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Old 05-02-2011, 01:43 AM   #2
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If I follow your advice cheap newports supplier, I'll wind up like you, working harder and harder only to pay more taxes and wind up in debt. There is no job security anymore; I know all about downsizing and rightsizing. I also know that college graduates today earn less than you did when you graduated. Look at doctors. They don't make nearly as much money as they used to. I know I can't rely on Social Security or company pensions for retirement. I need new answers."
He was right. He needed new answers Earphones, and so did I. My parents' advice may have worked for people born before 1945, but it may be disastrous for those of us born into a rapidly changing world. No longer can I simply say to my children toys for adult, "Go to school, get good grades ED Hardy Fashion Clothes, and look for a safe, secure job."
I knew I had to look for new ways to guide my children's education.
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