Thread: Manen
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Old 09-15-2011, 01:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 16
mali1074 is on a distinguished road
Default Manen

Chap. 1
" Wow Mom! I'm as tall as you!" A cub gleefully yelled as it jumped on top of a boulder.
"I see Manen. But please be careful," Sala requested. It had been a few months since Manen was born. He survived so far, though he was very small for a cougar.
" Mom, why do you have to be so careful?" Manen asked and then stopped. He saw something coming toward his mother and him. Manen looked hard to see what it was. " Dad,Fanstany Or Is It! It's Dad and he caught something!" Manen smiled with excitement. Javu had been hunting for at least a day and Manen was so happy to see him. Javu dragged a big elk into the cave where Manen was born.
" Wow Dad! You caught that? That is so cool. I can't wait till I can hunt," Manen told his parents. Manen was fascinated by everything from hunting to rocks. And this always worried Sala. His curiosity and size might get the best of him one day. She really did want to see that happen.
" Sala," Javu said in a deep soft like purr. Sala jumped. She had been thinking deeply.
" Sala,mens true religion jeans, I have to tell you something, after Manen's asleep," Javu told Sala who then looked at Manen. Javu was very proud of his son. He was a true survivor.
" So Dad, tell me about the hunt!" Manen said. His eyes widened with excitement.
" Okay, okay. Let's eat this in the cave and after I will tell you after we're done eating," Javu explained to his son. He then grabbed the elk and tugged to the cave. Once as Javu entered the cave Manen begged to have the hunt story told.
" Patience Manen. You've got to have patience when living on your own. But since you've haven't seen me in a few days, I guess I'll tell it you and your mother while we eat," Javu compromised and then began, " As you know when I left it was a bright and windy day. I immediately smelled elk. Not long after, I saw elk hoof prints. Elk as you know Manen aren't the brightest creatures and they stupidly left hoof prints. Perfect for me to follow. It took all day until I spotted the herd. As I set my eyes on then, I instantly saw the one I wanted to kill, a young female. She was small and looked like an easy catch-"
" But Dad, the elk we're eating is a male elk. And it's humongous! It'd had to be one of the biggest one's in the herd," Manen stated.
" Now Manen I was about to explain how I got the elk that I got. Remember son, patience. Now where was I? Ah yes, just about to jump on the unsuspecting elk. Just as I was going to make my sprint, Rae came and struck the elk that we are eat-" Javu was interrupted again. " Rae? The king of the forest? We're eating his meat?" Sala jumped, almost choking on the piece on meat she was devouring.
" Who's Rae?" Manen asked.
" Rae is the king of the forest. He's been around since the beginning of time. He makes sure there is always a balance in the forest. He keeps the peace. If not for him, why, the forest would be chaos," Sala explained.
" Wow. What does Rae look like?" Manen questioned.
" Very strange. He is part red fox, part bird. He is a red fox with a cloak of a huge black bird over him," Javu told Manen.
" I can't picture that," Manen said, puzzled.
Sala smiled, " Most can't, until they see him. Now get on now. Time for bed."
" Okay Mom,Running," Manen yawned and cuddled up by Javu. Sala buried the remained meat and came back.
" Is he asleep yet?" Sala asked.
" Let me check. ." Javu whispered to his son who didn't wake up," He's out like a rock."
" So, you saw the king of the forest," Sala asked.
" Rae? Yes, I did. I did not only see him but he spoke to me as well," Javu replied.
" He did? You talked to Rae? But isn't he a bird? All land animals know you can't talk to either air or water animals. It's impossible," Sala said in disbelief.
Javu nodded," Yes, I know Sala. Didn't you hear me that I said that Rae was a red fox with a cloak of a huge bird body partly covering him?" Javu asked.
" Oh sorry, getting what my parents always taught me mixed up with what you told me. Anyways, why did you get to see him, and so close?" Sala replied. She was panicking; she had heard both good and bad things about Rae.
" He had to tell me something, something about Manen," Javu explained," He said, " Manen has potential to be something, don't you dare ever give up on him and how you are raising him. Or I will see you and Sala be killed. Manen is part of something much bigger than the forest itself." Then he went on saying I could keep his kill and off he went, in his mysterious ways."
" This is shocking. Manen, he's too small. I mean," Sala said confused, " Why Manen, his curiosity and size will kill him."
" Sala look at me," Javu growled, " You know our top priority now is to protect Manen with all the strength we have. Rae said himself that Manen's part of something much bigger than the forest.
"But," Sala sighed. She really could not believe what Javu had just said.
" Sala, I know you're scared. But we must protect Manen. The future may depend on Manen's survival. Maybe small animals can perform things that even the biggest can't ever do."
"Javu," Sala cried. She didn't want to believer it.
" Sala listen. We must protect Manen," Javu growled again.
" I'm scared Javu. That I'll fail. Why Manen, why? Why not another cougar?" She said while she got up and started to pace.
" Rae, our king knows that there's a bigger plan. It's as if he can see past the forest, like he can see past the present and into the future," Javu explained, trying to calm down Sala, " Sala, please, we must do what Rae tells us to do. Rae told me when he saw Manen being born, he knew that Manen was important."
" What? He was watching us? Me? Manen? Didn't you see him while you were guarding me?" Sala snapped at Javu. She was hurt.
" No, I didn't and I am so sorry. But that was the past and this is the present. We must not look back at it. The present is asking us to take care of Manen and to protect him," Javu angrily told Sala who was being uncooperative. " Just promise me something Sala," Javu pleaded, " Promise me you'll at least protect him. Not for Rae, not for Manen but for me." Sala looked at Javu and glared and walked out of the cave. " Sala?" Javu yelled but she was gone.
" Stupid Javu, what does he know," Sala growled. She then broke down sobbing. For she had a terrible secret and a terrible thing that she would have to do.
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