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Old 08-15-2011, 03:58 PM   #2
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22128215 2010 年 10 月 05 日 18:01 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (2) Category: Other Mountains Statistical literacy
Why study this course?

we misled or digital, or their misunderstanding of the probability of misleading.
What you will learn:
analyze how to vote, how to take a chance, and how to accept uncertainty.
we only use 10% of the brain! The well-known saying is wrong - there is no evidence to support it. However, the argument sounds like the right, so we absorb and repeat it. This is the power of statistics, but also the risk of Statistics.

statistical ignorance of the development of our world. We are worried that things might not kill us (such as terrorist attacks), while ignoring things that might kill us (such as text messaging while driving.) We buy lottery tickets. We are misled by the victims of intuition, instinct makes us prejudiced, such as loss aversion - less than the risk estimates the potential benefits behind. The effect of repeated role in grocery stores, offices and polling stations (not to mention the bedroom: the more risk-averse person, love more prone to failure.)
the situation worse is this: Compared to their parents, we suspect the voting trust scores increased by 53%. (This figure is entirely fabricated out of it?) All of these we easily remember, picked easily figure come from? How they calculated, who calculated? How do we abuse these figures to make the results we want to come? We will discuss statistical Origin series in all of these issues.

Next, the program will go on the probability of the subject of intuition. We will learn to judge what is possible and what is not possible, what is unknowable. We will learn habits of mind distortion, such as selection bias, and how to prevent them. We will also take a gamble. We will read the Richard Hamming (Richard Hamming) [1] book
Finally, we will learn how to use the advantages of statistical data. If only to understand all the potential results in the end can not,la gears sneakers, you do not need to become a actuary.
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after the country's foreign
Why study this course?

because the world is always atomic, so the new leader and new voters to understand the more becoming important.

What you will learn:
How to practice independent countries

from tribal rebels to multinational corporations, from private charitable organizations to the pirate gangs, from the religious movement to hire armed forces, now organized in a series of nation-states with their respective competition. No capital, no traditional voters, they will not be convinced by the traditional policy or inhibition.

but this does not mean that diplomacy came to an end; the opposite. Negotiations with these groups need to have the skills to deal with the same belligerent - necessary to understand who their shareholders, who are their allies must affect their behavior in culture is, and what religious, economic and political interests that they must face The.

Power always depends on who
provide fair, trade and stability. Successful rebels just thugs; they also provide benefits for its members - community, money, education and a sense of order (even if the rebels at first those who create disturbances). We have to learn how to win their loyalty, even if our goal is to undermine it.

In this course we will learn on the world stage some of the most influential entity - religious extremists, criminal enterprise and Diaspora are - is how to maximize their effectiveness online and why online activities must be . For example: the war in South Ossetia, the Russian hackers set up a website, so everyone on them to launch denial of service attacks on Georgian targets sympathy. We will learn how to move around in order to win the hearts and minds that multinational organizations. This requires sophisticated media and start the political offensive - and underground publications and Radio Free Europe (Cold War, for the gradual weakening of the international communist movement) approach is very similar.

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synthetic culture
Why study this course?
modern artists do not start from a blank sheet of paper, it will not start from an empty canvas. They start from the existing works.

What you will learn:
how to analyze and create works of art born out of other works of art.

following are defined as post-post-modern artists: Spike Jones (Spike Jonze) [Note 1], he was Weezer's episode; Girl Talk [2],la gear light, he made 322 pieces of an original recording album; Garfield Minus Garfield [3], one in his own comic strip to remove Garfield's Web site. The act of creation is no longer building from scratch, but from the existing cultural products to create new things.

In this course we will examine the synthesis of the philosophical and cultural roots of creative works, such as Robert Rauschenberg (Robert Rauschenberg) [Note 4] ,],[We will also visit from DJ Shadow [Note 6]

Next, we will look at three types of popular art contribute to technology tools. Writing tools: work from (Gutenberg) [Note 7] of the printing press to the Microsoft Word program, publishing technology to reproduce, copy, and word processing became easier.
hearing instruments: Grandmaster Flash [Note 8] of the turntable and the converter will record a smooth singing into a musical instrument. Samplers such as the E-Mu SP-1200 and Akai S950 to pre-recorded music as the music composition can be handled. Pro Tools and other software programs that allows ordinary consumers to professional quality sound deconstruction.

video tools: video editing from the tape and reel assembly to the Avid, and then to iMovie, video editing is getting cheaper, more simple.

Finally, ask students to create their own works on the existing process.
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Note 1: Spike Jones: Hollywood upstart director, who directed
Note 2: Girl Talk: American musician, good mix, and digital sampling.
Note 3: Garfield Minus Garfield: the Danwo Walsh (Dan Walsh) network of comic creation. He reprinted the comic strip
Note 4: Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008): American artists, representatives of postwar American pop art figures, the development of a
Note 5: Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986): Argentina famous writer, known as
Note 6: DJ Shadow: American music producer and composer, instrumental hip-hop is considered to be representative figures.
Note 7: Gutenberg (1400-1468): German inventor, the inventor of movable type in Western.
Note 8: Grandmaster Flash: American musician, hip-hop music's great innovators, had invented a number of variations scratches and France play technology.
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Applied Cognitive
Why study this course?

you must understand the brain, can only train the brain.
What you will learn:
mind how it works, and how to make it work for you. How we think and what we think are equally important. Activities of our minds has long been difficult to understand the mysterious, but compared to 20 years ago, and today we have strong understanding of mental processes a lot. Unfortunately, education is not synchronized to keep up.
In this course, we will allow the brain to become smarter, starting with Advertising, political campaigns and spam has increased to convince our technology and give it the number of advantages. We will read Dennis Higgins (Denis Higgins) of We will carefully study the advertising and business information zynga night game to understand what makes them so compelling.

Then we will discuss the decision-making. We will learn how emotions affect rational, and how the language of emotion. You will read Jonah Lech (Jonah Lehrer) of We will be Facebook's

Finally,la gear womens shoes, we delve into the brain to maintain the sad theme. What nutrients can affect thinking? What drugs can improve cognition? Today you can do to maintain mental health? Many of the most famous of supplies and tools, to the Nintendo DS from Ginkgo game To science and to promote the upgrading of the oil region of spirits, to separate all the mining in this course enhanced your critical thinking skills.
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Note 1: Mi Mother: The smallest unit of cultural transmission, is a popular, to replicate the spread of derived genes Internet culture.
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new writing
Why study this course?
you can write a compelling article, but you can use 140 characters or less to complete it?
What you will learn
: 2
how you adapt to a variety of information formats and many types of audiences - people and machines.
writing the word discretion in the past often means as appropriate sentence, and dipped in ink to write on the tree pulp. You write for man, I hope you can work written leave a lasting imprint in the world. Today, the line from the Facebook status updates to the blog post 10,000 words overnight, is writing. It was not just your readers,la gear originals, as well as algorithms, your goal is no longer immortal fame, but the surging tide of the times more than the moment of insight.
Although the writing is better than the chance
the past, but the need is Frank and White Crest [1] never dreamed of skills. The course will teach you how to Photoshop images to tell stories, how to edit a 20 second YouTube video, how to compress your opinion in 140 characters (or, PowerPoint presentation to illustrate, so as not to let your audience to sleep) , how to write wiki entries to encourage others to edit and adapt it, and how to ensure your work contagious,la gear police, readers can readily accept your point of view.
However, the light has technical skills is not enough. Successful writing requires knowledge of how intensively attracted to a specific audience. To be clear, we will compare the

On the roles are changed. Objective era, hidden in the works of the personality. But now the supremacy of the individual; readers believe you have to offer is unique and full of reliable point of view. Mood and personality once again become the center of writing, not what you endeavor to erase things. We will examine some of the work as follows: thought; as possible and to detail his ######ual life with his wife in order to maintain his 1.7 million followers continue to push the customer clicks refresh.
today's writing also means to master the element text (metatext) to determine how the word can be retrieved, to master the search word clues to determine the location, but also master the context to determine whether the word can be retrieved. We will learn to: Link to win, we must come near the unique taste of various types of social networks. Each link will help you attract the most influential audiences - algorithm determines your story in the Google search results position. Because we want to optimize the writing of electronic readers, we will learn a new written work principles: attractive, easy entertainment, leaving room for.
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waste of
Why study this course?
waste the most productive of the hind legs to drag us, and waste everywhere is.

What you will learn:

how to become smarter consumers, investors and the depositary.

try to interpret the health of a country, economists have a lot of data available: GDP, consumer confidence, the trade balance. But by looking at the total waste, they will know more.

waste not only refers to waste (although a lot of junk does: The United States produced 250 million tons per year). Every year, traffic jams and endless waiting time to waste valuable meeting time for us to lose tens of billions of dollars. Health insurance premiums we spend billions of dollars on a bloated management have been consumed, not used on health care. High unemployment constitutes another waste - fail to invest the available labor force of economic production.

, of course, waste is a simple fact of nature: This is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. Do not seek to eliminate waste, we need to learn what caused the waste, how to reduce waste, and waste of what may be the intention.

unchecked to see how much can a waste of mass destruction, we will look at recent economic collapse. Derivatives into the mainstream financial markets, they absorb billions of dollars, but then the overall economy is not any good. Innovations that cost money - like many of the risk of subprime mortgages - the worst since the Great Depression on the economic downturn played a role in fueling.

We will learn
engineers, industrialists and economists is how to find new ways to reduce waste. Such as GE and Intel companies are spending billions of dollars to improve their turbine and the efficiency of computer chips.

Finally, we waste more subtle look, and ask how much we can eliminate waste, how much waste is necessary for a healthy economy. Requires a certain degree of excess supply from the disaster to ensure that, just as people have two kidneys, a kidney bad, but also provide the same backup. And economists have summed up a certain proportion of unemployed persons - perhaps the most brutal forms of waste - it is necessary to prevent hyperinflation.

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domestic technology
Why study this course?
we have lost production, repair and improvement of physical ability.

What you will learn:
how to natural science and engineering used in daily life.

high school in the 20th century, plant economics and home economics courses are considered to be very easy - or even nearly, the holiday has become tedious. But we have to teach those skills courses parted ways. Puts it in the light of science curriculum, re-examination of family life from cooking to every aspect of furniture repair.

18 century, amateurs love to explore at home, pounding drums is not unusual to tinker with things. We will study this history, from the philosopher John Locke (John Locke) [Note 1] and Benjamin Franklin (Benjamin Frankin) [Note 2] to the myth of crackers Kelly ‧ Byron (Kari Byron) [Note 3] and 杰米海纳曼 (Jamie Hyneman) [4]. We will explore the tools, such as DIYbio and Foldit, these tools today are discovering the same spirit.

(If the egg yolk into a green gray, it is inside the iron and sulfur protein from the chemical reaction. In order to prevent its occurrence,la gear shoes, not cooked, and will put the egg in cold water immediately after cooking.)

(No lab fees - your home and the world around a laboratory.)
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Note 1: John Locke (1632-1704): British philosopher, who created empiricism.
Note 2: Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790): a great American scientist and inventor, famous statesmen, philosophers, the spirit of capitalism, the most representative.
Note 3: Kailibailun: U.S. TV host, the artist, to the Discovery Channel TV show
Note 4: 杰米海纳曼: U.S. special experts, known for its Discovery Channel TV show
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