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uggsshoesi 12-26-2011 02:23 AM

Manchester Prep Tell Me What to Do_2
From the Author: Sorry for the wait, boys and girls. The story will be ending in like two or three chapters [I don't know yet cause I might add some more detail to them and spice things up even more] But to everyone who reads and comments on the story, THANK YOU SO MUCH. You have no idea how much you mean to me and the fact that you take the time out of your day to sit and read my stories that I didn't even think would be as good as it turned out. I hope you enjoy this jaw dropping chapter and pour all of your thoughts on it into a comment. HAPPY READINGS! ~Emalie
Scarlett had just finished her tennis session and headed into the locker room where she was met by Sloane, who looked controlled on the outside but on the inside was seething.
"Let me guess," Scarlett said flatly, "it抯 got something to do with the stupid bitch?"
Sloane inhaled deeply through her nose and closed her eyes. "She and Carson are卼ogether."
The small smirk on Scarlett抯 face disappeared entirely. "You must be mistaken." She flashbacked to the amazing summer she and Carson had spent together at her beach house, back before Sebastian came along and made things complicated. "He would not DARE ruin his reputation by agreeing to have that skank as his girlfriend."
"Well, it certainly appears that he doesn抰 give a damn about his reputation, Scar, or else he wouldn抰 have done just that!" She took a calming breath. "More importantly, what are we going to do about this?"
Scarlett didn抰 really pay attention to Sloane, because she was still more shocked about the news just dumped on her plate. "I抣l take care of this." And by the evil glint in Scarlett抯 eye, Sloane had no doubt that she would.
Beau couldn抰 escape it: Carson and Malayka were official and definitely not afraid to show it. He watched them kiss frequently, walk hand-in-hand, and he was even kicked out of his room by them a few times. She抯 been all smiles lately. But he wasn抰 responsible for it anymore. And he wasn抰 quite sure if he was okay with that. He picked up his cell and sent a text to Oliver, who he knew could supply him with the relief he so badly needed lately. 慓ot enough on you for me to do a few lines??
"WHAT THE HELL, MALAYKA!? You told me it was NOTHING between you two." Frankie was upset as she confronted me in my room.
"It was! I promise! But then it became something and I really like him," I pleaded with her.
She wasn抰 going to let it go that easily obviously. "Even after you know what he did to me?! You still want to be with him? Do you even have a heart anymore? Cheap ugg!"
"I don抰 believe he抯 that same guy anymore. He抯 sweeter now and he treats me with respect like a gentleman should. I know it sounds crazy-"
"You抮e DAMN right it sounds crazy!"
"Frankie, I wouldn抰 ask you to leave Blake if he did that to me. You should want me to be happy, especially after the way Beau and I split." I sat down beside her. "Carson has changed, I swear. He抯 not that same guy. Honest. I care for you. But I care for him too. Please?"
Frankie gave me a hard look. "Fine. But don抰 expect me to be friends with him. And just so we are clear, I don抰 support this one bit, so you抮e on your own if shit hits the proverbial fan."
I smiled weakly and nodded in understanding. Somehow, I knew a 慣hank you?wouldn抰 go over too well right now. She stood and left the room immediately after.
Aubrey walked into the room, practically jumping out of Frankie抯 way to avoid getting hit. "What抯 with her?"
I sighed and flopped back onto my bed. "She just wanted to talk about my relationship with Carson, that抯 all."
"Oh," she replied vaguely.
I raised my head and lifted a curious eye at her. "That 憃h?sounds a lot like you抳e got something on your mind as well."
Bre shook her head unconvincingly. "Really, it抯 nothing."
"Girl, please just tell me before I request a new roommate."
She bit her lip as she tried to think of how to word her thoughts. "It seems a little卭ff. Don抰 get me wrong. I抦 glad to see you抮e not as mopey and depressed anymore from Beau. But?
I looked at her with anticipation. "But what?"
"It抯 Carson. And ever since you two started spending time together, you抳e been acting like him a little more each day."
Now, I had to sit up fully for this. "What in God抯 name are you talking about, Aubrey?"
"You cannot possibly tell me that you don抰 notice it, too," she replied.
"Uh, yes I can? I act the same as I always did, minus the time right after the breakup."
Bre shrugged her shoulders. "All I抦 saying is that you two definitely make a pretty lethal couple. Take it however you抎 like to take it, but that抯 all I had to say." She went about her business at her desk.
I leaned back into my pillow and contemplated this information. Lethal, eh? Before speaking with Aubrey, I thought if my friends accepted my relationship with Carson, aside from Francesca, then I wouldn抰 feel bad about dating my ex抯 best friend. But a 憀ethal couple?definitely puts an intriguing new spin on things?br>
Oliver was walking back from dropping off the goods to Beau only to find Raleigh nervously standing outside of the door. By the look of her conflicting countenance, she was debating whether or not to knock, so he took the luxury of making up her mind for her. "Can I help you?"
Raleigh jumped in surprise and tried to recover quickly. "Oliver! Um, hi. I wasn抰 expecting you to not be inside."
He smirked, enjoying her na飗et? and folded his arms across his chest as he leaned a hip against the wall. "So I see. Is there a reason you wanted me to be inside? Or were you just going to stand there staring at my door all day?"
She blushed obviously from the knowledge that he had caught her standing outside his door for longer than she had realized. "I..um匢t was nothing important really." She began to walk away hurriedly.
Oliver didn抰 even make an attempt to stop her. "Alright then, bye," he said as he headed into his room.
Raleigh stopped dead in her tracks. How could he really not care anymore? She turned around quickly. "Oliver!"
He popped his head outside of his door. "What is it now? Change your mind?"
She walked over to him. "Yes! About everything! I change my mind about breaking up with you. It was a stupid, irrational mistake and I apologize. I抦 sorry."
"Ok," he replied nonchalantly.
"Ok?" she asked, offended. "Is that all you have to say?"
"Ok as in 慖抦 over it and I forgive you,?but we抮e not getting back together," he replied coolly.
Raleigh stepped back as if she抎 been slapped in the face. "Well, why the hell not?!"
Oliver smirked. "You had your turn to sleep around and see new people. And now I抦 taking mine. Funny how things work out, right?" He closed the door before she could get in a word edgewise.
After a week of seeing Malayka and Carson together, Sloane needed to get away from the insanity. She could see how they were affecting Beau and it pissed her off extremely that he still gave a shit about Malayka. She needed to remind herself that she had truly won, so she went over to Beau抯 room to let off a little steam. She was practically shoving her tongue down Beau抯 throat when he nudged her off. "What? What is it?" she asked annoyed.
"Calm down, Sloane. I抳e just got a lot on my mind, okay?" he explained.
"Yea I bet." She got up off of Beau抯 bed and put on her coat and shoes.
Beau became irritated. "Where are you going?"
"Somewhere less crowded."
He gave her a quizzical expression. "What does that mean?"
She turned to him. "Oh come off it, Beau. You抮e thinking about her again. Really, I don抰 know why I bother."
Was it that obvious? "Don抰 be ridiculous. I抦 over that. Really."
She scoffed. "I抦 late for a nail appointment anyway. We抣l talk later." Sloane left and slammed the door.
Beau sighed and lay back on his bed. Wow, I couldn抰 have ########ed that up any worse, he thought to himself. There was a knock at the door. "It抯 open!"
I walked in and Beau sat up straight. I was in black yoga pants, black Uggs, a white tee, and a grey cardigan, and I was carrying my gym bag. "Is Carson here?"
"No, but he should be around soon," he replied.
"Mmm. Ok."
Beau watched Malayka sit her stuff down on Carson抯 bed. She sat at his desk and got on his computer. "What are you doing?"
"Umm using his computer?" I responded a bit confused.
"No, I meant with Carson," he clarified.
"Oh. We抮e going to the gym together. I signed us up for yoga."
He shook his head frustratingly. "Do you love him?"
I realized what he was getting at. "I抦 not having this conversation with you."
"Why not? It抯 just a question and we抮e friends."
"Barely," I sneered. "You act like I抦 invisible when you抮e with Sloane."
Beau grinned mischievously. "Really? I didn抰 realize you paid so much attention to me."
I stared at him incredulously, shocked at his gall. "I could care less about what you do. You could fall off the face of the earth and I抎 be unmoved. I抦 not gonna discuss my relationship with Carson to you. Quite frankly, you don抰 deserve this conversation either, but lucky for you I抦 feeling charitable."
Carson entered the room and felt the immediate tension in the room between Beau and Malayka. "Hello kids. Did I miss anything fun?"
I shot Beau an annoyed glance and then smirked at Carson. "Only if you抮e a masochist."
"That depends," he stated, sauntering over to me. "Does it include you, me, and my bed?" He planted a soft, tender kiss on my forehead and I shivered with delight.
Beau scoffed and rolled his eyes as he lay back on his bed and picked up one of his sports magazines to read.
"It includes whatever you choose to include卐xcept another female," I rasped into his ear.
A ######y grin spread across his face as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Well, I抦 sure I can sway your mind one day to try something new."
"Ha. In your dreams," I teased him. "We should get going. The class starts in ten minutes."
He pulled his black DIESEL long sleeve polo off while in search of one of his workout t-shirts. His sculpted torso always made me drool and melt inside. His lean muscular swimmer抯 physique definitely made his cocky ego understandable. He put on a red American Eagle tee and a pair of black Nike gym shorts. "Is this acceptable for yoga?"
Beau chuckled rudely from his bed. "You抮e not acceptable for yoga."
I didn抰 even let Carson reply to the tame insult before I lashed out with one of my own. "You seem rather irritable lately. I guess Sloane must not be giving it up these days. Maybe you should manually assess the damage."
The smug expression on his face left immediately and turned to a death glare.
Carson wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to the door. "Chill, man. Your panties already seem to be in a bunch卭r a lack there of?" he teased as we left the room.
Beau punched his fist into his pillow and looked down at the shaking hands. He pulled out the small cylinder container that Oliver dropped off, which looked like the ones that film rolls came inside. Except inside this container was a white powdery substance. Beau poured enough onto his nightstand and shaped it into a line. He rolled up a $20 bill into the shape of a skinny straw and put his nostril at one end and the powder at the other. While closing his other nostril with a finger and in one swift inhale, the powder was gone. Beau leaned back onto his bed as the effects kicked in and he closed his eyes to the feeling.

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