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Old 05-15-2011, 07:52 PM   #1
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Default Health doctors ambition no differentiate you what

Health doctors will not tell you what the secret?

collection of 21 doctors worldwide experience and wisdom, summed up the most practical professional advice, keep in mind these are the most worthy of your health mysteries.

● mordant can help assimilation, if you indigestion, then I encourage you to eat a fruit after a meal. But if you digestive feature well and to eat fruit after a meal may really be a disservice. Because the edible into the stomach, you need 2 hours or even longer to digestion, and fruits,Actually I was the police apt take the cameapt to take pictures ., especially the harder fruits favor apples, pears, etc., will linger in the tolerate for a long time, not only increase the burden of digestion, but also repercussion gas, causing bloating. So I recommend you eat fruit after a meal 1-2 hours.

● medical requirements of fasting, but not the night before you start to not eat, so obtain the examination results but is not accurate. My advice is to eat light the night before the examination diet, of lesson, can not drink, do not drink coffee and tea, physical examination do not eat breakfast that morning, less water, do not do physical exercise. - Digestive doctor AMY

● Not everyone is suitable for myopia orthopedic surgery, before surgery unless you have sustained, stable myopia of more than a year to wear cups or contact lenses. If you elect the time when wearing cups, be sure to differentiate the ophthalmologist, myopia, and recent orthopedic surgery is best not to do, otherwise it will affect the doctor to make sure your vision adjustment.

● cling to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from deluges and other eye diseases is very important, especially at 10 am to 4 pm During this time the strongest sunlight. In the characteristic alternative of the above is not the amount alternatively extra valuable lenses darker the better, is to consider the lens is apparent block 100 (percent sign) in the UV. Do not barely see good culling of borders, when ignoring the quality of the lens. - Any ophthalmologist declared

● Do not worry that natural causes *** loose, out of fashion, which is unfounded. *** Is almost the greatest flexibility in your body brawn, which even inferior bleeding due to the making and can revive presently. As for the body's cares, but points at a time you nutritional supplements during pregnancy, not only does not cause body out of shape, but to re-shaping after childbirth. More importantly, the natural creation can prevent many women the incidence of gynecological diseases, doctors have encouraged natural birth, caesarean section is only an assistant method.

● As an obstetrician, I know better than anyone the disadvantages of cesarean section. Contractions than natural childbirth pain, more pain in the wound after cesarean section, and among 24 hours after cesarean section you can not get out of bed, 3 days in mandate to have milk, mother and baby will be very undergo. The degree of pain, contractions, each woman's experience is different, and some even feel less pain, Film and Television in the craft of magnification is shown. For this natural childbirth, positiveness is the most important moment in the birth of a baby, entire the pain and embarrassment will be a great pleasure instead. - Obstetrician Chengling Bin

● I met a large proportion of patients infected along the virus to the truth that According to my understanding, fewer than 10 (percent sign) while homeowners in the rental housing will be disinfected the house, and mites, influenza virus, hepatitis B virus, measles virus, mold,GHD Hair Straightener NZ, etc. tin be by room temperature because a long time in the house survival. If you are moving in the winter, it would must disburse care, because these viruses and bacteria to survive at cheap temperatures the time will be longer. Therefore, the shake into a fashionable rented house ahead the house namely quite major for pre-sterilized, wall, bed, clean basin, restroom can no miss these areas, especially the professionals to cleaning and disinfection have to be invited to atmosphere conditioning. - Infectious Diseases Dr Wu Yang

● Although the hair and blood diseases are instantly narrated, there is no remedial statistics confirm, but according to my experience,Phone sun and grass, if more than four times a year, cilia, dizziness, migraine, and thus platelet reduce the possibility is much greater than people without cilia, some people will significantly reduce the digit of pearly blood cells that is reduced immunity. I believe this is caused by the chemicals in hair pigment, which is the subject of my recent learning. My advice is less hair. - Blood Diseases, Dr Angela Wales (Australia)

● not drink it the more the better, in theory, the more water can help detoxify the kidneys, reducing kidney burden. But you know, the human body is a tight equilibrium system, mature kidney 800-1000 ml of water per hour, if you drink in 1 hour more than 1000 ml, it will lead to hyponatremia, affecting the kidneys healthy. Therefore, each water should not surpass 100 ml per hour, not more than 1000 ml water. - Renal physician Julia Thomas (English)

● long-term use calculators frequently send txt messages, many years of driving ... ... these habits will lead to your wrist nerve is cruelty, there injury. If you feel the wrist, shoulder or shoulder mutual pain, there may be the nerve has been damaged. In such cases if left unchecked, increases with age, the pain will convert increasingly important. So, do not achieve, the best hospital in time to diagnosis and treatment of microsurgery. - Dr Yu Lai Microsurgery

● Acupuncture heaviness wastage is not forcible for everybody. Because the principle of acupuncture is to stimulate weight detriment relative points, reduce desire, heaviness detriment to attain the goal. So, if you routinely eat a large, overweight is uncomplicated, it would be a nice choice of acupuncture weight loss results. But if you commonly eat to much, an endocrine cause of obesity is not adapted, it is best to retard the inspection of Endocrinology. - Chinese acupuncturist Zheng Xiangshen

● Physical treatment is now speed up launch, a lot of exercise evoked muscle damage have chosen this non-drug approach to dispose. In China, many undergraduate and graduate students are now busy in this go. But if I go to doctor, I would select the boss of the old nurse in the clinic, though they are not that lofty schooling can be very seasoned, and experience in physical therapy is a punishment, and some people need such management, some people can not be used this access knead, does not make sense, learning can not be annotated. Graduate degree, while tall but clinical long ample, and periodically difficult to decide, but the old nurse quickly make the right management based on experience. - Physical therapist Ming Jing

● overseas, B-doctor is a special budget, just about because the rays will impair the body. Pregnant mother nation However, in the baby's neurological development period, any little clash may damage its hereafter. So my advice is that fertile women do not the number of B-ultrasound more than 3 times, rather in 6 months afterward. - B Super Doctor Liu Qun

● middle of every 10 human will have a smooth foot, the so-called flat feet is a very shallow arch or not arch. Flatfoot who will foot anguish wading over time. But do not calculate less walking or in cars is the solution, because we found that flat feet people behind the old of 50 will not only twist the foot bones of differ degrees, but also with altering degrees of center disease. Foreign grading the flatfoot, flat feet above class 3 will be carried out surgery, then surgery to its so old immediately to do better. - Foot and Ankle Surgeons Ai Jing

● lead to tumor diversity of causes, mold is one of them. Corn, rice stems, soybean and other Although the feedback to the cry to eat whole grains, but there must not eat moldy grains, a little can not. - Oncologist Amanda Smith (U.S.)

● If you think brushing is the first object every morning and evening, it is because you do not know, sleep inside the bacteria in your mouth during the day forgery rate is only 60 (percent sign) , that is during the day, your jaws need more care. I recommend brushing prototype 343 is 3 minutes brushing the morning, midday, 4 minutes brushing your teeth, brush your teeth at 3 minutes. But brushing is best arranged in a half hour after the meal, so as not to damage tooth enamel.

●, especially after eating potato chips to clean teeth, because the pieces on the teeth of the harm or even worse than the candy.

● Do not think that is healthy at all times the teeth do not impair, a lot of dental problems are not simple to be felt. You'd better see every 6 months, a dentist, but going to the dentist to avoid the menstrual period. - Lee made a dentist

● Do not feel particularly exhausted in the body when to reanimating cup of coffee or tea, or would cause magnificent harm to the cardiovascular system, palpitation is a show symptoms. Fatigue when the smoking, the disadvantageous effects of tobacco will be doubled. - Cardiology Dandan

● Try not to wrong air stream in the fitness gym. Because the air fraught with other people in the exhaled gas, while inhaling these harmful side action of the gas, not only from physical fitness intentions, but adverse to health, the first ones to suffer is your respiratory system. - Respiratory Medicine Jiang-Tao Liu

● menstrual period before and during menstruation, due to pelvic congestion, uterine contractions, you will lower behind soreness, this time do not rub or hammer back waist, otherwise will not only increase congestion, leading to even more uneasy soreness , but also to increased bleeding

. *** ● To lest infection, the best approach is not frequently use lotion, but the use of condoms. - Gynecology Stella

● Do not eat under the guidance of gynecologist of a drug, and then anew beneath the guidance of a dermatologist to dine variant medicine, and both drugs are non-prescription drugs, this is the circumstance, non-prescription drugs will arrive off between effect, or even make materials worse the condition. Whether you are taking anybody medication, be sure to let your doctor or pharmacist understand.

● pill duration to liquor, because alcohol will not merely redouble maximum of the side effects of drugs several times, and narcotic elements may too react to generate new noxious components.

● Do not use hot water when taking medicine or nectar allocation service, or presumable to inspire drug efficacy.

● medication 3 times a day can not be based ashore three meals a day's time to plan. To 24 hours a daytime divided into 3 partitions, 1 medication every 8 hours. - Pharmacists Guo Ming

● Do not use peppery water in winter, wash your face,Yan double torment old in cold blood !, or fast expansion of facial peel, and then disposed to wrinkles. Do not use summer cold water wash, or a sudden shrinkage of the pores are activated, in which the oil can not be cleared in time, prone to acne and acne.

● To resist skin aging than wrinkles, the skin wrinkles and large pores should pay more attention. - Dermatologists at Ripples

● an year medical examination, be sure to enthusiasm for your thyroid health, the best blood test to check your thyroid hormone levels. If the absence of thyroid hormone, you will be prone to depression, weight will increase. - Endocrinology, Yang Xin

● more than 2 copies a day to eat dairy productions, not calcium, but bad for your health. Not suitable for humans to digest milk due to the universal 75 (percent sign) who lack the stomach to digest lactose in milk mold. Only alive in Europe, Central Asia and other places who, due to the economy and secure feeding cows to milk as an important source of nourishment, over time procured the aptitude to digest lactose in milk, and their offspring. And we lack the ability to digest milk, a lot of drinking milk is easy to develop arthritis, allergies, asthma and various stomach problems. If you truly like to drink milk, drink 1 cup a day is enough, like calcium can eat sardines, almonds, and shrimp. - Issues related to orthopedic physicians Yu Zhengguang
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