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Old 06-18-2011, 02:12 PM   #1
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Remember in elementary school, when teachers assigned you a family tree for homework? Until that day, you only knew your grandparents as Nana and Pop.So you trekked home, perhaps with a piece of construction paper in hand, and asked Mom or Dad to spell out the names of all your aunts and uncles, grandfathers and grandmothers, great-grandparents and so on. If Mom was organized high heel nike dunks uk, maybe she managed to dig up a few dusty photos, too cheap jordan heels for women, for you to bring to class for Show and Tell. Boy, have times changed.This assignment is now so much easier thanks to amazing advances in technology. If you're a sentimental soul who wants to preserve as many family memories as possible, this is something you should consider doing again today, even as an adult. A family tree shouldn't grow dusty like your childhood; it should be built upon as your family expands.Today, you can convert photos to digital and create a family tree on your computer for a great -looking diagram. After you've gathered the standard facts, from birth dates to offspring, you can get to work on compiling photos from relatives. This is an enjoyable process that will help you get to know them even more. You'll probably come across pictures you've never seen, listen to stories you've never heard. Treasure these moments as much as the result you're after.Don't rush the project, either. Take your time and meet individually with each relative if possible. Have him or her go over each photo with you as you take notes. Ask about favorite colors and songs �C the more information the better. All of this will come in handy later when you prepare a file or Web site to share with everyone. Never mind the broad chart you may have drawn decades ago; with a computer and Internet access, you can now create a very specific page with details about each family member.A family tree is a sentimental item to have, but it's also very practical. Besides tidbits about sports trophies and special talents, you can include data on each person's health, such as blood type, allergies and chronic diseases. This information will be invaluable should a medical emergency arise. It's also a great asset for future generations.Of course, you can compile all of this data in a text-only document and send it off. But if you convert photos to digital and attach personal pictures where relevant, that brings the family tree to life, especially for children who never got to meet their grandparents. Beyond annual shots of you on Christmas morning, think of all the other photos you may stashed in the attic or basement, from yearbooks to panoramic class shots.The family tree is also an excellent excuse to gather the relatives for a reunion, a wonderful way to hang onto dear memories and create new ones. Now that anyone can start a Web site or blog nike air jordan dunk heels, it's the perfect way to establish and share your roots. It's also makes it easy to track down long-lost relatives. After you post your tree online, a simple Google search could be all that separates you from a missing member of your family.The time to convert photos to digital is now. And the next time a teacher assigns your child a family tree as homework, you will know exactly how to help.
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