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05-19-2011 04:56 AM

The daytime before yesterday, and sometimes agree in the afterward superstitious activities, flipped through the old imperial almanac, find a barber in a good day. Hey, hair almost into a chicken coop, is to go repair repaired.

Shenzhen fraught with all salon,Supra Vaider Shoes, colossal small, stylish, simple, and many, and almost every avenue can be found in salons, tin be the antique Barry, it namely a hassle apt detect the local hairdresser's entity, effectively do not understand for to which namely better.

early years, when still living in Futian, almost has been a barber for the familiar trays of the hair, lasted about 10 years before, and later went to the master depart the country, then find a place to Barber has been a laborious problem, and full of fight as a guerrilla, but not found a barber to long-term cooperation.

Shenzhen in recent years have begun to fashion fashionable Korean hair salon,Supra Cruizer Shoes, what shampoo Thai, in fact, chance a sure course to preoccupy purchasers, not necessarily what the trend, and even self-defeating counterproductive. The so-called Korean shampoo, is to aid you get clutch of small boys to her hair, it is uneasy, maladroit not, curious mess, or the young girl to bathe the hair feel natural look. Really do not comprehend how the operators of these salons meditation, why get prop of her hair namely arrange of thing boys do, this is not manifest to man clients off you, hear to cause. In fact, this thing can be quite simple, when the door to ask visitors to boys or girls absence to wash your hair not to bring an end to ...,Supra TK Society Shoes, can imperative arrangement happens to boys, the hair salon commerce analytic approximately the entire thing needs to be updated. Moreover, her hair all man South Koreans to do it? Are not known, because it is not receivable, it actually does not like.

but any boy her hair salon are basically no longer patronize the second time, too, but also to proceed to find a new salon because a haircut, really do not corpuscles.

memorize the small, all go to a live deep in the alley white beard,Supra Skytop III Shoes, a bald barber grandfather went there. Side of the cup mirror is not vertical in the border wall, a huge outdated barber preside made of metal, with a patio ashore the alley to the medium, close to the old master bedroom and kitchen, there is a master craftsman's home ,Supra Shoes, where journal life is a living old master the everyday workplace.

old master surnamed Huang, King Tong us all as his master, usually Xiao Hehe, did not speak, go to help you shave, customers are generally familiar with the old go to his place, it is rarely essential queuing, shaved head and paid their money and leave achieved, there is not many Retroflex Suffixation, but people are very friendly to the neighbors like the same familiar vigor.

infancy has been there in the yellow master barber, Master Huang will only mow a hair, to the variety of Xiaoping Tou, fair the variety of young and old of all to patronize a management, not special privileges , also smooth rate is a dollar. At that time the human inside the head shape is very unattached, look alike, have a satisfactory end.

80 end of the ten-year,Supra Trainers, diligent diligent convenient Wenzhou, the fresh new salon blooming bring an end to ...the nation, yellow master barber shop also underwent a inferior impact, the young guy have to provide in the babies who have Wenzhou salon arms, naturally, including the old Barry, that is, separately at that time grew a hair, then almost did not go over there head shaved at Master Huang.

to Shenzhen afterward a few years, a long-distance phone, listen to the old matron said, Master Huang had died, and then suddenly maudlin, choking incessantly. Since then occasional salon in Shenzhen, the boundary will wash your hair haircut reminds me of the yellow side of the master, a long-lost consciousness from the natural center.

hairdresser, haircut, life in elaborate. Washing cilia, tearing a hair, change hair, merely also in a assorted mood.

g3sh7sf0mf 05-19-2011 05:11 AM

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