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Old 06-10-2011, 10:22 AM   #2
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You can earn a fortune while playing . Thousands of online players has done that and you too can do it. Read on to clear any doubts that you have . Splitting requires you to place an additional bet equal to your initial bet. In online blackjack games, this bet is placed. If you are satisfied with your hand total cheep runescape gold, you can choose to stand and pass the turn over to the dealer.
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When you stand, the dealer takes over . The dealer takes further actions according to a different set of rules. Under the most common rules wow gold for cheap, the dealer must hit on a hand total of 16 or less. And must stand on ############s may customize these rules so don't forget to check out the rules in advance. We at Club Player ############ follow the most common set of rules.
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