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Reprinted from 524205926 at 10:50 on August 29, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

; must know the social life of twelve-known rule

one, Matthew
Second, watch Theorem
three, four
not worth the Law, Peter Principle
five, six
zero-sum game theory, cooperative law
Washington Seven, eight
wine and water laws, laws
nine buckets, mushrooms management
ten, eleven
law of Occam's razor, twenty-eight law
second, a question of money

a, Matthew
\He told them: \The king rewards him 10 cities. Report of the second servant, said: \Report of the third servant, said: \Shanggei the first servant, and said: \Look around us, you can find many examples of Matthew. Friends and more people will get more frequent exchanges with friends; lack of friends who will always go alone. Especially with regard to money, even if the same rate of return on investment, a more than 10 times the investment in people who have more than 10 times earnings. This is a winner-take-all
society, use of Matthew, the winner is you.

on business development is concerned, Matthew tells us, in order to maintain our edge in one area, we must rapidly expand in this area. When you become a leader in the field, even though the same rate of investment return, you can more easily get more than their counterparts in small gains. And if one area does not expand rapidly in strength, we must constantly look for new areas of development,一个女孩用一辈子说的一句话 - Qzone日志, to ensure better returns.

Second, watch the watch Theorem

theorem is a person with one watch, you can know what time it is, and when he has two table not being able to determine. Two tables and can not tell a person more accurate time, but people will watch the exact time to lose confidence. You have to do is to select the more reliable one, try to calibrate it and use it as your standard, follow its guidelines. Remember the words of Nietzsche: \is \However, many people are troubled: they were \, for the depressed life, and even made the subject of noteworthy achievements, but also never felt the joy of success.

watch Theorem in business management gives us a very intuitive inspiration, is the same person or with an organization's management can not use two different methods, can not set two different goals. And even each individual can not be two people to simultaneously command, otherwise this company or this person will know what to do. Theorem another layer of meaning within the meaning of the watch is that each one can also choose two different values, otherwise, your behavior will be disrupted.

three, not worth the Law of Law

not worth the most intuitive interpretation was: not worth doing, is not worth doing, this law seems simple enough, but it's important ###### has always been sparse forget. Not worth the laws reflects a psychological, if a person is engaged in a self that is not worth doing, tend to remain cynical, half-hearted attitude. Not only the success rate is small, and even if successful, it will not feel much sense of accomplishment. What are the things worth doing
it? In general, this depends on three factors.
1, values. About values that we have talked a lot, only thing consistent with our values, we will do it with enthusiasm.
2, personality and temperament. If a person do with his personality and temperament of a complete departure from the job, he is very difficult to do, such as what the person has become a good archivist, or a shy person has to deal with different people every day.
3, the reality of the situation. The same job, go do in different situations, to our feelings are different. For example, in a large company, if you initially do is run errands and do odd jobs of work, you probably think is not worth it, but once you were promoted to foreman or manager, you would not think of.

sum up, the job is worth doing: our values, our personality and temperament for, and allows us to see the expectations. If your work does not have these three factors, you should consider for a more appropriate work, and strive to do it.

Therefore, personally, should be available in a variety of goals and values of the selected one, and then strive for. \And on a business or organization, will have a good personality characteristics of employees, a reasonable distribution of work, such as a strong desire for achievement alone or lead employees to accomplish a certain risk and difficulty of the work, and in its completion recognition and praise given time; to the staff attached to a strong desire to participate in more groups to a common work; to a strong desire for power with which the workers ability to adapt as a director. At the same time to strengthen the staff of the business goals of the identity, so that employees feel the work is worth it, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees.


Peter Principle Peter Principle is the American scholar Lawrence? Peter in the organization for promotion of related phenomena, a conclusion reached after studies; in various organizations, accustomed to a certain level as on the promotion of qualified personnel promoted, so employees always tend to be promoted to the status of their incompetence. Peter Principle is sometimes referred to as \This phenomenon is ubiquitous in real life: a competent university professor was promoted to president after the incompetence; an excellent athlete was promoted to director of sports officials, and doing nothing.
an organization, once a considerable part of the organization's staff was pushed to the level of their incompetence, the organization will result in overstaffing, inefficiency, resulting in mediocre to succeed, the development of stagnation. Therefore, it requires a simple change, \To establish a scientific and reasonable mechanism for personnel selection and objective evaluation of every ability and level of staff will arrange to its capable staff positions. Do not post promotions as a reward for key workers should establish a more effective incentive mechanism, more to pay, vacation etc. as incentives. Sometimes an employee can not be promoted to a good play to their positions, not only is not as rewards, but so that workers can not be a good play, but also cause losses to the enterprise.
For an individual, although we all look forward to keep a promotion, but do not climb as their sole motivation. Its not fully competent in a job managed to support, at a loss, not as good as its capability to find a position they can take their talent.

five, zero-sum game theory

when you see those two play chess, you can say they're playing \Because in most cases, there is always a win, one lose, if we win counted as 1 point, and Shu Qi as -1 points, then this is the sum of two scores: 1 + (-1 ) = 0.
This is the \The reason why zero-sum game theory
wide attention, mainly because it was found in all aspects of society can be found with the \From the individual to the country, from politics to economy, it seems that all the world is a huge validation of the \This theory holds that the world is a closed system, wealth, resources, opportunities are limited, individuals, individual regions and individual countries necessarily means an increase in wealth for others, the plundering of other regions and countries, this is a \
but in the 20th century experienced two world wars, the rapid economic growth, technological advances, globalization and the increasingly serious environmental pollution, the \People began to realize that the \Through effective cooperation, a happy ending is possible. But \the situation can not occur, or their own ultimate disadvantage.

VI, Washington, co-laws. cooperation

Washington law say is: a man half-heartedly, two people passing the buck, three people were never brought to fruition the day. Somewhat similar to our \Cooperation between people is not the simple addition of manpower, but much more complex and subtle. Cooperation from person to person,new balance running shoes, it is assumed the ability of each person is 1, then the result of cooperation of 10 individuals and sometimes much larger than 10, sometimes even smaller than 1. Because the animals were not static, but rather the energy of different directions, relative to naturally promote more effective, while nothing in conflict with each other. Our traditional management theory, for cooperative research was not much reflection is the most intuitive, most of the current management system and industry are working to reduce unnecessary human consumption, rather than using organization to improve people's performance. In other words, it may be said that management's main purpose is not the best for everyone, but to avoid excessive friction. 21 century will be an era of cooperation, it is fortunate that more and more people have realized the importance of cooperation in good faith,new new balance shoes, are trying to learn cooperation.
Bonnie human law: a person can dig a hole in one minute,new balance sneakers, one second sixty people can not dig a hole in it.

cooperation is a problem, how to cooperate is also a problem.

seven, wine and water and sewage laws

liquor laws is that if a spoonful of wine into a bucket of water, you get a bucket of water; if a spoonful of sewage poured into a bucket of wine, or you get a bucket of water. In almost any organization, there is hard to get a few characters, the purpose of their existence seems to messed it up. Everywhere they sow discord, spread rumors to undermine the harmony within the organization. Worst of all, they like the fruit rotten apples in the box, if you do not in time, it will quickly transmitted to other Apple fruit box smash, \force. An honest and competent people into a chaotic department may be swallowed, but only one non-German who can soon be turned into a mess of a highly efficient department. Organizational systems are often fragile, is built on mutual understanding, compromise and tolerance based on, it can easily be violated, was poisoned. Another important destroyer extraordinary ability to reason is easier to destroy than to build. A skilled craftsman to spend time carefully crafted ceramics, a donkey out of a second can be destroyed. If you have more craftsmen, nor how many decent work. If your organization has such a donkey, you should immediately rid of it; if you are unable to do so, you should put it tied up.

eight buckets and buckets

law is the law of speaking, a bucket can hold much water, it depends entirely on the shortest piece of wood. This means that any one organization could face a common problem, that constitute the various parts of the organization often determines the level of the entire organization.
form various parts of the organization are often missing the merits, and often inferior part of the level of the entire organization and decision.
\Some, you can not throw them as bad apples. Strength is only relative, not eliminated. The problem is that you tolerate this kind of weakness to what extent. If it is a serious bottleneck to become an obstacle to work, to have some action.
If you are in an organization, you should:
1, make sure you are not the weakest part;
2, to avoid or reduce this vulnerability impact on your success;
3, if Unfortunately, you are at this link, you can take effective way to improve or change jobs to seek another job.

nine, mushrooms mushrooms management is the management

many organizations who deal with a fledgling management, beginners are placed in a dark corner (not taken seriously in the department, running errands or working odd jobs ), doused with a dung (unwarranted criticism, blaming, vicarious), left to its own devices (without the necessary guidance and guidance and help.) I believe many people have such a \us closer to reality, more practical problems, while an organization, the general staff are treated equally budding, from the entry to the work will not be a big difference. No matter how talented you are, at the beginning of time can only start from the most simple things, \So, how to efficiently through this period of life, from as far as possible lessons, mature, and establish a good image of a trustworthy individual, the society of every newly recruited young people must face.


law of Occam's razor if you think that only bruised and battered, busy work only likely to succeed, then you are wrong.
things are always moving in the direction of complex, complex is wasteful, and the performance comes from simple. You may have done most of what is meaningless, the real effective activities are just a small part, but they are often hidden in the complicated things. Find the critical part, remove redundant activities, success is not that complicated.
Occam's razor: If there is no hair to be,new balance shoes, not by entity.
12 century, the United Kingdom William of Ockham on the endless of \the universality of the essentials are useless burden, should be ruthlessly \He argues that \This razor has made a lot of people feel threatened, is considered heresy, William himself hurt. However, this does not damage the knife's sharp, on the contrary, after several hundred years more and more rapidly, and already beyond the original narrow area and has a broad,How children should be in the end tube (VII) - Qzo, rich and profound meaning.
law of Occam's razor in business management can be further deepened as the law of simple and complex: simple things become complicated, simple things become very complicated. This law requires that we deal with things, to grasp the main essence of things, grasp the mainstream to address the most fundamental problem. In particular, in harmony with nature, not to artificially complicate matters, in order to handle things.

XI twenty-eight law

your work done in 80% of the results, from 20% of your pay; while 80% of pay, in exchange for 20% of the results only

second, a question of money

when someone tells you: \
according to the general argument that money is the measure of value, medium of exchange, store of wealth. But this argument ignores the other side of it, it is fascinating, it is crazy, exciting side, but also the psychological aside the love of money aside. Marx said, money is the \
on the nature of money, role and merits and demerits, throughout history, many brilliant people have left a profound and witty sayings. We often see people excited for the money, make money, with the wealth of provocative images of themselves. Money on the world order and the impact of our lives is enormous, extensive, and sometimes this effect is a potential, we are often not so great and its role, however, is wonderful: it is entirely created by man himself . Wealth is not the driving force originated in the biological needs of any animal life, can not find the same phenomenon. It can not comply with the basic objective, can not meet the basic needs - - indeed, \However, this seems aimless driving force is the most powerful force of mankind, human beings to hurt each other for money, far more than other reasons.
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