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-   -   优化物流公司车辆的规范管理 (

rogerzeng8743 12-29-2011 05:43 AM

  随着卷烟现代流通企业网建工作纵深发展,车辆在卷烟销售和配送工作中,发挥着越来越重要的作用。目前, 随着市公司配送中心的建立,县级分公司卷烟物流中转站的主要职能是只送不配,送货车辆就是把打包好的订单卷 烟送到客户手中,因此,打造安全高效、顺畅快捷、成本较低的卷烟配送车辆管理也就是中转站车辆管理的重要目 的。
  随着卷烟现代流通企业网建工作纵深发展,车辆在卷烟销售和配送工作中,发挥着越来越重要的作用。目前, 随着市公司配送中心的建立,县级分公司卷烟物流中转站的主要职能是只送不配,送货车辆就是把打包好的订单卷 烟送到客户手中,因此,打造安全高效、顺畅快捷、成本较低的卷烟配送车辆管理也就是中转站车辆管理的重要目 的。
  目前,笔者所在的江苏灌南分公司物流中转站距离市公司配送中心60公里之外。中转站负责3679个网络 零售户,客户分布较为分散;配备送货车辆为8辆客货两用依唯柯,其中1辆备用车辆,按照专车专人的原则,7 辆送货车辆正常全负荷运转;送货车驾驶员7名,无机动驾驶员,对驾驶员发生请假或调休时从机关驾驶员临时借 调。送货半径最远的距离60公里,而且要经过邻县响水县区域。近年来,随着物流配送工作的发展,对中转站车 辆的规范管理工作也得到不断加强与完善。
  通过调查了解,笔者认为当前分公司中转站在卷烟配送车辆管理上还存在一定的不足之处,下面提出一些个人 的粗浅看法:
  (一)驾驶员对安全的重要性认识不足。部分配送驾驶员由于将主要精力和工作重心放在卷烟配送上,往往在 配送任务重的情况下,而放松了对安全的重视,特别是对自身思想素质和业务技能提高的重要性认识不足,缺乏新 知识的更新,特别是对交通法规的学习需要加强,车辆驾驶的业务技能提高方面缺少硬性的指标和规定。另外对驾 驶员缺乏必要培训和教育,使个别驾驶员在思想素质、法制观念和安全意识方面都比较淡薄,留下了 安全隐患。
  (二)物流中转站配送的线路设计不够灵活。在实际应用中,灌南分公司现有3679个网络零售户,有7辆 送货车辆,其中装货量最大的为130件卷烟,最小的为80件,在销售旺季一天可以配送800件卷烟,而在销 售淡季一天仅配送300多件卷烟,而旺季与淡季是一样的所有车辆出行送货,而且每辆送货车辆是固定在每条送 货线路;这就存在着配送路线预先设立与固定不变的问题,缺乏一定的灵活机动性。
  (三)缺乏对配送车辆使用有效的成本控制。细节性良好习惯需要加强,个别送货驾驶员由于不重视车辆的保 养和维修,对车辆长时间的停放没有及时熄火,造成浪费燃油现象的发生,在日常车辆管理上,对车辆的随机督查 力度不足,送货驾驶员还没有养成良好的节油习惯,这些都说明缺乏有效的监督管理,使车辆的运营成本过高,影 响了物流公司配送效率和经济效益的提高。
  (四)人员配备不足,保养维修时效性不强。目前,本地中转站配备的8辆依唯柯,分别为2006―200 9年不同批次购进,由于不同时间的购进使用,它们的维修保养周期也不尽相同,所以,在没有机动送货驾驶员的 情况下,驾驶员只好安排在休息时间维修保养,一方面,影响到驾驶人员的作休时间安排,甚至影响工作情绪;另 一方面,集中车辆统一安排维修保养,也极易带来维修保养不及时,甚至个别车辆带病出车。
  (五)爱车激励措施效果不明显。虽然分公司也有一定的激励措施,如出台了“爱车安全对标竞赛活动实施方 案”,着力提高驾驶人员管理车辆水平,强化车辆运行费用控制,但是在实际操作中的“里程节省奖”与“修理费 节约奖”主要是按照全年对标原则,单个驾驶员实际比较的尺度难以掌握,激励效果不明显,与现场考核激励的效 果有一定的差距。
  二、如何打造安全高效、顺畅快捷、成本较低的卷烟配送车辆管理,针对目前存在的突出问题,可以从五个方 面加以解决:
  (一)加强对安全知识的学习。进一步落实安全责任制,严格执行“安全第一,预防为主”的方针,开展安全 自查。一方面,认真检查送货车辆的使用情况 上海物流公司,做好出车前、收车后的检查工作,做到有问题及时整改,确保车辆运行良好。成立交通安全领导小组,对物流配 送车辆的交通安全和驾驶员进行严格规范的监督管理。要认真执行国家有关道路交通安全法律法规及地方有关规定 ,逐级签订安全责任状,建立完善货物运输配送车辆管理制度,定期开展交通安全法规教育,形成每月一次的安全 例会制度,把总结分析交通安全情况作为一项固定的重要内容。另一方面,开展送货车辆途中防盗、抢应急演练与 恶劣天气应急预案演练,增强送货人员在卷烟配送途中被盗、抢的安全意识,增加他们对道路抢劫的防范经验与对 抢劫现场的理性认识,主要防范货物与资金的安全。
  (二)优化灵活卷烟配送线路。优化灵活送货线路,要综合考虑多种因素,要立足于零售客户,提高效率。要 根据零售客户的分布,对路线进行灵活优化设计,而不是根据行政区划来确定线路。既要考虑到送货车辆行走的路 线,尽量不走弯路和回头路,又要考虑到路况,减少车辆在路上的行走时间;既要考虑总的送货量,又要考虑每条 线路的送货量;既要考虑车辆的装载量,又要考虑车辆油耗等。总之,一句话就是要花最少的成本,在最短的时间 内将货源准确、及时、安全送到零售户手中。因此,要想使我们的送货线路为最佳线路,要求我们必须加强对零售 户的调查,在精心绘制好零售户的分布图与交通线路图的基础上,再结合送货量与送货车辆情况,进行有机整合与 核算,最终挑选出最佳方案。
  (三)要控制好配送车辆的使用成本。配送车辆的使用成本主要是把好物流配送车辆的使用 、 保养和维修关 上海到西安物流公司,要根据配送车辆的实际使用情况,加强预算计划性,实行月度定额管理制度,重点是要控制好物流配送车辆的油 费、过路费和维修费。要制定出严密的修理费、油费、过路费报销管理规定,明确界定物流配送车辆维修报批权限 ,由相应的部门把好审核关和报销关。要根据配送线路的实际区域,确定标准,科学、合理地规划出物流配送线路 ,并规定物流配送车辆什么时间行驶什么线路,通过物流配送车辆上装载GPS卫星定位监控系统,加强对物流配 送车辆进行配送过程的远程监控,以达到节约费用成本的目的。另外要科学合理使用车辆上的各种电器设备,如长 时间泊车时,采用停止使用车用空调和发动机熄火等方法 上海到成都物流公司,降低油耗。
  (四)完善车辆与人员合理配备。为了保证中转站车辆的正常规范运转,提高机动工作的效率,在本地中转站 配备的原有1辆备用车辆的基础上,建议再增加一辆备用送货车辆,确保正常运行的车辆能在维修或者保养时期得 到休整,避免带病出车,甚至发生意外、维修等应急情况下的送货空档,从而影响客户的正常进货。同时,要至少 配备一名机动驾驶员,完善送货驾驶员的人员配备制度,对正常送货驾驶员请假、调休等情况下能有及时的人员安 排,确保正常送货工作不受影响。
  (五)加强现场考核,提高车辆管理的效果。对驾驶员开展爱车安全竞赛,要以节能降耗、控制费用、确保安 全为核心,以提高全体驾驶人员爱车意识和车辆养护技能为重点,有效降低车辆油耗水平及修理费用,提升驾驶人 员爱车意识,增强对车辆日常维护、保养的主动性,减少不必要的浪费,实现车辆管理水平创一流。继续以“集体 会诊”的形式,在卷烟销售旺季来临之前,增加对所有送货车辆进行的全面安全检查,逐一对车辆的发动机、灯光 、转向、制动部分和传送部分进行细致全面的检查。对检查出来的问题,立刻进行了现场检修,确保车辆技术状况 良好。一方面,对“集体会诊”的结果纳入日常考核中,达到考核结果现场出来的明显效果,另一方面,为驾驶员 建立一个经验交流的平台,做到有问题及时发现,小毛病自己解决,达到增强爱车意识、提高操作技能、降低物流 成本的目的。
  车辆管理的目标――高效率、低成本、重安全,只有紧紧围绕这一目标,卷烟物流中转站的车辆管理才能长期 规范有序运行!!




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MCarihhao 12-30-2011 05:04 PM

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The huge energy that engulfed a Russian atomic submarine undergoing repairs in the northern Murmansk domain has been shoot dated, the exigency legate says.

Sergei Shoigu said diffusion monitoring would also any more go side with to universal after being stepped up when the blaze started on wood decking next to the Yekaterinburg.

Officials said there was no risk as its two reactors had been stop a confine down. Nine people were ruin fighting the fire.

President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered an study into the incident.

Undivided of his operative prime ministers has promised that the Yekaterinburg, a Delta-IV-class atomic submarine, resolve be repaired within several months.

"According to preliminary information, the indemnity caused at hand the enkindle will not attack the carry's fight characteristics," Dmitriy Rogozin said.

'No emanation threat'
The Yekaterinburg had been advantageous a parch sawbones at the Roslyakovo shipyard - on the Barents Drink glide, 1,500 km (900 miles) north of Moscow - on Thursday when wooden scaffolding around it caught fire.

The shoot straightway spread to the submarine's rubber-coated outer body
Television pictures showed thick smoke billowing from the head of the vessel as 11 intensity crews doused the flames with water from helicopters and tow boats. The submarine was later a certain extent submerged in an crack to extinguish the blaze.

The rouse was contained at 01:40 on Friday (21:40 GMT on Thursday), according to the exigency situations clericals, but by the morning, the submarine was but smouldering, and firefighters were subdue working at the argument, pouring the finest past the outer case as grammatically as the time between it and the inner husk, reports said.

A law enforcement source told Russian news agencies that seven servicemen at the shipyard and two emergency the church personnel had suffered from smoke inhalation.

On Friday afternoon, Mr Shoigu told a meeting of officials the fire had been "lay visible thoroughly", and that there was "no open burning".

He said that the cooling of the submarine's case would continue.
Mr Shoigu also said that "the heightened direction of monitoring the emanation locale" on board and in the circumjacent area would be lifted.

Earlier, officials insisted the submarine's two nuclear reactors had already been intern down and that diffusion levels on cabinet and in the field were normal.

"These parameters are within the limits of reasonable radiation fluctuation levels. There is no risk to the folk," the danger ministry said.

The vessel's 16 inter-continental ballistic missiles, each with four warheads, had also been removed when the renovation being planned began, officials said.

Some of the corps remained on board the submarine during the enthusiasm to praepostor temperatures and carbon dioxide levels, they added.

The Russian Naval forces's Commander-in-Chief, Adm Vladimir Vysotskiy, and Chief of the Navy Baton Adm Aleksandr Tatarinov are at Roslyakovo to manage the operation.

Cover on Russian navy submarines is a thin-skinned emanate throughout the military following the Kursk disaster in August 2000.

The Kursk atomic submarine sank in the Barents Quantity dotty north-west Russia, execution all 118 seamen on board. Investigators concluded that an explosion of fuel from united of its torpedoes caused the sinking.

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MCarihhao 12-30-2011 05:17 PM

Russian nuclear submarine fire rattle d repel discernible
The huge let go that engulfed a Russian atomic submarine undergoing repairs in the northern Murmansk region has been place into the open, the exigency minister says.

Sergei Shoigu said diffusion monitoring would also intermittently go promote to universal after being stepped up when the light started on wood decking impending the Yekaterinburg.

Officials said there was no risk as its two reactors had been shut down. Nine people were harm fighting the fire.

President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered an investigation into the incident.

Inseparable of his operative prime ministers has promised that the Yekaterinburg, a Delta-IV-class nuclear submarine, intention be repaired within a variety of months.

"According to initial information, the mar caused nigh the fire desire not move the carry's skirmish characteristics," Dmitriy Rogozin said.

'No emanation presage'
The Yekaterinburg had been by nature a bare sawbones at the Roslyakovo shipyard - on the Barents Domain glide, 1,500 km (900 miles) north of Moscow - on Thursday when wooden scaffolding there it caught fire.

The flare up soon spread to the submarine's rubber-coated outer skeleton
Box pictures showed misty smoke billowing from the top of the vessel as 11 fire crews doused the flames with water from helicopters and tug boats. The submarine was later partially submerged in an energy to eliminate the blaze.

The set alight was contained at 01:40 on Friday (21:40 GMT on Thursday), according to the pinch situations the cloth, but by the morning, the submarine was quiet smouldering, and firefighters were inert working at the row, pouring water past the outer hull as well as the range between it and the inner case, reports said.

A law enforcement source told Russian news agencies that seven servicemen at the shipyard and two crisis holy orders personnel had suffered from smoke inhalation.

On Friday afternoon, Mr Shoigu told a meeting of officials the fire had been "wager visible completely", and that there was "no open parching".

He said that the cooling of the submarine's hull would continue.
Mr Shoigu also said that "the heightened system of monitoring the emission situation" on advisers aboard and in the surrounding area would be lifted.

Earlier, officials insisted the submarine's two nuclear reactors had already been intern down and that dispersal levels on live and in the field were normal.

"These parameters are within the limits of sensible emission fluctuation levels. There is no risk to the population," the emergency clergymen said.

The receptacle's 16 inter-continental ballistic missiles, each with four warheads, had also been removed when the renovation being planned began, officials said.

Some of the corps remained on board the submarine during the fire to guard temperatures and carbon dioxide levels, they added.

The Russian Flotilla's Commander-in-Chief, Adm Vladimir Vysotskiy, and Chief of the Naval forces Baton Adm Aleksandr Tatarinov are at Roslyakovo to oversee the operation.

Cover on Russian argosy submarines is a thin-skinned issue for the military following the Kursk disaster in August 2000.

The Kursk nuclear submarine sank in the Barents At sixes off north-west Russia, genocide all 118 seamen on board. Investigators concluded that an welling up of encouragement from one of its torpedoes caused the sinking.

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