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Old 04-10-2011, 04:13 PM   #1
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Default cheap fitted baseball hats 3 Reasons the Right Sho

Can you answer the following question?
Why does my child need a specific shoe made for a specific sport to do a specific thing?
If you can't give the answer to that question than I can tell you right now that you child will probably end up with some sort of injury playing that particular sport in which he or she has the wrong shoe for.
Lets look at 3 reasons why your child needs to have the right shoe.
1) Support - Without the proper support an injury to the ankle is just about a given. It will only be a matter of time before the injury happens without the proper support and stabilization of the ankle.
2) Traction - Without traction from the proper shoe, the child will be slipping or getting pushed all around. You wouldn't wear a pair of basketball sneakers to play football would you. Trying to get traction and having none can lead to serious knee injuries.
3) Cushioning - Your feet need to be cushioned. Sports put a lot of pounding and pressure on your knees all the way up to your hips, back and neck. Cushioning in a shoe, lets say a basketball shoe, can absorb a good amount of this pressure. without this you child can have not only knee problems but also hip and back problems.
You want to choose the right shoe for your children to avoid the injury problem. Once an injury occurs, the more chance that the injury will reoccur goes way up.
Levels of support Running shoe manufacturers say that each of their models of running shoe will fall broadly within one of four levels of support - Neutral, Mild-Support, Moderate-Support and Motion Control.In reality, there are as many different levels of support as there are different models of running shoe and subtle differences in the structure of different models will mean that they are more or less supportive than others.What level of support do I need? This is a very complex question....For a quick analysis (often referred to as a 'gait-analysis'), pop into to your local running shoe shop, where they should be able to assess the broad category of support you need. For a more thorough analysis, contact a sports podiatrist or a University with a specialist Sports Science/Bio-mechanics department.
In respect of the more specialist analyses cheap fitted baseball hats, you will usually be advised to purchase a specially moulded orthotic inner-sole, which will include specific support to assist your own unique foot-strike. Orthotics can cost hundreds of pounds cheap nfl hats 10 Ways to Prolong the Life of Your Running Shoes_7082, though unless you have a very unusual foot-strike, have unusual physical characteristics (e.g. one leg longer than the other) or you have suffered from prolonged injuries, these will usually be unnecessary. Ask the podiatrist/expert to recommend some specific supportive running shoes or, if they consider orthotics to be necessary, ask them to outline in detail the specific problem the orthotics will solve and the reasons why a supportive running shoe will not solve it.FACTOR 4: FIT The fit of running shoes produced by different manufacturers, and even different models produced by the same manufacturer, can differ substantially in terms of the length, width, depth and general shape. This is why it is crucial to try on a shoe before you commit to buying it.
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