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Old 06-21-2011, 11:06 AM   #1
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Default 16 kinds of homes do no buy

narrate you in the end on which of the emulating 16 kinds of housing do not buy:
one, is on the avenue narrow, do not buy the road (as the signal is red, the main assault).

Second, the high-side not far from high mansions do not buy (block yang, Yin Shengyang bad).
Third, near the temples, the ashes together, cemeteries, temples, tombs do not buy (too sheng chi).
IX front of the open space Zhaixia who do not buy if a line (like a line, wealth does not begin).
Ten, living room Zhaixia do not buy (the living room Zhaixia not accumulated wealth).
XI, a small population do not buy too many house (a small room cried the house grams of adults who, also called
XII disburse do not buy double room (XIII, missing the southwest corner, do not buy the northwest corner (of the family is not good).
Fourth, a son and now the East do not buy into the toilet (his son's health and will affect the future).
Fifth, the northwest turn as toilets, pantries do not purchase (the chief criminal).
XVI homeowners do not buy a hare East households (East doors west, and the rabbit with red).
In terms of feng shui home, feng shui the living room of the family relationship between the family fortune and harmony, in truth, a major event, have to be conscious of. Feng shui living room feng shui is the mansion of the most important part. The overall action of a family home nice and bad, if it is the reason of promotion of good periods or bad, lofty and cheap digit of transport, family fortunes, good or bad,Lacoste Observe Strap Trainers, the depth of the couple's fate, children's schooling, exam of the transport,Womens Lacoste Trainers New, health is natural, probably by the living room feng shui decided. Shows the living room feng shui, feng shui is the core of passes, of way, its unparalleled importance. Teach you to enhance the feng shui the living room side of move action, look carefully before fitting.
one direction
The best in home living room approach the door of the 1st half of the position to instantly preoccupy the gas from the door. If you must all over the passageway to approach the living room,Lacoste Trainers UK, the corridor set to keep wash, and lighting should be sufficient to avoid impeding air living room. If the house is a sandwich chart, the living room should be in the wafer.
Second, the pattern of the best pattern
living room is square or rectangular, red seat space is not evil to the corner, sofa incompressible beam. If you have conspicuous release puncture in the behind corner, or furniture can be decided bonsai exhibit. If the living room was L-shaped, furniture will be accessible cross the square into 2 zones, as two separate rooms. For instance, as the local admission room, living room as the other regions. Mirror on the wall or noodles, a symbol of the complement piecing, and then, as a complete hub of the room to resolve.
Third, modify the furnishings
Sharp items such as knives, artillery, medals, stuffed animals, should not be hung on the walls. Because these items will have a chi, resulting in controversies or violence. The same should likewise lest a mausoleum furnishings lamp angle or decorations.
5 feng shui ornaments
Living room furnishings is effectively to see the occupants of the lifestyle and aesthetic may be. Any furnishings must be based on feng shui mascot eight lusts and private life orientation natal hexagram, it is best to consult a vocational feng shui main.
seven, north, business operation, black and blue
Check the position of the north living room layout. Is representative of northern business operation, a water line, like to use color is blue or black. Water placed in this position is the cause of the occupants of merchandise shipped there to help, such as tanks, landscape, water tankers, etc. Or put a black metal jewelry can also be because the gold can be raw.
8 south, dignity transportation, red
Good feng shui layout south direction will bring fame and recognition for the family, especially the parents responsible for their subsistence. The south is the line of blaze, like use of color is red. Suitable for hanging Phoenix, flamingo or sunrise paintings. Red blanket or red wooden decorations (as wood to fire) is also quite fitting. In this position the installation of lighting can increase the reputation of transport more. If set to put a mirror in this position, be sure to put a small mirror surface, because the mirror is water, but water will fire, negative fortune of fame.
nine, eastern, health, transport, green
East orientation relationship with the health of the occupants. Place in this region can promote fruitful vegetation family's health and longevity. An thing or scenery water is also helpful, because the water can be raised on wood.
ten, north-west, elegant activity, white
Strengthen the position of the energy of the northwest room, aid to increase transport and elegant relationships. This area is a gold, so appropriate for display white, gold or silver metal jewelry, such as metal sculpture or metal pedestal lamp with white round screen. String of six coins with red string or hollow metal wind chimes hanging six columns can fascinate and elegant transportation.
ten, northeast, Wenchang transportation, yellow
If a child was about to take the examination, the best consideration to the position of Feng Shui. Dependent territory of the region, like the use of color is yellow and globe tones. Ceramic vases and other items are suitable to promote the soil in this region of energy. Crystal is also very telling.
XII southwest, peach,Lacoste Swerve Trainers, yellow
If you absence to luck along marriage or adore, then the living room of this location namely maximum important. Southwest instruction territory, northeast of catalytic methods and the same. In the chandelier-style lamps placed here to addition stamina, promote marital harmony; Crystal and family portrait photos have the same effect.
XIV furniture
Furniture manner to be solid,Lacoste Tourelle Trainers, with high-back sofa and chairs,Lacoste Swerve Keyline Trainers, as a symbol of family life not only comfortable but also must depend on. Ideally, living room furniture, furnishings was the best fashion of gossip, because seats are afterward to each other, can promote interpersonal harmony. Create a space for rest and slumber, but not the subsistence of evil spirits. Determined to clean up the bedroom clean, otherwise it will accumulate bad smell.
fifth, all the doors should be left open
The so-called right-left Dragon White Tiger, Green Dragon on the left should move, pearly tiger on the right should be quiet, so entire the doors should be left open for Kyrgyzstan, which method that people from the inside out, the door should be located to the left. Easily reversed if so open the door leadership to family discussions.
XX Wang home located in the door diagonally
Busy bit is commonly home in the living room, the main conditions for peace and silence, stable, tin not be a aisle of the moving line, favor in terms of busy-bit is in the living room door diagonally. Since the engaged morsel more arose in the door diagonally, so should not hang a mirror, for there is a mirror reflection effect, easy to stonewall the family's fortune; to bad fortune, opportunities lost. Busy bit should be placed to contribute to the mascot of fortune, the best path is to grow with the vitality of a broad green leaves.
XXV, living room should be more use of round shape of ornaments
The living room is where family and friends together, most need to build a brisk, agreeable atmosphere. Round is a assured, dynamic character, so circular lighting, dome shape, and accessories with a adviser warm, brisk air.
thirty, not the living room gate foresight cafeteria
The interior configuration misdeed, not all easy to give folk the sensibility of princess. I would watch the restaurant door, not merely easy to make family bulimia eating heavy, difficult to lofty ambitions, easily made out the villain, and even the wastage of people and striving for the ideal life.
xxxiv, living room should not be suspended according to
Some families like the loving husband and wife according to hang on in the living room, feng shui does not kas long asroad can be made inhibit. In adding to special circumstances, like the negative photo hanging in the living room, will not only seriously affect the family business prosperous wind, even the couple of grams, to chance vacant.
XXXVI, should not quit the house plants
Common in some families in the living room hello ######## grass counterfeit flowers placed above the surface, although it seems pleasant, merely actually it easy to send the host and hostess ponderous peach or marital problems; Moreover, unmarried family members to send more above the obstacles apt wedding; lightly guide to hypocrites alternatively Yurenbushu gas transport, and even influence the family's asset, make investment and monetary treatment misjudgment, resulting in the phenomenon of bad fortune
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