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Old 08-13-2011, 01:49 AM   #2
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Ding Ding Sheng Sheng
, 1913 years old, Jiangxi in all people. In 1932 he joined the Communist Youth League and became the Communist Party of China (later expelled from the party), in June 1930 to participate in revolutionary work, the Battle of the PLA Military Academy graduate, college degree, rank of major general.
Introduction Chronology Biography
Ding Sheng
Ding Sheng (1913-1999), Jiangxi Yudu County people. 1930, joined the Red Army. In 1932, transferred by the China Communist Party of China Communist Youth League. Agrarian Revolutionary War, he served as squad leader, and even instructors, Red twenty-eight Army Chief of the Section, political commissar of the Second regiment. Anti-Japanese War, he served as the Eighth Route Army brigade or two O three hundred fifty-eight division political department assistants, chief, Ting Jinjun seven political groups, member of a group of Jin-Cha-taught political commissar of the Second Brigade, thermal column twenty-seven brigade Liao . Liberation War, he served as division commander round, four-fifth Army Whoever hath Division. After the founding of the PRC, had served as deputy commander, commander, volunteer army commander, deputy commander of Military Region and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps commander, deputy commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, commander of the Nanjing Military Region Commander. Was awarded the rank of major general in 1955. Is the Fourth National People's Congress, Chinese Communist Party on behalf of the Seventh National Congress of Communist Party of China the ninth, tenth Central Committee. Sheng Ding is a famous history of the PLA brave general, warrior, pathbreaker, Titans. Ding Sheng 17 years old to participate in the Red Army, fighting through countless baptisms, numerous military exploits, was awarded the rank of major general in 1955. September 25, 1999, died in Guangzhou. Chronology 1913, was born in Jiangxi Yudu County. June 1930, joined the Red Army. In 1932, the party switch by the group. November 1935 -1936 in February, the political security bureau of any Red Army political commissar of the Second Division, to participate in the Long March. After August 1937, served as chief of the Political Department of the Eighth Route Army brigade and regiment political commissar. April 1945, as the Jin-Cha-seven members of the delegation to attend the CPC. November 1945, successive military region Brigadier, Military Commander, Brigadier Ji and Cha Hot Army of Liao area, the Northeast Democratic coalition eight longitudinal round Division of the East field (fieldwork) four fifth Army Division Commander Whoever hath . After April 1950, served as deputy commander forty-five military commander, Fifty Fourth Army commander. September 1955, was awarded the rank of major general, was awarded the second Medal of August, two independent Medal of Freedom, a Liberation Medal. March 1959, composed of August 1961 -1964 in March, of the Chengdu Military Region Party Committee. October 1962, again composed of August 1964 -1968 in February, Xinjiang Military Region Deputy Commander, Military Region Party Committee of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps deputy commander of the first, second commander. February 1968 -1969 in July, deputy commander of the Guangzhou Military Region. April 1969, the Ninth CPC Central Committee, Central Military Commission (-1977 in March). July 1969 -1973 In December, the Guangzhou Military Region Commander, Military Region Party Committee first secretary (March 1972 ~ December 1973 and has worked as first secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, director of Guangdong Provincial Revolutionary Committee). August 1973, the tenth CPC Central Committee. December 1973 -1977 in March, the Nanjing Military Region Commander, Military Region Party Committee second secretary (October 1974 -1977 in March). March 1977, suspended for review. July 1982, was made from active service. October, was expelled from the party. September 25, 1999, died in Guangzhou. The life of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Ding Sheng any monitor, even the instructors, Red 28, chief of the military organization, political commissar of the Second regiment. Anti-Japanese War, Ding Sheng 120 Eighth Route Army brigade division political department assistant 358, section chief, Ting Jinjun seven political groups, member of a group of Jin-Cha-taught political commissar of the Second Brigade, 27 Brigade heat Liao column. October 1938,chi pink dazzle limited edition, he led his troops to surround and annihilate Huangtuling as the main group to participate in war, get killed, including for the military known as contribution. February 1940, Ding Sheng Ren Jin-Cha-teach a group of political commissar of the Second Brigade, led the troops took part in the famous War of Liberation, Ding Sheng Ren 24 Division Commander, 45 Army 135 Division. The liberation war,CHI Turbo Ceramic Flat Iron, he participated in the defense of Siping, Liaoning-Shenyang Campaign, Tianjin Campaign, and other famous battle, battle, and then led his troops south to attend the arrival of a campaign for the liberation of Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong and make a contribution. October 3, 1949, Pai Chung-hsi Heng Po line arranged in five troops want to Lin Biao and the military battle. Lin also ordered all the main forces on standby until the decisive battle with the national army. However, on October 5. 135 Bo Yang Sheng Ding division to act according to the command: alone behind enemy lines deep into the. As a result, not only disrupted the enemy of Lin Biao's deployment of more beyond the expected. Pai Chung-hsi in the mobilization of the Seventh Army confused the main four divisions of troops to fight the 135 division. With Lin Biao were desperate for the fate of 135 division, but, Ding Sheng and his brave troops actually hold on tenaciously, and more will be defeated enemy! Rapidly changing the command of Lin Biao: All enter and issued a direction on the attacking forces: the Army Corps and the military can only listen to the 135 division of the command of Lin Biao and not directly to the 135 division orders. October 6, 1949 at midnight, the KMT army retreat across the board. October 7, 1949, value Po campaign ended, Gui four main divisions are wiped out. This war, the Kuomintang on the mainland last military groups declared a complete demise of Marshal Liu was known as the 135 teachers, this fall into the tiger's mouth, such as sheep red sheep known as the Tigers. Five years later, all the chariot of the Department or painted tiger logo. In 1950, Ding Sheng into the senior Army Academy in Nanjing, where he was appreciated by Marshal Liu. In 1952, a new designation of the units in the new China was born: Jun 54. Tigers of the division of the legend only just beginning. Ren Ding Sheng Jun 54, the first commander. June 1953, he ordered troops to entry into combat, took part in the campaign, including Jincheng 254 times the size of the fighting, 7,000 people have made wiped out the record. In 1958, as the last one from the Korean forces, Ding Sheng and his soldiers back home. Commendable is, Ding served in war or on a very practical and realistic. He made it clear that our army is weak tackling light weapons, and not suited to high speed of the U.S. military. He later said privately in Guangzhou, the Korean War when the loss of strength of our military from 700,000 to 1,000,000. After returning home, Ding Sheng appointed deputy commander and chief of the Xinjiang Military Production and Construction Corps commander, guarding the northwestern border. Campaign continues, Ding Sheng Henla gradually reveal his side. In 1958, Muslim riots in Gansu Province, ordered the military suppression of 54, this is a Huruyangqun killings. In 1959, the Tibetan rebellion, Ding Sheng rate of 54 military repression. Not allowed to disobey superiors Department Ding Sheng important religious buildings destroyed command and called artillery shells fired from a window inside the Potala Palace. In 1962, the Sino-Indian war. This is a real war: Ding Sheng and his 54 troops participated in the face of the regular forces of World War II. Ding Sheng personally directed the main force of 130 of the Fourth Army Division defeated the Indian Army, Indian Army is known to have participated in World War II victory over the Sino-Indian war, this war is the most Guanjianyizhan also the final battle, known as the Even today, in India's military academy in. The designation is still analog imaginary War on the Indian military victory is external, the most important is that once defeated the Asan their expansion ambitions and self-confidence. That war, the fear of India in the psychological disorder that continues today. May 1964. Ding Sheng was appointed as the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the first deputy commander. Ding Sheng at this moment, fly heart never die. After two years of the Cultural Revolution broke out, as the love of the Lin Biao Ding Sheng deeply involved in the political whirlpool. July 1967, Ding Sheng any so-called Increase of Dingsheng Xin Ren Lin, Huang Yongsheng, after he was promoted to chief of staff, Ding served in February 1968 was appointed commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, and his meteoric rise began. Shengdui Lin Biao Ding also feel grateful, April 1969. Nine held. Ding Sheng elected Central Committee. Ding Sheng Duiwen to reform the devaluation by coach and leadership, such as Guangzhou, Zhu De, Ye Jianying apathy, for their tragic fate of the future foreshadowed. Ding Sheng and Lin Biao in the Cultural Revolution, although a close relationship, but with different buddies, D Shengdui Lin Biao was not effective loyal. Mao Zedong's southern tour down forest for 70 years, Sheng Ding, who summoned the conversation twice, on balance, Dingsheng Li said that a red heart, which is equivalent to cutting off the retreat of Lin Biao southern escape. Ding Sheng himself for the office. In the afternoon, we suddenly received a commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, Sheng Ding a call. D commander very seriously tone phone and said: Please tell the Prime Minister, we are loyal to Chairman Mao, listen to Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou listen. Premier Zhou how to say how I do, and we have followed the instructions handed down by Premier Zhou Enlai. In the March 1972, Xing-Yuan stressed the Chengdu Military Region, Ding Sheng added as party first secretary of the Guangzhou Military Region, and subsequently chairman of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee first secretary to succeed Liu, Guangdong Provincial Revolutionary Committee. August 1973, Ding Sheng elected as the tenth CPC Central Committee. Shanghai during the Cultural Revolution was the garrison commander of the Zhou Chunlin, in his so-called facts, it is of arbitrarily malicious slander a. December 1973, according to Mao's proposal,cheap chi flat iron, the military commander of eight reversed, Ding Sheng and Xu Shiyou exchange position, he served as commander of the Nanjing Military Region. Command after the announcement, Mao Zedong in Beijing summoned. Shook hands with the Ding Sheng, Mao said: Ding was a bit grateful tears, nodded compliance. Continue its style, Ding Sheng to Nanjing, the general area is quite tight grasp of military work. After the arrival in January is less than that, according to instructions from the General Staff,chi pink dazzle, formulated the military's . March-May 1976, the Central Military Commission approval, the Nanjing Military Region, a total of three corps-level agencies, the four divisional headquarters, twenty-seven groups were deployed to adjust. May, military issued July-August, organized a military corps, division of cadres training, training a total of two hundred and fifty people attended. August 8, completed the inspection and Zhoushan of Zhejiang Southeast regional defense, Ding Sheng arrived in Shanghai take a break and live Yan'an Hotel. At that time, the military, political commissar of the Shanghai Liao Hansheng treatment of skin, just have to live here. Ding Sheng of doom, it Zhaoyuan on this night. On this night, known as At that time commander of the Nanjing Military Region in January Ding Sheng arrive in Shanghai, and Ma Tianshui, I, Wang Xiuzhen's closeted situation. I say Chang Chun-chiao, Ding Sheng said sixty military unreliable, the army under his command did not move, now the Army position Zhenghao in Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou line, a big threat to the Shanghai Ding Sheng told us to be prepared. I reported to Chang Chun-chiao, Ma Tianshui has additional guns to the Shanghai militia, when in my report, Zhang Chunqiao listened carefully , also asked the military leaders of sixty cases. conversation ends, said Zhang Chunqiao told to be careful, pay attention to the movement of class struggle. Represent the official views of the important member of the Ma Tianshui, Xu Jingxian, Wang Xiuzhen secret talks in Shanghai Yan'an Hotel. They talked about the possible civil war after the death of Mao Zedong, and analyzed the situation in Shanghai near the troops. the pace of preparation for armed rebellion. August 10, Ma Tianshui ordered the muster militia weapons, made a variety of gun assault seven thousand sticks, three hundred guns, ammunition, more than ten million hair. September 21, Xu Jingxian to the tip of the Ding Sheng Zhang Chunqiao ideas and be prepared for their situation. October 8, 'Gang of Four' remnants was informed of Shanghai 'Gang of Four' was detained, that decided to launch an armed rebellion. Ding Sheng my version is as follows: That evening, had lived in the small upstairs to see Liao Hansheng, Tanleyikuai then come back just to sleep again, Liao Ping told the secretary, Liao East tomorrow to go to hospital, to the Shanghai Ding Party to a call to attention. D not refuse, he telegraphed to the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Liao to do the duty room, duty room immediately report the horse Tianshui, MA, Xu, Wang Ding three immediately came to visit, Liao . one to three, would have been like to break Ding Sheng had forced myself to socialize. After a few pleasantries, Dingti and he is coming from Zhoushan, more completely. It seems the defense of Shanghai Zhoushan Islands, I have to grasp, the formation of a barrier to the enemy if calling from the sea,Chi dazzle flat iron, sure to fail. However, the north and east of the Yangtze River I have not seen, it was a water network area, so there is no barrier in Zhoushan, the place I do not worry, we still have to look at Ding Sheng guarantee more than talk about her military geography question the accuracy of records, but the effect should be no problem). Ding Sheng has a personality characteristic, acquaintances together, he was very calm,chi pink dazzle hair straightener, very few said that the extra words. The in front of outsiders, to avoid embarrassing the ice, but his words also appear more. Ding and three were in fact there is no friendship, to see what the three men did not understand what the military would changing the subject: come from the Yangtze River estuary, the Yangtze River water was very shallow, to see a lot of dredger in dredging, why do you not allowed to repair a deep water terminal on the island, the foreign goods are unloaded on the island, and then we ship rejected Shanghai , to save the vessel, cargo backlog caused by a fine thing, and so on. D smiled, and did not say anything Ma said: Li Baoqi is how come? He go? Dante does not like to talk behind Sheng cadres, they put a topic of the way. then D said: I came, because forces to engage in exercises in the Hangzhou Bay, to come to a lot of people, such as cadres at and above the military division, military regions, Headquarters should come to live in Shanghai at all times, it is estimated there are difficulties in placement, in addition to the existing Yan'an Hotel rooms are vacated, the City may have to borrow the other guest houses, other logistics such as food supplies, vehicles, Party to be trouble when the time to help, in addition, exercise more than two hours away from the urban site, may have to ask you to send some militia maintain some traffic order. Since then, the point about what art troupe also performed a matter Jinshan Chemical Plant . temporary leave before the horse asked how the body is now a D, Ding said, also, is a little heart, the old trouble. Ma said of Xu Jingxian, Xu Jinglei, you arrange to Huadong Hospital, to the D Commander check check. According to Ding said, then led the three of them to the small upstairs office and sat for a while Liao Hansheng. back to the room, he fell asleep a short while. Ding Sheng never dreamed, August 8 this evening, will bring him to spend the mud of the other great changes in the cloud! Xu Jingxian the is schmoozing, they are not familiar with their own three people to Sheng told us to be prepared numerous references in his memoirs Ding Sheng (Fortunately, the , military people to come to Shanghai to see a doctor. In the evening, Ma Tianshui Shanghai, Xu Jingxian, Wang Xiuzhen, who came to visit. I live on the same floor, had been living in Shanghai, 1 month, they never come. They probably think there is anything wrong, so let me informed: see Liao political commissar of the moment. out of the room, opened my bedroom door, attached is called several times: 'Liao political commissar, political commissar Liu ... ...' 'I declined. It is only from August 8 to four days, said he had been living in Shanghai a month, they have never been, I fear, an exaggeration. Furthermore, Ding Sheng does not call, do not know the Liao to the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of Shanghai, known After not immediately rushed to the scene? No, Xu Jingxian and specifically to your next move to Jin Jiang LIU it? Liao said: After completion via Shanghai, Zhoushan, and not specifically to go to Shanghai to see a doctor. In addition, Liu and Ma, who said Ding they do not into the room, and D said they talked for a while into the room. This is a complicated and confusing, this indistinctness and duplicity of the evening! Liao say, October 7, 1976, Emergency Notification: Ding Sheng of Nanjing Military Region, Liao Hansheng, Jiangsu Provincial Peng Chong, Xu Jiatun immediately by a special plane to Beijing meeting. 10:30 that night, immediately notify the General Office of the Central Military Commission to a meeting, Liao said: floor. Several other people also came downstairs, and only Ding Sheng commander also soak tub yet, locked the door of the room. So, I sent up the door, only then he finally called out. , this applause, should also include a Ding Sheng of it. 9 October morning, Peng Chong, Ding Sheng and Liao Hansheng find Zhou Chunlin with talk of the Day, Peng D, Liao Ning, etc. back. to Nanjing, immediately called Military Committee, consultant, retired veteran cadres were conveyed in the evening, they convened in Nanjing, the army, navy, air force and military academies of the army units responsible for more than to convey. According to Liao Hansheng the above description, Ding Sheng in the smashing of the then waited a long time in the bubble? is very puzzling is that the subsequent Ding Sheng was suddenly thrown out, what are the reasons? claims and Ding Sheng , which has not made a convincing account of obviously white. Some people say, because the small Sheng Xu Shiyou offended since the beginning of the establishment of the Nanjing Military Region, Xu Shiyou will be regarded as their during the Cultural Revolution is not the whole is quite a powerful man: grade 19, is the so-called problems do account for 16 classes, including the initial rehabilitation of the 10 people, including the allocation of 5 people working there are not assigned Zhao, Huang Zhendong, and many others; the 'back to back' review 10 people, including military one person, the division level 9; some cadres have so-called 'historical problems' ... .... Xu spread there, said Xu very dissatisfied. Some people say, because the small Sheng Ye offended. Ye Zhang Tingdong secretary, said later books, in late October 1969, , Xiang Tan and Guangzhou, tortured. out arrangements for a deputy chief of staff to Ye Jianying's live line. They would not let the original lived in the house lived Ye Jianying. ... .... when, adding insult to injury those who have, and no amount of people who have extended the helping hand. Ding Sheng Although careful everywhere, but still has a lack of high-level political struggles experience, guard (can also be said to be hard to prevent it), such as Xu Jingxian small framed by Shaw, and finally led to the tragedy later in life! high politics, even for a battle-hardened soldiers, it is too dangerous not it? According to enlarged meeting, at this meeting, : October 29, 1982, the Central Military Commission Commission for Discipline Inspection (1982) No. 105 word discipline re-approved: the CPC Central Committee, Central Military Commission, the party agreed to dismiss Ding Sheng, after receiving the review, he commanded by a Total Annihilation generals sacked as ordinary civilians. Ding Sheng's life work is not whether, had not a limb, his legacy has made a comment on his own history. Ding Sheng retired from politics after his wife and children who live together, free to go shopping every day, at home too. Who can expect the ordinary situation of elderly people is the moment of the year ... ... Ding Ding Sheng Sheng commander of his old age, is said by the fieldwork came from the General Political Department Director Yongbo agreed that the recovery of the Guangzhou Military Region, resettlement cadres at the division level , but no change in political status (down fairly improved living conditions.) However, people did not forget him. According to the source said, in the 1990s, Ding Sheng He never met with local cadres and soldiers have been demobilized, I heard 'D commander' come, those who come to visit, greeted with Canada, sincere and showed his personality. to in Kunming, Chengdu, Chongqing, for example, a family of his old men asked him to stay, to eat, to accompany him to play, almost exclusive, however. He was transferred from the mountain city of Chongqing, and repeat business, the military and to those in, and he knew or there have been contacts, a lot of just heard his name, did not do their side of the young people who visit Jingri his door visits, Thanks for the Memories is endless! September 25, 1999, Ding served in Guangzhou has completed his eighty-six spring journey of life. Although the official make things difficult, even after the death of the title, but also limits everywhere - can not be referred to as However, there are hundreds of old comrades caught on to, on hearing the news, spontaneously participated in the attention: / 2010-02/03/content_4377303.htm
Open Category: celebrity, military strategist, the PLA, Major General,
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