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Old 03-26-2011, 09:55 AM   #1
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Default black supra skytops What motivates programmers

I will start with a question, if you have a spare £ 400 in your development budget do you A) Reward your star programmer with a £ 400 bonus or B) Buy him a 24 Inch 1920 × 1200 LCD screen?
If you answered 'A' then you need to read on. If you answered 'B' then you understand what motivates programmers but I suggest you still read on and comment later if you have any ideas beyond what I cover.

One of the things that they never teach non-programmer managers is how to motivate programmers. You may think the programmers are motivated by the same things as the rest of your staff, you are WRONG. Programmers tend to be counted within the higher IQ brackets and are therefore harder typically to second guess.

Tim Bryce writes:
; ; This article is worth reading just to get a view of someone who does not understand programmers at all. And should certainly not be attempting to write about how to manage them with views like the above.
; The average programmer may be projecting an image of superiority but non-programmers miss-read this and think it is aimed at them. It is not. You have to understand that programmers rate themselves against other programmers not against anyone else .
This is important when making any decision about how to reward them. If you purchase some new equipment for your sales staff the likely reaction will be ... nothing. If you purchase new equipment for your programming staff they will immediately start analyzing who has got what and by reference who is being rewarded more than others based upon the quality of the equipment. If you think this is not relevant think again.
What this comes down to is that the work environment is generally more important to a programmer than any kind of financial reward (within limits). But managing who gets what within your company is not easy.
; You can just take the view (and if you have a big enough budget) that everyone is standardized and that you all get the same equipment. This in practice within a development environment never works because each programmer may require a very specialized setup which breaks the standardization rule and your back to 'who gets what'.
Hardware Cascade
Programmers outwardly will try and give the impression that they are a loose nit bunch who care nothing for standard business practices and certainly not give any importance to the usual office politics of who is above who. This all goes out the window with new equipment because the hardware is seen as a status symbol within the 'non-existent' programmer hierarchy.
; So when upgrading machines it is vitally important that you understand the structure of this invisible hierarchy. I typically upgrade at the top of the tree and push machines downwards, this can mean lots of re-installing but most programmers will be very happy to put in extra hours to perform the re-install if the reward is a new machine (or at least a faster machine)
The appeal of solving a problem
Programmers program because they love to solve problems .

Remember this rule:
Solving can mean many things and it is easier (and more important) to understand what classes as a 'non-solving' task. Typically asking a programmer to go fix something would be classed as 'non-solving' as the solution has already been found and you are asking them to re-solve it by having to look at the code again.
What is important is that you find ways of making 'non- solving 'tasks into' solving 'tasks. A typical example would be the difference between asking one of your programmers to put together a report (eg some usage statistics) by hand or assigning him more time so he can' solve 'something and produce an automated system that will email you the report every day / week / month.
Other typical non-solving situations
* Writing documentation
* Creating schedules
* Writing reports
* 1st Line Support
All programmers have to perform non-happy -non-solving tasks and some cope better with dealing with a higher 'non-solving' ratio of tasks than others. Understanding your programmers and who can cope with what level of 'non-solving' is important to keeping an overall smooth operation.
Micro Managing
God help you if you try this tactic. My above statement about 'solving' is at the very heart of why you cannot attempt to micro manage your programming team. Any attempt on your part to perform solving yourself means they are not solving. And even worse your are questioning their abilities to 'solve' things which just about amounts to the worst thing you can do to a programmer.
; In any crisis situation your programmers are likely to be in more of a frenzied state than you are and in nearly all cases your first reaction of helping is the wrong one. The hard part here is that you need to give the impression that you have the utmost confidence in their abilities (do not try and directly tell them this they will take it the wrong way) and that you can leave it to them to solve. And at the same time still be in touch with the direction they are taking to ensure that the crisis is resolved.
Programmers see meetings as wastes of time. Most communication between programmers is done via email or by a quick wander to another desk to clarify something that is beyond the scope of an email. Therefore any time within a meeting room is 'unhappy time' and unhappiness increases exponentially with the length of the meeting. So at all costs if you do need to drag your development team into a meeting either include some form of Lego to play with (I am serious) or keep them very short.
There are lots of other areas I could cover (and maybe will in another post) but just remember that a happy programmer is a productive programmer.

Chinese to
ask a question: Suppose you have four hundred U.S. dollars to reward your team of programmers working for: A, to your four star programmers do one hundred U.S. dollars prize money; B, to buy him a 24-inch 1920 * 1200 LCD monitor. Which would you choose?
If you choose A, then please read on; If you choose B, then you know how to motivate a programmer, but I suggest you read on.
impression that the programmers we represent more than IQ. Tim Bryce, in his article, wrote,black supra skytops, our ignorance of the programmer and the erroneous understanding.
You might think that programmers like to inspire people to inspire the same, then you are wrong! Compared to other industries, programmers have no sense of superiority that you, the programmer will not work with them than, but most only compared with other programmers. Therefore, in deciding how to reward
hands of the programmer, the above conclusion is particularly important. When you give the sales department to purchase new equipment, their reaction may not matter, but if you buy the new configuration to the programmer, they will immediately analyze how other programmers get the configuration,装修后才知道的79件事,无数网友真金白银砸出来的经验, and then see who awards more and those who reward the few. In fact, if you give each person the same configuration as a reward, or was not satisfied, because you give the configuration may not be what they need.
hardware configuration
surface,tory burch retailers, the programmer does not care about the so-called business practices, who do not care who is superior. But when it comes to the hardware configuration of the time, this view is not spiritual,asics gel kayano 16 review, because the development environment, hardware configuration, a programmer status symbol, embodies the programmer
So when you as a leader under the programmer to upgrade the machine, there is critical: you must know that your team is the Grasp this principle, you do not need to worry about upgrading configuration brought about by the restart of work and other issues, the programmers will be glad to handle their own time to go.

programmers to solve the problem so attractive is because they are willing to write programs to solve the problem, so keep this guideline: If you are not a programmer What is involved in settlement, then he will definitely not happy.
here In general, for a programmer to configure or maintain no more be seen as technical content,asics gel foundation 8,jimmy choo shoes sale uk 父亲受伤记, because the solution is ready, the code you just let them go over it again.
Thus, you need to assign your work with no technical content into a technical content. The usual practice is to report them to submit a solution, or to give them more time, give them the freedom to play.
In fact, all of them will do what neither boring nor technical content of the work, and some people would do well to treatment and face, some people is weaker. So, you want to know this attitude of each programmer, and then arrange work to ensure a harmonious working environment.
hands-on management
why can not the programmers on your team to take hands-on management? Above the As a manager, if you're trying to personally solve the problem, that means your team will not do anything, and worse, will make people think you are questioning their ability to solve problems - this is a Most programmers should not do.
both problems or in times of crisis, your programmers are always more anxious and enthusiastic than you, so if your first reaction is to help them, and then you are wrong. You should let them know: Do you have the ability to solve problems that they have a high trust (but do not directly tell them), you are rest assured that their own to resolve. You also keep up to maintain close contact with their superiors to ensure that the problem was resolved.
programmers think is a waste of time to meet. They are more willing to e-mail, instant messaging tools to communicate, if not through this make it clear that they are willing to Liu Dadao others desk and then quickly put the issue clearly. So every time in the conference room,太经典啦!, are painful moments, but the pain level as the meeting time will be increased. So less than a

original author Nick Halstead: senior technical director,ugg on sale, his motivation, leadership ability and the way the team had great reputation in the circle. 10 years of management experience, 14 years has been concerned about the programmer's career growth.
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