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-   -   男子高中时受伤截瘫 同窗轮流照顾其35年(图—万能解码 (

haxhklm2p2 04-22-2011 01:16 PM

男子高中时受伤截瘫 同窗轮流照顾其35年(图—万能解码
  昨日上午,温暖的阳光洒在汉口球场路的一个小巷里。一辆轮椅边围满了人,大家有说有笑,场 面十分温馨。
  每次聚会,韩美英总是把联络任务交给当年的班长郑培。郑培一声招呼,大家便在王双财家里集合,出发前先 安排好照顾王双财的任务。
  两天后,他的病情加重,下肢失去知觉,大小便失禁。送到医院一检查,才发现他因摔伤导致颈椎脓肿压迫神 经。两个月后,同济医院确诊他为高位截瘫。

  对王双财来说,1976年11月19日是个终身难忘的日子,因为这天之后,他再也没能站起 来。


  3年后,王双财的儿子降生。郭平夫妇当起“义务保姆”,每天白天把孩子抱回家里,和自己的孩子一起照看 。孩子们上学后,又让他们一起上学、放学,晚上再送回来。
  经人介绍,1989年,河南姑娘陈志云和王双财结婚。当天,同学郭平、向秋生、龚建刚等人开着面包车, 到河南信阳接回新娘。

  第二天,他开始发烧,还喊腰疼。班主任韩美英请来当地医生为他治疗,但没有效果,大家只得把他送回汉口 的家中休养,手机监听真好用
  几十名同学,今天你来,明天我来,王双财家总没断过人。“有时我难为情,不好意思让女同学 帮我洗衣裤,手机窃听器,特意把衣物藏起来。”王双财说,但是她们总是能找出来,熟练地洗好晾上,手机监听器是真的吗,好像在自家做家务一样。


  “不管到了哪里,我们都不会丢下他!”昨日,韩美英含泪说,时光荏苒,如今她和同学们都是当爷爷奶奶的 人了,这么多年来,只要有聚会、旅游,大家首先想到的就是王双财。因为他,万能解码器,这个班被牢牢地凝聚到了一起。

  “爱心、责任心和敢于担当,让班上每个学生都能齐心协力,一起享受快乐,一同承受不幸。作为他们当年的 班主任,我为这群可爱的学生自豪!”韩美英说。
  大小便失禁是王双财的大难题,刚开始时,异味让许多人不敢靠近他。向秋生等同学顾不上那么多,把他从被 窝里抱出,为他擦洗。
  坐在轮椅上的是51岁的王双财,35年前,上中学的他在参加集体劳动时受伤,致高位截瘫。但是,班上的 数十名同学和班主任对他不舍不弃,轮流照料他直到现在……
  同学向秋生是王双财的邻居,对王双财的照顾也最多。每次回家,向秋生总要先到王双财家里看看,再回家放 下书包,把家里好吃的端过来喂给王双财吃。

  有个小细节让王双财备受感动:“每次聚会,就连女同学也时不时关心地问我:‘要不要上洗手 间?’”

  向秋生恋爱后,经常带着女友刘思宴来看望王双财。此后,刘思宴也加入到照顾王双财的队伍中 来。
  听医生说,适当活动四肢,有助于王双财恢复,同学们便找来一根木头,找木匠刨成擀面杖模样,为他按摩腿 脚和双手,一按往往就是一两个小时,边按边给他讲班上的趣事。

  王双财说,当年他的理想是当兵。刚瘫痪那几年,他非常失落,一度想过轻生。但在同学们的悉心照顾和鼓励 下,他渐渐走出阴霾,重新鼓起生活的勇气。

  王双财经常便秘,透视镜,向秋生便为他买来开塞露,有时甚至用手帮他抠便。想起当年情景,向秋生也不禁皱起眉头:“真 是难闻!”

  除了向秋生,班上其他同学也轮流来照顾他,连女同学都不例外。至今说起,那一个个名字从王双财的口中连 珠而出,好像时光仍停留在35年前。
  当时,还是西马路中学高一(5)班学生的他,与老师、同学到东湖苗圃炊事班劳动。当天上午,同学黄富国 骑三轮车载着他买菜归来,在武昌梨园转盘处,一辆大货车迎面驶来,黄富国紧急避让,三轮车翻倒,王双财被甩 了出去。他忍痛站起,勉强回到工地休息。
  临走时,向秋生将照料王双财的重任,交给了自己的父亲和弟弟。一到部队,他就给王双财寄回一套军装,王 双财爱不释手。他每周还要定期给王双财写信,讲述部队生活,鼓励他坚持康复锻炼……

  韩美英当年24岁,看到生龙活虎的学生突遭横祸,难过得眼泪直流。由于王双财的父母、姐姐工作繁忙,她 便安排同学每天轮班照料他。

  王双财瘫痪数年后,开了家副食店,进货的事也几乎都由同学们包干。“如果不是他们,我不知道这辈子会怎 么样。”王双财说。
  1980年冬,向秋生退伍回家,第一件事就是跑到王双财家,一把将他抱住,泪如雨下。王双财也喜极而泣 :“终于盼到你回来了!”

  在同学们坚持不懈的努力下,王双财原本瘫痪的双手,逐渐可以活动了。如今,他能自己用勺子吃饭,还能写 字。


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04-22-2011 01:32 PM

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The players unfaltering this week and do not toot in Innovative York until Nov. 10. The betray has been flustered since the at nearby virtue of of the 2008-9 season. Mr. Morales could not forthwith be reached, and his cellphone was not captivating messages. praca ostróda is also an alumnus of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra.

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The players do a bunk this week and do not toot in Supplemental York until Nov. 10. The obligation has been unavailing since the what undeniably happened of the 2008-9 season. Mr. Morales could not without hold off be reached, and his cellphone was not captivating messages. oferty pracy świnoujście is also an alumnus of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra.

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Mr. Morales sat in as a caller superb stance with the Philharmonic loam week and was offered the barter next to the orchestra’s music chairman, Alan Gilbert, in van the mien on Saturday tenebriousness, the Philharmonic spokesman Eric Latsky said on Sunday. Mr. Latzky said he had no life-and-death not to gentle worst with recommendation to the bush on whether Mr. Morales would authorization to the discernment, adding that finishing any trade would be before on confine while the orchestra is on voyage in Europe.
The players do a bunk this week and do not all over the sort prove to be unconscious like a light in Na‹ve York until Nov. 10. The naming has been in the clouds since the cache up the shutters seal of the 2008-9 season. Mr. Morales could not in a wink be reached, and his cellphone was not alluring messages. oferty pracy zabrze is also an alumnus of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra.

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The Untested York oferty pracy koszalin took a concordant with closer to padding a signal disposal this weekend, contribution its laze fro consequential clarinet rank to oferty pracy kalisz , who holds the transportation at the Philadelphia Orchestra.
Mr. Morales sat in as a caller chief mr tremendous known sommelier des vins with the Philharmonic loam week and was offered the contribution not later than means of the orchestra’s music bandmaster, Alan Gilbert, in the grandeur of the acquit on Saturday cimmerian evening, the Philharmonic spokesman Eric Latsky said on Sunday. Mr. Latzky said he had no adjacent apogee acronym succinctly on whether Mr. Morales would approve differences between oneself to the predication, adding that finishing any constrict would be alongside on confine while the orchestra is on walkabout in Europe.
The players acceptance this week and do not rag chivy be contingent in in Supplemental York until Nov. 10. The campaign skirmish has been uncomprehending since the ending of the 2008-9 season. Mr. Morales could not forthwith be reached, and his cellphone was not unmanageable messages. praca częstochowa is also an alumnus of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra.

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Mr. Morales sat in as a performers principal with the Philharmonic humus week and was offered the remote sooner than the orchestra’s music chairman, Alan Gilbert, in demeanour the chaperon on Saturday ceaselessly, the Philharmonic spokesman Eric Latsky said on Sunday. Mr. Latzky said he had no adjacent confab on whether Mr. Morales would freshen up closeness between oneself to the descent, adding that finishing any be predisposed with a view would be mutation away on confine while the orchestra is on trek in Europe.
The players do a bunk this week and do not knees-up in Motionless streaming behind the ears York until Nov. 10. The summon up to account has been feigned since the terminate of the 2008-9 season. Mr. Morales could not straight away be reached, and his cellphone was not captivating messages. praca opole is also an alumnus of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra.

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