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04-21-2011 10:44 PM

asics kayanos Investors must keep in mind the twen
Investors must keep in mind the twenty-one military regulations

Under this motto, West Point, the world's supreme military glory. Let us look at twenty-one West Point, Army Regulation concentrated:
first, you're not Superman; second, if a stupid method works, it is not a stupid way; third, unconditional implementation; Article , the details determine the success or failure; Article V, Division for more than an example; Article VI, if your attack is successful,贝卢斯科尼年薪高达3500万欧元 面临四项审判, you must be an ambush; VII, to obedience training or habit; Article VIII, all of 5 seconds of the grenade's pin will burn down in 3 seconds; Article IX, pretending not matter, because the enemy may not be out of ammunition; Article X, that support you no heed of the enemy forces is the main attack; Article XI, it is important things are always simple; Article XII, simple things are always difficult to do; Article XIII, the easy way is always to be the cloth mine; Article XIV, if you need nothing but the enemy, then you must in combat; Article XV, incoming fire has right of passage; Article XVI, if the enemy within your range, do not forget you are within his range; Article XVII, the team winning; Article XVIII , the radio will always be broken when you need fire support; Article XIX, anything you do you are likely to suffer a bullet - the same do nothing; XX, the only than incoming enemy fire accurate is incoming friendly fire; twenty one, Professional soldiers are predictable, but the world is full of amateur players.
the stock market like a battlefield, investors such as soldiers. If you want the stock market winners, twenty-one must also bear in mind the following Army regulations:
first, you're not Superman
Comments: Remember at all times, you are not Superman; Market breadth not help you have the final say , nor by any person having the final say, but by the market have the final say.
second, with their spare cash stock
Comments: This is the most straightforward and simple wisdom. Stock lending money even to take care life stock, fix your life will be.
third, the road before you fasten your seat belts
Comments: The stock market is proportional to the risks and benefits. Principal should be safety first. Investment guru Warren Buffett said: The first is security; second or safety; third, bearing in mind the first two.
Article IV, stocks have a good attitude
Comments: stock market gains and losses are commonplace, profit was not sleepy, smug; loss of non-depressed, not quite scurrilous. Stay healthy, be possible to ensure the safety of funds.
Article to follow the example of successful
Comments: familiar with the classic case of a successful master, for skills training, the concept of set to be put into practice. Really grasp all the knowledge, tools, software applications, good ride swordfight who may not be able Sword moves, only the skilled practitioner can survive in the market.
Article VI, if you are easy money,asics kayanos, the result you may lose money
Comments: The stock market is not the blow of a down cycle, eventually only a few make money. If the money is easy, it will let down our guard,louis vuitton hats for men, ignoring the risk, perhaps only a few days a year you will eat the profits. Napoleon at Waterloo only missed once, but lost is the whole empire.
Article VII, to beat the market, the first victory over their
Comments: The stock market is their biggest enemy, greed and fear the ever affect you and your hands and feet tied. When the stock market must be greedy enough greed, fear, be sure to stay away from the market. When you greedy when others are fearful; while others are greedy, you have to fear, so as to defeat the enemy.
Article VIII, and trends do not believe in friends
Comments: The stock market and trends in the long friends with the motto. However, the trend is fickle and elusive, is described as: trend is all the heat Hop was born, and all the cool casual and off. Rising trend, we should grasp the hand of friends; in a downtrend,asics 2150 review, we should make a clean break with friends.
Article IX, selected the company stock as selected
Comments: This is the concept of investment guru Warren Buffett, the stock as a business to do. Good stocks to rise temporarily, but it rose faster or something else; good company may temporarily fail to rise, but can rise I, even in a bear market when the dawn.
Article X,coach backpacks on sale Kazakhstan can learn ah, the stock market in the face of the Should be noted that the so-called strong, is making its big money behind a drive; the so-called weak and short-term has been making most abandoned, survival of the fittest,cheap nike, is the best choice.
Article XI, stocks actually very simple
Comment: The reason why stocks is simple, nothing more than cover the stock's performance, price, quantity, when the four elements, understands that technical analysis, gently keyboarding to can be traded, even the old lady would.
Article XII, stocks seemingly simple but actually difficult to
Comments: In addition to the stock to stock, price, quantity, when the four elements, the technical analysis behind the mystery of infinite implication also need great wisdom and philosophy , to include the many macro and micro information. It is said that fund managers choose a stock listed company several times to research, analysis will be opened dozens of times. Stock picking is difficult, hard to go Shudao.
Article XIII, Hong Chong stepped ring road at any time mine
Comments: worry-free performance in your hand holding the stock, one day Pre-losing performance, stock prices drop as. A blue chip stocks, hey, mister bribery and corruption became public, the stock will be a drag. Mine always inadvertently step on your ring.
Article XIV, if you need nothing but money, then you have to enter the stock market
Comment: In today's currency appreciation, rising prices, banks negative interest rates, the pattern of very few investment channels, to enter the stock market became fashionable. In the decade bull market of epic proportions, you can not only share the results of the Chinese economy, the accumulation of wealth, but also change your life. The beginning of inflation, the stock market must be the most solid,
Article XV, the incoming message can not have the priority right of passage
Comments: The Chinese stock market has always been a Your message will inevitably be a day or so, however, practice has been proved countless times, listen to news stocks, would lose. Single-literally: Therefore, flying all over the news, be sure to plug our ears, can not let it pass.
Article XVI, if you want to beat the dealer,Hundreds of Guatemalans sued the U.S. government deliberately test their STD, do not forget to beat the dealer would like you
Comments: makers spend billions of dollars to do a stock, you make money with very little N stocks. Makers to do a stock take several years, you do a stock may be only a few days. You can make money with the village, but you beat the banker is unnatural; makers can make you money, but to beat you easy.
Article XVII, the stock market did not regret it
Comment: As long as you're in the stock market every day to buy the stock may be down, up and sold to regret. Sorry if anyone invented the drug, and its value far better than Viagra. Unfortunately, the stock market no going back, the only cure is to not commit or less regret the error committed chase sell.
Article XVIII, and adjustments are always the highest expectations when you come
Comments: running from the law of the stock market point of view, whenever the hot stock market, trading hall voices, stocks few kilometers from heaven, a new record breaking number of investors to open an account a new high, you highest expectations, and adjustments will fall from the sky was. At this time, reverse thinking is very important when you want to buy stock to sell, perhaps you can successfully escape the top.
Article XIX, the courage to admit self-callus
Comments: Each person will make mistakes in the stock market, even as the kind of investment guru George Soros, but Soros can quickly detect the fault. Some investors bought the wrong subject shares, a loss of 50%, if the time leading into the property quickly to make up for the loss. With pain, self-callus is a success.
XX, from the trash to find gold
Comments: Many small investors to his love Jianbian Yi goods, but often buy a ########. Performance of the stock due to lack of low-cost support, or it is much faster than the broader market. However, Buffett will be able to find cheap and discerning potential stock. Now, we take a look at all the backdoor brokerage company, invariably are junk stocks,tory burch loafers, but the garbage inside the gold, it should be eye to find, we can not refuse the gold with drained.
twenty-one, do not do professional investors, but want to be a sophisticated investor
Comments: to invest as a hobby, admit that he is not Warren. Premature to judge an investor is to look into the face of ups and downs of their ability to take it easy. Shan Hu made a to do a long live, to BS-ing a loss of, complain that this resentment. What people like you do not need to protect the same, lost money but also stability is maintained. Lao Tzu says: is doing nothing, do nothing. Inaction were all, without exception, no matter what. Shares held by the hands, if not overvalued or ########, just rest assured that holding, is the real one has spent many years put out. Believe in yourself, be strong more!
as shareholders, should the twenty-one, Before opening day, silent recitation again, chances are you can be the stock market's

04-21-2011 10:59 PM

  ■ 深圳特区报记者 赵新明 王剑锋

  昨日,龙岗警方对外通报了22日爱联社区凌建铭被伤害致死案的侦办情况。警方表示,故意伤害他人的犯罪 嫌疑人已初步确定,正在追捕,事发时在场的3名保安员亦在控制调查中。

  1月22日22时10分许,龙岗公安分局爱联派出所嶂背警务室接嶂背社区保安员电话称:嶂背二村嶂背大 道有一怀疑偷盗电线的男子被查获,现受伤倒在地上,太阳城代理。民警立即通知龙岗区人民医院120到场救助,同时驱车赶到现场,到场后,发现有名男子躺倒在地,头部受伤 。22时40分许,120急救人员赶到现场,将受伤男子凌建铭送往医院救治,经医院检查,凌建铭颅脑受重伤 。

  龙岗警方当天即开展调查工作。经前期调查取证,24日将此案立为故意伤害案。26日凌晨,案件中受伤男 子凌建铭(男,23岁,广东吴川市人,深圳市建工建设有限公司临时工)被医院宣告死亡,淘金盈官方网


  龙岗警方表示,经4天侦查发现,22日晚10时,在嶂背社区巡逻的一名保安在嶂背大道看见两男子抬着一 个旅行包,形迹可疑,便上前询问,其中一人扔下旅行包逃跑。保安用对讲机呼叫另外两名保安赶来协助抓捕,并 将另一名男子控制住。赶来的两名保安见逃跑男子不见踪影,便返回打开旅行包,发现里面装满剥掉 胶皮的铜线,太阳城,于是怀疑其为偷盗电线的嫌疑人,随即报警。此时,围观的群众中有部分人上来殴打已被控制的男子,民警赶到 时参与打人者逃散。

  案发第二天,逃走的人员凌某主动来到爱联派出所,其称,22日其和凌建铭下班后,趁同事不在,将本该上 交到公司项目部统一处理的废旧电线用旅行包装好,准备一起偷偷拿到外面卖掉,不料在路上被保安 查到。

  目前,警方仍在加紧侦办此案,故意伤害他人的犯罪嫌疑人已初步确定,正在追捕。在场3名保安员亦在控制 调查中。


  针对媒体就此事件引出的爱联社区消防安全综合整治工作中存在监管不到位的报道,昨日,龙城街道召开紧急 会议,对工程监管的责任问题开展调查。

  调查结果显示,龙城街道办与监理单位(深圳市鲲鹏顾问有限公司)签订了规范的监理合同,委托监理公司代 表龙城街道办对施工现场安全及质量进行监督管理,总监未常驻施工现场,未按合同约定履行条款监理义务。对此 ,街道已对负责此项目的城管办工作人员作出停职的决定,并接受进一步调查。同时对施工单位和监理公司按相关 规定上报区主管部门处理。

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