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Old 08-26-2011, 06:58 AM   #1
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And we have better records than their archaeologists. We and the humans are a wonderful team; they have freed us to be everything we can be." A century till their own spaceships, perhaps another century to start building sub- light-speed starships. And someday they would get out of the Slow Zone. I wonder if packs can be bigger than eight up in the Transcend. The younger parts of Woodcarver were up,复件 (22) air max2, pacing around the rest. The Queen was intrigued. "So you think, like Steel seemed to, that we are some kind of special race, something with a happy destiny in the Beyond? Interesting, except for one thing: These humans are all we know from Out There. How do they compare with other races there? Dataset can't fully answer that." "Ah, and there, Woodcarver, is why Greenstalk is so important. We do need experience of more than one other race. Apparently the Riders are among the most common throughout the Beyond. We need them to talk to. We need to discover if they are as much fun, as useful,复件 (94) air max2, as the Two-Legs. Even if the risk was ten times what it seems, I would still want to grant this Rider her wish." "... Yes. If we are to be all we can be, we need to know more. We need to take a few risks." She stopped her pacing; all her eyes turned toward Peregrine in a gesture of surprise. Abruptly she laughed. "What?" "Something we've thought before, dear Peregrine,复件 (39) air max1, but now I see how true it may be. You're being a little bit clever and scheming here. A good statesman and planner for the future." "But still for a pilgrimly goal." "To be sure.... And I, now I don't care so completely about the planning and the safety. We will visit the stars someday." Her puppies waggled a joyous salute. "I've a little of the pilgrim in me now, too." She went down all on her bellies and crept across the floor toward him. Consciousness slowly dissolved into a haze of loving lust. The last thing Peregrine remembered her saying was, "How wonderful the luck: that I had grown old and had to be new, and that you were just the change we need." Peregrine's attention drifted back to the present, and Ravna. The human was still grinning at him. She reached a hand across to brush one of his heads. "Medieval minds indeed." They sat in the fern shade for another couple of hours and watched the tide come in. The sun fell through midafternoon -- even then it was as high in the sky as any noontime sun could be at Woodcarver's. In some ways, the quality of the light and the motion of the sun were the strangest things about the scene. The sun was so high, and came down so straight, with none of the long sliding glide of afternoon in the arctic. He had almost forgotten what it was like in the land of Short Twilight. Now the surf was thirty yards inland of where they had put the Rider. The crescent moon was following the sun toward the horizon; the water wouldn't rise any further. Ravna stood, shaded her eyes against the lowering sun. "Time for us to go, I think." "You think she'll be safe?" Ravna nodded. "This was long enough for Greenstalk to notice any poisons,GHD Hair Straightener, and most predators. Besides,复件 (47) air max, she's armed." Human and Tines picked their way to the crest of the atoll,复件 (27) air max2, past the tallest of the ferns. Peregrine kept a pair of eyes on the sea behind them. The surf was well past Greenstalk now. Her location was still swept by deep waves, but it was beyond the spume and spray.
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