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-   -   有害健康的三种水,不能喝 (

08-12-2011 09:36 AM

俗称“死水”,也就是长时间贮存不动的水。常饮用这种水,对未成年人来说,会使细胞新陈代谢明显减慢,影响 身体生长发育;中老年人则会加速衰老;许多地方食道癌、胃癌发病率日益增高,据医学家们可能与长期饮用老化 水有关。有关资料表明,加湿器,老化水中的有毒物质也随着水贮存时间增加而增加。
千滚水就是在炉上沸腾了一夜或很长时间的水,还有电热水器中反复煮沸的水。这种水因煮过久,水中不挥发性物 质,如钙、镁等重金属成分和亚硝酸盐含量很高。久饮这种水,会干扰人的胃肠功能,光波炉的危害应注意几点,出现暂时腹泻、腹胀;有毒的亚硝酸盐还会造成机体缺氧,严重者会昏迷惊厥,甚至死亡。
蒸锅水就是蒸馒头等剩锅水,特别是经过多次反复使用的蒸锅水,亚硝酸盐浓度很高,光波炉。常饮这种水,或用这种水熬稀饭,会引起亚硝酸盐中毒;水垢经常随水进入人体,还会引起消化、神经、泌尿和 造血系统病变,甚至引起早衰。

m2ag5zut00hh 08-12-2011 09:41 AM

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Reprinted from 418272585 at 20:27 on December 3, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
guide words: I believe many people will cook, but you indulge in the traditional cooking fried law? Haha, you did not know there cooking tips Well, these tips simple and convenient. I tell you 53 tips to remember, so next time you use when cooking, the taste will be different Oh!

1. water order

stir-fried vegetables, the application of water a la carte, so that Stir the vegetables, tender quality Ithaca. If the water with the general order,timberland boots sale, of crunchy.

2. cooking clever salt

If you use animal fat cooking, the best dishes in place before the salt, so that animals can reduce the residual oil in the amount of organic chlorine to human benefit. If cooking with peanut oil, it must put salt before cooking, because the peanut oil may contain aflatoxin, and the iodide salt, you can remove this harmful substance. In order to cook delicious, began to be put less salt, vegetables and seasonings and then cooked. If you use oil, tea oil or vegetable oil, should be put dishes, following the salt, thus reducing the loss of nutrients in vegetables.

3. sweet and sour sauce ratio

matter what sweet and sour dishes, just press the 2 parts sugar, 1 part vinegar ratio of allocation, will receive a modest effect of sweet and sour.

4, caramelized syrup boil

syrup in the dish when stewed Roberts, adding a grain of rice for each plate of alum, to extend the end time, and make more long strands of sugar.

5. put vinegar pay attention

who need hot vinegar in the soup pot along Drizzle vinegar before, more mellow than direct topped with rich flavor.

6. beer flavoring agent

do all kinds of summer salads, add appropriate amount of beer mixing can enhance the flavor aroma.

7. wine salad

wine opened, if stored for too long, it will become a

8. salt vegetables

cleaning cleaning vegetables, in the water in the withdrawal of some salt,mens timberland boots, so that the vegetables can be washed out in the insects.

9. washing cut vegetables prevent nutrient loss

spinach, cabbage and other vegetables washed first cut, not chopped a wash. Otherwise, nutrients will be lost too much.

10. salt, vegetables, yellow leaves can return to the Green

spinach leaf vegetables, if some (mild) to turn yellow, when Billy put a little salt, the color from yellow back to green.

11. milk, more soft white cauliflower

spend time cooking, add 1 spoonful of milk products will be more white and tender and delicious.

12. salad tomato should salt

salad tomatoes with sugar, put a little salt will be sweeter because of the acid salt, sugar, tomatoes can change the ratio.

13. pickled beans new law

choose fresh crisp morning, picking beans, directly into the appropriate amount of salt in a receptacle, slightly damp feel to be after the re-entry cylinder (taking care to avoid damage or moth-eaten beans mixed in) , layers of compression, compaction, and to withdraw a small amount of salt, add the net pressure of the top stone, sealed. This method is the direct use of their own juice marinade soaked beans, no additional water, to avoid the beans rot in the water change. Into the taste is, color Huang Liang, crisp taste, can be stored more than 1 year.

14. kimchi in addition to mycophenolate flowers

kimchi are susceptible to mildew flowers (white film). 250 grams of dried beans desirable; fry let cool, wrap with gauze into the altar, the first 2 days out. In this way, you can remove the white film Bottom. Beans after processing, or drinks in the dish.

15. mustard pickles do

make pickles, add points mustard, celery, crumbs, and squid chips, make pickles color,timberland boots uk, taste.

16. Cut peppers, onions anti-glare

Cut peppers and onions
eyes when tears are often hot, uncomfortable. Cook a little longer if the cut fridge freezer, or a kitchen knife first dipped in cold water and then cut look can also be placed next to a pot of cold water in the cutting board, knife-edge cutting edge dip,timberland uk, can effectively reduce the dissemination of spicy, the eyes from irritation.

17. fried chili less spicy France

too strong spicy chili, chili cut into fine when cooking, or D, the first oil, salt and stir up cooked, then poured into a fresh eggs, fried

18. Ginger save

keep fresh ginger buried in moist sand, as used with the check, can save a long time is not bad.

19. spicy mustard removal

mustard and mix thoroughly with water (thick paste), served in a container, put the fire roasted, steamed or on Long Ti a little bit, you can remove some of the spicy.

20, easy to store kimchi stone

stone immersed in water with vegetables, fruits, cool place to extend the storage time of 1 times.

21. soup salty disposal three methods

If the soup is too salty
done with gauze large number of cooked rice into them, absorbing salt, reduce salty. Or cut a few potatoes, boiled with pot, and immediately picked up, the soup is not so salty. Or put a few pieces of tofu, or tomatoes cook, place the cut potatoes with salt and effectiveness.

22. seaweed soup can be greasy than

too greasy soup, can be placed in a small amount of fire roasted seaweed, and then thrown into the soup, can reduce the greasy feeling.

23. salty food processing three methods

salty food can increase the amount of sugar, you can reduce the salt. Or put some vinegar, salt will be greatly reduced. Or white wine mixed with water immersion, to Ham obvious effect.

24. milk to dilute the sauce

cooking, if you put too much seasoning sauce, add a little milk, to reconcile the taste of food.

25. wine solvable acid

put too much vinegar, rice wine in cooking some of Riga, you can reduce the acidity.

26. pickles salty spicy fade

pickled side dishes, such as salty or too spicy, you can cut the dishes after a good soaking in 50% of the drinks in, can dilute the salty or spicy, and the taste even more delicious.

27. remove the bitter taste of vegetables

radish, bitter gourd and other vegetables with a bitter taste, cut a small amount of salt added look good,cheap timberland boots, filter out the juice and then burned, bitter flavor will be significantly reduced. Hot spinach in boiling water and then fried, can go bitter taste and oxalic acid.

28. Frozen

to cut carrots in the refrigerator before freezing for some time, a chance to set the sun to dry, you can go far and become the unique flavor: dried radish, roasted pork when you put some, the taste is excellent.

29. remove the carrot odor

eat steamed carrots, should be first of its chopped into vinegar by the ratio of 300:1, then the pot steaming, would enable the odor disappears.

30. radish storage three methods

pit storage method: slashing the entry of fresh radish, to the hair root, with insect feeding strictly excluded, mechanical damage, cracks, and the carrot is too small. Dig a l m deep, 1 meter square pit, the radish root up with the top down, leaning Kengbi, order code tight. Straighten the layer of carrot, the withdrawal of about 10 cm thick layer of the Pure Land, and so alternately stacked, a total of four yards. If the soil is too dry pit, wet spray may be appropriate. After the top layer of code, according to climate change, thickening in the soil layer, warm days, less casing to casing much stronger when cold, Osamu before and after the casing is completed, a total of 1 m thick soil. Good quality carrots, into the pit is not hot before, not after the cold into the pit,timberland outlet, can store the arrival in early March.

slurry storage method: cut the top of the radish, yellow mud, roll into a circle, so that a layer of mud radish Results shell, where stacked to the next can be cool. If a layer of turnip heap outside the retraining wet, the better.
outside the storage tank

method: put a tank in the room, filled with water, the turnip stacked in the cylinder around the top of retraining to 15 cm of wet soil.

31. to Pi Luobu preservation

peeled carrots, preferably on a dry dish, cover with a damp cloth, but save time not more than 3 hours.

32. grocery bag storage cabbage

if there is no vegetable cellar, winter food storage plastic bags saved by non-toxic, can receive good results. If the indoor temperature is too low, can the food bag set up from the roots of vegetables, and then tie on catchy. If the temperature is above freezing, can be put on plastic bags from the cabbage leaves, no mouth bar, poke root down to the ground.

33. Suanhuang, leek fresh

bought Suanhuang, green leek, garlic and other vegetables, and sometimes can not eat, can be used with the help of the cabbage leaves to wrap it strapped, placed in the shade, not the water, kept for some time not bad.

34. re-fresh frozen onion

off the frozen onions on 清水中浸泡; can re-fresh onion.

35. should be placed with flour and fried onions, wine

chopped onion dipped in flour, fry golden color; texture and crisp, delicious taste. Fry onions, add a little white wine, is not easy to Chaojiao.

36. processing of taro anti-irritating to the skin

peeling skin scraping taro, it is easy to hand skin itching, If baking click on the hand on the fire, or in the wash water and add a few drops of vinegar, you can eliminate itching. Oil paint has a little effect of the wind.

37. water lotus white copy

fried lotus root silk, they tend to turn black if they can add some water side of fried sides will maintain the finished white.

38. processing eggplant oxidation

eggplant cut, should be immediately immersed in water, or eggplant will be oxidized to brown.

39. New potatoes peeled France

the new potatoes into the hot water soak, then poured into cold water, it is easy to peel.

40. potatoes, peeled and the thinner the better

potato skin contains rich nutrients; peel should not be thick. Once peeled potatoes to be stored in cold water, again a few drops of vinegar and water; can white potatoes.

41. do put milk and tasty potato

white boiled potatoes, add a little milk, is not only tasty, but also prevents the potato flesh yellow.

42. burned potatoes with salt and then after warming to

when burned potatoes, salt and then heating until discoloration. Otherwise, the potatoes will form a crusty sap and oil mixed into a dish fragile, color, flavor.

43. frozen potato odor removal

first frozen potatoes into cold water, then add 1 tablespoon of vinegar into the boiling water, slowly cooling, system of food again. This is no burning smell out of a potato.

44. potatoes, sweet potato ring

sweet potatoes can not be stored together. Otherwise, not a sweet potato stiff heart, is the potato sprout.

45. Taomi Shui-fat dried good effect

Taomi Shui bubble with seaweed, dried vegetables and other dry goods, easily made up, easy to bad when cooked.

46. dried seaweed steamed and then cooked a good

Steam the dried kelp half an hour, remove and rub again with the base surface, with water soaked 2-3 hours and then cooking, whether cooking soup, are crisp and delicious, and the No smell of the sea.

47. boiled rotten kelp and easy method

boiled kelp, the appropriate base or add a little baking soda or vinegar in the amount Guo Lifang, easy to make seaweed soften; if put trees spinach, seaweed and easily broken.

48. bubble fungus Second Law

rice soup with the boiling hot fat fungus, fungus can hypertrophy, soft and delicious. Fungus bubble hair with cold water can make it crisp and refreshing.

49. fungus sediment washing

black fungus wood glue residue and easy to sand, salt water can wash and gently kneading until the water became muddy, then washing with water.

50. Qiao stains mushroom

warm water in 1 kg, sugar 25 grams, the mushroom cut and immersed in wash soak for 12 hours. Mushroom sugar foam, both the draft mushrooms quickly, to maintain flavor, because of mushrooms in the immersion of the sugar, the taste even more delicious after a good burn.

51. mushroom selection method

characteristics of poisonous mushrooms is nice bright color, is easily taken back to the color, opacity out of the sauce, such as milk. Non-toxic mushrooms are mostly white, light brown, old paper, color, clear water out of the sauce.

52. lily of processing before cooking

fresh lily (day lily) containing colchicine, is oxidized in the body into two colchicine is highly toxic. Therefore, after the immersion scalded with boiling water, remove the juice and thoroughly fry to eat.

53. bamboo shoots of the rose hair

first dried on the wok, add boiling water for 30 minutes at least, sub-low heat and simmer, remove, remove roots, wash. Then soaked in lime water until ready to use Taomi Shui or, 1 every 2-3 days for water, cut into flakes before cooking, food is fresh and delicious.

the Editor: in particular, often cooks for friends, pay attention, to get others to eat your vegetables more sweet and delicious fried, it is necessary to learn these little tricks Oh, very practical small door . These are not difficult to have a look carefully, not to mention do not try?

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