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ra11382hgw 04-30-2011 05:20 PM

意甲-皮耶罗两助新杀手破门 10人尤文被追2球战平
  新浪体育讯 北京时间3月13日3时45分(意大利当地时间12日20时45分),意甲第29轮开始第 2场角逐,尤文图斯客场2比2被切塞纳逼平。上半时,皮耶罗助攻马特里首开纪录,对方贾凯里尼射中门柱后打 空门未进,随后皮耶罗射中门柱,马特里补射梅开二度。布冯禁区内犯规逃过红牌,希门尼斯主罚点球扳回一分, 尤文后卫莫塔累计2张黄牌被罚下。下半场,布冯作出几次神奇扑救,但替补出场不久的亚昆塔乌龙助攻帕罗洛追 平。

  尤文此前联赛3连败且无进球,上次4连败要追溯到1961-62赛季。风雨飘摇的德尔内里作出调整,后防线上,莫塔和博努奇获得首发,顶替索伦森和巴尔扎利。中场方面 ,阿奎拉尼伤愈顶替受伤的梅洛,佩佩结束停赛取代马丁内斯。锋线则用队长皮耶罗顶替受伤的托尼。切塞纳仅因 净胜球优势排在降级区上面,但近期状态却好于尤文,尤文42射0进球他2脚划上休止符 狂购15新人属他最靠谱,3轮拿到7分。布丹、 视频集锦-皮耶罗两助攻新援双响 10人尤文客场憾平 媒体来源:新浪体育 费利佩、萨马尔科、法蒂奇因伤缺阵,博格达尼结束停赛,足网皇冠指数www.ra1138.com意甲-穆图传射托蒂2度追平破双百 罗马客场2-2紫百合,与加来理你、希门尼斯组成三叉戟。

  赛前,尤文球迷向俱乐部高层表示抗议,要求前队长孔蒂接替德尔内里。开场4分钟,马特里传球,克拉西奇 在门前21米处打高。第7分钟,阿奎拉尼在门前26米处射高。第8分钟,克拉西奇右路传中险些被劳罗碰进门 内,尤文角球进攻,马特里在门前8米处凌空抽射入网,但已越位。尤文第13分钟取得领先!皮耶罗中场反击右 脚外脚背分球,马特里禁区右侧距门13米处低射入远角(点击观看进球视频),1比0。

  莫塔背后铲倒希门尼斯,被黄牌警告。第23分钟,皮耶罗脚后跟垫传越过防线,佩佩在门前13米处凌空没 有打好,安东尼奥利将球没收。第26分钟,莫塔右路传中,博努奇在门前8米处冲顶高出。切塞纳第27分钟错 过扳平机会!贾凯里尼接应过顶球单挑布冯,在门前14米处推射击中右门柱内侧弹回,他跟进距门2米处补射空 门竟不可思议地打飞。[点击观看视频]

  随后希门尼斯面对基耶利尼拦截倒在禁区内,被判假摔吃到黄牌。尤文第35分钟扩大优势,马特里禁区左侧 接应过顶球横传,皮耶罗在门前9米处凌空抽射击中近门柱内侧弹回,马特里头球补射入网(点击观看进球视频) ,2比0。第39分钟,帕罗洛挑过基耶利尼单刀突入禁区扣过布冯,被布冯扑倒在地,点球!主裁判贝尔贡齐认 为特劳雷已经回防,仅向布冯亮出黄牌,希门尼斯主罚点球右脚低射命中左下角,1比2。尤文第43分钟再遭打 击,莫塔蹬踏贾凯里尼,几乎踹中对方脸部,累计2张黄牌被罚下(点击观看视频)。

  下半时,格里格拉换下克拉西奇。第52分钟,皇冠备用网,马隆加替下卡塞尔塔。第55分钟,切塞纳开出角球,科卢奇在门前22米处低射被布冯向左侧扑封出底线。博 努奇放倒帕罗洛,被黄牌警告。第58分钟,马隆加禁区前沿左脚低射被布冯轻松没收。第61分钟,希门尼斯在 门前20米处凌空抽射被布冯向左倒地封出,贾凯里尼拿球横趟被基耶利尼勾倒,主裁判贝尔贡齐没 有中断比赛,皇冠足球7889k改单,博格达尼在门前9米处推射被博努奇封堵,德尔内里被曝已失控尤文全队 今夏高昂解约费正式曝光

  劳罗对皮耶罗犯规吃到黄牌,随后皮耶罗被马丁内斯换下。第68分钟,马特里右路传中,阿奎拉尼在门前9 米处头球偏出左门柱。罗西纳换下贾凯里尼。阿奎拉尼拖延时间吃到黄牌。第76分钟,马隆加左侧禁区前沿抽射 碰后卫变向奔远角而去,布冯神勇侧扑托出!

  亚昆塔换下马特里,切卡雷利换下桑顿。尤文第80分钟被追平,希门尼斯左路主罚任意球传中,亚昆塔门前 解围不远恰好停给帕罗洛,帕罗洛左侧距门10米处大力低射入远角(点击观看进球视频),2比2。第87分钟 ,亚昆塔头球摆渡,阿奎拉尼门前26米处胸部停球打高。劳罗出现抽筋。补时第2分钟,佩佩左侧任意球斜长传 ,亚昆塔后点距门7米处头球被安东尼奥利没收,随后罗西纳突入禁区左侧斜射偏出近门柱。双方最终2比2战平 。



视频集锦-皮耶罗两助攻新援双响 10人尤文客场憾平 媒体来源:新浪体育 播放视频

04-30-2011 05:20 PM

Conversational recognition software program permits men and women to type content directly in to common term processing programs and manage several computer system system products by talking,Maxima Rayes, through any conventional microphone. Continuous speech products help in addition to support all-natural interactions, however men and women talked within regulated tactics, naturally enunciating almost every command from the earlier situations. Things get improved since that period and that technological innovation is continuing to grow rapidly perfect into a more exciting user-friendly software program application. Whenever we began some of our research in to this software program, we were being really surprised who's incorporated that technology and therefore recognize thoughts tone, inflection in addition to accent i . d .. We in no way believed whenever we started accomplishing research which there may exist any software that can - practically - repair itself precisely as it became more acquainted with your man or women voice and the method that you sound once you say thoughts and sentences aloud. That designed, for you,Naomi Misasi, that there were a actual possibility that him and i would achieve success finding an awesome software that basically worked! These exceptional programs have become popular among nearly all individual businesses in addition to grad students as a consequence of improved correctness and trustworthiness. Speech acknowledgement software is normally installed over a personal computer system system connected with suitable specialization skills. The buyer speaks directly right into a wireless or maybe wired special mic. An initial work out accompanied by using instruction in addition to an enrollment process is necessary so that they can teach your own application to recognize the unique type of speech on your specific demands.
A conversational "user profile" will then end up being developed which is most without doubt unique towards distinct men and women involved. This procedure may possibly also enable someone to really understand in addition to properly 'speak' utilizing their computer procedure. Speech recognition software applications are one chip demanding, plus, by and large,Dusti Sheck, the speedier the exact processor computer chip, the quicker you can expect maximum functionality. It would be set through to a particular computer procedure with correct requirements. That speech acknowledgement software may actually analyse enunciation, in addition to quickly acknowledge and repair errors in addition to flaws as soon as dictation occurs. The conversational recognition software program nowadays is in fact regarded as 98-99% accurate in addition to consistency in addition to reliability with regards to end final results. Speech acknowledgement software devices will not acquire your whole dictation without delay or also execute completely effortlessly nonetheless as time proceeds and after a period the application is known for a tendency determine problems in addition to understand your unique voice styles. Overall, we're excited to obtain this sort of technology. You'll find been with all the Dragon Effortlessly Speaking Advanced 11 software application for several days right now and all the time we open this program, a smile pertains to both some of our faces.

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