mechanism to improve

Beijing Dacheng Law Firm, Chen, Nanjing Branch Yao lawyer said to patients, if an emergency situation, certainly should first blood, unless there is really no blood available. Hospital operation of such certificate by the practice of blood donation, may lead to an objective evaluation of the hospital community is not high. In cases of emergency, the hospital should be based on the interests of patients or the highest interest.
from another point of view, blood banks in the current tense situation, and called on all blood donors must be correct. Legally speaking,belstaff jacket, the most fundamental role is balanced the interests of society, but how to lead and how the problem.
blood collection mechanism to improve

Jiangsu Nova Zhang Shiliang law firm lawyers believe that blood donation has a clearly defined method, blood is a voluntary act of every citizen. Meanwhile, the law also clearly defines the responsibilities of blood sector, voluntary blood donation for the citizens of appropriate compensation. Secondly, from the hospital, its duty is to heal the sick, it is impossible to push.
Zhang lawyers said, the hospital said that blood and to maintain a balance between the amount of blood, blood donation made after the first treatment, in fact, violated the provisions of the Law on Medical Practitioners and blood, and the competent authorities should carry oversight responsibilities. Blood should be perfect correlation is an effective mechanism for blood collection and supply.
Express correspondent Sun Yuchun
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