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Old 08-04-2011, 12:59 PM   #1
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Default Pandora Clearance Running on Empty

Classes: getting a mum
Tags: undesirable mother, kids

Today two key activities occurred. 聽Isla acquired a telephone, and I ended up sensation much like the worst mother on this planet.
The telephone thing was discussed for a long period, it’s pay as you go, for emergencies, and it’s only to be used when she goes out, for example to the park on her own. 聽She was obviously thrilled to bits so we called to get the 拢10 voucher that came with it. 聽The automated lady kindly informed us the credit would be on within 24 hours. 聽Isla was desperate to test it out.
My children are 7 and 10 and go to the park on their own quite a bit, it’s about 2 minutes walk from our house, they usually see friends there stay for about 10 minutes and come home again, if not I walk up and tell them time is up.
I’m not sure what went wrong right now. 聽On the way home from my mums,Pandora Clearance, we passed the park, Isla asked if they could stay for 10 minutes, she would test out the new cellphone and come back. 聽I agreed. 聽Then I remembered I had to run to the shops (which is about 2 minutes the other way) 聽I suggested they stay there, I’ll nip to the shops and then come back for them. 聽Isla wasn’t sure about it.
“Can’t you just go home?’
“”Tell you what, I’ll call you from the shops when I’m leaving ok?”
“Ok then. don’t be long”
Off I drove…. If 聽I’d just looked in the wing mirror 10 seconds after, I would have seen that Isla had changed her mind and was now running after the car crying. 聽Unfortunately I didn’t see this, and went on my merry way to the shops, picked out my stuff and stood within the line. 聽The lady was slow… must ring Isla when I get while in the car…hurry up lady…
As I struggled with my bag I heard my telephone ringing, I thought to get a second Isla’s credit had gone on and she was calling, but when I looked it was a number I didn’t recognise. 聽I answered as it rang off. 聽Getting while in the car I call her. 聽She is beside herself.
“Mum, why did you leave us at the park, I said we didn’t want to stay”
“Isla, calm down, where are you?”
“At the..(sobs) the neighbours”
“Which ones?”
As it turns out our neighbours are lovely, but to be honest we hadn’t had much to do with them before my children sought refuge from their abandoning mom there. 聽I felt really stupid picking them up, Isla sobbing, Iden wondering what was going on, me looking sheepish,Tiffany And Co Running Processes, like I’d come to collect my lost wallet or something. 聽I was grateful to them, and I was pleased Isla did the right thing, but wow, did I feel bad.
I really struggle with the whole independence issue, Isla is desperate for it, but then panics and changes her mind. 聽It’s like when you have a toddler and they run around all fierce, then suddenly come running back to hide behind your leg.
I’m still waiting for social services to come knocking on the door and tell me I shouldn’t leave my little ones hanging around the neighbourhood.
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