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oujoyha8l7 10-07-2011 01:12 AM

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g8m8n2yf 10-07-2011 01:12 AM

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Reprinted from 564844264 at 9:55 on March 9, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

cold hands and feet
nutritionist physical conditioning methods to answer:

cold hands and feet is the Deficiency of a performance, usually taking the temperature of cold food. \Therefore we should promote more appropriate to participate in sports, personal law of dietary order, reducing the temperature and add cold clothes, eat raw food.
There is another cold hands and feet, Chinese medicine called \\This is because the blood circulation can not reach the distal limbs, which caused by insufficient blood supply to the limb cold.
women are vulnerable during the special physiological anemia caused by chills, there is as gastrointestinal bleeding, excessive blood loss who also have anemia, chills phenomenon.
In addition, there are a medicine called \If the blood sedimentation resistance, we should use the \
but had by professional practitioners from the pulse and presenting symptoms attributable to the decision to determine what kind of cold.

First, the principles of nutrition
should eat with qi, blood, kidney of nature, warm foods.

Second, the appropriate number of food
can eat foods with the role of complement deficiency, such as lamb, dog meat, venison, chicken, according to \V edible tuber of a mutton soup once, with the world when Wang Yang, Yang Zhuang make up the human body. You can also Chi Jiucai, loach for Sibu, there Shenbao drugs, jade rossica, Jinguishenqi Yougui balls.
Also, eat plenty of warm food is to improve the cold tolerance of the body. Common hot foods: beef, garlic, pepper, ginger, onion, yam, longan,red wing motorcycle boot, Angelica and so on.

Third, food taboos
1. try to avoid eating certain raw foods such as frozen drinks, ice cream and so on.
2. Warming food to eat while at the same time try to avoid eating yin foods, tonic effects cancel each other out there.

Fourth, get rid of chills
other disease, to develop good habits (for reference)
1. morning to get up. Regular way of life is the first step to improve the chills, the morning is the start of the day, do not always goes back in bed, excited about the spirit of get up, and then exercise your body good, right. Mood as he opened his eyes,red wing shoes online, not only to prevent the chills, but also improve the efficiency of the day.
2. exercise the body. Moving your body up in the morning, make the muscles relax and stretch thoroughly to prevent the body stiff as a result of chills, body after a night of sleep, often in the blood is not circulating in the state, so the appropriate exercise to relax the body is very important.
3. eat breakfast. Start a new day from breakfast, a good physique but also from a good breakfast.
4. attention to clothing. Avoid wearing underwear Jinzhai, and the physical constraints of clothing, is not conducive to the whole body's blood circulation.
5. as much as possible on foot. Walking is the most convenient warm body, the most efficient way.
6. through lunch to warm the body. Meals is the key to improving the chills, through a number of high-calorie lunch to warm the body. As the saying goes, eat a full lunch, dinner must be on time to ensure that caloric intake. Eat some porridge, Jia Rumei positive foods such as dried vegetables, on the warm-up is very effective.
7. talking to people wonders. Chat with friends is a special form of decompression, a strange effect to prevent chills.
8. add moderate water. Water supply is very important, while intake of water to the waste from the body, but also can stimulate blood circulation, add 2 liters of water a day is better.
9. breathing. Feeling tired, slow breathing on the chills disease have a good effect, hand on the chest, abdomen, inhale when the muster, the use of such abdominal breathing, can oxygen to all parts of the body, promote blood circulation, improve chills state, the seat can be easily implemented, hands-on under the bar.
10. dinner. Dinner should be a conscious choice to warm the body some of the positive food, positive or negative can be identified by color. Some positive food is mainly warm colors for the red color of food, including carrots, ginger, prunes dishes. Some negative food mostly white or cool color foods such as tropical fruits, etc., so must be appropriate choice.
11. bath and feet. Bath not only removes the symptoms of chills, better regulation of body condition, so it is very important. Usually also insist on their feet with hot water every night, adding a better efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, such as safflower.

1. Eat ginseng. This is a qi medicine, ######ual peace, meeting but not dry. Can be soaked in water to drink alone.
2. Eat sesame seeds, peanuts. Rich in vitamin E and a variety of nutrients that can help the absorption of vitamin B, to enhance the ability of nerves against the cold. Vitamin E also expand the role of blood vessels, can enhance the peripheral limbs of children with blood circulation.
3. Eat onions, peppers, etc., may help the body generate heat, promote blood circulation of food.

nutritional value of meat: lamb, rich in quality protein, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and other nutrients. you can add enough heat and vitamins, to \Among them, the energy metabolism of vitamin B2 is to ensure that important material.
Recommended dosage: 50 to 75 grams per meal is appropriate.
food pairing: lamb and with certain foods, make soup, can increase the effect. Such as ginseng, mutton soup, mutton, walnut soup, sea cucumber and mutton soup, mutton stew Cordyceps. Add walnuts can also eliminate the smell. However,red wing mens boots, lamb and pumpkin with not eating, or it may cause jaundice, or athlete's foot.
Tips: Chinese medicine,red wing sale, the lamb is warm food, the \

nutritional value: Do not look humble leek, nutritional value is very high. Per 100 grams of edible portion, containing protein 2 to 2.8 grams. O.2 ~ O.5 grams of fat. 2.4 to 6 grams of carbohydrates, there are a lot of carotene, vitamin B2, etc., to ensure its \. Leek propylene containing volatile sulfide, a pungent flavor, can promote appetite.
Recommended dosage: 50 grams each meal.
food with: home-style cooking is very simple leek, the shrimp, eggs, liver, Yang Shen, and leeks were fried, can enhance its effectiveness. When put some leek porridge is a good choice. According to the \
Tips: Chinese medicine, leek for the five internal organs warm food, cold for cold, deficiency weak. Women's menstruation, postpartum abdominal Deficiency can also be appropriate to add. Sores, eye disease and other patients, should not be ingested.

nutritional value: known as the \Walnut oil content of 58% in the nuts topped the list, mainly beneficial to the human body contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, and rich in phospholipids, is also rich in B vitamins and vitamin E. In addition to helping the body against the cold, but also the brain and beneficial anti-aging food.
Recommended dosage: about 10 grams per meal.
food with: Add dates walnut porridge. Can best play its \Walnut fillet, walnut mussel meat soup, also has a warming effect of lung and kidney of health, you can try making at home.
Tips: mainly suitable for lung and kidney Deficiency. Easy to asthma, early white hair, postpartum frail, elderly and infirm are also edible. Often get angry, suffering from diarrhea, cough or phlegm, try to avoid eating.

what not to eat cold
select Properties warm winter food or medicinal tonic, the body blood circulation, blood vibrant, warm effect to achieve. A warming effect of food is usually red, sweet foods, or spicy condiment and food,red wing shoes, the food of this kind have the effect of warm-up can also be nourishing the body, promote metabolism. For winter consumption, temperature, hot food
meat: lamb, beef, shrimp, sea cucumbers, oysters, eel, venison, chicken livers and other lipid and protein rich meat.
fruits and vegetables: leeks, basil, green pepper, mustard, cabbage, peppers, onions, squash, litchi, peach, longan, green onions, ginger, garlic and so on.
Other: brown rice, sorghum, sesame and pine nuts, cashews, walnuts, chestnuts and other nuts in the food.
in cooking or eating cold food, you can add some hot ###### in the onions, ginger, garlic, pepper, pepper, ginseng, astragalus, dried tangerine peel and other spices, or medicines to reconcile. For example, in the consumption of the crabs are cold, you can use the heat of the ginger are fried crab, crab reduce cold. Common cold foods generally have gourd, melon, celery, cucumber, seaweed, agar jelly, cabbage, etc., can be used when cooking the right amount of onions, ginger, garlic and other seasonings, to the role and cold. In addition, usually also available wolfberry, red dates, ginseng, longan meat or ginger brew tea to drink, but also play a warm effect.

● How to warm hands and feet before going to bed with hot local bubble hands, feet, not only can promote the blood vessels peripheral circulation, as well as to help sleep effect.
● Paowan bath or hot water, dry socks immediately after the insulation.
● Women who often foot the winter cold, which can be loaded with a bucket of hot water, rice wine and ginger (hot water and rice wine in the ratio of 1:1). Winter break or after work while watching TV after use, help to improve the phenomenon of women in the cold.
eat warm soup
fill prescriptions a jujube raw ginger: The main raw materials for the date, ginger, brown sugar, which would be 10 jujube, ginger, five, brown sugar amount, Jiantang behalf of the tea, each , 1, insist on taking. Health and ginger drink jujube often been able to improve the symptoms of cold hands and feet. Jujube of sweet warm, with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, nourishing and sedative effect of spicy ginger, warm, with temperatures in the vomiting, and cold-dispelling the role of the table, the two combined, can give full play to the line Jiang Xin Wen, dates Gan intended to complement the warm and work together to promote blood circulation, blood circulation will be a corresponding improvement, along with hands and feet warm up naturally.
soup brown sugar also has a fill in, blood, blood effect. Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that ginger contains gingerol on the heart and blood vessels has a direct stimulant of the central, can rapid heartbeat, blood vessels expand, blood leaving collaterals strong smooth surface in order to improve circulation and make sense of the body warm. 2 ginger lamb burst
prescription: sliced lamb. Ginger cut filaments. Filling the pot a little, from the stir, until the oil when you take the smoke, into the pepper, star anise, blow flavor, ginger and stir into the add mutton fry, add salt, MSG, sesame oil pan when the shower.

just know that a treatment in television, \30 grams, 50 grams of ginger.
approach: First, wash the mutton pieces, cut into small pieces, a pot of water, then open the lamb pieces into boiling water boiled, the bloody water boiled off, and then remove the lamb, the drain water, then poured into the casserole,red wing shoes outlet, then add parsley, ginger, pour in the water, water must be a little more meat about 2 to 3 times, then close the lid on the heat and simmer, boil with fire after the first, for small fire and cook for about two hours. Cooked by adding the right amount of salt, ginger, angelica this channel can be eaten mutton soup.

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procedures have been very successful, to go out, the two are independent people have the freedom to people. I do not know why his heart suddenly feel kind of empty, he looked at her: \looked at him: \; He nodded his head, one after the two went quietly to the hotel for divorce.
\He looked at her: \not aware of these, or do you point it. \Ms. point usually the most favorite dishes, called 'last memory'. \Remember, do not let Cong Jiangsuan, I love him ... ... this gentleman does not eat them. \
He stared. Married 10 years, he really did not know what his wife like to eat. His mouth open, stunned embarrassment was there. \
waitress smiled: \This 'last memory' We'd better not eat it. to drink from our hotel to prepare specifically for all divorcees dinner - cold drinks bar, which is all to the people do not reject the choice. \She nodded her head: \,red wing heritage, all nuggets; a full glass of red, steaming.
quiet private room,red wing boot store, two people sit relative,red wing shoe store, and sometimes did not know what to say.
\flowers scene? Now everything is over, couples do not succeed When my friends and to leave on good, and finally to send roses right for women. \her in the flick, has emerged out of sight 10 years ago, the scenario he gave her flowers. At that time, they had just come to this unaccompanied provincial capital, nothing, everything from scratch. During the day, they looked for work, hard work; night, in order to increase revenue, she went to dinner out of stalls, he went to the people washing the dishes. Late late, they only went back to rent in the basement of the house was less than 10 square meters. Days of bitter, but they are happy. To the provincial capital's first Valentine's Day, he bought his first red rose, she had shed tears of happiness. 10 years, all is well up, but two people have toward the separation. She kept thinking, tears filled his eyes, she waved, said: \Then he remembered that he did not buy her five or six years have been a rose. He waved his hand: \two drinks into the cup, rose even dissolved in the drink.
\what needs to call me directly. \
pumping pumping her hand, no twitching, no longer move. Two people quietly on the TV with, and what did not.
\Honey, there is me. go washed out! \
waitress came over: \little, this is our fourth course, called 'the choice of the heart'. Please return to private rooms. \lighting remains the same. He pulled her hand: \She bit her lip: \. \
waitress came recently handed a two delicate red one list: \Finally, a premium hotel, named 'bills forever', asked the two always kept it. \
bill he handed her: \She opened the bill and saw that says: a warm home; two hands of toil; three-shift, etc. You do not put out the lights to go home; seasons urged attention to the body; care and concern; sixty Pomu smile; morning and afternoon care for children; all directions to maintain your credibility; nine as the kitchen for your favorite dish; years of lost youth for you ... ... This is your wife.
\He opened the bill and saw that says: a man's responsibility; shoulders the burden provoked; middle of the night's toil; running around in a hurry; can not talk to grievances; stay in the face of the vicissitudes of life; Qigu Aunt Pat obligations; eight eight-under on the twists and turns; nine distinctions and a defect in the human; from time to time on the home pair of the truth ... ... this is your husband.
hold two people together, burst into tears.
Results End accounts, he and many thanks her manager, walked home hand in hand. They were happy to see the back, the manager smiled and nodded: \More couples marriage crisis, see the article, hoping to save more families.

tag bill hotel rooms,red wing heritage boot, Mr. President

1o7h0a8n1y 10-07-2011 01:27 AM

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34115 2010 年 06 月 24 日 00:54 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
for too long, probably in 1999, on the eleventh grade it, every Friday night, finished in the broadcast, as I guess I guess guess is that Japanese TV drama time. If demand from 12 pm to 1 point. There was not so well-developed network, generally have the time to look at Japanese TV dramas. Repeat the words,red wing heritage boot, as if in the afternoon. For the first time truly is like a Japanese TV drama \In order to see this movie, I have every Friday to watch clock up 12 points transferred to an hour, then sleep! That is, in this movie, Yosuke Kubozuka know, plays a highly intelligent but erratic behavior of the students - Kikuchi good man, a genius has been to such a smile surfaced in my mind, a person's smile Yosuke a classic success. Although his scenes much, not too handsome, but they always have a special kind of temperament, his face is always so calm expression,red wing sale, may be unique in the eyes with his facial expressions, eyes deep with a little temperament, and his That lazy tone of voice,red wing shoes sale, I was particularly drunk personality temperament. If everyone was popular starring Hideaki Bronze \
particular,red wing shoe store, the later a person feel more classic is the \Chak Sau Ming and see this film. But in the end, he took away all the light of Bronze, and can only be seen staring at him. Oh, Saeki is very handsome, for the first time the theater is not looking at the protagonist,red wing store, is looking at supporting the show. This movie is his best supporting actor award.
\Plays a math teacher inside - shallow Xiao students, most impressed that he teach the students the lesson: \
preceding days \Chong Chong boss, how would the world have so much personality boss!
2001, he starred in the \Big Runaway, \
this time, I think he acted in the film, because in the past see too little impression on him is stuck in high school. Read so many of his films, he really is an actor play different roles, very powerful actor, acting is really good! Even a small role,red wing shoes, and his unique temperament always impressed the audience, which is the difference between him different from other actors, but also eye-catching red flowers than leaves.

Recommended film: \, table tennis genius teenager, mushroom head, clear eyes, inspirational theme)

g8m8n2yf 10-07-2011 01:27 AM

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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 18:56 on December 19, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

42 other one know -
1, slowly learned that someone else cares too often hurt themselves -
2,red wing mens boots, slowly learned of their good people will less and less over time -
3, slowly learned that a person should own their own good, because very few people really care about you, they do not necessarily have things in your side. So to take care of themselves -
4, slowly learned that a person really does not have a good return, and you may tend to ignore the most attention to your -
5, slowly learned that many things can be met without resort, and a lot of things only once -
6, slowly learned that love is not necessarily true, there may be interest, there may be psychological comparisons -
7, slowly learned what not to argue with others, because that is not the outcome, no matter who is right -
8, slowly learned that many times their own unhappy experience things other people do not want sympathy, most people will take the cold retaliate. That would Gengrang people look down on -
9, slowly learned that there are many things that do not belong to you, you are liable to days of hard force removal of the -
10, slowly learned that may not have meaning in everything, but everything to do that is a memory -
11, slowly learned that differences in personality to be so large -
12, slowly learned that many people had become of you do not recognize, but please retain memories. -
13, slowly learned that we should seize every now you can take people who give you kept in, not because we wanted to retain a group of individuals who lose. -
14, slowly realized that he must care about their own self-esteem, but your self-esteem in the eyes of others is nothing -
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17, slowly he realized the reality so helpless -
18, slowly learned that many of their encounter could not understand people and things, but that has nothing to do with you, others will love Zezheng with him, do not students should not be born of gas, worth -
20. slowly learned that two people together who may not be friends, there may be nothing -
21. slowly learned, will encounter many temptations, no matter how others like you is you, you have your principles and bottom line -
22. slowly learned that someone will hate you or make life difficult for you, but he kind of love how to how, we have to, generous, and bad people do not care about, but only if you are correct - \p>
23. slowly learned that many people can not understand the relationship between men and women friends, together, they must be lovers, not lovers will certainly not be together -
24. slowly to know, learning to be hard, because with smart people who can meet the test subjects is Feng-Mao Ling Kok -
25. slowly learned that a free down the original time is so boring, and no substantial secondary sense -
26. slowly learned that the phone is something people use when looking for you, not to share feelings -
27. slowly learned that the owner can not be friends, but do not put a person as an enemy, at least when the students -
28. slowly learned to play since you can play, and can not afford to do not play, or will lose nothing at all -
29. slowly learned that happiness often come from memories, and painful memories and reality often comes from the gap -
30. slowly learned that hip-hop slapstick only entertainment only,red wing shoes sale, and past smoking fight is ignorance -
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32. slowly learned not to own to how high, there is no absolute victory, there is no absolute failure -
33, slowly learned that life is a lot of unfair, you have to face, believe in the power and the people's eyes -
34. slowly learned that sometimes may not be imagined brotherhood so beautiful, only you give enough other people really be possible to get treatment -
35. slowly learned that some people constantly calculating, at the end has come to lose badly, so it should be to maintain a peaceful heart! -
36. slowly learned that some things are not his own wish, but some things have to go to completion, it is also a special training on their own -
37, slowly learned that two people with the original or true or false,red wing shoes online, or time to spend occupies an important ingredient -
38. slowly learned that the root idea of the gap between reality and must be alive, to keep up pace of life! -
39. slowly learned that he himself was growing up, not a child, and adapt to the growth of everything .-
40. slowly learned not to own to how high, there is no absolute victory, there is no absolute failure -
41 slowly learned that giving people a good line in the future meet the real meaning, no permanent enemies only permanent friends, everything must not do too much, things that the outcome is out of your mouth -
42. slowly learned to play no matter how good friends are likely to lose, but we still have to optimistic, if true to his (her) as their friends should be for him (her ) blessing. Looking! just do what you do -

1o7h0a8n1y 10-07-2011 01:45 AM

,red wing heritage

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Reprinted from 751540238 at 13:35 on February 20th, 2008 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Comedy
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a big variety show, the host stage announcer: Please enjoy: Xinjiang dance, set off your skull! Horror! ! ! ! ,red wing motorcycle boot!

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gg handed me an ice cream, I bite shouted: \Shoes how much a pound? \Many teachers and lectures, he was too nervous, and finally to dissolve the team, the moment my mind blank, hard hold back the sentence: \I can not wait to say: \Examiner difficult, and he will have a fire hydrant in the street where parking. Walking especially nervous, said: \We bought some watermelon on the kitchen. Asked a classmate get cut, long time no see come back,red wing shoes outlet, is puzzled, he cut his hand holding a melon come, panic and said: I have to cut the pumpkin. Everyone laughing, but after two seconds were all the more Xiaofan,red wing boots, originally holding a gourd in his hand!

ug6ht3mh8tg 10-07-2011 01:45 AM

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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 19:18 on June 24th, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

published cancel

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physical Posts:
1 mouth: dream of his mouth, will be love. Dream of his mouth gets bigger, the economy should be subject to losses. Dream of eating something hot scalded mouth, to serious illnesses. Dream mouth full of food to eat, to be rich.
2 Nose: very good dream to see his nose, a good omen. Dreamed nose is very ugly, is ominous. Dream of nose bleeds, to imminent disaster. Abscess on the tip of the nose long dream, will be promoted. People who dream big nose, would give birth to the will of loss, and the Friends of the quarrel. Women dream of his nose, her husband's family will be notorious. Someone is caught his nose, would insulted, or being enslaved. Dream of his nostrils, and there is the risk of committing fraud and deception. Dreamed that he was afraid the nose pain, disaster will fall. Health pustule dream nostrils, relatives cheated. Dream of horses or cattle nose breathing, there will be dangerous.
3 Hand: dream hands were cut off, to get God's help. Long dream of his own strong hand, means that the business will succeed. Dream of his own hand more than the original red, will cement it. Unable to dream his hand yellow is ill omen. Women dream of their own hand is hard, indicating her life very hard. Dream of shaking hands with strangers to make friends. Dream of holding hands all the money, can take advantage of million home penetration.
4 lips: red lips dream is to good health and prosperity of the sign. Dream of his lips white, or yellow, will be weak and sickly. Red lips, a man dreamed that a woman will be deceived by a woman. Lip white men dream of a woman, wife or friend will be to their loyalty is not encyclical. Dream of a woman indicates that black lips to dry hard labor, or physical exhausted, or struck by. Dreamed that he was thick lips, and will be unable to resist his own people. Thin lips dream woman will be love.
5 ears: dream of his ears cut off, the command can be executed. Dream of someone else's ears were cut, to suffer. Dreamed Taoer Duo, or let others to their own Taoer Duo, there is good news. Someone is twisted his ears, committed the crime will be subject to legal sanctions. Dream hairy ears who can make a fortune.

6 Body: dream body is burned, is an ill omen, indicating that with others as the enemy, bedridden. Someone is stripped of his clothes, the economy crisis. Dream of his body healthy, strong, is auspicious.
7 head: the head of his big dream is to raise the sign. Someone is waving a sword attempting to cut his head, is to remind themselves and their families to be cautious and careful. Dream of turning the animals to eat chopped meat, to be rich. Dream of shampoo, sorrow will pass. Dream of his head with a mirror, is the good fortune to be promoted. Dream Shuangshoubaotou, news of success.
8 Eye: The dream of red eyes, indicating that sick. Dream of a woman's eyes sparkled, everything will be in vain. Dream of his own eyes swollen and hurt, life would be happy, no pain. Black eye shadow or eye painted dream women smoke, the economy should be subject to losses. Wink toward his dream of others, means that quest for serious illness, or even an incurable disease.
9 face: dream of a beautiful face, will be happy. Dream ugly face, unfortunately, to be imminent. Dream of his swollen face, or more than the original red, to become a rich person. Distorted dream face disaster coming. Dream of his face becomes pale or yellow wax, is a harbinger of even bankruptcy.
10 throat: the throat of his dream, is an ill omen, a relative or friend died. Married women dream of their own throat, her parents have bad news. Dream of his sore throat, or swollen throat single sitting, there will be obtained. Sore throat and swollen patient dreamed that would be long-term bedridden. Prisoners sentenced to death dream throat swelling and pain, about the guillotine. Tourists dream of throat swelling and pain, the way liable to robbery, the money will be snatched away all the wealth.
11 teeth: how many teeth they have dreamed of a few, will be the subject of humiliation. Number of other people's teeth dream is Xiangzhao, means being able to defeat the enemy. Dreamed of tooth loss, to argue with people. Dream of extraction, soon to buy a house Land. Women dream of extraction, life would be abundant. Businessmen dream of extraction, can be given an Italian business. Farmers dream of extraction, harvest is in sight. Dream of a toothache, can make a fortune.
12 fingers: dream of cutting their fingers, the winner will become the field of courtship. Dream of the steam burns your fingers will be jealous of others. Dream of multi-fingered hand, there are guests door. Longer dream of their own fingers, and business prosperity. Dream short fingers, living in straitened circumstances. Dream of distorted finger, will make use of embezzlement of public funds means to hug money. Dream of bloody fingers, the money will be cheated.
13 Pulse: dream pulse goes to good luck. Dream of a slow pulse jump to being bad luck. Doctors dream to own pulse, the income will be reduced. Pulse dream to his wife, the couple to quarrel. Dream to the enemy pulse, times of crisis will be the help of friends. Dream of myself as a doctor, and give them pulse, suggesting to give up the current job. Pulse dream is to his wife, the wife will be boundless love. Women dream of others to their own pulse, due to being driven, troubled, unable to move. Pulse enemies to their own dreams will be defeated enemy. Dream of a doctor to their pulse, to be sick. Vein of the patient dreamed that his doctor soon recover. Vein of the patient dreamed that he himself would be difficult.
14 stomach: dream swollen belly is a wealth of good omen. Married women dream of belly swell, and soon to be children. Unmarried women dream of belly swell, which means marrying into the wealthy wealthy. Widow dream swollen belly, the disaster will be imminent.
15 Hair: long dream of his hair, which means ill be poor. Dream of someone else's hair was too long, will be tired of secular life, home penance. Dream of long white hair, will be sad sad. Dream hair with a comb, life would be happy and comfortable. Dream of short hair, bad luck is short-term. Women dream of her hair long, loving wife and happy for long. Women dream of hair loss, hair cut, is the widow of the sign. Women dream of their own hair and dragged was arrested, means death or due to unfortunate and leave their husbands.
16 nails: nails dream, hard work can make money. Dream to stay long fingernails, will endure hunger. Dream black nails, will be affected by loss. Men with short nails dream, the business can be profitable. Dream of a married woman to stay long fingernails, to be widowed widowed. Men dream of nails red, is the able-bodied sign. Dream of red nail patients, ill and will recover soon and dream of yellow nails and white nails, will be bedridden. Dream nails all Nigou, embezzlement of public funds, suffered heavy losses.

17 feet: dream on their own feet were cut down, to an officer. Many businessmen dreamed long legs, will make money, dreamed of feet, indicating that greed. Dream of playing other people's feet, will be affected by another insult. Dream of foot burn, due to a moment of weakness, suffered heavy losses. Dream big swollen feet, will inadequacy, heavily in debt.
18 arms: dreamed of his arm muscular, robust, which means that because of his efforts will be pulled Huo. Dream sick or useless arm, will be demoted, in trouble, and the economy by the loss. Women dream of their own illness or useless arm, husband or son died. Dream of his broken hand, is painful and damaged sign. Dream swollen hands, relatives and friends will benefit from strangers. Dream bloody arm, will impoverished. Dream of the hairs grow very long arm, will make a fortune, the situation will soon improve.
19 heart: abnormal dream of their own heart beat, unlucky day to be imminent, due to be dismissed or bedridden, business would be affected. Dreamed that the number of times the heart beats in a few, debauched. Dreamed that he put his hand on his chest, the enemy is approaching, life was in danger. Women dream of their own heart beat abnormalities, gangsters and thieves will be harassed her home. Dream of cardiac arrest, disaster coming. Dream yourself or loved ones die of heart disease, died of the people will live longer.
gods article
20 God: God dream of a successful and profitable Xiangzhao. Dream of God's hand holding a sword, the enemy will be destroyed. Dream of God's hand holding three strands cross, furious, residential areas come to disaster. Married women dream of God smiling at the young age will give birth to a son on the famous in the world. Dream of God himself in his arms, will live happy, many happy returns.
21 Fairy: Fairy dream man will be popular transport. Girls dream of fairies, is about to get married. Dream fairy unemployed will find jobs. Dream fairy patients, the body will be recovered.
22 Goddess: dream of Goddess, indicating that the cause will be successful. Women dream of Goddess talk will happy, happy life. Dream of Goddess furious responsibility? Himself, is an ill omen, indicating that you or the child's body will be affected by trauma. Dream of being the goddess in his arms, or the goddess to the crown on his head, will the reputation of highly visible, famous Four Seas, to cement it. Shen defecate in patients infected body dreamed of burning incense and kowtowing to the temple of the goddess, a good omen, the body will recover. Dream of Goddess lost weapons, means that heavy fighting with the enemy.
23 angels: conversations with the angels dream is ominous. Silent dream of angels, will be good luck. Dream of talking with the angels, which means death, seriously ill or in trouble. Girls dream to see the angels, will be rich with a good man became husband and wife. Dream come all the way to see the angels, who immediately abandon their dream of all misdemeanors, or disaster will be imminent. Pregnant women dream of angels, will give birth to a son of Maria, the child will become a saint or religious future mentor, or a millionaire.

24 prayer: prayer to God alone,belstaff sale, a man dreamed of, will lose the help of people. Dream woman pray to God, the body of her husband and children will be healthy. Many men with dreamed and prayed to God, will get the respect of society. Men dream of men and women to participate in religious Assembly, or prayer Assembly, will soon be struck by. Men and women with dreams to pray to God, will discredited. Women and men dream of a prayer, disasters and misfortunes will come. Dream does not pray to God and family are dead. Others dream of making a prayer, is auspicious. Stay tune for the dream of those who pray will be harassed by the enemy.
27 dedication: dreamed he was a victim of worship, will be revered earthquake. Women as victims of their own dreams to God, to hand in dealing with all the things at home. Others carried the dream of offering animal sacrifices movement of God, is ominous, to being bad luck. Dream of offering sacrifice of animals from the people who chaired rescued him, meaning able-bodied, rich life. Dreamed for carrying animals to sacrifice goods, will be purged. Dream of holding a married woman animal sacrifice to God for goods, home will be living in straitened circumstances. Offer the patient dreamed that he was God as a sacrifice,belstaff coat, will soon recover. Prisoners as a sacrifice for the dream that he was dedicated to the gods, will be exempt from the death penalty. 28 dead: and the dead dream conversation will become famous Four Seas. Dream of dead people with meals, will live longer. Dream of the dead in his arms, or shouting the names of the dead, soon to die. Dream of the late wife of widower, with a highly educated woman married, she will become his business assistant. Dream of the late widow's husband, will abide by chastity, go down in history. 29 offerings: dream offerings, there will be unpleasant. Makes offerings to God for the dream, happy thing after another. A dream and his wife offer sacrifices to God, happiness, all the best. Dream women of reproductive age offer offerings to God, would give birth to a beautiful son. Women with children dream of offering sacrifices to God, the children good health and happiness. Unmarried men and women dream of offering sacrifices to God, suggesting to Baitang married. This is for lovers of men and women is the most auspicious dream. Prisoners for sacrifice to God dreamed products, behind bars for long. Made this dream the patient is a good sign, and soon will return to health. Businessmen and shop owners dream of offering sacrifices to God, to fortune. This world articles
30 abandoned: dream abandoned by their own things will be, for example, the husband abandoned his wife, suggesting they will be more deep and sincere love. Engaged young men and women dream of abandoning his beloved, and this is a sign they want to tie the knot. Dream abandoned by friends, life in trouble will be encountered. 31 to run away: not with his wife dreamed of, but eloped with another woman, would provoke the calamity. Eloped with lovers dream, to travel would fall into the clutches of evil. Killed in the campaign, a dream cast votes in the electoral opponent, was killed by voters selected candidates will win. 32 situation: a man into a woman's love dream, disaster will be imminent. Dream like a child at home worrying things will happen. Young men dream of being their own Ailian Zhao, parents would thwart their marriage, will have the hearts of countless quiet anxiety. Dream of their own loved ones do not love yourself, life will be successful. 33 Wife: dream of holding his wife, is writing on the wall, with his wife separated. Quarrel with his wife dreamed of, loving husband and wife, happy life, happy. Quarrel with his wife dreamed of prisoners and soon could see his wife. Dream and his wife separated, will be more favored wife. Noisy dream to find a wife of a good life will be happy and comfortable. 34 swear: swear his dream, unfortunately, will come from both inside and outside. Dream of religious shrines in the temple or swear, a good sign, their aspirations will be realized. Women dream to her husband swear, the couple will divide. People who dream of committing a crime swear to commit crimes again. Dream lover of men and women swear before God, they will go their separate ways separate ways. 35 proposals: a man and his dream to love or marriage without the woman made the request of indecent assault, will be love. With his dream woman to love or marriage is not man made the request of indecent assault, health will deteriorate. Dream of the proposed business, which means to do business, this idea long-standing, but could not make up their minds, would like to help others make decisions. 36 girls: dream of snakes, Tingtingyuli is auspicious. Girls dream girl will marry late. Married woman dream girl, is the writing on the wall, her husband will refuse to sources of income. 37 kisses: dream and who are not familiar kiss, fall into the trap of the enemy. Kissing dream and foreigners, to conquer the enemy. Dream kiss his wife or children, or their kiss would not love them. Dream of kissing an enemy, it will make peace with them. Boy kissing lovers dream and is a good fortune, and soon to be married wife. 38 Secular: men abandoned the dream of secular, married life will be happy. Women dream of abandoned secular life, which means the days of happiness, prosperity. Unmarried men dreamed off custom, the girl will marry a Meiqingmuxiu wife. Unmarried women from the secular dream of marriage will be happy. Prisoners from the Red dream, served will be extended. Patients out of the secular dream will bedridden, suffer pain or illness. Popular businessman dreamed off, business will make a fortune. Habitual offender out of the Red dream will soon be arrested. King dreamed that out of the secular, is the writing on the wall, will be forced to leave the throne, or the State riots asked him to step down. Monk dream out of the Red, will re-back folk, with their families. 39 Lightning: dream of a very bright flash, go to foreign travel. Dream of distant thunder and lightning, to suffer loss and misfortune. Students dream of thunder and lightning, is Xiangzhao, can achieve excellent examination results. Girls dream of thunder and lightning is a good omen, will be married into a respectable family. Dream of thunder and lightning male patients, the body will recover. After the dream of thunder and lightning, dark as pitch, which means imminent disaster, calamity might fall upon the head dreamer may also be protected by their own people down to the head. Lightning dream from time to time, can not see the road, had to walk the dark, will defeat their opponents, ride out the storm and misery. Dream just missed being hit by lightning, disaster can be avoided. Dream of going out, sunny thunder, to improve, difficult. Farmers dream of lightning, to drought and famine. 40 breeze: dream breeze slowly, it will be good luck. Dream of the wind blowing dirt, would be subjected to pain and misfortune. Breathe Xunfeng, mean travel safely and successfully. Dream breathe the fragrant air business is profitable business bodes well. Contrary dream to breathe dirty air, will be disaster. The patient to breathe fresh air dream, the more diseases will be Howard, however, but the dream of breathing polluted air, will have to endure misfortune and pain. 41 sun: sun men dream, to be good luck, life will be happy. Women dream of sun, give birth to a boy, the child will grow up to become an outstanding figure. Men dream of a sunset, to being bad luck. Married women dream of the setting sun, will give birth to a girl. Unmarried women dream of a sunset, to marry a poor family. Dream of the midday sun, will be improved. Patients dream of the midday sun, and soon the body will recover. Prisoners dream of the midday sun, will soon resume free. Poor family, such as washing of people dream of the midday sun, to get unexpected money. Suddenly the clouds covered the sun dream, unlucky days to come. Dream of the sun shining down on his bed, not a good sign, means to be sick. Dream home in sunny, life would be happy, happy. Dream hot it might be suffering from eye diseases. Businessmen dream of sun, the business will lose money. Tourists dream of sun, the way will encounter many difficulties and accidents. Dream of sleeping in the sun, will find themselves in trouble, but in the end to get success.
42 stars: stars shining dream of the night, to good luck. Married women dream of the stars at night, will be happy married life. Unmarried women dream of the night sky, shining star, no matter where, there will be a lot of supporters. Patients dream of the stars at night may soon be back to health. Moonlight dream of the stars at night, to surrender the enemy. Dream of the stars at night are dark clouds will get sick. Dream of a meteor will fall ill or have been bad luck.
43 Moon: a dream that one moonlight night, a pleasant symbol. Married women dream of the night without the moon, to love her husband, but powerless. Unmarried men dreamed of moonlight nights, is auspicious. Dream of the night passed quickly, will be in fine health and spirits. Patients dream of the night was over, patients experience long recovery.
44 Rainbow: rainbow dream of a married man, is Xiangzhao, life would be happy, full of love. Married women dream of a rainbow, will be a long separation from her husband. Unmarried men dream of the rainbow, and soon to be married. Unmarried women dream of a rainbow, will be married to a smart and capable and considerate to her husband. The man in the dream of love rainbow, a good omen, will get along very well with the lovers. People who dream of leaving home the rainbow, and soon to be home with his wife and child reunion. Patients dream of the rainbow, the body recover quickly. Prisoners dream of a rainbow, health will be deteriorating, weight loss. Soldiers dream of the rainbow, and soon at the front, to participate in the fierce fighting. The rainbow is a good omen farmers dream can be a good harvest. Businessmen dream of rainbow, is ominous, the business will be a loss. Tourists dream of a rainbow, your goals will be achieved. Exiles dream of a rainbow, will soon return to their homeland. Dream half rainbow, Hui imminent disaster. 45 thunder: dream thunderstorm comes up, business will succeed. Married women dream of thunder storm, will love her husband. Unmarried women dream of pouring rain, thunder, will marry respectable people. Businessmen dream of thunder, will be making a fortune. Patients dream of pouring rain, thunder, the body will soon be recovered. Prisoners dream of thunder and heavy rain, will be released soon. 46 cold: cold and windy dream, invasive musculoskeletal,belstaff uk, and soon there will be good news. Married women dream of blowing wind, cold body shivering, and soon to be invited back to her parents. Wet dream of the wind blowing, there will be guests door. Married woman dream wet wind blowing, and soon to be pregnant. Dream of blowing hot air blowing, to be sick. 47 storm: storm dream will be a bonus. Married woman to dream of a storm, life abundant, children make the trip, the husband's income will be huge increase. Unmarried women dream of storms, will be independent of marriage, with the rich became husband and wife. Unmarried men dream of storms, will be home to marry the girl his wife honest, life will be rich. Businessmen dream of storms, will try to sell products, making a fortune. Patients dream of storms, the body will soon be recovered. Tourists dream of storms, travel will be enjoyable. 48 Tornado: men dream of tornadoes, to find lost friends. Women dream of a tornado, female guests will door. Patients dream of a tornado, the condition will worsen. Prisoners dream of a tornado, and soon will meet with relatives. Businessmen dream of a tornado, the business will suddenly suffer a setback. Tourists dream of a tornado, would be safe to return.
49 snow: men dream of snow, will be rich. Women dream of snow, all the gloom will disappear. Patients dream of snow, soon recovered. Businessmen dream of snow,belstaff jackets outlet, to go to a distant country to do business. People dream of mountain snow, will leave the residence to move to distant towns to live. 50 rain: dream heavy rain, the cause will encounter obstacles, dream storm, the work undertaken will be a good income. Women dream of the storm, the family will encounter difficulties. Separation with his wife and lover of men dream of heavy rain, with their long separation. Farmers dream heavy rain, is good fortune, will be awarded the harvest. But the dream merchants rain, the business will be a loss. Patients dream of rain, will be bedridden. Tourists dream of rain, the travel will be a successful conclusion. 51 clouds: clouds dream is Ecuador trillion. Dream of the wind blows away the clouds, the sky clear, the disaster will soon be eliminated and never return. Dream of clouds near the sun, a good omen, with the help of elegant means to bail out. Dream of white clouds, the crops themselves and their neighbors will be harvest. Dream of dark clouds, there will be residential areas of infectious diseases. Dream of clouds, neighbors bloodshed will occur, or against enemies territory. Dream of flying in the clouds, it will become leaders in residential areas. 52 Full Moon: moon dream, to be rich, have a child. Men dream of the bright moonlight poured upon the earth, the money will be covered, to an accident. Pregnant women dream of a full moon, would give birth to a beautiful boy. Crew dream of moon, liable Unfortunately, navigation is sure to be trouble. Unmarried men dream of the new moon, couples will abandon their own, because the thought depressed, often insomnia. Girls dream of a half is ominous. Patients dream of a full moon, the body will soon be recovered. 53 eclipse: eclipse dream, indicates that the main family members, especially female family members to illness or death. Dream of the eclipse will be loss of capacity, economy will suffer. Women dream of Halfmoon food, a married daughter to die from. Women dream of eating a half days, which means son of her husband's financial resources are sick or reduced. Dream of the eclipse or solar eclipse occurs, the sky filled with clouds, when in trouble, you get the help of friends.
54 baskets: the dream of the basket can be used as the female ###### symbol. Filled with fruit or other food basket can be a symbol of health. Can represent an empty basket empty. 55 angry: angry dream to others, to establish friendship with him. Friends dreamed of their own anger, the gap between them will appear. Young men dream of their lovers temper will soon get married. Businessmen dreamed hate their customers, meaning customers flocked to profit doubled. Dream of the elders dissatisfaction, carefree life and happiness. Prisoners dream of hearing their own judge angry, pre-to be released. 56 workers: If you have a dream builder or plumber to repair your house, this is the meaning of the workers pointed out to you in your own or a problem in your life, and can tell you how to solve it (the house = you themselves). Similarly, workers in the sewer work has the same meaning. For example, if a worker to clear the sewer, it means you have a feeling of \57 wake: wake up very, dreamed up and about already, would be ill omen. Married woman dreaming awake, to separate from her husband. Pregnant women not to fall asleep dreaming of the embryo in question. Unmarried men and women have dreamed of waking up, with his lover's love will be more profound. Dream yourself awake patient, the suffering of the disease is incurable. Merchants dreamed not sleep, loss of business to, or because of business closure, and facial expression. Tourists dream he had woke up, the way liable bandits. Others did not sleep dream is auspicious, if necessary, will be helped by others. Dream of a wife or lover has been sleeping, to get her love. 58 young people: a dream younger than he, but also and he is a symbol of the same ###### are generally your pure, innocent and composition, this composition has not been hypocritical, full of ambition, not appropriate to pursue the pollution. If so, you should love yourself for this component, and proud of the protection, care of this pure part. Young people may also be a subconscious dream suggest you restore vitality (whether you are a middle-aged, or some people to depression), or make your life a creative personality or change in, or change.
59 Hair: long dream of his hair, which means ill be poor. Dream of someone else's hair was too long, will be tired of secular life, home penance. Dream of long white hair, will be sad sad. Dream hair with a comb, life would be happy and comfortable. Dream of short hair, bad luck is short-term. Women dream of her hair long, loving wife and happy for long. Women dream of hair loss, hair cut, is the widow of the sign. Women dream of their own hair and dragged was arrested, means death or due to unfortunate and leave their husbands. 60 Votes: dream cast votes of others, to have been bad luck. Votes cast someone else's dream woman, the couple will be estranged. Dream of others to cast their votes, will be revered earthquake. Women dream of people cast their votes, will be discredited, notorious. Business people to cast their votes dream will drive away rivals to fortune. Dream of the voters, will increase the additional expenditure. During the meeting, some people dream of their own against the cast will be insulted. 61 Weapons: sometimes symbolic. Men armed with weapons to attack a woman dreamed that she tends to her on behalf of a man's ######ual desire. In the dream, a woman saw a man armed with swords and spears rushing, often scared away quickly, but these dreams were in fact need a man with a heart is more active, more aggressive attitude towards her. Dream is a genuine fear of her own desires in mind: I hope to be a man to conquer the hope of the men in possession of her. Representation of men sometimes dream of weapons, especially the dream of the \But other times, it represents the attacks, hostility, anger, but most of the time the victims of the attack and the attacker are your own, is the different parts of your mind. Sometimes, the weapons are for self-defense, to counter the terrible enemy, which often shows too much anxiety in your life. 62 money: sometimes the money on behalf of itself. For example, some economically more embarrassment of people dream of picking up a lot of money, very happy. Unfortunately, wake up, the dream of money without a trace. He sighed: \someone lost his wallet dream the next morning to see, wallet and found the well on the handbag. But the bag to open the line. So her to fix the bag. This dream is that \Qian also said the value. A girl has a dream of the earth shining coin, a closer look is a clot of phlegm. Said she began to think that someone or something has some value, then this person or this thing is not only worthless, but people hate.
63 hell: Maybe a symbol of despair, in which case you should find a psychiatrist counseling, alleviate some of the psychological pressure. Sometimes, the dream underworld may also have a good side, it symbolizes your personality better to the old you \Exactly the angle to the meaning of this dream, see you in the afterlife experience. If you were there to see the light, then this is a good symbol, a symbol of your consciousness to find your subconscious mind. Old dream of the underworld, and sometimes out of fear of death. After waking up, the elderly may also fear for the dreams, because they tend to have blind faith in the idea, feeling that he really went to a grave. If an old man talked about these dreams, the general should be comforted, to explain what this dream is not embarrassed. Underworld also represents something buried deep in the memory, if you dream of seeing a dead in the underworld friends, it reminded of his proxy, or on behalf of your emotions or an old habit of the resurrection.
64 wild: a dream into the wild, the bush, that you put aside your present state of mind or life into such a state, in this state where anything is possible, they must make a choice. If so, your subconscious mind is calling you to enter a new stage of development. If a desolate wilderness, a symbol of your emotional life is very lonely. Beheaded: that punishment. So it may be telling you that your life should be improved a negative mode. That too strong a reason from under the need for freedom. It should be a little more space to the intuition. Nerd-type who is too rational and emotional and lack of people who dream to be beheaded is a matter worthy of congratulations. Cut his head, and you will notice that you not only have a head, just thinking, you have heart, have feelings, physical, there are instinctive, intuitive, and you will become a more rounded person, a more complete person . In the dream, that people were beheaded, they tend to feel relaxed and happy. For example, people have dreamed of lining up to Ms. beheaded, and her head was cut, but not dead, but a good mood. We can infer that this is probably an overly rational woman. There is also a meaning of beheading is a symbol of castration. If a man dreamed of the first cut, especially bald heads cut often have this sense. This dream is a matter of great anxiety.
65 police officers: police officers represent a major natural order, the defenders of law and morality. He often is the \Police chase a dream that you have some thoughts and impulses are your super I'm opposed to. You should think about why the police arrest you. See if you are not some bad ideas, and if so, can forget. Or, convince your own super-ego, so do not be too harsh Requirements for themselves. Men are not saints, saints of the standards can not be yourself, otherwise you will overburdened. 66 blind: his blind, which means you do not understand their own part or not knowing. You should ask yourself is what you do not see? Is outside it? Ask yourself whether you have some of their own internal confusion? Although these components are caused by your current situation, but in fact they are they are rooted in your heart. Try to face it and back to early life. Blind, may mean that you do not know what to do next, or helplessness. If so, you should challenge ourselves, not to find excuses to avoid responsibility for your life. To master their own destiny, so you do not \67 Road: dream of two roads, dream a dream most of the emphasis on two roads and selection. If the dream before the day you are faced with a choice, you can be sure that you also dream of the two roads are representing these two choices. Have a dream, when in the job, is to choose between the two companies, hesitant. That night he dreamed: \like a cave, the hut's door is green stone, above the storm seems to have carved a number of cases. \I feel like this place came once. Like a hole. Hole in the wall with two wrestlers left the statue, like the statue of the Buddhist grottoes. Like the back there is a window into some of the light through. I think the last time to light a bit. \do not know where the way. \Article I did not go where the road leads to? \that the two companies. I am now A company, while the larger Japanese company has an opportunity for me to enter. \Then let him take a look at A's status and prospects. Like a house, cave,belstaff jacket, green Yumen look like a seal, on behalf of the company at A dreamer has a certain power. Representatives of the two wrestlers like a dream and that friends have to be very hard work, then there will be some light. The two roads are further forward in the A company of the two possible directions. Turn back toward where the Japanese company, is characterized in turn, the people around him become like B's friends. They take the characteristics of elderly Japanese companies like the boss. Thus, the dreamer, although sorry to hear of leaving the A, is still \
68 baby: If a pregnant woman dreams in no symbolic meaning. List of non-pregnant women dream may have wanted a child unconscious desire. On behalf of the dreamer (both male and female) their own vulnerability, or the desire for love. The hurt in your heart, some of Ling from at least get your sense of self-love, the only way the child part of your heart can grow, mature. Is a symbol of your pure, innocent, true self: that you really like, you are all different from the external environment. Conditions molded look. A symbol of your personality or your personal life, some new developments. 69 beaten: dreamed beaten, life would be rich. Dream of a stranger being beaten, will encounter difficulties. Dream of his family were killed, the family should be added to the population. Dream of playing animals, to be rich. Prisoners dream of being hit, and soon to be released. Boss: with you about the real relationship with the boss. On the other hand, especially when the boss is male, is a symbol of the superego. If you are the boss in a dream. There are two possibilities: First, to remind you that the more cooperative, gentle towards one another, and not everywhere like the boss: the second is to guide you a good grasp of their own. 70 travel: dream travel alone, old age will be very happy. Women dreamed of a person to travel,belstaff leather, will discredited. To travel with his wife dreamed of a marriage will be happy, happy. Dream to travel with friends, will all the high moral. Patients dream of a person to travel alone, will be long-term bedridden. Soldier dream to travel, means to the front, and can merit rewarded. Elderly men dream of going on a trip, will be dead. Businessmen dream of travelers, the business will go bankrupt. Dream of talking with travelers, there will be good news. Dreamed of and travelers to make friends, will be deceived, but to avoid disaster or even bankruptcy.
Sun and Moon:
The sun, the moon: Kyrgyzstan, a government can be official.
The sun, the moon went down: fierce, worry parents death.
Devour the sun, the moon: Kyrgyzstan, Takako.
The sun, moon dark: Kyrgyzstan, pregnant women disease-free well.
Into the embrace of the sun: Kyrgyzstan, Takako.
Sun and the moon appeared join: Kat, his wife was pregnant.
Into the arms of the moon: Kyrgyzstan, the Health of your daughter.
Sunlight broke into the house: Kyrgyzstan, suitable position was obtained.
Sun and Moon battle: fierce, the cause of defeat.
To the sun, moon worship salute: Kyrgyzstan, and prosperity.
Sunlight, moonlight on the body: Kyrgyzstan, was promoted to important positions.
Sun, Moon Run: Kyrgyzstan, wrong, sin is punished in addition Mian.
Or hold back the sun, the moon: Kyrgyzstan, senior official with a large position. Stars: the stars into the arms of: guitar, blessed with children.
Fallen Stars: fierce, illness, litigation.
Meteor cross the sky does not fall series: to move home.
Meteors appear: fierce, restless home housing.
To the stars, moon worship salute: Kyrgyzstan, Jinmiao incense spirit face. Days: Days Siemens: Kat, you through referrals.
Red days door appears: Kyrgyzstan, senior official.
To heaven for his wife: Kyrgyzstan, rich children.
To pick up things in heaven: Kyrgyzstan, ranking the throne, so leaders.
Fly overhead: Kyrgyzstan, a large wealth.
The heavens opened: fierce, anxiety secession, civil strife.
Almost morning: Kyrgyzstan, health and longevity.
Heaven and earth coincide: Kyrgyzstan, chasing things that can be displayed.
Red Cloud, clouds appeared: Kyrgyzstan.
Clouds coming from all directions: Kyrgyzstan, business smoothly.
Albatron, biotite appears: fierce.
Clouds, fog wandering: Kyrgyzstan, work very well.
Thundering sound of the wind: afar letter.
Wind's clothes: fierce, give birth to disease.
Rainbow appears: Kyrgyzstan.
Clouds sky: Kyrgyzstan, all the best. Fall frost: fierce, things accomplished.
Snow in the house, yard: fierce, the home will be dead.
The snowflakes fell on him: Kyrgyzstan, a successful career.
Snow, but not Zhanshen: fierce, dead inside the home, to do the funeral.
Rainy down: fierce.
Rains along the way: Kyrgyzstan, who were invited to eat meat and wine feast.
Rain wind: fierce, death. Thunder: thunder: Kyrgyzstan, an official.
Thunder scary, scary: Kyrgyzstan, residential peace.
By thunder: Kyrgyzstan, wealth.
After the thunder, and earthquakes: Kyrgyzstan, the ideal implementation.
Power: flash mine according to their own: Kyrgyzstan.
Earth shaking: Kyrgyzstan, official elsewhere.
Ground opened: fierce, ill.
Shuhei fields: fierce.
Sink into the earth: fierce, housing is not peace.
Earth light: Kyrgyzstan, very rich.
Fire from the earth out: fierce, ill.
Health and black earth gas: fierce.
Who have land: Kyrgyzstan.
Excavators: Kyrgyzstan, a government can do.
Body buried: Kyrgyzstan.
Dirty clothes and wet soil: fierce.
Sweeping: fierce, litigation.
The walls: fierce, litigation.
Living in height: Kyrgyzstan, wealth.
Fall, fall to the ground: fierce, Diuguan, out of position.
Living in the mountains: Kyrgyzstan, a happy event.
To the mountains visit: Kyrgyzstan, spring and summer auspicious.
Walking on the slope: thinking to remove disease.
Lost in the mountains of money to go: guitar, blessed with wealth.
Holding things up the mountain: Kyrgyzstan, pregnant child.
Mountain farm there: Ji, rich food and clothing.
Afraid mountain: Kyrgyzstan, lucrative jobs are.
Chest or stomach with soil: fierce, child, children and grandchildren have died.
Large stones appear: Kyrgyzstan, rich.
Sleep on the stone: Kyrgyzstan.
Get a small stone: Kyrgyzstan, Takako.
Lost something on hand from the rock: guitar, high-income occupations.
Go into the mountains: Kyrgyzstan, every success.
Rock climbing hold rock: guitar, he at the official.
Dead wood germination: Kyrgyzstan, sub-Sun Xingwang.
Wooded park: Kyrgyzstan.
Trees dying: fierce, residential is not peace.
Living, sleeping in the woods: fierce, ill treatment.
Trees dying: fierce, people have evil.
Grows new trees in the woods: Kyrgyzstan, home Tim child.
Planting trees: Kyrgyzstan.
Climbed trees, broken branches: fierce, with casualties.
Climbing trees: Kyrgyzstan, is named after, profit.
Deciduous tree: Kyrgyzstan, has elegant protection.
Long palm tree: fierce, worry parents.
Tree suddenly broken: fierce, ferocious of the disaster.
Tam Chai less than at home: guitar, Jin Choi.
Pine house on the article: Kyrgyzstan, Guanju high Kadoba prominent.
Raw fruit middle of the door: Kat, his wife pregnant.
Home long body Tree: Kat, his family changed for the better, to wealth.
Health cypress home: guitar.
Housing on the Health and Maple: Kyrgyzstan, and every success.
Into the orchard: Kyrgyzstan, fortune.
Magnolia tree was born in front of the house: Kyrgyzstan, adding children and grandchildren. Housing on Long Mulberry: fierce, anxiety.
Fruit maturity: Kyrgyzstan, a descendant of peace.
See the shoot: guitar, Tim descendants.
Cut bamboo: fierce quarrel, tongue.
Base on the trees: Kyrgyzstan, rich.
Felling of trees: Kyrgyzstan, the pursuit of things can be.
Auditorium, a firewood pile: fierce.
Inside the reactor hall had mulberry: fierce, litigation.
The trees suddenly withered: fierce, mother sick.
Many jujube, a red one: fierce quarrel, tongue.
And a man to spend: fierce, dispersion, separation.
Flourishing: Kyrgyzstan, residential Ann.
Flowers: Kyrgyzstan, big expensive.
Whispering: fierce, his wife and ailing, and death.
Cotton: Kyrgyzstan, Fu, Jin Choi.
A gift grass: Kyrgyzstan, Jin Choi.
Mowing: fierce, by the poor.
Grass fall from his hand: fierce, serious illness, the evil disease.
Garden walk: Kyrgyzstan, wealth.
In the water: Kyrgyzstan.
Pig fell in the water: fierce.
Let water flow: fierce, calamity.
Drinking: Kyrgyzstan, Jin Choi.
Water: fierce, court accused.
See the water: Kyrgyzstan.
See the flood: Kyrgyzstan, and the marriage of hi.
See the river, the lake, the lake: Kyrgyzstan, and lasting prosperity.
Water Walking: Kyrgyzstan.
Standing in the water: fierce.
The fire out from the water: Kyrgyzstan.
River clarification: Kyrgyzstan.
Other families of water: fierce, children perish.
A flood: fierce.
Surrounded by water: fierce, prosecuted, imprisoned.
Holding a torch and the line: guitar, surrounded by accessible.
On Fire: Kyrgyzstan.
Fire mountain: Kyrgyzstan, and other dignitaries.
Burned their own room villa: Kyrgyzstan, and prosperity.
Body in the fire: Kyrgyzstan, elegant support.
Large fire days: Kyrgyzstan, the State important.
Fire Well: fierce, ill.
From the kitchen fire: fierce, urgent.
Flame scorching: Kyrgyzstan, rich.
Black fire smoke: fierce, ill.
Fire water: Kyrgyzstan, long life.
See candle: Kyrgyzstan, rich.
Candle light: Kyrgyzstan.
Reaches for: Kat, big wealth.
High-rise on alcohol: Kyrgyzstan, wealth.
From high-rise home: guitar, harmony and stability.
Drag on the city selection Meng: Kyrgyzstan.
City attack: Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz out. Enforcement official in the tower: Kyrgyzstan, a prominent official. City and blue together into one: Kat. City shelters housing: Kyrgyzstan. Damage on the house: fierce, fierce family financial situation. Auditorium, a coffin: fierce, body well-being. Left corner of the room were covered: Kyrgyzstan, and longevity. Dwelling Update: Kyrgyzstan. Moved into his new home: guitar. Living outside the Dwelling: Kat, his wife was pregnant. Appropriate shift shack: Kat, marry beautiful wife. Housing over the next History: fierce, there are shady things. And talk about housing: fierce. Housing dispute with a woman: Kyrgyzstan. Beams suddenly broken: fierce. Court house built in the low-lying in the pit: fierce, death. Wall digging: fierce. Military people home: guitar. W down: fierce, women fight housing. Health Ma house: Kyrgyzstan, son acute housing. Grass house: Kat, the family lost empty. People monasteries: Kyrgyzstan, Takako. Temple House has requested: Kat, disease is cured. Home Regardless of migration Um: fierce, raw disease. Cover from the warehouse: Ji, Fu, Choi to. Into the warehouse: Kyrgyzstan. Warehouse down walls, destroy: fierce. Portal tall: Kyrgyzstan, wealth. New open door: Kat, big wealth. Door wide open: Kyrgyzstan. Door update: Kyrgyzstan, Takako. Portal split: Kyrgyzstan. Automatically opened the door: fierce, Tuen Tsz having an affair, an affair. Broken Portal: fierce. City wide open: fierce quarrels, tongue thing. Portal block: fierce, everything will not work. Mrs. within the portal: fierce. Revised shift Portal: Kyrgyzstan. Stone Portal: Kyrgyzstan, and long life. In front of grass: Kyrgyzstan, an official. Ditch in front of pit: fierce, things accomplished. House opening the little door: fierce, having an affair. Beat someone home: guitar. Some Getting Started: fierce, litigation. Day fire doors: fierce, family death, for the funeral. Opening to the see the water: Kyrgyzstan, much to the letter. Well Kuhe: fierce, financial failure. Housing in the well: fierce, ill. Well according to the body: Kyrgyzstan, received the position be rich. Down well with the body: fierce, raw illness. Get well water clear: Kyrgyzstan. Clear lake access: Kyrgyzstan. Well water with mud out: Kat, Jin Choi. Wells were damaged: fierce, home defeated. Wells drying: fierce, fast breaks loose at home. Well there is fish: Kyrgyzstan, expensive. Look well to hear voices: fierce, raw tongue, quarrel. Hidden in the well: fierce, crime, jail. Drunk fall into: fierce, litigation. Who lives in the well: fierce, the eldest son of a heavy tidings. Amoy well, made well: guitar, big expensive. Containers fall into: Kat, happy occasion. Tso water: Kyrgyzstan, there is a fortune. Kitchen lights the fire under: Kyrgyzstan, a reputation. Stoves, pot broken: fierce, death. In the kitchen of the official: Kyrgyzstan, get lucrative jobs. House has two foci: fierce, nothing will be accomplished. Something under the ring name kitchen: fierce, with arguments tongue thing. Tso Chuihuo: fierce, house breaking, discrete. Amoy toilet: Kat, have a fortune. Toilet, feces in the urine: Kyrgyzstan.

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33009 2010 年 11 月 24 日 08:21 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
be the real driving years after the 26 lessons! driving the people must see! -

1, just got the time, what wants to open to open, even the tractor did not let go; can not open it is not open, find the best car or open their own. -
2, is one month before the test driving, say five file no use (open unpleasant),red wing boots, take the five months that a file of no use (self-feeling good with the second gear start technology), now I feel a file to Five files are very useful. -
3, driving a year, I feel their driving skills are amazing, what car super Dugan, what car do not make, the road is my home; three years, almost every day, long distances to see more accidents, What coincidence that can happen, the speed has slowed down a lot; now know that the area of the city buses and taxis is God, God is high on the truck, where had to make with them. -
4, after the familiar opening, a yellow light that is used to grab; then I thought the yellow light is used to stop; now have the green light to be with the foot brake, so for those who grab a yellow and red light running. -
5, just getting into the car to find a bike, MOTO cars and pedestrians really upsetting; now often bike ride, walk the streets, that car is the most unreasonable thing. -
6, used to think that something have to slam the brakes, tires screaming that non-compliance with rules designed to warn the people; now know that make we must show, which stopped cars which do not want to stop, the back of the car You can not stop he can stop living. -
7, when used to give into road, but also pressing forward one; now entered into as long as there is, let a, wondering mind that this person is not anxious to go to the hospital. -
8,red wing shoes, used to think that the line in the traffic stream channeling, can grab a lot of time; now found a good way as long as the election is not open F1 than those who slow to go. -
9, used to think that in the stream of people walk through, is the symbol of driving skills; Xianzai know that people's value is measured not Yong money. -
10, formerly Highway 140 while driving that much faster than 100 km; now know that when they arrive to open 160 more than just slower then half an hour, but not to the edge of a farm to find that toilet. -
11, used to think that an occasional violation has nothing to do; now know the relationship between chance and necessity only because the number of different factors is not much good or bad luck. -
12, used to always want to beat each other accident meal; now want someone to catch the end of compounding calculations, Chi Diankui better than to run every day brigade and insurance companies to the benefits. -
13, who once scolded by a bored, we must fight to the bitter; now only reach a finger up to tell him the direction of heaven. -

14, used to think other people want education to drive each other about chaos; now feel that they can not like him, education is the most workable. -
15, used to think that where the same car; now stopping to look at the edge of what car, what car is behind, can keep a safe distance with them, security room and the camera can not see the car ... ... Anyway, with a lot of thought. -
16, from the front facing the outside inward, and now the trunk against the wall, can have more than after, the thieves had not visited the trunk. -
17, wore once before the car parking; now have to park the car back more than a half a meter down, even stop a roof and then back up, I could go out. -
18, parking is always used to make mirrors to close up; now can not accept not receive, because it can help others stay away from your car, even if the bad also compared the paint to the benefits. -
19, former master mechanic to listen to; now call me master: Master, you do not change for this thing? -
20, past maintenance, the oil that often for the same good or bad; now know, for a good oil fuel save time and save money, and accessories must be the original manufacturer or brand. -
21, 10 liters of fuel used to think that only two dollars more than nine liters (five years); now know that ten thousand kilometers can save four or five hundred dollars a year can save a maintenance fee. -
22, used to think that the more insurance premiums to cover all the better; now only buy three select and car damage, coupled with careless driving, but the three responsible for buying high, since at least two hundred thousand. -
23, used to think that reversing radar installed, when you can not worry about parking, parking sensor now know there are blind spots, and the car behind obstructions can occur at any time, or believe my eyes the best insurance. -
24, fuel is always used to go to a lot of money to say: \Now know to fill a holding tank of fuel in the urban areas is almost equal to pulling a person, learn to add only a half tank of fuel. -
25, discerning which used to be the envy of hernia lights, driving at night always like driving a far light, regardless of whether the other side blink of an eye, and now know, what if the other party can not see the edge but also at risk themselves. So every time the car will become the first beam. -
26, before the rush to get off street parking to open the door to the next,red wing motorcycle boot, and now look at the mirror again have to worry, do not keep up with the back to see the bikes and motorcycles, the door people will not touch the light.. -

vehicle insurance claims Chuxian
skills - so that each riders can learn

dangerous condition of an insurance claim vehicle skills - absolutely useful posts, you have to treasure! ! ! (Want to make every riders can see)

dangerous condition of the vehicle insurance claim absolute skills

friends must have a car to buy car insurance. But now the insurance company's auto insurance provisions, but it is full of traps!
Insurance Company today issued a document to expose the traps and the provisions of the doubt, after seeing if there are gains, the top one please help me!
including N number of dangerous condition cases, they have real significance, we want to help.
most clear explanation, the only ordinary people can understand the insurance provisions.
(a) of the car damage, third party
(b) 丢车
(c) collision
(d) claims

insurance policy refinement solution (a) - vehicle damage, third party
Che Sunxian we first talk about the most important and liability insurance.
Che Sunxian and liability insurance, vehicle insurance, basic insurance, the main compensation for the loss of the insured vehicle and the vehicle in use by the insured losses in a third party!
you probably think even the loss of vehicles due to natural disasters, insurance companies are also not wrong according to compensate!
words of the half, most of the losses caused by natural disasters are lost, and only, except as -------- earthquake!

Case 1: If your car had the honor to be building in the earthquake hit it, ha ha
our approach: a few days after the earthquake, etc. to apply for state compensation
dangerous condition: the wall is probably caused by the earthquake loosening, and finally fell in one day (not to mention the earthquake happen in real)

★ ★ Case 2: If your brakes in a car, the car's windshield, causing stuff flew to break the glass. You say?
your honest insurance company, said: \. . . . . \. . . . . Members of the claims will be pointed to his mouth: \One of my friends practiced iron hand skill brakes crashed the windshield, OK!
Remember, items inside the car hit by the loss suffered, the insurance companies do not lose it! !

★ Case 3: If you in the trailer collided with another car when the
our approach: ignore the fact that there is something dangerous condition
statement: Do not mention you or by others in the towing vehicle towing , or whether you have responsibility for the accident, the insurance companies will not pay

★ Case 4: If you are in an accident, broke his own on the glass, the glass and no insurance, you will be the insurance company claims?
to find someone not on the glass insurance claims work? ? Line, the absolute line!
risk is the full name of glass: glass breakage alone, is the use of stop and damage caused by the glass, and glass damage caused by the accident should be responsible for Pei Fu Che Sunxian
insurance if you are not on the glass, when You find yourself up in the morning the car glass do not know which bastard was broken, and how to do it? ?
Oh, the old tactics caused --------- brakes while driving, but also the fault of the head! (Remember to find a height of about the same friends as a shield ah), if it is on the side of the glass is broken, hit his head when he said a good spin, and Oh

Case 5: If your car crash, broke a little light, you how to do it?
to find an insurance company, he definitely did not dare not pay you, then you earn? ? No, you are probably sacrificing the
not understand? ? Tell you about all risks of each vehicle between the 2500-5000 (too good a car, you are considered on their own, my math is not good), if you are not in the one-year period of insurance claims, you will be in the next obtained in 10% of the time insurance no claim bonus, this account You do the math, if the number of claims is too small, hey, so forget it. . . . . . . .

★ ★ ★ insurance policy refinement solution (b) - 丢车
I would like this document to Diuguo cars and may 丢车 friend!
vehicle parking and use of the process will inevitably make people worry about things, which is the most unfortunate thing 丢车, but,red wing motorcycle boots, if you do as I say, your loss will be reduced to a minimum .
remember, ah, once 丢车, the first thing to do What?
wrong! Car has been lost, which so easy to immediately find ah, you too bit overestimating the ability of the Chinese JC, and still think about how to reduce the loss of it!
reduce losses? Which so easy ah, the car is lost, how to cut ah?
first remember my first look, there is no insurance on the vehicle Daoqiang Xian.
What, no? That you think it bad luck, if you buy a bar on the Daoqiang Xian
, first of all, I want to congratulate you, your losses can be minimized, but, be careful ah! Then you have to do is Bijin your mouth, the sense of reading my post, otherwise you will regret it!

Case 1: Daoqiang Xian stipulates that the insured loss of driving license, car original invoice, certificate of surcharge increase of 0.5% each of the absolute deductible. Lost car keys, the absolute increase of 5% deductible. These provisions in the insurance policy using the lightest color print, do not believe that you can take a closer look at list, certainly in some inconspicuous corner can be found in this passage.
So whether you have a spare key had been lost, or you are to start running in the car with a key, please remember to forget it, otherwise. . . . . . Loss of 5% of your own resistance to set the

Case 2: If your car pay parking lots or commercial repair shop in the stolen, the insurance company liable for it?
answer is: do not lose! ! Because these places the responsibility on the vehicle is kept in custody during the car damage caused by improper care custodian, lost, and the depository should be held accountable. Insurance company is not responsible for compensation.
Therefore, the correct way is to look for parking lot claims, so every time I remember stopping parking receipt ah well received, although the loss of the above printed matter, but according to contract law provisions of the contract on the format, which is a single shirk his responsible side! You may rest assured that he told a good bold, Oh, give you a good news has already been won this case, the abduction of the case to push the principle of the case after the case to trial in accordance with this decision, ha ha!

Case 3: If you, your friends car park is open, or you find out from the side to the parking lot can not afford to Peifu your car, you can consider a change 丢车 site? Haha, I did not say ah
Case 4: Again, if you are a boss, because some of the problems on the account book and friends fall out, and your friend is a villain, he secretly to steal your car, you guessed would be his doing, you will find the insurance company to compensate it?
tell you, the insurance company are not liable for compensation. Because of provisions: the insured person and others in civil, economic disputes Erzhi vehicle was robbed, stolen for the exclusion of liability.
So, you can forget your big economic disputes directly to the public security bureau, remember, do not say that out of your suspect, otherwise you will pull the financial problems came to China, the efficiency of the court, you Within about six months out of the car had hit,red wing shoes online!

Case 5: If you just bought a new car, on the whole risk, but did not have time license (now the traffic control regulations: inspection 15 working days after the license plate be brought), After the insurance company liable for dangerous condition of it?
not responsible for compensation. Because the dangerous condition, the insured vehicle must have two conditions, one insured vehicles to traffic management department of public security issued driving permit or license plate, the second is the provision of traffic management during the period of the public security department of inspection. But in general, by special agreement before the government required the insurance department under the number plate issued after the inspection of new vehicles will be responsible for the Che Sunxian home and liability insurance. Therefore, the compensation charge 丢车 Daoqiang Xian has not entered into force, naturally, you will not get compensation.
seems to change if you are not relied on guts about lost time, buy a new car even if given away! I did not say anything then ah
Case 6: If your car recovered, the insurance company how to deal with compensation?
robbery insurance vehicle was recovered, if not indemnity insurance company, the vehicle should be returned to you, but during the whole car was robbery, the vehicle suffered damage or vehicle parts, loss of ancillary equipment needed reasonable costs of repair, the insurance company to pay compensation. If the insurance companies have compensation, should be returned to your vehicle, while the corresponding recovery of reparations. If you do not want to recover the original car, the vehicle owned all the rights and interests of the insurance company.

insurance policy refinement solution (c) - Crash
I would like this document to hit a car and could crash a friend!
as long as the crash, the insurance company now lost it? Of course not
you just look at the hands of the policy seriously damages Disclaimer know, insurance companies have a lot of things that do not pay it, trying to minimize the loss, or come to me, ha ha!

Case 1: Suppose you are a novice, just take a car (of course, chances are the rental car), on the road Lianju time to hit your brother, you know this car have liability insurance, you will find the insurance company claims?
Answer: If you go, you're crazy, the insurance company will kick you kicked out, and why? ?
First, you have to know what is liability insurance, full name: third party liability insurance. (Third Party people may not care, Oh)

So what is the interloper?
means any third party insurer and the insured in addition, because the insurance vehicle accident caused the insurer to persons or property under the vehicle suffered damage to the victim under the car. Popular third party is excluded from four kinds of people talk about: the insurer, the insured, the vehicle driver when the accident occurred and their family members, the insured person's family members.
now understand that you as a driver at the time, hit your family, insurance companies, instead of losing, well, you know how to do it!
what? Do not know? Mad at me, do not crash, another driver finished Well, really, what I say out of harm
Case 2: If you were fortunate enough to hit his car, and it is your responsibility to the whole, the court sentenced you to compensation You guarantee to pay compensations each other's economic loss, mental damages, disability damages. . . . How do you deal with it? ?
also how to give money for it! Wrong!
you should consult the other family members, and increase economic damages and loss of disability compensation, minimum compensation as far as possible the spirit, not of course, the better
Why? You asked me why? This is not for six sheep, five horses
Well man, you are wrong, the insurance company is not entirely unconditional commitment ', the insured amount of compensation shall be paid according to law', but according to \provisions for compensation. The clause expressly provides that an accident caused by insured damages of any spirit for the exclusion of liability. Therefore, regardless of whether the court should be insured compensation for mental damages, the insurance companies are not responsible for compensation.
understand? ? Other insurance companies pay for you, regardless of spiritual loss may, therefore, prefer to give each other money, they should not promise the spirit of compensation, in short, the insurance company of generous expense Bai, Ha ha!

Case 3: If You're fortunate enough to crash, this time is not your responsibility, and the other party do not want to lose money, you can find an insurance company claims?
Answer: Yes, but you must first third-party claims, we can be an insurance company. If you give up claims to a third party the right to claim directly to the insurance companies, insurance companies do not pay. Because you give up the rights to a third party recovery,red wing mens boots, while also giving up the claim to the insurance company's rights.
So, remember, remember, we must go first to pay the other party, it is best to enforce a court proved unsuccessful, then you can look confidently to the insurance company, leaving them clean up the mess despite the go, Who they are received each year so many of your insurance does

Case 4: I remember used to have a bad driver under the command of JC, crashed into the escape of criminals is the result of two cars collided, and what is a Cana, the insurance company will pay him?
course not, plainly written in the insurance provisions, the driver's intentional act is not compensable, we can only fix the car yourself:
So, if you do not have the economic capacity of the hero before the Oh, to think about! !

insurance policy refinement solution (d) - Insurance claims
★ case one can not not watch, because you've probably never heard of. )
Tan DX, one friend lost a well-known car, has been full insurance, my insurance company claims, failed, insurance company exclusions reasons: to check Vehicle Administration, this car is not the annual inspection.
Case Study: Insurance Company behavior while, very reasonable, also in accordance with the provisions of insurance contracts: insurance is only effective on the passing vehicles, the vehicle can not be disqualified annual inspection of vehicles, even if no matter how good your maintenance useless, the result can only be lost white cast, but also on the white on the insurance, the insurance cash value at the most back
Case Conclusion: your car, be sure to schedule the annual inspection, after the extension must not, otherwise, penalty is a small matter, exclusions big thing, this time even if a third party losses caused by traffic accidents, but also at your own expense, insurance, bought the white case
solution: time inspection, even if one day, and do not late;
If it happens, unfortunately, have to remember that do not report to the police as soon as possible to spend money and then filled the inspection procedures for reporting claims procedures!
Sorry, just a burst of dizziness, I did not say? Said is nonsense

★ Insurance Case II:
and the same, without making the driver examined the note, and you drive all the problems occur, the insurance company is not responsible for compensation, for reasons similar to the previous example, will not repeat them.

★ Insurance Case III:
This is a frequently asked question: I just bought the car, not on the license, the insurance is effective
dangerous condition when the vehicle insurance vehicle must have two conditions, one must have the insurance of vehicles issued by the traffic administration department driving permit or license plate, the second is for a specified period by the public security traffic control department inspection.
but in general, by special provisions of the contract, the insurance must be issued after the inspection of new vehicles number plate could be responsible for Che Sunxian and liability insurance
So, when your car is missing even luck, hit the man Han The insurance companies still make do with you wore, it is now clear of it!

★ principle of insurance claims because the evidence has N people asked this question, so here to do a few hours to answer
insurance claim case
1, incident to come forward by the Transport Team address
punishment issued by the traffic team single or mediation, the court decisions, judgments can be used.
so that the material is absolutely, definitely the way the insurance company the green light. Well, rest assured that the claim
2, in the district of a major accident
accident: the car damage is serious, or to open to traffic team proved too much trouble
general cut rub: the certificates to the community property, because often suspected, the general is also very troublesome
Therefore, the best roads in the city on the Times report, otherwise ----------- kill you!
3, minor accidents on the road, including stopping the cut rub
(such incidents occurring up to the altar in the DX)
such need to prove the principle is: if a third party
involving a third party Peifu, or require proof of traffic team.
accident between the parties, such as a break, you can specify in the claim: accident third-party self-study and self-blame by Che Sunxian the claim if the insurance company to transport teams to open your certificate, you must have to bite the Do not let go, say no to child away, and Insurance companies generally will not be too seriously. You must promise to open the show blame I did not remind you that you ran away, uncertain enough money to pay the oil money to do

4, the back of people hit by another car if
after causing car to escape, unable to find
situation is more serious trouble, through the traffic team to resolve the insurance company can be on behalf of recovery.
not serious, it is best to resolve the claim to self-blame, and claim to be in a sticky note if the other car body paint, and the direction of collision, must justify itself, or you miserable!

remind you the last DX: When a report must be reported within 48 hours, or they may directly be exclusions! ! Remember, remember, do not have to say within 48 to 48 ah!

★ what procedures you are still missing, his weigh weigh, the office to running a bar

ug6ht3mh8tg 10-07-2011 02:12 AM

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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 00:22 on August 1,belstaff uk, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

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3xkfen5o3k5u 10-07-2011 02:12 AM

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341582 2010 年 04 月 17 日 12:21 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

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ug6ht3mh8tg 10-07-2011 02:23 AM

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2123428 2009 年 12 月 25 日 20:07 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
2009 years, we have the leadership to ensure that:
leadership demands that we pursue,
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is our intention to lead the direction,
Xiaomi leadership is our secret,
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4. led me to taste food to see if the food cooler is not cold;
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analyze the message content from the official position of leadership is not too small, to participate in the pre-need to look at who is sitting on the rostrum, between the lines do not like not showed up. And often in the microphone before the speech, which indicated that above the county level should be the main leadership. Text message idea on the leadership, speech, dietary, and other aspects of life can be full participation and the saddle before the horse's personal guard service to both the degree of sleep,belstaff leather, can be inferred, code SMS personal secretary who was chief of staff is not a class, from here also see levels of leadership.
if there is any leader to accompany such people around, whether it is work, life, entertainment will be very comfortable and pleasant, but that more people, it is terrible. If such is the secret to Xiaomi, Valentine is the family, sleeping guard, eye who do not speak the extent of sleep is tantamount to pushing the lead to the pit of fire.
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in leading such a person be loyal to close it? At best,belstaff outlet, is a slave. And it is not for your leadership, I am slave \If the leading terms from the side I work more like a wolf leading a flock of sheep, the last wolf was \Speaking from personal self-cultivation, I much, the leadership can not truly know yourself, the amendment itself. An amendment to his own people will eventually gone astray. Wang Song
to implement the New Deal politicians, enabled a lot of people, mostly loyal to the king said. \He wrote to Wang reminded him: \sale by. \do you comfortable and happy, if you lose power, of which there will be for their own private betrayed your people. \more difficult to know who the leader. I think the officials who sacked reason other than their own indiscretion, the surrounding people also plays an important ingredient. such as the side are \\One of the good stuff, but found that there is a continuous three-term county party secretary and his \said the three former county party secretary over their own reasons,belstaff coat, to let Ganyu themselves, there are not, as previously described? In my opinion, as previously described Ganyu class who is really Ganyu sinners, wicked, bad people, I!
would like to dedicate this article to all the Ganyu people from police, encourage each other!

label previously secretary of the leadership Ganyu I

1o7h0a8n1y 10-07-2011 02:23 AM

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341146 2009 年 12 月 02 日 23:16 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
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t5uun2ng6tg 10-07-2011 02:26 AM

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2126466 2010 年 12 月 19 日 20:27 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
15 days has been a heavy snow from the afternoon down to the middle of the night, the temperature dropped sharply, the traffic is paralyzed by.

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16 Early morning up, looked out the window, really snow. Downstairs several children playing in the snow.

back in her bag ready for school, I received messages sent to their school: as the snow, the city's schools closed the day. Happy little guy \Playing in the snow and then flew down the stairs.

But we still have to go to work, but to see the car covered with snow, really speechless ... ...

but the snow on the windows before cleaning to engage in an hour. Braving thick snow on the road the car is running multi-ah. See people still remember before getting a snowman on the roof, but also very creative.

deep snow when the road, walking also careful not careful will slip. But no one stepped on through the place, listening to \

can only follow the other track car slowly opened, the road there are some \Sniggered at the SB.
the most impressive thing is that battery cars and motorcyclists, or so majestically and car grab Road.

finally returned to the school, located in the suburbs because that snow is incredible. Students after class to go snowball fights,belstaff sale, it began to excite.

ug6bt0zh4cg 10-07-2011 02:26 AM

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2126466 2010 年 12 月 19 日 20:27 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
15 days has been a heavy snow from the afternoon down to the middle of the night, the temperature dropped sharply, the traffic is paralyzed by.

afternoon after class,belstaff uk, Ganjin Wang home run. At that time,belstaff jacket, the row of cars stopped at the gate have been wrapped a solid snow. I am very clever underground garage to park the car, huh, huh, save a lot of things ah. See a lot of cars on the road is dug a hole in the front window open. At that time, great snow and the wind is great. The road has snow. So the car did not dare to go faster, the maximum is linked to the third gear,belstaff online, the basic is to open more than 30 per hour. Have seen a car on the road with KISS,belstaff outlet, and more chances.

cold day, do not bother to burn the dinner,belstaff jackets outlet, Liu credited directly to a nearby sheep to eat lamb hot pot soup pot. Many school children on the road all the way to battle the name of the snow was very happy. Until the night the day, one after another can be heard outside the snowball fights sound.

16 Early morning up, looked out the window, really snow. Downstairs several children playing in the snow.

back in her bag ready for school,belstaff sale, I received messages sent to their school: as the snow, the city's schools closed the day. Happy little guy \Playing in the snow and then flew down the stairs.

But we still have to go to work, but to see the car covered with snow, really speechless ... ...

but the snow on the windows before cleaning to engage in an hour. Braving thick snow on the road the car is running multi-ah. See people still remember before getting a snowman on the roof, but also very creative.

deep snow when the road, walking also careful not careful will slip. But no one stepped on through the place, listening to \

can only follow the other track car slowly opened, the road there are some \Sniggered at the SB.
the most impressive thing is that battery cars and motorcyclists, or so majestically and car grab Road.

finally returned to the school, located in the suburbs because that snow is incredible. Students after class to go snowball fights, it began to excite.

ug6ht3mh8tg 10-07-2011 02:34 AM

- Qzone log

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2127273 2009 年 07 月 09 日 23:45 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (2) Category:? ⒎ ⒏ bad

Q1: your name?
Ans: have Yujie -

Q2: What do you think is the real happiness?
Ans: and like the people to live like life -

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Ans: very important -

Q4: Do you believe in forever?
Ans: I believe do not believe it -

Q5: What you happier?
Ans: not very happy
Q6: If there is a secret. You really do honestly tell each other up?
Ans: no -
Q7: like a small baby it?
Ans: like -
Q8: What think friendship is forever?
Ans: there forever -
Q9: How much want to get married?
Ans: it is time to end the -
Q10: You will for her (him) to do his own never do?
Ans: er ah -
Q11: Do you think good or straight hair curly girls better?
Ans: straight hair -
Q12: Where most want to travel?? Why??
Ans:. . What they see with what people travel to -
13: never forget something?
Ans: I try to think of death -
14: If you love someone, is not to be desperate to restore his (her)?
Ans: try? The total can not force it -
Q15: see the sky Who you think of first?
Ans: God Grandpa -
Q16: TA life you will love it?
Ans +: would love to not love the ending -
Q17: Do you like people like you who would you choose?
Ans: like me. Because I do not have confidence to let others like me. -
Q18: In what way would you show you his (her) love?
Ans: a direct way -
Q19: If you see your favorite people sleeping in front of you what would you do?
Ans: = = watching TV to go -
Q20: You will regret the decision?
Ans: regrets -
Q21: You blurted out the words?
Ans: What! -
Q22: What is now the most fans
Ans: confused. . -
Q23: Are you good child?
Ans: NO! -
Q24: + feel what love and bread important?
Ans: Love -
Q26: If your BF (GF) often do not come home, how would you?
Ans: = = play at home on their own -
Q27: heart? that? waiting to how? Oh?
Ans: trouble with. . Or call crying? -
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Ans: er ah. -
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Ans: can not see how to go after the way -
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Ans: can not -
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Ans: - - do not remember -
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Ans: 4 years. -
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Ans: Actually,belstaff outlet, I stepped on the. -
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Ans: er ah -

Q33: Who is most favorite?
Ans:. . . Few most = =-
happy dividing line
Who is it to you this questionnaire: small alcohols -
relationship between you and the TA are: the relationship between contact and be contacted by love + love and relationships (I belong to the latter) -
his strengths are: buying people -
of person do you think TA: innocent girl -
happy dividing line
to comply with rules of the game is better than fun, go on. hope I can get and continue share of happiness, hope the next friend can be happy being continued ...
rules of the game:
1, the person named in this article will be reprinted my space to your space, then edit,belstaff jackets outlet, delete my answers to the Q in their own space to write down the answers,belstaff sale, then add your own problems to others, to answer questions listed in a person's name, notify the other party named, and was named shall not refuse to answer questions, complete the game people will always have everyone's blessing.
2,belstaff coat, the Q for people in their own space where received an indication of the problem, and think of a title passed to other individuals, so happy the game continue.
3, can not return, or foul!
4, is point to the name of the person will get everyone's blessing, and all the beautiful wishes will be realized in the near future.
Please point 10
old friend is not allowed to point, point after you notice that the 10 points they were old friends!
= =. . I do not follow the rules from the primary school -

g8m8n2yf 10-07-2011 02:36 AM

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340913 2007 年 07 月 16 日 19:51 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (21) Category: Personal Diary
Caoyangnianhua - remember that lost youth ... -
be uploaded pp-
home is always the most beautiful -

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t5uun2ng6tg 10-07-2011 02:46 AM

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(think: the girl saw a self-examination, the boy looked at is the motivation!)

I think the most classic words:
If my man was really no skill, I put up, fix him with skill, and I have not had him. He did not force me to grow into a Man Yu Linda, I have no reason to force him overshadowed by Li Ka-shing.
OK is not nonsense. Start ......

is not a girl from the age of 13 every month to spend a few sanitary money (of course need to be physically normal female friends) feel special injustice, so are hold it to her boyfriend (husband) to spend their own money ah? In fact, man's money is not the wind blowing the ... ...

I wonder why the female friends than male friends, the average life expectancy long that women are smoking and drinking do not often, there is the main reason that man's social responsibility to bear more weight, men have to bear the pressure of life much more than women.

you are a girl, you can think of a place is a nonsense, tired to cry beautiful music, you play the woman you argue, you tumbling to express their feelings, what is comfortable when tossing When counted. What no one said you girl ... ... Well, a number of emotional, we can forgive you emotional. You can seize the opportunity to commit offense reckless intermittent neuropathy, and then calling them: we have so few days a month ... ... I did not mean your friends ... ...

you think about it, is not always Sa Zhejiao you said this to him, he will embrace you in my arms smartly said, you get angry very cute! This time-tested old trick, even if you fall ill when they kick Tisi a decade of domestic cats. People who are willing to set your air ah?
you have no thought of how can you ah! Grandmother who is not missing!

he loves you, you pee on his head riding do. You do too, to a man desperate, you Ah f ? ck! What do you think you HZGG! Your family graves on the length of Flanagan Sargassum that?

woman to harbor a treasure of the heart, according to the value that you for you patience by the people. You have to remember, if he loves you, you are nothing! Put a little dark, a woman should learn to be prepared to the lines of their own.

is that he took with you when Lafayette tribute, so you get used to thinking that this is part of your life, and him a change of heart, you can not find the graves are children crying. Usually convergence that is a protection of their own. We then point \

like to ask some women seem to like you really like me with you, your mother and I who fell into the river to save you first, me and her who is pretty ... ... if you is not important, then, people endure every day to answer the same question 10 times as much for what? If you are not important, you curse people still keep a smile coaxed mother of the family for what you are?

if you think your man can not hack it to as early as possible to go to find a capable, so later married and have children, and then regret it too late, do not give your own life sins. Who depends on you men can not hack it? Who are the good school did not go to school, cut class to come with you? Who did not properly work the good work absenteeism was it for you? You let her be with you in the end, or let him concentrate on business? Do you think you man is the Lord ah? You simply find a few, have to give you money, there to fight you face, there is lighting to speak of, got a wax pull Blows! You know, men hate you face the old society to the bed of a crooked, he began to endless chatter that does not work this does not have the line, you with it? We need to know their worth twelve! Other side of the people to love, to romantic holidays to give you roses, one has to be real life people to save money to buy a car for you. Do you think men and Gates cheating ah!

man outside a living is not easy, sometimes, their feelings of vulnerability,belstaff leather, but they still maintain a strong reason to keep calm! You do not understand how difficult it! Ask yourself, women in this society having failed to make out if it is, there is finally a way to find someone to marry, and to do professional housewives. Others can not tell you what. And you man,belstaff sale, he fared have to mix down, having failed to make to have Pinliaolaoming mixed; not to mention dragging a grandaunt also mixed; not to mention have pulled back even more of the little master of a small-grandaunt (Your crystallization) mixed ah? What you thought ... ...

If you do not know how to save money, it is better to find ways to make a little money himself, rather than to complain that they married the wrong Lang. Something you should at least buy their own half, so even if he held you, you can give yourself a chance to buy him something to you tore a drag Ah vent face solution! And not to put people to buy things that are destroyed after their bare buttocks to go home.

even if you have decided to get married, but also give you some space right man. He will understand and appreciate you, believe me. In love with you he is a man, you can not understand why he looks game to forget your existence, you can not understand why he went out drinking every week and a few small wine buddy, you can not understand why he casually waiting for you to lie there, as long as you receive it; because those things do not need you to understand. Just as he does not understand, you have your closet for a day to 80-year-old is not a heavy kind of clothes, even though he did not understand, but still would like for you phase of a dress, eat half of the elements .

I want to say, when a man is not on our side, in addition to the mess ########s there squandered his money away, we have many things to do. For example, home and visit your parents, do they give you to eat dinner, listen to Yikusitian; for example, went to his house to help his parents clean the public health, some exercise; for example, about a sister who find a place training exercise, will be a good size for in the end; for example, to find a few of the classics, and give yourself enrich my knowledge, improve my quality, do not feel silly to be a chest all day long no brains lost a large easy to find the fool, is a special something to show his face; book really could not stand,belstaff jacket, also read the tape into, stinking long to not look Korean, and read more silent grumble, to see a little technical content, the woman must be within or outside support; and if little pursuit, spare time I advise you to practice your word, ink brush on the free,belstaff online, as long as Gan Minger to sign when your son, do not let the teacher wrong is your own baby sign, penalty Xiaoya very door stood herd .

men go home, you can not lose the smile on the face, and why, ah, Kutaichoushen it? You men are enemies to kill your father that it? You with the interpretation that he would not want to hurt a female version of the city, right? This time in training on your usual cooking demonstrations show,belstaff uk, the table you stole the \Policy ... ... than the one on the family gossip and much easier.
out of the living room there is such a good wife into the kitchen, you want him having an affair is immune! Man is very troublesome, as long as the home to make better, he will not waste time and effort to re-establish a relationship of money, unless he is very naive. If he tired of you, you start to find the reasons for it! I have a friend who said this sentence: I love you, I can give you as cattle and horses, but you do not really handle me as beasts of burden! That brings me deep feelings ... ... the girls, ah, in your heart, he really is a beast of burden it? You know, your life, met a willing person beasts of burden for you, how much luck is it? Permissiveness of silence for the young and innocent ... ...
if men really do not want you, it is certainly not to you. I mean, you'd better not entangled. He did not, and hello, do not explore the causes of hysterical, and I tell you, there is only one truth, you do not good enough. I have long puzzled over the woman's stupid, what the source river where? So far, the most let me convinced that the answer is dependent. Women always had the things they do not own their own identified as tightly, and then worry about the outcome; more fun is that, obviously they do not understand value of unruly as a result of lost things, they have to say is a betrayal , which makes a man quite Mozhe's. Said the old woman is vulnerable, this hypocritical fresh up, do not necessarily who is weak. Your pain is you always feel that they are the victims, then you are not asked for it? I have to give you this advice: serious games, but keep in mind is the game.

you have to face, the best test of your feelings, it really is a very vulgar things money. The reason I do not oppose puppy love, because, perhaps only in the student's love, is the most cattle X, Niu X so pure. At that time, is the most frustrated man, he did not house no car no money, even if he was thinking all day and you go to bed, but also because he was physically in their prime have the urgent need to do. And then, when most proud of is a woman,belstaff coat, her young innocent and pure, without forcing the men to buy her SK2, LV ... ... an unknown future and a lack of poor young man led the heart lung silly little girl, all the way to silly Baji walk. You along the way, came to go through the snack bar every day after school, would also like to trek through the wind and bored for a station, take the valentine day he just sent you a rose of the bridge, through the escape does not account the back door of their classroom lessons several times ... ... all the way to today, the face of sensual pleasures of the material temptations What you swear ... ...

oi1yum4ei6ku 10-07-2011 02:48 AM

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34920 2007 年 07 月 21 日 23:22 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
Cantonese characters commonly used in coding (Wubi, spelling) and the translation of Italian
(ge ge )=... things
NIE (nnv , mie) = what; for example: you Younie? = What?
(dmb, mao) = no; example: the money? = Have no money?
(jhk, gad zad) = cockroach
Lat (kln, le / li) = good; for example: get good grades Kid Boo = very powerful performance of his, uh
(pmj, hem) = all? ; Example: the family home to die and shovel =
(nii, dang) = coax; example: you happy = coax you happy
(wan, qu) = him or her; for example: from the edge of a system? = Who is he?
uh (kdbn, e) = lie; example: uh God lie ghost
(rgmw, bing) = assault; example: I Article go to the Friends of fruit to beat the gang =
we carry (rwyc, lin) = put, get
bend (rxln, ao) = contradiction; example: bend cross = quarrel
(kafg, gan) = so, so; example: ah? = This ah?
(kdag, zo / zuo) = a; for example: dinner is not? = Dined yet?
it (knx, ne) = this; for example: what do these things
= miles (kjf,red wing heritage boot, li) explain the above ;
(bxgu, na) = female; example: chicken = hen
(kfbn, dei / mi) = are; example: I = We
Hey (kgxw, yi) = interjection, ah (Table strange); Example: Huh?
alas (kujn, yi) explained above
slightly (ktkg, lo) = modal particle
baa (kudh, mie) = what; example: Mieshi? = What can I do?
microphone (koy, mi) = Do; example: Mi = do not go away ~ ~
(wtxi, xi) = yes; such : What the rack? = What is the East * come from?
* (nkmh, diao) = *
(klh, che) = modal particles, expressed contempt = cut
choking (kgjq, geng) = course; such as: choking =
Well of course (kgkg, wu) = no; such as: Do = not ;
to serve (wrtf, bi) = a; such as: How would you rate me la ~ = you give me ~
(pssu, lin) = coax, intoxicated; for example: I / she like me to = / Yaohong
defecate on her (nbsk, e) = excretion; example: Eniao = Laniao
weigh (ryhk,red wing heritage, dian) = end of the good meaning or status; for example: fixed up = completed
(rpgh, ding) = throw
(kftj, ze) = modal particle; example: Well = No
(kmdg, yan) = right,red wing heritage boots, right, as it happens ; for example: water = heart of their preference
(klqy, luo) = modal particle / winded
(kwyn, nian) = want; for example: I do do not attempt to Ga? = I want to do is not right?
taste (kooy, dan) = port; example: bite bite a taste =
Boo (kihc, bo) = modal particle
Liang (gemq, liang) = pretty, or that naive; example: handsome = guy / kid
(rjlg, wen) = find, earn; For example: food = living
the Air (huxt, ti / di) = read; example: the Air TV = TV
(krqy, di) = a, little; for example: money = to give a little money to serve his
sigh (kuda, jue) = modal particles, lamenting sound; example: a good bar closed baa sigh ~ ? = Cut ~ is great it?
(kvcq, ge) =; for example: you gi it? = Gi you it?
Oh (kngf, wo) = modal particle
(kjsg, sai) = modal particle waste
(kwld, go) = s; example: = those
le (kafl, le) = modal particle
( kjfb, ye) = East *; example: the Air = a * to see
noisy East (kgmj, cao) = noisy; such as: noisy = noisy ghost are what the East *
Ga (kdha, ga) = modal particle; for example: not you agree Ga is not the case ~ = ~
(kyao, zhe) = tone Particle; for example: I Xianzhi 23 = 23 O ~
I write (iumt, pie) = flash, leave
tease ( rdui, liao) = provocative; example: pull up a bucket of non = troublemakers
(hykh, fen) = sleep; such as: eye = exhausted
mad (llvl,red wing boot store, niao) = angry / always; example: I'm so mad / I'm not mad at all = angry / has always been such a
(ktqi, li) = to; for example: entry = come
(rlxy, luo) = take; for example: = Take East *
following a net gain of pinyin:
(lo) to help
(ge) example: Orange to open a (one piece)
yi (yi) for example: yi house ah?
(nie) like for example: bad
whispering sound Chengri buried sun (qi) for example: whispering sound reinforcement from the article ;
coffee (ga) to help
ga (ga) explained above
(geo) for example: a large decline
(ngam) such as:
save (qian) Province, for example: saving money

(min) what the word [CVA] JASON le already said, but the Pinyin input and Well \;
(bei) in the mean. Example: You tight-what degree do ah? = What are you doing ah?
Essentials (ai) noisy ,red wing boots, called the mean. Example: Essentials frame = help = Jiaojiu Ming fight Essentials Essentials La, La Essentials, you Essentials reason you break one frame throat le.
(xi) means is to say, say. you-what ah? = What did you say ah? random round-crazy
recite (shen) to mean, with the consent, but the Cantonese word birthplace - used to use it only to Hong Kong.
ye (za) Mood, meaning with the Mandarin's \only, not so serious.
Terrier (geng), of course,red wing shoes sale, instead of \snapped live drying.
(na) cases: and do not Well if I remind you ah.
Yu (yu) move. Example: Yu-I acridine stupid.

ug6ht3mh8tg 10-07-2011 02:48 AM

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2123226 2010 年 07 月 02 日 14:28 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
the world's most remote distance bus 310A Ginkgo College Edition

the world's farthest corners of the earth the distance is not, nor is life and death, but I stood on the 310A, but you do not squeeze up ...

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three squeeze is an objective necessity of the development process, for example, that cars in front of your crowd in the South, go back a Station, to the station had to squeeze.
IV curse: \
six, not see who on the bus, sat down last is the winner.
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Thirteen When you think life is too mediocre, too boring, go squeeze 310A squeeze it, it will let you know the beauty of life.
XIV, the world's most remote distance, not the ends of the earth, not life to death, but the door where I stood 310A, but you do not squeeze the car.
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2124287 2009 年 06 月 29 日 13:23 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
; Today is June 29,belstaff jacket, 2009 Monday,belstaff jackets outlet, local time on Friday the 26th morning news MJ hung up,belstaff leather, with Elizabeth Taylor as saying that 'his death is devastating' He has created a lot of World's first individual donor to charitable organizations up to the people (remember correctly,belstaff outlet, 29); thriller album sales exceeded 1 million; record global sales of more than 700 million; the world's most successful artists; unique dance style; also Some do not remember clearly. Can be called before or since who can not see his new future were really a loss to the world,belstaff online, from heaven with MJ's dance ......
misuse opened it again in this space ...... in memory of MJ it.

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2553691 2008 年 02 月 19 日 15:27 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

.? anyone ...\Position и .. ωǒ [? my [heart pain] ┈ ah

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