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Old 04-27-2011, 01:04 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
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mill00716 is on a distinguished road
Default Kidney 's friends have to look Kan Bukan 'll be so

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deficiency is that each age group who are vulnerable to some of the symptoms: cold constantly, cold chills, love to drink water, limbs not warm, and dry mouth Shezao easier to oral ulcers; nocturnal enuresis; low back pain, joints, bones, frequently pain; span, backache, sore tongue, urine yellow fever, irritability and fatigue, restlessness.

these symptoms if not careful, is to develop high blood pressure, nephritis, renal ptosis, cystitis,paul smith brogue, diabetes, impotence, gynecological disease.

Chinese medicine, blood fluid is the basic element of human life activities. Also includes a variety of gas, such as strength, number of gas, health and gas. Strength in the body where the most basic and fundamental gas, rooted in the kidney, congenital qi is, therefore, is often said that injuries do not hurt anything vitality, strength, including RMB yuan yin and yang. The Wei Qi (Wei Yang), the

mainly refers to the meaning of yang qi Wei Yang. The number of gas is absorbed by the lungs natural gas and water from spleen and stomach and Qi Valley made it the movements and efforts to promote the Qi in the body to run the spread.

the birth of the kidney,herve leger dress on sale, so acquired through carefully nursed back to health to care. Childhood because of innate strength cold constantly weak. The cold chills, limbs not warm, Wei Yang is weak, the heat is not enough, and that temperature dependent insufficiency; will also lower back pain, frequent urination, urgency, urinary short, fatigue, fear; no power to promote the Yin-chun body moisture, so the people would be dry mouth, throat, love to drink water, Wei qi is weak, and to defend the body's functions are reduced, that is, reduced immunity, said Western medicine, it will be easier to get mouth ulcers. At the same time, also lead to kidney qi deficiency in the operation of this machine when there is no oil (lack of body fluid) friction and heat, and in the human body is backache, urine yellow fever, restless.

deficiency although not ill, but go on to easily lead to the stomach, lung and kidney on the major diseases, do not underestimate.

Once the above, the only effective use of the following three simple point stimulation can be solved.
Hegu main point is the human health care, commonly known as . Late autumn and winter and summer, when the turn of moxibustion Hegu appropriate, the time for spring and summer Anrou.

rubbing direction should be toward the little finger press, there is a feeling for the degree of soreness, moxibustion, moxa should hold that at a distance of about two places where acupuncture moxibustion.

full three years, is a combined foot Yangming stomach cavity, the head of disease on the belly of the ancients that rubbing or moxibustion this point, you can expulsion of the evil within the body within three miles away, folk proverb says: This point can stomach, kidney, lungs, to tie Hegu use.

thenar, the hand of the sun points the lung, rubbing his hands every day pinch points, can protect the lung's safe and sound. Should tie gu, use the full three years. Before breakfast and dinner each day before the bilateral Hoku rubbing each 3 minutes, then rubbing or moxibustion bilateral thenar and Zusanli 3 minutes each. At the same time, or the wind can take Yu Ping Feng San Tong Sheng San, or the bubble point Astragalus drunk as a tea, can greatly enhance the security guard air defense capabilities.

defensive qi to strengthen the role,jordan 2.5, you can eat spicy appropriate products. Vision pungent powder, qi can drive to the surface of the skin among Cou, so Buyi posts, one post ten steps, the body guards of natural impregnable. Black kidney to eat foods such as black beans, black sesame seeds.

sick cervical spine rubbing this point, a hundred by Braun, MAD!

(after the River Point's Location)

cervical and lumbar sick, River Point, after rubbing with a hundred Braun

the past, cervical disease is one of the patent after 40 years of age, but now 20 to 30 years old everywhere, cervical spondylosis, cervical spondylosis and even primary school students have! The reason is simple: pour a long time, pressure, and they do not know how his conditioning, so come out early cervical spondylosis.

yang deficiency, people will prematurely, which is facing the majority of today's life, a particularly serious problem.

desk when the long-term work or study in the same position when the upper body forward, cervical strain, and the first depressed Du, Du Governor, one of the yang, depressed Du body is depressed yang, so, over time, it is easy to bend the spine, the human spirit is also worse.

the human spirit, not to be consumed by mental work, but by the wrong posture consumed.

this series of questions, all for the same reason. Now, through a hole, it can all be resolved, the point is, after the River Point. River is the small intestine after a previous point, the hand into a fist, after metacarpophalangeal joint is the point at the end of stripes. This point is the intersection of eight extra points, pass Du, to diarrhea Firelight, impotence gas, adjusting the cervical,coach handbags online, Lee eyes, is the spine. Clinically, cervical problems, and lumbar spine problems, and eye problems, and must use this point, the effect is obvious. It can adjust the desk or long-term study and work at the computer adverse effects on the body, if we continue, a hundred with Braun.

with this point is very simple and easy to adhere to. We sat at the table, put his hands at this point after the river along the upper part on the table, driven by the wrist with both hands, rolling back and forth easily, you can achieve exciting results.

when we sit beside the computer to read the file, put hand is how? Must be separated from the mouse hand, right hand on the keyboard still maintain this position does not move, people have become stiff. At this time, it may be flexible, freeing hands, so hands up against the edge of the table after the River Point or the keyboard, scroll back and forth, rub, each stimulus 3 to 5 minutes, every hour is enough time to stimulate. This is no time to lose, because this time, the eyes that see what you can see what.

we can try to do insist on down day, certainly to the waist will not work when the acid, the neck is not tired, his eyes to a large extent been alleviated. Continue to do so every day, first lumbar, cervical easy straight at the same time, you will find so that the eyes than before. If I was busy, always forget how to do it? I suggest that, even can set up alarm clock, remind us every hour after Roudong about River Point. Busy no matter what degree, I think so, or can spare some time to come. Because this is really a good way to save our health.

after the river to develop the habit of rubbing, anytime, anywhere, free to rub. For example, when driving, if you ran into the traffic jam, or red light to roll back up after the river rubbing on the steering wheel several times, particularly comfortable. At this time, someone else anxious to get angry, and you're through Du, diarrhea Firelight, impotence gas, adjusting the cervical, is the spine, Lee eyes, MAD; one can not afford to worry about, two do not get angry spirits, so As a result, sometimes actually think that traffic jams are blocking the very value!

Note: The hole in the hand after the river side of the little finger two or three centimeters, see above, under the photo

easy way to detoxify the body completely

; ★ If you have a toxin expressed in the liver:

1. nail surface with raised ridges, or to under the depression. TCM believes that

2. hyperplasia of the breast occur, premenstrual breast pain increased significantly. Mammary gland is the liver through the fortress on the route line, once the liver has

3. emotional prone to depression. The liver is the organ in vivo regulation of emotion, once the liver toxicity can not be discharged, blocking the operation of gas, will have a significant adverse emotional.

4. Migraine, two faces side of acne, dysmenorrhea will appear. Both sides of the face and lower abdomen, the liver and its partner, by the gall bladder of the

detoxification method:

1. eat blue food. According to the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the food can be accessible green liver, play a good Shugan, Jieyu, relieve emotional effect, is to help the liver detoxify the food. Chinese medicine experts recommend blue orange or lemon, orange juice or green skin made of green lemonade, like drinkable.

2. wolfberry to enhance the tolerance of the liver. In addition to detoxification, but also should enhance the ability of the liver against toxins. The most important food wolfberry, it has a very good role in protecting the liver and can increase the tolerance of the liver of toxins. Time to chew the food consumption of the best to eat a little.

3. Press the main point for liver detoxification. This refers to the Taichong Point, the location in the dorsum of the foot first and second metatarsal depression before the junction. Thumb Anrou 3 to 5 minutes, you can feel a slight soreness. Do not use too much effort, two ** for the press.

4. tears detoxification method. Compared to never cry for men, women live longer, it can not be said and tears are related. With this understanding of traditional Chinese medicine has long been, but was confirmed by Western medicine. As the tear fluid excretion, as with the sweat and urine, which does have some harmful chemical and biological toxins. So sad, the wronged, the depression will simply Kuchu come when. For those

liver detoxification best time

01:00 ~ 02:00 detoxification phase, when activities of the liver to eliminate toxins and strong, should be the body to sleep, so that the liver was completed metabolic waste. Liver detoxification, to be carried out in sleeping, so at this time should be asleep, not stay up late, then do not sleep, your liver will be so tired, over time will certainly be damaged, so you must pay attention to ensure that adequate sleep at night.

★ If you have a toxin expressed in the heart:

1. tongue ulcer. Chinese medicine, tongue and heart is most closely related, so the length of the tongue ulcer, usually considered to be the fire inside the heart, or the burning.

2. Zhangdou forehead. Forehead is the heart of a territorial jurisdiction, Firelight strong as fire, poison, this dependency will be boiling, so come and go to a lot of acne.

3. insomnia, heart palpitations. Heart in a non-stop work, when the fire remained at the heart drug can not be excluded, the sleep is not stable.

4. tightness or tingling. There is bleeding within the heart of a toxin, like a traffic jam on the highway, light some of the chest, heavy some of the sting occurs.
detoxification method:

1. suffering detoxification. Devaluation lotus core, it is bitter, can diverge Firelight, although there is cold, but it will not damage the body's yang, it has always been considered the best drug to defuse the heart of hot food. Core can be used lotus tea, bamboo, or students may wish to add some licorice, lotus seed cores can enhance the detoxification.

2. Press the heart of detoxification main point. This means less government points, position in the palm, between the first metacarpal 4,5, little finger and ring finger when the fist between. Press this point may wish to use some force, alternating.

3. mung bean diuretic detoxification. Green beans can be a diuretic, heat the approach to resolve and discharge toxins heart, but when you eat green beans to use the liquid form, such as soy milk or green bean soup, bean cake, the effect will be worse.

best detoxification time

heart at 11 to 13 points are the heart of most of the time, you can eat Baoxin, cleanup food poisoning, such as Tuckahoe, nuts, soy, black sesame, jujube, lotus seeds and so on.

★ If you have a toxin expressed in the spleen

1. surface stain Minister . Long spot digestive capacity of women is often weaker.
2. leukorrhagia. Humidity and the competent body of the spleen, if too much moisture, beyond the capacity of the spleen, excessive moisture occurs in vivo, increased vaginal discharge is one of expression.

3. fat accumulation. Chinese medicine, another fat in a name: phlegm, is due to poor digestion of spleen, can not be timely removal of toxins from the garbage generated. Effective weight loss must be restored around the theme of the spleen and stomach to do the normal metabolism of phlegm, or it will rebound.

4. tone clear lip weeks Zhangdou or ulcers. Lips are all around the spleen, when the spleen of the toxin can not be eliminated from the body, accumulation of toxins to find a chance to burst forth from these places.

detoxification method:

1. eat acid to help the spleen detoxification. Such as ebony, vinegar, which is used to resolve elements of the best food poisoning, can enhance the digestive function of the stomach, so that the toxins in food in the shortest period of time body. While sour food also has the effect of the spleen may well act as a

2. Press the spleen detoxification main point. This is the point Shangqiu, position in the hole below the medial malleolus before Shangqiu depression, rubbing with your fingers to the point, you can maintain a sense of sour heavy, about 3 minutes each, for two ** to do.

3. after dinner walk. Exercise can help stomach digestion, speed up the removal of toxins from the speed, but it needs long-term adherence, the effect will be better.

best detoxification time

spleen is most likely to produce toxins meal time, food time to digest if you can not or absorb, toxins will accumulate a lot. In addition to walk around after dinner, because the sweet taste of the spleen, but also in 1 hour to eat 1 meal of fruit, helping spleen, detoxification.

★ If the performance of the lungs with toxins in the

1. skin was rusty, dull. Chinese medicine, pulmonary management of the body's skin, the skin is moist, white, must rely on lung function was good. When comparing the lung toxins for a long time, toxins will be deposited with the role of the lung to the skin, making skin look dull.

2. constipation. Chinese medicine, lung and colon is a system, when the top of the lungs of toxins, the following will have abnormal intestinal deposition to emergence of constipation.

3. sentimental, easy to grief. Toxins in the lungs, the lungs can interfere with blood running, so the lungs can not normally comfortable chest heart, pent-up too sentimental.
detoxification method:

1. radish is a lung detox food. In Chinese eyes, colon and lung most closely, lung colon toxins depends on whether the smooth, radish can help colon excrete stool, cold dishes can be eaten raw or Ban Cheng.

2. lily increased lung resistance trait. Lung always do not like dry air, in the case of dry, easily lead to the accumulation of toxins. Mushrooms, Lily Yin Yangfeihuoxue good effect, can help the lungs to fight toxins, food processing time when not too long, otherwise the juice will reduce the lily, anti-virus effect has to be greatly reduced.
3. Press the main point for lung detoxification. Hoku acupuncture is beneficial to the lungs, the location in the back of the hand, metacarpal 1,2, when 2nd metacarpal radial side of the midpoint, you can use this part of the thumb and forefinger, push hard.

4. sweat detoxification. Management of skin, lung, so frankly Chuyishenhan, so sweat away toxins, refreshing our lungs give up. In addition to campaigns, the method can also be sweating hot water bath, water bath before adding some essential oils of ginger and mint to make more fun sweat secretion, excretion of toxins deep in the body.

5. take a deep breath. Each breath, the lungs are the residual gas can not be discharged, these emissions relative to those of fresh, oxygen-rich air is concerned, is a toxin. Just a few deep breaths, you can reduce the residual gas in vivo.
best detoxification time

lung lungs most of the time is 7 am to 9 points, a good time to be able to exercise detoxification. When the most powerful in the lung for jogging and other aerobic exercise, can be a strong function of pulmonary toxins.

★ If you have a toxin expressed in the kidney

1. menstruation, or menstrual period is short, dark in color. The emergence and disappearance of menstruation, is whether the strong performance of renal function, and if there are many toxins in the kidneys, blood will decrease.

2. edema. Renal body fluid management operation, the kidney accumulation of toxins, reduced ability to discharge excess liquid, appeared edema.

3. mandibular Zhangdou. Mandibular positions governed by the face of renal and kidney detoxification inadequate performance of the excess toxins in the jaw area.

4. easily tired. Toxins within the body the energy consumption of the kidney, kidney provides less energy, so there body tired, Shenpi sleepiness, weakness.

detoxification method:

1. kidneys detoxification food: melon. Melon juice is rich to enter the human body, will stimulate the kidneys to increase urine from the body of toxins. Available when eating melon soup or fried, the taste as a little lighter.

2. Kidney antitoxic food: yam. Although a lot of yams can nourish organs, but eventually the kidney and regular eating yams can enhance the detoxification function of the kidney. Candied yam is a good method of eating, with caramel
(the sugar in low heat until melted, then add hot water when the dark brown mix, is the caramel.)

3. Press the main point for liver detoxification: Yongquan . This is the lowest point the human body, if the body is a building, the point is that the export of sewage water pipes, often rubbing it, and detoxification effect is obvious. Yongquan front foot position 1 / 3 (the calculation does not include the toe), the more sensitive points, do not use too much force, you can feel a little, rubbing a side by side is better for 5 minutes can be.

Best time to

kidneys detoxification kidney detoxification best time in the morning 5 to 7 points, the body after a night of repair, all gather in the morning toxins in the kidney, so the morning is best to drink a cup of white water , scouring about the kidneys, the toxins from your body.

prescription for the treatment of insomnia 12

insomnia, usually a headache, has led to reduced work efficiency during the day, irritable, looks haggard. Now the 12 given recipe for insomnia.
1. a cup of yogurt, a banana, eat before going to bed every night. This side of the middle of the night is especially effective in patients unable to sleep after drinking can increase blood sugar, fast asleep.
2. half a bottle of beer, drink half an hour before going to bed every night, and even drink a few weeks, can be a pillow that is sleeping, sleeping all night.
3. milk, egg yellow, can cure the
4. millet 100 grams, add water Zhu Chengyu, plus amount of sugar transfer service, before going to bed half an hour eating a small bowl to make one quick sleepy, sleep sleep.
5. jujube, rice porridge eaten with the two-flavor, amount of food every night and hypnotic effects of very well.
6. longan: longan (longan) is the South a good fruit. Modern scientific analysis, longan containing glucose, sucrose, protein, vitamins, minerals, tartaric acid and so on. Fresh flesh to eat, drink wine or dry goods Baptist decoction, to the blood and soothe the nerves. Well-known medicine,
7. Lotus: It is the fruit of the lotus. According to analysis, lotus starch, persimmon sugar, protein, calcium, phosphorus, lotus porridge for dinner, or bedtime fresh lotus seed soup bowls, people can sleep safely.
8. lily; lily bulb containing protein, fat, starch, cure restless sleep soundly the night, Lily twelve Jianshui available, transfer of honey at bedtime.
9. lychee: Lychee taste sweet slightly acidic, mild. Lychee is rich in glucose, sucrose, vitamin C, B, A, and citric acid, folic acid, malic acid and free amino acids, is thought-over, forgetfulness, insomnia rare .
10. walnut: also known as walnut. Song High nutritional value of walnuts, 500 grams of walnut egg nutrition can and 2,500 grams or 4500 grams of milk comparable. One fat calcium and phosphorus content in the fruit are among the best. Every night before bed eat a few grains of walnut, soothing puzzle, qi and relieve asthma.
11. lettuce: lettuce leaves and stems contain a milky white slurry, which slurry has a sedative effect similar to opium, but no toxicity. When sleep is poor, some of lettuce slurry juice drink, has a good hypnotic effects. A teaspoon of juice can be dissolved in a small glass of water slurry is diluted after the service.
12. Mulberry: Mulberry is both a drug, Therefore, the mulberry can be used to treat liver and kidney deficiency caused by dizziness, ringing in the ears head Shibuya, neurasthenia, insomnia, many people usually eat mulberry, can play the role of sedative puzzle.
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