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Old 05-29-2011, 02:37 AM   #1
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Default 』 『 End of the World Zatan 2012 apt what namely

2012 What have we come to save themselves?

equitable saw a movie In this unprecedented calamity, four strangers who set foot on the archaic Mayan temple in Mexico to browse the cruise. As distant as the Mayan temple records, records of the Mayan time is the last in 2012. For NASA scientists is cared, maybe the floods, poles alternately, for us, and that is end of the world ... ...

do not know while apt peruse the Mayan doomsday presentiment about the human, so it is still saw quite the membrane of wish. The movie caused me apt some additional thought: If 2012 is the end of the earth, so we are now addition down the human life is. Of way, 1st presume that this prelude is not what science-based, yet think that if there is ample sense of humanity, if we make each daytime is a day alive, then naturally no the same quality of life, when too much The problem may also be competent apt be solved.

people living in unrest, will find life in truce is a joyful thing; and the people have not experienced war, but also how much will cherish today's peaceful life. People are very contradictory, and if 1 day we know what the future, then how do we each have their own day? This makes me think the film is not the film itself, but rather caused by the problem of human beings, the future of mankind, the end of the mission of their own thinking.

sometimes really think too deep to consider such issues, but occasionally think about the fragility of human life we ​​think of the universe vast, really think that all the fame normally are dispensable for the . People how to live life is not it? However, there are what people want to live a mediocre life is it? When fate can be changed when you prefer to give up, or the prowess to encounter the choice?

2012 will be here soon to save what we own? Science? Faith? Love?

this world began, and will not be me; the world over, I hope ......

sitting away from the California looked at the big screen sink. Unprecedented impact of the clash of the end of an unprecedented scene of the catastrophe never not imagined scenes, earthquake, subsidence, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and Noah's Ark was beyond imagination, penetrating the great city moments crack open, the disintegration of numerous high-rise mansions collapsed, the mammoth land slide tilt the sea, calm burn approximately the mountain erupted suddenly, forming a mushroom to dine four, up to kilometer waves pound the White House coiled up the U.S. aeroplane conveyor There was flowing down from the Himalayas, towering waves, fashioning the end of depicting people stunned the shade is really very terrible, very horrible, very spectacular! ! ! Once the sun want to microwave ovens, microwave roasted sweet potatoes this chip of globe where to start from the rupture of the United States, the so-called Spider-Man, Batman, Transformers, these American heroes of accounts, not so that. Quietly crossed the Indian Ocean, the Himalayas, this leg, that leg has been out into my backyard was. I do not know we live and loose, flat, flammable and gunpowder.

Socrates said: hand, say that the world is by and by perish each generation, do not know if I have this next generation compliant to take our rods. Americans defiance to shoot, destroy the world. Whether you believe or not believe the billions of euros a ticket, rescued not you.

potion to conceal the pettiness. Unless a man rich enough, or he could not see When the Chinese have our disaster film, when we transcend the is a movie to instruct you humility.

Charlie is also the liability of each end of the world trait film character, a day when you take anti-viral disguises, when you ballot for the solitude alien activity, when New York City, you find that you are the only people who are not zombies, you will memorize

In the earth-shaking disaster, millions of people, like ants, and directly be deleted, like a sea of ​​raging in a small canoe, and directly be subverted. Any sensation, tears, dread, appealing, howling a little ... do not have any use, must inevitably sink into the abyss of death.

President of the United States abandoned the survival opportunities for blacks, and the people with the life and death, face to face surging tsunami waves surging along the land, voicelessly remembered the name of his late wife,GHD IV Mini Straighteners, full of deep emotion that I have come; dark mild affectionate father for the last of Dr. told his son: I and your mama in this life is your greatest finishing; an X to the small Tibetan lama lama car keys so he took his family survive, they themselves are faced with the flood as if from paradise, quietly sounded the end of Bell; even been selfish rich fellow Yuri students hope to eventually quit his own son, his own dual full Noah's Ark on the move. . .

Certainly not the sensitive reunion between mediocre story, although this is the movie's chief line. Directed at revealing the maximum profound theme comes in the end, the salvation of humanity who were to be self-salvation. End comes, 38 meters high mountain in Brazil hump weight 205 tons of Christ as the sad collapse; God and Adam from the Sistine Cathedral fingers joined to crack began, Prime Minister of Italy, Archbishop and the faithful are waiting in the necrosis of faith and despair come. God and Adam in the end split open a man's hand of God, Why does the film have been convinced that human of belief face death?

Read Giraffes, tigers, bears and other animals because the survival of species able to board Noah's Ark, the Mona Lisa and other paintings because the cultural heritage of mankind able to embark Noah's ark, because the power essence and the wealthy, and 10 billion euros of money to board the Snow Asia's Ark, Noah did not cost money to arrest ordinary people find a way out through the back gate of the hero only a kin of four and four Tibetans. Most people no choice but to face death, which is most people's fate to be mashed. Doom, as ordinary people you and me, how desperate skirmish to face?

what makes you into a permanent thinking, that is survival. Yes,

2300 years ago, a night stand on the Mediterranean side of Aristotle hby the timeked looking at the stars; Why are we here? We get busy? Mayans had predicted: thinking of their own humanity, war, disaster, puzzle exaggeration of human exploration of the world ... ...

now is a special time, we were born in this era are lucky, we work with technology partners, we are now Yes, human beings have been thinking and explore the results of ... ... human progress in science morally behind, not amenable, but the back ... ... the human world and the human idea is the similarity of the ultimate value of life is awakening,GHD Blue Straighteners, thinking, not only is the survival and fabrication. all the great civilizations of mankind in the end have chance vulnerable to the time of arrival. China has become the last hope of mankind, as it is that China is the last leg of the Gospel. All this metaphor fjust aboutmething the truth? 2012 is the year of this phantom film assumption, then end the air is indeed getting stronger. disasters in recent years, news of the death has never stopped. the film says, chose to give up. The real end of this idealism is absolutely no nice. high-tech fabrication Ben painful tears I had, the real end is much more grim than the film. disaster scene may last for several years produced, possibly only a few months. and God To mieshi just a moment. what year? Maybe 2012, possibly still early, perhaps tomorrow. The only certainty is that the Lord said, People began to board the remaining land, the continuation of civilization. The little girl also capable independence, mood began to understand the feelings of the protagonist and his family embrace. the only human without a fight, no barriers, together building a current world. Therefore, compared to too thick end, Company product, has been filmed by the >
this infrequent way to the Mainland in the introduction of a massive sword did not tear. so read, and also know why the sword does not slit - on the surface, this time, the Chinese became the main force to retention humanity, not only end of the world the spirit of the pillars of Tibetan Buddhism, and retention the world three mammoth King Kong-like wrong, only the Chinese people to complete this arduous mission. Main supporting Russian tycoon not only mean, selfish, or a dress a ! - cheated by a crazy Emmerich. The extensive, the African-American president for the first time the identity and intellect of mediocre people die, are also thought a precedent for beginning a Hollywood blockbuster, but extra huge image. these ingredients, resulting in the Mainland is not a sword cut. Presumably, these units will vex a explode of nationality of the Carnival. film in array to reinforce the Chinese elements, director Emmerich and even modified the script several times, because comes before and after the earthquake in China, the variety of excellent power and robust nature of the human rescue, is a living reality, not only with his interpretation of the theme to agree, more deeply migrated himself to elicit the second production inspiration, not to say the earthquake, just happened in the Buddha's Birthday, and this gave him what influenced him? mentioned, He will do best to run as far as trying to think about the end of the world, are communicated to the spectators and open to remark on.

but this story did not absence to comment on the surface, those are real comic charting elements, such as Now there is tiny matter is not MADE-IN-CHINA's, not to mention that three doomsday ark? individual Arabsalabo kingdom, royal families are not on the ark, and who has qualified on the ark? Russian site is also simple on the students , a careless, it will give you plug the religion, philosophy of religion, philosophy and Health Sciences (humanities and technology), scientific re-feeding of witchcraft. who persist to increase the sometime is actually a accurate science of witchcraft.'s high-end human civilization, is a real end to end, spiral addition the cycle of history, like DNA, no stuff to what extent the development of civilization, the links are indispensable.

Book of Changes steles in the temple and base a team of reiterated repeatedly and repeatedly the password: 1366560. If the element this password as a survival among the age of nearly 3740 annuals. According to the Mayan literature records, the Earth ambition be destroyed every once in 3740, while life above Earth has been destroyed quadruple in the quondam. In other words, modern humans is the final - the fifth generation. Morrison Mayan mores in Sri Lanka will be the number of 1,366,560 St., compared with the solar attractive field cycle, and scientific calculations show that solar magnetic poles will be reversed once each 3740 years, accurate 1,366,560 days to convert the number of years. This became the film source, and set the end period - December 21, 2012, the day also happens to be the winter solstice the Chinese New.

conclusion of the specific appointment,GHD Hair Straightener NZ, but the implicit large flood and Noah's Ark, but did not say is MADE-IN-CHINA. Great Flood and Noah's Ark, is Revelation Since the ground was since there is no such big, so mighty earthquake in the city ... ... nations have collapsed ... ... ... ... mountains were not found a great disaster, people began to blaspheme God. Movie The paperback is a study of Chinese American scholars million through the first The book concludes that the Almost all the decisive grand scale events, including the alarming predictions loyal with the Mayan doomsday - December 21, 2012, the paperback will be . There are also a White is a character of the autumn sun. During this period, the human absence to control the use of natural resources, do not lead to There are also a scholar from the from the then, the Chinese If some text int and reform should be to get into it?).

Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism is the movie Although, in the film, mosques, Buddhist temples were always Emmerich to the all collapse. Production group unequivocally expressed the religious theme. Tibet, Buddhism the Western Paradise of the Hidden, rock pool, caches also, the maximum in the world, there really is the final reaction to human destruction of Buddhist scriptures on the land, pending the destruction of days behind the restart civilization. This is not Tibet since ancient times, regardless of the meaning of its label alternatively was it that fall day, when the destruction of Buddhist scriptures by the arrival of the land! She was nativity for this day to come, she is preparing for the appearance of this day, that is, the birth of Buddhism! That, or her permanent task, or the only mission. In view of this, whichever intervention in Tibet or China, or things, or alteration, people ought adore reverence of the heart, cultivate aesthetic, tranquility thoughts, not parrot. Thousand years ago, King Wu, builder of Tibetan Buddhism, Padmasambhava guru naturally predicted that: Sheng. evil in this degenerated world, potentate is not potentate, minister not minister, the dad is not Father, the Son is not promoter. Son playmates, women do not chastity, man prostitution does not check ... ... is quite superb ah! automobiles of that era, do not horses tug themselves away. very wonderful ah! young of that epoch, why should step beneath foot trumpet (skateboard?), fitted with cycles (roller skating) slide to slide go? quite wonderful ah, the people of that era, do not go out , just sit in the mirror every day (PC?) in front of the world can know things, chat ah! truly amazing ah! that time, many monks and renown, roam through the deception of believers, deliberately gather other people's property, has a personal private attribute, but Buddhist do not, do not pamper in hymning and singing and dance distraction into the text, but they have no guilt Precept Breaking (Shaolin?) ... .... More profound Cangseng predicted a secular end of 2012, but human beings do not vanish, amulet after the transition of the human morale will enter the high-level kingdom, the morale will enter the field of science. This prophecy of Guru Padmasambhava, is the same tug. Movie the specifics of this world preferably than punishment, take place very exact. Perhaps for of this, It also shows that the human end of the world intricate, is not groundless.


film started, shooting for the ultra-ambitious long shots, watching the sun from the violent few planets Pente, the crucial force that end of the world from interplanetary; Shortly afterward, a green environmentalist, Labo's Area broadcasters (not TV Live members) surreptitiously sneaked into Yellowstone National Park, to monologue sad course, listing the man's rapacity and evil, the last volcanic eruption and shaking end of the world die and return to nature,GHD Red Straighteners, to illustrate, in ahead the end of the world, male will not merely commonplace, but also intensified the quality of elemental sin. Taken together, the fusion of reality, has the following scientific Aspect:

objects and computer scientists and physicists found that December 21, 2012 On this day, earth, moon, solar and galactic centre will be Even in a straight line, this articulation will lead to the collapse of Earth's magnetic field, causing the Earth's poles reverse catastrophic. By then, the location of the poles will be mutually reversed. The end result of this phenomenon lead to fierce changes in the Earth's climate, leading to a sequence of lethal natural disasters. The same phenomenon occurred the last time was when the dinosaurs vanished. (Note: Earth,GHD Diamond Flag 2011, moon, solar and galactic hub are constantly connected in a straight line, but does not necessarily lead to pole upside down, I do not know December 21, 2012 Will there be special.) The process of magnetic field, the Earth will lose magnet protection, gravity changes, near the meteorite landed.

the film, although not complete reversal of Earth's magnetic poles, but a substantial shift. Large-scale film Strictly speaking, track down the normal objects, can also be phoned meteorites.

U.S. scientists warned that the Earth will experience 2012 solar storms lusty, and its disruptive power will be far more than effects. U.S. National Academy of Sciences in January 2009 unlocked a special report demands that a disaster is fully possible this will happen.

the film, scientists in India to monitjust aboutlar storms irregular, amazing way of solar wind molecules to microwave ovens, through the surface, heating the Earth's core is fixed on the mantle, the calculation will be December 21, 2012 after the heat too fussy, the total eruption, the mainland began to float, land and sea Yixinghuanwei, Global volcanic earthquake damaged out. Unfortunately, the time in the Mayan prophecies on the appearance of the earthquake sparked a tsunami of up to several kilometers,GHD MK4 Pure Straighteners, nearly drowned the Himalayas, the world sank.

completion of the University of Washington gaseous scientist and the National Center for Atmospheric Research is hereby the Netherlands and Germany have been reported predictions, universal warming continues, the summer of 2040, the Arctic ice will thaw away. Recently intended report will portend the time this happens many earlier in 2012. NASA air scientist Zi Wali said, outlook the latest data,

the film, not directly the representation of blend glaciers, but the remaining three honors MADE-IN-CHINA Ark, the sea is calm, the world is not a Himalayan ridge estates, and became Africa's Cape of Good Hope land space has shrunk dramatically, indirectly reflects the melting glaciers.



course, This is our place to the people to learn - how to do commerce and the amount correct. We have the Number to the number, only

Mayan prophecy and the and to lead the action of ethnic groups. The two groups have the advising first, and for the hereafter living. Maya to remain, the ultimate extinction; Chinese people learn, finally got to survive, and there are a metaphor value considering if?

mystery of where / if the classic / substantial in the heart / high end where / if very remote Miao / In truth, in front of (the original author of the web thanks reviewer edit)
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