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04-28-2011 05:16 AM

Air Jordan Heels 美国本日举办国会中期选举 奥巴马中
  经济不振、失业率高企是目前民主党选情吃紧、奥巴马民望低迷的重要起因。白宫经济班子“大换血”,“四 名大将”接踵挂冠而去,实在是不想承当“经济政策失误”的骂名,同时留给选民一些悬念,寄望新的经济军师能 救命美国经济,大熊��求�痴守9�夜 英勇搏斗�走 情�

  美国定于本日举行国会中期选举,将改选全体众议员、三分之一参议员、局部州长及州议员。这场选举被视为 总统奥巴马的“中考”,但局势对他相称不利,retro air jordan,美国媒体甚至形容奥巴马引导的民主党“正面临着激烈飓风”。


  华尔街的钞票流向谁,始终是美国选举的风向标。曾经用金钱将奥巴马捧上总统宝座的高盛等金 融巨头,Air Jordan Heels,这回却把筹码押给共和党候选人。剖析人士以为,此举可能是报复奥巴马推出令华尔街不快的金融 改造,Lebron James Shoes,也可能是要支持看上去会赢的一方。在竞争剧烈的112个众院议席角逐中,共和党候选人共筹得5300万美 元,民主党候选人只得4800万美元。

  近来的民心考察显示,奥巴马所在的民主党很可能会失去众议院的把持权,mbt shoe clearance,而在参议院的大多数上风也会减少。在费城的报告中,奥巴马告知情感激动的支持者:“除非你们每个人都来投 票,mbt nama black 窄众化,要不然咱们就会达不到目的。”美国皮尤研讨核心10月31日宣布的最新民调还显示,48%的受访者表现将 在投票中支撑共跟党,而支持民主党的人只有42%。
  在一场并不波及谁能成为总统的选举中,什么才是最大的悬念?这个问题的谜底事关一匹“黑马”。这匹“黑 马”叫茶党———以美国独破战斗时代波士顿倾茶事件参加者的称呼为名号,脱胎于共和党内右翼营垒,构成于2 009年1月奥巴马到任总统后未几,打出小政府、低税收、弱监管等主意,明言不支持民主党及共和党任何当权 人物。现在茶党声势日渐强大,大有机遇转变美国国会政治幅员。
  为同声势浩瀚的反奥守旧派市民活动抗衡,christian louboutin barbie,华盛顿10月30日举办了声势盛大的集会。聚会由美国两位著名脱口秀主持人举行。他们呐喊自在派人士团结 起来,共渡难关。20万人加入了集会。

  奥巴马应用周末两天的时光快马加鞭地在四个州为民主党候选人拉票,以期在最后的时间里扭转民主党目前的 颓势。

  两年前,奥巴马在全世界的凝视下登上总统宝座。然而,他推出的系列新政并未给美国人带来实惠,高企的失 业率以及低迷增加率让人民很扫兴。假如非要用一句风行语来形容,mbt shoe reviews 转载:滋味 10款从小爱吃的菜[转],那美国国民的心境恐怕是“神马(什么)都是浮云。”

04-28-2011 05:17 AM

During a speech in Brussels,NHL Jerseys, Neelie Kroes, the commissioner for the bloc’s digital agenda, said that the European Union’s executive arm had opted to take a wait-and-see approach on the so-called network neutrality issue,Detroit Red Wings #90 Modano, which has become the focus of intense lobbying by operators,Ice Hockey Jerseys, online businesses like Google, and free speech advocates on both sides of the Atlantic.
“We have to avoid regulation which might deter investment and an efficient use of the available resources,” Ms. Kroes said during a meeting on net neutrality held by the commission and the European Parliament.
The desire for operators to control traffic on their networks or to pass on the costs to the biggest users ― or to the traffic generators themselves ― has grown as the popularity of video and file-sharing has exploded.
Ms. Kroes’s remarks were her first on the subject following a four-month public comment period that ended in September.
Ms. Kroes, formerly the Union’s competition commissioner, said she would work to ensure that a set of 2009 revisions to the main European telecommunications law would maintain open and fair Internet access. The legal overhaul, which takes effect in May, will require national regulators to define “reasonable” network management practices.
The law also prevents operators from blocking or slowing specific Internet services or Web sites,Detroit Red Wings #40 Henrik Zetterberg, and requires phone companies to disclose their network management practices to consumers.
Regulators have the option of setting minimum levels of broadband service to prevent operators from downgrading basic services to encourage the sale of costlier packages.
“We will make sure these provisions are applied in all member states in a coordinated and coherent way,CCM Ice Hockey Jerseys,” she said, adding that she planned to wait for a “reasonable period” for compliance before considering whether more regulation was needed.
Should operators and regulators ultimately fail to cooperate, Ms. Kroes said she was prepared to pursue legal remedies that might allow consumers to quickly switch operators should one block or downgrade broadband service. Currently in Europe, most telecom operators require people to sign one- or two-year service contracts.
The commission’s telecommunications advisory group, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, or Berec, noted in September that operators in more than a dozen countries had slowed or blocked services from file-sharing sites or rivals,Detroit Red Wings #42 Ritola Red WINTER CLASSIC, like Skype, the voice-over-Internet service that lets consumers avoid mobile calling charges.
Most of the practices were halted, Berec noted, after being made public.
Ms. Kroes, a Dutch economist, mentioned during her speech that she had used Skype to call her family last weekend. She advised consumers who were unhappy to leave operators that block, slow or place unacceptable extra charges on VoIP services like Skype.
“There were 21 million people using Skype alongside me,” Ms. Kroes said. “That is a huge market. And I say to those people who are currently cut off from Skype: vote with your feet and leave your mobile provider.”
But her remarks also suggested that the commission was not going to take action against operators like France Télécom, Deutsche Telekom and others that are currently charging their mobile customers an additional �0 to �5 a month,Detroit Red Wings #13 Pavel Datsyuk, or $14 to $21, to use VoIP service.
Skype has called the extra charges a form of “economic discrimination.”
“We should allow network operators and services and content providers to explore innovative business models,Red Blank Premier,” Ms. Kroes said.

04-28-2011 05:20 AM

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