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Old 04-23-2011, 04:20 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Angry Police opened fire on protesters, killing three people of yemen

Yemen - people, 赌场百家乐 www.pe19.comyemen security forces opened fire on demonstrators against government on Tuesday, killing at least 3 amid rising international concern in the strategic position of the country. The United Nations security council met late Tuesday in a briefing. Also discussed in yemen, where downhill human rights group says two months for the President to step down the protests have caused 120 people dead. But the United Nations is the strongest body couldn't reach agreement, puts forward the political crisis in Lebanon by Germany expressed concern that called on both sides "to exercise restraint and to enter into a comprehensive dialogue realize legal desire," and support the mediation of yemen gulf co-operation council. Security council as a yemeni government delegation to meet ABU dhabi, united Arab emirates, near, the six-nation gulf cooperation council talks, because a for President ali abdullah assignment of a right handed him a vice end crisis. The opposition held similar talks in Saudi Arabia on Sunday. Susan rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations security council, told reporters after the meeting closed, "several delegations also want instruction from (their) capitals." Other security council officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because these talks, determine the country's private for Russia and China. Rice said that "several themes, including calls for restraint appeared, ending the violence", people worry about this incident is of guiding significance in yemen, not only for the country's security and stability, but for regional and world peace and security. Some members puts forward, diplomats said al-qaida and piracy discussion.===========Google提供的广告============= 真博娱乐 立博备用 真钱百家乐 威尼斯人赌场 ===================================
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