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Old 05-29-2011, 02:56 AM   #1
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Default Most aid the 12 men heaving the edible and the m

the advocate of 12 men food
According to statistics, 10 men and leadership cause of decease in four diet-related, including cancer, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease and diabetes. The following 12 kinds of food agreeable for men's health, suggests namely men eaten a great many.
No.1 sour tomato tomatoes can promote the secretion of gastric beverage to help digestion of protein, in addition rich in vitamin C can be combined with the relationship among cells, creating bone collagen , strong blood containers.
No.2 soy beans
many folk know there are plant hormones,Lacoste Canvas Trainers, is favorable to women, does not kas long assoy is a magnificent food because males. For sample, Japanese men who eat soy productions, risk of prostate illness than Western men is cheap. And soybeans to enhance the men's as effective as bone wastage. Men over the old of 60, bone loss begins, the location is as solemn and menopausal women. And eat more beans to join lecithin, lecithin has been shown to short-term memories and studying aptitude related.
No.3 pumpkin seeds

men behind 40 annuals of age, most people have distended prostate problems. A U.S. study found that, for enlarged prostate patients catching pumpkin seed extracts, does reduce the number of patients with urinary frequency,Womens Lacoste Shua Trainers, but also improve other omens. And pumpkin seeds are the best source of vitamin E, can anti-aging. In common Chaoshi pumpkin seeds can be bought, some products are medley of many types of nuts can be spattered on salad expense, or eaten as snacks on weekdays.
No.4 carrots

B-carotene in the body alterations into vitamin A,Lacoste Shoes, improve the body's resistance, inhibition of reactive oxygen species leading to cell deterioration and so ashore. In increase, because rich in potassium, which assists lower blood oppression, and the efficacy of dietary fiber can activity intestines. B-carotene rich carrots are so fashionable is because it can discourage cancer.
seafood seafood can enhance ######ual representation. Semen contains colossal measures of zinc, when the body of zinc deficiency can influence the quantity and quality of sperm. The food seafood oysters, shrimp, crab most abundant of zinc, a small oyster is nearly equal to the claim for zinc in the day (15 mg).
In addition, oysters are rich in glycogen or taurine, have elevated the role of liver feature, and physical nutrition.

Garlic Garlic has a strong sterilizing power, it can break invading bacteria in vivo. In addition, it can promote the digestion of vitamin B1, and promote the metabolism of carbohydrates to generate energy and reduce fatigue. Another function of garlic can not be ignored is the shove the immune system. Garlic contains lead selenide, an antioxidant, is looked as anti-cancer food. Men can improve the physical fitness and physical services.
No.7 foods lofty in vitamin C

men after the age of 24 the quality and amount of sperm are in decline, if there is an old pill can not repeatedly to the aging of sperm vitality, and that is vitamin C. Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Texas Experimental results show that taking 1,000 mg per day for men of vitamin C, taking 60 consecutive days, their sperm calculate increased by 60%, play additional by 30%, abnormal sperm also decreased.

entire wheat cake, said the pressure, men are often around the timer to work into commerce, the pressure can not be cozy occasional, on the use of tobacco and liquor to cover up fatigue and accent. To battle stress, vitamin B team is quite momentous. These comprise B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid, nicotinic acid, can maintain the reliability of the nervous system, mushroom energy metabolism and helps fight stress. Whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, embryo rice, which have fecund vitamin B group. And whole wheat bread is a complex carbohydrate, you can slow the release of vigor, with a tranquilizing effect, people loosen, not tense.
No.9 Water

75% of the people brain is water, dehydrated the premier affected organ is the brain , also little water will make people tired, the reaction Pianman. 1 day at least 2 flasks of ore water drinking (about 2000 ml). >>> Water, you really will it?
pressure deep-sea fish, but also to men undergoing from hyperlipidemia, stroke, lower the age. Deep-sea fish in the omega 3 fatty acids can prevent blood clotting, reduce vasoconstriction, reduce triglycerides and so on cardiovascular especially profitable. Fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acids include mackerel spent fish, Pacific saury, grouper, salmon, etc., can replace the food, but memorize to eat fish double at least 1 week.
No.11-rich green tea black tea green tea

does not have vitamin C. Vitamin C prevent colds, skin nutrients are indispensable. In addition, glutamate is also rich in anti-aging, boost the immune system of the aspartic acid, amino acids with physical nourishment. Also has a diuretic, eliminating pressure, with upgrade effects of caffeine, blood pressure and other flavonoids.
No.12 brandy if you have to drink to beverage ruddy wine. Because red wine grape skin polyphenolic antioxidants, maintained in the brandy, you can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease; and a diversity of drunkard contrast, red wine Princeton (uric acid the body makes up the material) rather low. In addition, red wine can improve antioxidant to prevent atherosclerosis. According to recent research results, for Alzheimer's disease can also be effective, a senior community indispensable drinks. But the wine still has calories, nutritionists recommend that the retinue day or the control of 60cc.

of ten women need health food
immediately basically encounter the stuff needs of people, so more people are cared about health appearances, here are ten kinds of women are very useful for health food.
Ten women required
best health food
protecting the brain: spinach
for it has carotene and superoxide dismutase enzyme component of the What are Followed along the leeks, onions, peas angle, tomatoes, carrots, green cabbage, beans, garlic leaves and other vegetables, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts, almonds and additional edibles shell, and brown rice, and so worthy of Zhugan Tang Bunao when you prefer.
eye: sweet potato
Vitamin A namely known as
vitamin A change made by the carotenoids. In addition to carrots, the sweet potato is too rich in carotene-rich, can provide a crowd of vitamin A, can improve vision, merely also often eat sweet potatoes good for the skin.
Hair: Kelp
Speaking of hair
food,Womens Lacoste Arin Trainers, perhaps you know a lot, case in point, black cilia, black sesame seeds make, make ginger hair growth, or make hair lustrous walnut. But you know the food's all-around champion hair is? It is kelp, nutrition experts trust that normal consumption of seaweed iodine in the body not only to add elements, but also for hair growth, moisturize,Lacoste Prep CB Trainers, shine also has a special effect.
defend the lung: Tomato
UK's latest learn found that eating tomatoes three periods a week or more to prevent respiratory diseases, protect the lung from bacterial infection. However, with the tomato lycopene content of soluble sugar content is inversely proportional,Lacoste Arixia FD Trainers, that is, the more non-sweet tomatoes, where the higher the lycopene content.
Leggings: Banana
potassium rich foods rich banana is the number one Second of the
attention center: deep-sea fish
German experts have published such a set of experiments had proved that: Stick apt 50 grams of fish per day tin depress the incidence of center disease 40%, principally in deep-sea fish to dine better. Fish included in the unsaturated fatty sours, are usually understood as
and kidney: Black
archaic black beans to as the Not only are they sweet ecology, Chinese medicine, it also has kidney physical, Blood and water, detoxification, soothing effect, especially for kidney deficiency.
Huwei: Brassica

cabbage is recommended by World Health Organization, one of the best vegetables, known as natural Suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, doctors will suggest eating cabbage. Every day you can eat cabbage mingled with honey, this method can promote ulcer healing.
Armor: egg
healthy nails are pink, because there is ample blood afford. If the irregular fix changes, often the symptoms of nutritional deficiency or other latent caused. The high-protein diet is required to maintain healthy nails, egg are a good source of protein.
Skin: broccoli
It is not merely nutritious, savor great, or the noted It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and carotenoids, can enhance the ability of the peel against damage to help maintain skin elasticity. Food nutrition? Is to invest you with a body of
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