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Old 08-06-2011, 09:27 AM   #1
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to cooperate with authority. It would be too much to suppose that the State has altered habits by a ukase or two, for clearly the efflorescence of ######uality is a diversified and widespread phenomenon. But the Swedish rulers have been very careful not to oppose the trend, from a deep and well-grounded fear of appearing to be a killjoy antagonist of youth. In this, they have distinguished themselves from most other governments, East or West, which have attempted to impose restraint, or grudgingly accepted changes, with a predictable hostility of the young as the consequence. ‘I think that young people in the United States feel very much the same as young Swedes,’ says Mr Ingvar Carlsson, the Minister of Education. ‘But the United States authorities are slow in following up developments. In Sweden we are quicker.’ If the party wants to change society it has preferred not to be seen working too hard at it but, through suitable kneading of public opinion by other agents, to give the impression of answering a need rather than enforcing an idea. * Brave New World. 334 The New Totalitarians The corporate State facilitates this, with a specialist organization to cover each necessary field. Thus, in politics, there is the ABF; in ###### and morals there is the RFSU, Riksforbundet for ######uell Upplysning – the National Association for ######ual Education. The RFSU is a corporate organization closely related to the Labour movement mbt discount . It has three functions: the dissemination of erotic technique, the encouragement of birth control and the change of morality. Since the 1940s, the party has accepted the desirability of birth control, but has been politically unable to encourage it too openly because of certain popular resistance, notably among the puritanical working classes and country dwellers who provided the backbone of their votes. The RFSU carried out the necessary propaganda, and was given State grants to do so. Almost single-handed, the RFSU has made Sweden contraceptive- conscious, and propagated a progressive, rational attitude to ######. Through clinics and shops it has made contraceptives cheap, and brought birth control to the masses. Its most important work has been in ######ual ideology. The RFSU has advanced a mechanical view of ###### as a necessary physiological function. It was what the radical party ideologists wanted to implant among the public and, without the RFSU spadework, they would have been hard put to do so. Compulsory ###### education in the schools had been a government desire from the early 1940s, but it could not be imposed until a hostile public opinion <a href=""><strong>mbt walking shoes</strong></a> had been parried. The RFSU campaigned tenaciously and eventually, in 1956, the measure could be carried through as an answer to a mbt chapa need. Much of it took the form of RFSU demands. The organization is small, with about 5,000 members, but by the number of their approaches they gave the impression of a popular demand. In this way, the government was able to minimize political controversy on the subject. The buy mbt shoes ######ual Branch of Social Engineering 335 The RFSU has done a great deal to eradicate the ######ual obscurantism that once belonged to Sweden. A few examples of how far they have succeeded may not be out of place. New departures in contraceptive equipment are advertised on the streets, but excite less attention than a new beer. A garage will sport a mbt shoes sale well-designed poster showing two cats cuddling. ‘For you who make love,’ says the caption, ‘a neat kit; condoms and hygienic antiseptic cleaning tissues. Remember your hygiene.’ A reputable <a href=""><strong>mbt lami shoes</strong></a> travel agency includes in a brochure for young people this advice to girls: ‘Don’t forget contraceptives. It’s all very well to have your fun on holiday, but you’ll have to pay the bill later, with a pregnancy during the dreary winter if you don’t look after yourself. It’s a good idea to take condoms as well. Foreign boys often don’t have them, and it shows good taste to be able to offer one. Even if you’re on the Pill, it’s sensible to insist on your partner taking precautions to prevent diseases.* And if you use some other form of birth control, it’s an extra margin of safety.’ The RFSU has promoted a view of ###### as mbt shoes clearance the escape valve of society. ‘Our aim discount mbt trainers ,’ says an RFSU official, ‘is to encourage liberation through ######.’ In no other field would that be said. The aims, as adumbrated before, are all the other way, towards regulation and submission to the collective. The Pill has been thoroughly impressed on the Swedish consciousness and officially endorsed. The authorities, alone in Europe, perhaps alone in the world, have brought about the true ######ual revolution. This is not the propagation of birth control, but popular understanding that the ######ual act is no longer identical with procreation. The law has closely followed ######ual custom. Previously * Gonorrhoea has shown a catastrophic increase, coinciding with the advance of the Pill and the change of morals. It is hard to say which is the leading cause. The age at which it is concentrated has sunk continually, having been observed in 1970 among eleven- and twelveyear- olds. This is not specifically Swedish, but confirms experience elsewhere. 336 The New Totalitarians Swedish, like most Western, jurisprudence was informed by Christian ethics. Marriage was assumed to be permanent and divorce a regrettable aberration. Professor Alvar Nelson, a government legal expert, says that ‘our aim is to remove all traces of Church morality from legislation’. Already (1970) adultery has been removed as what is termed an ‘extraordinary cause’. In Sweden, divorce has long been virtually by consent, with a separation of one year necessary before the decree was granted. In the case of proven adultery, however, the delay was waived. This no longer mbt clearance holds, with the implication that faithfulness is no longer considered a part of marriage. The new legislation, coming into force during the 1970s, is devoid of moral superstructure. Marriage will be a contract, to be made or cancelled by the signatories at will, through a simple act of registration. In the case of weddings, a civil or religious ceremony is an optional extra. But the state of marriage is virtually superfluous, except where a woman wants her husband’s name. Cohabitation is legally equivalent as far as housing and taxation are concerned. Illegitimate children have the same right of inheritance as those born in wedlock: biological parentage is the only kind now recognized in law. There remains only the question of what to do with unwanted children. mbt shoes uk Abortion is liberal in Sweden, praised as the ultimate guarantee of ######ual emancipation. When the photographer Lennart Nilsson published his celebrated film and book* on the birth of a baby, he was bitterly attacked by Swedish medical critics for ‘anti-abortion propaganda’, although his intention had merely been to depict what he considered a miracle of nature. While most of Swedish society is littered with taboo, ###### has been absolutely cleansed of it. In this one field, the authorities have been extremely anxious, as they officially mbt stockists proclaim, to remove all guilt feelings. As social and economic * Published in Britain as The Everyday Miracle and in the US as A Child is Born. The ######ual Branch of Social Engineering 337 regimentation has progressed, so has ######ual liberation, and the propaganda around it. The Swede is extraordinarily proud of this one freedom, seeing in it a proof of his own superiority in all fields. But it is not permissiveness; it is licensed release. The State, anxious to control the citizen absolutely, has taken ######uality in hand as well. Even in the fundamental human act, the welfare mentality has intruded, and the Swedes, while encouraged to release their political frustrations through the reproductive procedure, are yet admonished to do so decently, hygienically and properly. The citizen must feel that the State cares for him, even in what should be the last resort of privacy. <a href=""><strong>mbt shoes outlet</strong></a> 16. Brave New Sweden Even allowing for the relief offered them in the form of ######, the Swedes are faced with residual, but by no means negligible strains. They are well-adjusted to their situation. They have accepted a degree of control as yet alien to most Western countries. They have submitted to their rulers in return for security. They have made a virtue of the conformity that is necessary for the proper running of their society. Mutiny is not consciously a part of their nature. And yet they are not entirely content. This has not escaped the attention of their rulers. The Directorate of Social Affairs commissioned a report on the mental state of the nation. Eliminating mbt clearance the jargon, its purpose was to establish whether the average Swede was happy – for ‘the problem of happiness’ is of the gravest official concern. The report concluded that many Swedes felt at odds with their environment and that twenty-five per cent of the population were in need of psychiatric treatment. It recommended improved organization of society to mop up pockets of unhappiness. Welfare, then, produces its own frustrations: regimentation breeds irritation and resentment which cannot, as the Swedes have discovered, be entirely suppressed, with all the selfdiscipline and goodwill in the world. Safety valves are a necessity. The ######ual safety valve is a release from the grosser tensions. But it, too, has its limitations. Although its net effect is probably on the credit side, it has contributed to the strains it is required to relieve. The physical emphasis put upon it has enveloped the population in a permanent cloud of depressio Brave New Sweden 339 post coitus. By eradicating ritual and taboo, excitement has been dissipated, and the function of ###### as a surrogate for political tension therefore handicapped. In spite of themselves, the Swedes from time to time betray a yearning mbt uk for something beyond the mechanics of ######. Maudlin cries for feeling appear in the correspondence columns of newspapers and cheap mbt shoes in articles in women’s magazines. Writers, moved Cheap mbt shoes sometimes by a powerful urge to touch on sentiment, are prevented by a yet more powerful inner censor. This situation recalls yet another scene from Brave New World. The Savage has been reciting Romeo and Juliet to Helmholtz Watson, the Emotional Engineer, who interrupts with gales of laughter, and says: ‘ “I know quite well that one needs ridiculous, mad situations like that; one can’t write really well, about anything else. “Why was that old fellow such a marvellous propaganda technician? Because he had so many insane, excoriating things to get excited about. You’ve got to be hurt and upset; otherwise you can’t think of the really good, penetrating, X-rayish phrases. But fathers and mothers.” He shook his head. “You can’t expect me to keep a straight face about fathers and mothers. And who’s going to get excited about a boy having a girl or not having her? … No … it won’t do. “We need some other kind of madness and violence. But what? What? Where can one find it? … I don’t know … I don’t know.” ‘ Licence to copulate has led to a ######ual obsession pervading the whole of Swedish life. It has brought in its train a certain amount of mental illness. This is a subject on which the authorities are silent, and the organizers of ######ual instruction prone mbt shoes sale to concealment. Nevertheless, it seems to have been established that much of expanding neuroses among schoolchildren and students mbt shoes australia is to be attributed to failure in the ######ual rat race. Nervous breakdowns on this account are not uncommon. Beyond ###### there are drugs. In juvenile addiction, Sweden 340 The New Totalitarians is ahead of Western Europe, and beginning to approach the United States.* Boredom would seem to be the usual motivation; boredom generated by a conformist and sterile society and, worst of all, by ######ual ennui. Perhaps the worst of Swedish frustrations lies in the lack of political commitment and muzzled criticism at home. Neutrality has also exacted a price. It has produced a kind of moral castration, so that collectively the Swedes may feel an urge to act, but lack the power to do so. These disabilities may be self-inflicted, but are none the less galling. <a href=""><strong>Timberlan d Men's Classic 2 Eye Boat Shoe | The Bowling Store</strong></a> They are compensated by a specialized use of conscience. Conscience in the normal sense, as the spiritual guardian of the conscience holder in his personal actions, is scarcely acknowledged among the Swedes. It has come to mean conscience to the world. It is not an individual, but a collective concept. It means condemnation of other countries and other people for undesirable actions. In the way that mbt shoes review it has been applied, it is directed to remote corners of the world, from which no immediate danger mbt shoes online may be anticipated. It is always on the side of the angels. 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