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Old 04-28-2011, 07:00 PM   #1
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Default Office 2010 Microsoft Windows Error Code Complete

4609 spool print employment ,Office 2010
4610 system error
4611 Password violations
4612 rights violations
4613 pay a visit to towards the telecommunications gear
4614 session has began
4615 to reconnect the session
4616 session failed to begin
4617 disconnected session
4618 Network I / O implementation
4619 files and pipes to become visited
4620 buffer runs from time
4621 huge buffer
4622 request buffer District
4626 has made connections
4627 connection failed
4630 the number of bytes obtained
4631 to receive the Server Message Block (SMB )
4632 the quantity of bytes transferred
4633 Server Concept Block transmission (SMB)
4634 reads
4635 to write down into operation
4636 refused the initial read
4637 refused the original published
4638 network error
4639 has produced connections
4640 re-connection
4641 server off
4642 session began
4643 session to hang
4644 failed session
4645 operation failed
4646 use count
4647 Failed use count
4655 forwards the message name may be canceled.
4661 password is adjusted successfully.
4664 message is sent to all end users about the network.
4666 message has long been sent to all end users on this server.
4696 Windows NT Server
4697 Windows NT Workstation
4698 MS-DOS Enhanced workstation
4700 server title annotations
4701 Useful resource Sharing annotations were varieties of uses
4702 (UNC)
4703 ...
4704 Domain
4706 other out there Network:
4710 Disk
4711 Print
4712 Comm
4713 IPC
4714 Position Nearby Remote Network
4715 Okay
4716 ending
4717 has been suspended
4718 off
4719 error
4720 is linked
4721 are re-connection
4722 Status
4723 local identify
4724 Remote Identify
4725 useful resource sort
4726 # open
4727 # connection
4728 just isn't on the market
4730 Share identify Resource Notes
4731 share name
4732 Assets
4733 qualifications processing
4734 permissions
4735 as much as the person
4736 Limitless
4737 customers
4740 ID Route Consumer title # lock
4741 Document ID
4742 Lock
4743 permissions
4750 Personal computer User identify Consumer Type to open free of charge time
4751 personal computer
4752 session time
4753 cost-free time
4754 Name Type # open sharing of sources
4755 Customer Type
4756 guest login
4770 Offline cache enabled: manual restore
4771 Offline cache enabled: computerized restore
4772 Offline cache enabled: no sharing among people
4773 off nearby cache is disabled
4774 car
4775 manual
4800 Name
4801 forwarded for the
4802 has long been forwarded to you personally through the following location
4803 users on this server
4804 people press Ctrl + Break interrupts have already been sent over the network.
4810 the identify with the size from the state position numbers
4811 Profession
4812 print
4813 Identify
4814 Employment #
4815 Dimension
4816 Position
4817 delimited file
4818 Notes
4819 priority
4820 print soon after
4821 print till
4822 print process
4823 Additional Information and facts
4824 parameters
4825 printing equipment
4826 printer activities
4827 printer on maintain
4828 printer error has occurred
4829 Deleting the printer
4830 printer standing unidentified
4841 Career #
4842 is becoming submitted to the user
4843 Notice
4844 work Information Sort
4845 running parameters
4846 is waiting
4847 put aside in the queue 4848 is qualifications processing
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