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Old 05-16-2011, 02:18 AM   #1
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Default Building Huge Hamstrings and Killer Calves_140

We all have attended a gym at some point, and we always see the majority of guys pumping their arms and chest, but the guys that stand out for me are the individuals that take the king of muscles which is the squat. I respect those guys who pound their legs whatever the cost to build that hard defined muscular look for their legs, which consist the forgotten muscles, the calves and hamstrings.
As I said, most people agree that the squat is the beast of all leg exercises. This one movement stimulates the entire leg, glute and back musculature to a high degree, plus it enhances overall body growth because of the supportive relationship of the arms, upper back, shoulders and neck. However, it has been argued that squats have an anabolic (growth producing) effect on the whole body's muscles because they promote maximal oxygen uptake and nutrient delivery to the muscle cells. For that reason, squats hit two areas most directly: The quadriceps and the gluteals. For the novice trainee, growth in the former region is definitely desirous. But few athletes want a "squatter's butt", which is a side effect most power lifters exhibit from a posterior view. Just the same,Women's Air Jordan 3, rear view of the legs involves two other areas: namely, the hamstrings and calves.
And to build these two muscle groups up to symmetrical balance with the quads and glutes, you need to focus on specialization training. The hamstrings are long muscles which run from their origin on the lower pelvis to insertion behind the knee. Comprised of three distinct muscles, leg biceps, sedmitendinosus and semimembranosus, the hamstrings are responsible for both knee flexion and hipextension. The calves, which makes up the back of the lower leg, incorporate two muscles, the gastrocenemius and soleus.These muscles cause ankle extension, as in rising on the toes, while the gastroc also works with the hamstrings in promoting knee flexion and stability.
To fully stimulate growth in these areas,ed hardy men short, you have to perform a number of knee flexion and ankle extension movements. Hitting the muscles from a number of angles brings the best results, which is why several hamstring curl and calf raises exercises are recommended. Each of these must be done in a slow, controlled and focused manner to best stimulate muscle fibers and enhance flexibility. Be sure to hold the flexed position tightly and fully stretch the muscles at the bottom position. Try not to " jerk" the body by using any ballistic movements to assist in lifting the weight. This may cause injury, which will prevent any progress you've made. When you finished your killer leg workout take 10 minutes to stretch those muscle to prevent any tightness, which will protect you from getting injured.
So while the squat may be the beast for overall leg development, to gain the best hamstring and calf muscularity possible, you need to concentrate on isolation exercises. For killer legs do the following exercises:
Leg curls - Perform three sets 8 -10 controlled, moderately heavy repetitions.
Standing Leg Curls - Perform 10 -12 reps and switch legs. Perform 2-3 sets per leg in alternating fashion
Standing Calf Raises - Complete three 10 -12 reps with a moderately heavy weight. For best unrestricted movement,Jordan Flight 45,try doing this exercise in bare feet.
Seated Calf raises - Complete three sets of 10 -12 controlled reps. Try un bare feet for a great pump.
Single-leg Calf Raises - Perform tow set of 15 - 25 reps either in shoes or barefooted, alternate feet.
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