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Old 04-16-2011, 01:42 PM   #1
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Default nike high heels Essential Oils and Travel - For Dr

When we are at home, we pretty much take our water for granted. But when we travel, water is sometimes a concern. Will it be available when we want it? Will we trust the quality? Dare we drink from the tap? Some people pack a portable water purifier and some people pack lemon essential oil. Which one are more people choosing and why?
With the current restrictions on luggage -- weight, size, number of pieces -- I opt for a bottle of lemon oil that takes up less than two cubic inches of packing space. Once at your destination, it can easily be put in a pocket, purse, or handbag.
A 15 millimeter bottle of lemon oil typically contains around 280 to 300 drops. If you use one drop for each glass of water, that's a lot of water you're purifying. Sometimes nike air jordan heels, more than one drop will come out, and some people prefer 2-3 drops per use. In this manner, you can control how long the bottle lasts.
If you like the refreshing taste of lemon, you're in luck!
Therapeutic grade lemon essential oil contains antimicrobial and antibacterial compounds that lesser qualities or adulterated lemon oils do not. Look for bottles that (a) give the complete botanical name on the label, (b) are labeled as 100% pure therapeutic grade, and (c) are labeled as an essential oil supplement.
What else does a therapeutic grade of lemon oil do? It contains compounds with antiseptic and relaxation properties, as well as compounds that enhance the immune system, memory nike high heels, and clarity of thought. Do you see the value for business travelers?
It can be added to plain water, tea, health drinks, and more. For business travelers who want the mental benefits from the compounds in lemon oil, it can also be inhaled directly from the bottle or from your hands.
How to set you goals for 2010 - 2020 1st Step Choose a time when you are feeling peaceful, relaxed. Free of interruption. Get yourself in a positive state, open to possibilities. Write a list of things of what you are proud to have achieved during 2000-2009. List them down and quietly reflect on them. If it helps you, write the years in a list and write beside each one. Feel the feelings of achievement bubbling up. Give yourself a metaphorical pat on the back... well done you!2nd Step What did you do during these years that were the 'icing on the cake?' Make a list. What gave you your greatest sense of joy? Who was there? What happened? How did it make you feel? What photographs do you treasure of those moments? Go and have a look at them and relive the feelings, sounds and sights.
3rd Step Think about the areas in your life that are important - list them down for example career, environment, personal development, fun & recreation, relationship with friends/family, significant other, spirituality etc. Consider where you are with each right now, today. Give each one a score out of 10, with 1 being low and 10 being high. How would you score your satisfaction with each area?
4th Step Think about how you would like to change each area - what would make it a 10? What would '10' be like for you? How would it feel? Close your eyes if it helps, imagine michael jordan high heels, dream, design. Paint a picture in your imagination of how you choose to change things. Imagine if Aladdin's genie gave you 3 wishes, how would you use them to change your life? What if you had more than 3 wishes, how would you use them? Drift into your imagination, what can you hear, what can you smell, taste? Who is there? What are they doing? How bright is the picture? Turn up the colour, adjust the volume so it's right. What difference would it make to your life? How would it affect your relationships?
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