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Old 05-25-2011, 10:27 PM   #1
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Default 71 have to understand cooking skills ( Reprinted )

1, boiled dumplings, put an onion in the water or in the water is boiling, add salt, add dumplings, dumplings taste delicious without adhesions; in and faces, each 500 grams of flour mixed with an egg, dumpling skin Tinggua not adhesion
2, stew, in the pot with a few pieces of orange peel can be added in addition to smell and oily and the soup flavor
3, boiled bone soup when you add a teaspoon of vinegar, can bones of phosphorus, calcium dissolved in the soup, and save the soup of vitamins.
4, stewed chicken: Wash the cut, pour the peppery oil in stir fry until dry water, into the sum of vinegar, then speedily stir fry until chicken explosive crackling sound when published swiftly heated water (not too chicken), and then Wang blaze ten minutes, then add spices, then boiled on cheap heat migrate 20 minutes, topped with sesame oil to pan; should be a good stew soup, the temperature drip 80 to 90 degrees Celsius or salt before consumption. Because the higher moisture content in chicken, stewed chicken with salt first, the chicken drenched in salt water, the water outside cells infiltration, coagulation protein produced, shrink and constrict the chicken was, of dissolved nutrients to the soup, and tend to hard-cooked chicken, the old, coarse texture.
5, when the boiling broth, or pork ribs soup, put a few pieces of fresh orange skin, not only delicious, but also reduce the greasy sensibility.
6, bean curd, add a little fermented bean curd, or juice, taste, aroma
7, fry the green beans in the wok and cook for 10 minutes,GHD IV Salon Straighteners, quickly boiled, but do not Chaojiao
8, When the water boiled add a little vinegar to discourage the shell cracked, add some salt in advance can likewise be
9, when kelp add a few drops of vinegar cooked easily broken; put spinach trees also line
10, cooked ham, ahead put some rind ashore the ham, sugar, easily boiled, savor even more palatable
11, mutton to smell: the carrot and lamb with pot, remove the carrot in half an hour; put a few pieces of orange peel better; each put green beans 5 grams kg mutton, boiled for 10 minutes, pour with water and green beans; put half a pack of hawthorn pills; be bathed two or 3 walnut shells into the hole; 1 kg meat curry powder plus 10 g; 1 kg mutton cut open added 200 grams of sugar cane; 1 kg of water to a boil, add 1 kg of lamb, 50 grams of vinegar, boil, remove and then re-add water, add spices.
12, boiled dumplings, add a little salt in the pot, the pot of water does not overflow when opened
13, noodles, cooking oil when you add a small spoon, pasta will not stick with, and prevent the soup from the bubble, spill pot outside
14, cook the noodles, add a little salt in the pot, cook the noodles easy mushy
15, porridge or Zhudou Do not put base, otherwise it will demolish rice, beans, and nutrients in
16, seethe the fashionable shoots easily cooked, and crispy and delicious; make boiled bamboo shoots are not reduced, can add a few mint leaves or salt
17, tripe cooked, cut into pieces, placed steaming bowl for a while and then add some soup, pig abdomen will be thicker than doubled
18, boiled tripe, do not be the first salt, then eat when cooked such as salt, or pig stomach will shrink favor a cow brawn as hard
19, cook beef: Beef stew to make fast, too bad stew, add a pinch of tea (about the amount of a pot of tea, wrapped with gauze) cook the meat quickly rot and delicious.
20, cook beef and additional tough, hard beef, poultry and game time, increase a mini vinegar apt slacken.
21, the old chicken stew: two thirty in the pot and add beans with stew, cooked hasty and fresh flavor; or kill the old chicken before filling a tablespoon of vinegar to the chicken,GHD Purple Butterfly 2011, then scrapping with a slow fire cook stew, it will cook thoroughly cooked; or put 3 to 4 Hawthorn, chicken easily putrid
22, the old with the drastic heat and simmer for poultry, meat, hard namely not nice; if they start with chilly water and a little vinegar Paoshang 2 hours, and then micro-cook the meat becomes tender and delicious
23, stewed duck: In a few snail easy Guo Lifang overripe
24, duck nightly, the end of either sides of the duck Remove beans smell of urine is more delicious
25, cook bacon: there are many with a dozen apertures drilled walnut cook,GHD Leopard Grain, remove the smell
26, braised beef, add a little potherb mustard, meat is delicious
27, do Pork before marinate the meat with a little bit of borax,GHD Blue Butterfly 2011, burn portly and not greasy meat out, Ganxiang delicious
28, fried food, Guo Lifang a little salt, oil does not splashing
29, the spring coil in the amount of mattering mix to add some flour and frying to avoid the juice out of the process of filling paste pot phenomenon
30, fried potatoes before the first cut and The cooked potato chips while on the water, so that the surface of the skin potatoes thin plastic wafer, and then fried
31, pork cutlet, in the place where a tendon cut incision 2 to 3 , fried pork chops will not shrink out of
32, first, the chicken marinate for a while, sealing the cuticle into the refrigerator, to be removed again when fried, fried chicken, crispy and delicious
33, when fried egg in egg yolk topped with about freezing cold water on the occasion, will make the egg yellow and soft
34, fried egg, put ample oil in the pan, heat the oil slightly egg pot, slowly getting cooked egg, the appearance of United States, non-stick
35, fried eggs, the point scatter in the hot oil flour, eggs will be fried too good Huang Liang, the oil spill is not easy to pot outside
36, with the sheep Fry eggs, no Weixiang scent
37, scrambled eggs, a small amount of sugar was added, the freezing temperature will mushroom in protein denaturation, accordingly postponing the heating time, together with sugar with water save, which can become bulky soft egg products
38 , scrambled eggs are additional a few drops of vinegar, Stir the egg soft Weixiang
39, fried eggplant, in the Guo Lifang vinegar,GHD Green Butterfly 2011, Stir the eggplant color is not black
40, when the vinegar fried potatoes , to shirk flaming, and biodegradable potato toxins, and to color, taste affordable
41, fried bean sprouts, premier add a little butter, then salt, to clear the beany flavor
42, assumption spinach should no be ticketed when
43, Pork slices: plus sliced ​​meat sauce, butter, starch, into an eggs,GHD Diamond Flag 2011, mix well, stir abrasive; and other meat color, attach with a few fried a little seasoning, the steak delicious, fresh
44, Fried Shredded Beef: chopped, salt, sugar, wine, cornstarch (or eggs) mixed with what, with students Youpao marinate for 30 minutes and then fried, fresh and delicious
45 , Pork dishes salt too early too slow, should be cooked in salt, a few drops in the pan before the appending of vinegar, fresh and delicious
46, after a good meat cut wire submerged on the baking soda solution about Zaichao, especially osteoporosis and delicious sweet and sour dishes no material what, at the peak of the sugar at 2 copies of the proportion of 1 part vinegar to deploy, can be sweet and sour moderate
47, fried sweet and acid fish, sweet and acid outer leaves, etc., should be first sugar, then salt, or salt, filling put 2 tsp salt
49, made with 50 grams of meat balls 10 g starch, the percentage of modulation, into a dish Ruannen
50, do slide movie or Spicy Pork cubes of 50 grams of meat 5 g starch proportional sizing, fresh vegetables into delicious
51, make bread, if a small rub in the lard in baking, steaming out of the bread is not only white, soft, and Weixiang
52, when mixed with steamed buns a little orange Pisi, can boost the perfume of cake
53, steamed buns from the base put more yellow, for in the aboriginal pots 2 to 3 tablespoons of vinegar water, then steam for 10 to quarterutes white
54, Add a small amount of alum and salt water in, to cut ten minutes of raw potato dipped, cleaned cooking, to prevent or reduce bloating
55, boiled breast, paste, and put some salt, taste better after cooling Good
56, placed the food too spicy chili or add a little vinegar, fried chili, spicy greatly depressed
57, cooking, put down the vinegar sauce, if wrong, can put a little sprinkle of baking soda, vinegar taste can be removed
58, food is too acid, the egg smashed into a
59, food too spicy, put an egg fry
60, food too spicy, put some vinegar to reduce the spicy
61, painful vegetables, drip a little white vinegar
62, when the soup is too salty and not watered down, can put a few pieces of tofu, or potatoes or a few slices of tomato to the soup; also be one measure or mantled together flour into the soup
63, soup is too greasy, a small amount of seaweed and roasted on the fire, and then darted into the soup
64, peanut oil Zhashu, poured into a dish, while Heat sprinkled with a little white brandy, cooler and then spatter a little salt, place a few days and nights are frail Jesus ever
65, rapeseed oil has an odor, can the amount of oil after the Heat put ginger, garlic, onions, cloves, dried tangerine peel fried moment, the oil can become Hong
66, a fried peanuts with not food smell, the smell of delicious trays Stir, and make cold dishes
67, afterward the bombing for food, depart some residue of oil and convert atmospheric, can be tear into thick discs of pearly radish, carrot with chopsticks to poke a few holes into the remaining fuel in frying, the leftovers will be attached to the radish slices, and remove the residue removal , and then fried afresh into the jug, the oil variable atmospheric clear
68, cooking should first boil hot, then pour into the oil, then add the vegetables
69, when the pot temperature reached the maximum When addition wine, easy to make wine evaporation to remove the smell of food
70, rendered lard: electric rice in water or put a little applause in vegetable oil, then add pork suet or fat, after power automatically the oil refining, and do not splash, do not paste diesel, oil pure
71, pickle jars put pepper or a little more than a dozen grain beer, a prevention of white flowers.
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