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Old 08-15-2011, 02:06 PM   #1
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Default [ Is the experience of adult human , prefer than

every experience is an asset,
Each experience is a adult

There are numerous life experiences. A person experiences all but, there is a strong light, has a sequence with reverse,Nike Shox Monster, occasionally goes and periodically, like vexed dirge fret all in 1.

always experiences are life's cruise in the footsteps of always life processes is an asset. If life is a paperback, then every experience is a fable writing or a part. It tin see by themselves, but also for others to discern and who has influenced .......

people, busy, come and gone. Busy not stuff what, do what is experience, experience the savor of life are, for a philosophy of life outcomes. Experience is not a commodity that can be huge money buying, it is an motif to enhance, it is a life of nicety, it is a strong growth, it is life's wealth, only to achieve there is a wisdom, life would be more color, we will know life, savor of life,Nike Shox OZ!

life namely no dim the color of a single color, merely blue-violet colors of ruddy orange Huang Lvqing map. Some experience Rulvpingdi, and some experience like ascending a mountain. Board to go, infinite pulchritude in the tip. Life will be a tiny more acquisition, more than a re-color.

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life is melody, hard to sing, edible for thought, to make a strong male, not scared of hardship. Beyond the hardship of life is strong. Therefore,Nike Shox Turbo, in the journey of life,Nike Shox Menn, the curtate shaft are road songs are bitter smile. Mountain plains have to go, try to be ups and downs.

whichever experience is a variety of accumulation, the accumulation of more human more mature. Experienced more life-length; wide experience of life with thickness. Experienced a hazardous dare, there is a lofty degree of life; experienced the hardship of exercising, life-strength; experienced setbacks namely life sunlight.

a crowd of experience, have the fullness of life.

every experience is an asset, every experience is a mature! !

warm hopes to greet you to
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