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Old 08-24-2011, 02:07 AM   #3
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2h4c6o7q2l is on a distinguished road

Film the world. There are some cases which have been adapted into a famous movie musicals. This top ten mystery is: Jack the Ripper (1888), New Orleans ax killer (1918-1919), murder under the moonlight (1946), Cleveland's Qi • Boughton (1892), the murder of Brighton truck body of a woman (1934), missing pages Mystery (1947), Wallace case (1931), the mysterious case of Melbourne (1953), Thames ########## female body case (1959 -1965).
1, Jack the Ripper (1888) 2, ax killer in New Orleans (1918-1919) 3, murder under the moonlight (1946) 4, Cleveland's the mysterious case of Melbourne (1953) 10, Thames nude female body case (1959-1965) 1,air force 1 shoes, Jack the Ripper (1888) August 7, 1888, East London (East End) the outbreak of the white church (Whitechapel ) murder, a prostitute brutally cut throat razor,nike air force one low, body wounds were thirty-nine death. After two months, more than Eastern continued to prostitute for killing the same object, the way the continuous brutal murder also caused panic anxiety of local residents, London, Scotland Yard (Scotland Yard) greatly shocked. East London was actually a Longshehunza, poor, villains and prostitutes inhabited place, poor security situation in the course of time, the London police for the murder of this series have no idea and berated. Cases, the key to rapid deterioration of the end of September in the same year, when a newspaper received a letter signed Jack the Ripper 『』 (Jack the Ripper) letter, the contents written in red ink,nike air force one, the letter made it clear that he is the Whitechapel murders successive dynasties the case of murderers, and covered with fingerprints end of the letter. Received a second letter in early October, from the wording of the letter judged the underworld Africa, which was the same person as, and full of provocative. Thus, the disclosure by the media, wantonly, become Jack the Ripper mystery latent fear of the British. Covered with thick fog in London,air force 1 high, hiding a shadowy, bloodthirsty killer. Jack the Ripper's killings did not stop, and then committed another tragic case of the last - Mary. Carey (Mary Kelly) murder. Mary. Kerry in the November 9 minutes corpses were discovered by the landlord rented the room died, not only the uterus removed by Caesarean section, the attackers also cut off her ears and nose, the removal of her breasts, and ordered adults face these organs look like. Police judged before the tragic death of Mary up to three hours of slaughter. However, the police believe that Jack the Ripper will be more brutal, murder larger plan, drastic action to stop Jack, ever since then disappeared, leaving behind only the world did not stop suspicion. However, the most unified view is that Jack is a doctor. 2, ax killer in New Orleans (1918-1919) This may be a white man, who opened his grocery store in Italy appears to be particularly hostile. He killed at least eight Italian grocer. He was always the first forced open the door at night and then go to bed with an ax to the people hacked to death inside. But this murder to October 1919, completely stopped - perhaps because the dead with a hatchet - the murder of his motivation for what is not known,air force one shoes, but apparently not for the money. 3, murder under the moonlight (1946) This event has been incorporated into the The first half of 1946, some town in Arkansas there were three men and two women were killed, they are in the full moon that night was murdered. In the last few days after the murder, a very suspect lying on the tracks themselves, committed suicide by. 4, Cleveland's Every time he killed two people at the same time every action, and then their bodies chopped, mixed in one, but took their head! The same way in 1937 murder of a sudden stop is likely to voluntarily admitted murderer a mental hospital. (The famous charge of Sergeant Avery Ott • Ness detect this case.) According to analysis, the murderer may live in a quiet neighborhood in the house, he must have a car, but the wife may not be very small - - or is a homo######ual. 5, Lizzie • Bowden (1892), many people believe was the murder of Lizzie, although she never admitted, the jury have come to the conclusion of her innocence. Lizzie • Bowden is a 32-year-old maid, she was accused of a knife to kill his father and stepmother. Although she finally acquitted, but the people know that she has a grudge against her stepmother, but the day before the murder, she has predicted will happen. 6,air force one low, Brighton murder of the truck body of a woman (1934) This is also one of the most murder mystery, it should be able to have been detected, but until today still remains a mystery. In 1934, 17 June, Brighton train station coming out of a truck parked bursts of smell, raise suspicions. Police found the body of a woman inside, more than 20 years old, from the dress to see clearly a high society girl, but also 3 months pregnant. Although the UK police forces have done, but the identity of the deceased has failed to be confirmed. Olive oil also painted her body is coated to prevent bleeding, it seems, is a murderer who knows medicine. There is evidence that the truck had over London Bridge. Police investigating a number of years, but both found no clues to the murderer, but also failed to identify the identity of the deceased, although both of them may belong to the The identity of the deceased seem to figure out is a frustrating thing. Later, people will be the case described as 7, missing pages Mystery (1947) in January 1947 in Los Angeles case, from a psychological point of view is very interesting. This is very cruel murder - the body from the waist is cut in two, killing the girl (Elizabeth • Short) was upside down when alive, by the sorts of abuse. Police has not been able to find the murderer. In fact, the murderer after the fact will be sent to the deceased's an address book to the police station, the police investigated each of the above, but to no avail. Finally, the police found in a book has been ripped out. 8, Wallace case (1931) • Julia Wallace murder, and reads like a detective story. That day, Wallace received a mysterious phone call, that call from the international chess club, asking him to visit an address by a person. Mr. Wallace left his wife at home was brutally murdered, and murder can not determine the motive. Wallace went to that place is a false address. Wallace has also been tried, but the court found him guilty in London. Now some of the experts believe the murder, the murder of Mrs. Wallace, who also live in the world, it may still live in London. 9, the mysterious case of Melbourne (1953) September 12, 1953, living in Melbourne, Australia • 14-year-old girl Shirley Collins was invited to attend her first adult show. The boy invited her and her 20 o'clock appointment to meet at the Richmond station, where not far from Melbourne. But she did there. The next morning, some 40 miles away from Melbourne, where her ########## body found. She was killed with a beer bottle, though her clothes are generally broken, but no signs of rape. The mystery of this case is: when the mother sent her to 19:00 the bus station until the next morning found her body 10 hours between what was going on? Because she was a quiet shy girl, never will follow a stranger to leave. On the other hand, when she and her mother goodbye before, once said that his going to see her boyfriend Ron West Richmond station. The West Richmond Station and Richmond Station is completely two places, so she may be the wrong place. But even so, people still want to ask, since there is no wait for a boyfriend, why she did not hurry the car back? 10, Thames nude female body case (1959-1965) newspaper called the perpetrators are suffocated by strangling the neck. Continuing speculation that the killer was a very famous boxer Fred • Mills, he just was suspended shortly after the murder of the dead. Murderer apparently acting alone, he drove a caravan in the City of London pocket to pocket to go. In one case, police have traced to dead bodies had been placed - in London, a warehouse in an industrial zone - but this leads to broken. Sergeant in charge of the case called John • Ross, he was confident that the last time the murderer has committed suicide after the murder. He also hinted that the identity of the murderer has been clarified, but the case ultimately failed to light. Atlas Atlas entry for more extended reading: 1
Baidu know
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