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oujoyha8l7 10-07-2011 01:01 AM


PS/空间/市场:没关系的,今天终能如愿哈哈….,再次感谢张老师,请问我现在可以开始了吗?如果有商业机密方面的您 可以不回答,好吗?
Photoshop:可以的,在一个婚纱影楼来说,高单和低单的含义是不能相比的,两者之间成本的差别可能 只在20%以内,但利润的差别却会在80%以上。所以如何推成更多的高单,决定着这个婚纱影楼的经济效益是 否可以持续稳定的增长;高端品牌是否可以在高品质的客户心中确立;直至最后能否在未来的市场定位和发展中占 据最有利的位置!
PS/空间/市场:不过据我所知,现在影楼推高单一般都是升级相册尺寸、数量,增加放大片,多穿服装、多场景或外景等, 来提高一个套系的价格,就演变成了总价相当高的高单,您认为高单是这样构成的吗?
没错,很多影楼的高单仅局限在你说的层面,但真正的高单不是这样的,这样只是加大了成本,增加产量,高单的 利润和低单就没什么区别。
Photoshop:首先是整个店的环境和装修、布置要有一定的档次了解到了高单的重要性,我们再来分析一 下如何才能推成更多的高单呢?我们来看看深圳钟爱一生,钟爱一生的地理位置是相当优越的,坐落在高档酒店( 深圳寰宇酒店)首层,紧靠深圳大剧院,边上就是全国著名的景点邓小平画像。对面就是著名的荔枝公园,后面紧 靠帝王大厦,现在正在修建深圳最大的金融中心。店堂的营业大厅也较明亮、宽敞,另外还有5楼的3D内景和6 楼的空中花园。整个店装修风格也比较大气,区域分割相对比较完整。并且7台大液晶显示器也体现出了一种实力 。所以钟爱一生具备了做高单的硬件基础。
PS/空间/市场:对,其实消费环境是很重要的,看到有些影楼店面不大,感觉象成功人士进店就推高单,一万两万的都有, 不过让人产生怀疑,店面装修和环境不象会有高档次产品的店,再者门市推高单时也是语无伦次很激动,有的手也 在抖,让客人感觉不信任。
Photoshop:是的,除了环境其次是店内人员要有一定的外在形象及内在素质的要求。婚纱影楼是制造美 的行业,是带给客户一个梦想的地方,所以客户希望在这里有一个视觉上的和心理上的美好的感受。因此对接待人 员的外在形象和内在素质自然有一定的要求。而整洁靓丽、青春甜美的门市人员首先就会从心理上让客户比较放松 ,比较容易拉近距离,这对推高单是相对比较有利的。在我的选美式的招聘下,钟爱一生的门市人员基本上都符合 这一要求,哈……

Photoshop:我们所招的不是花瓶,都是智慧型美女,都要经过严格的培训,并精选录用,门市人员要有 推高单的信心和勇气。一般来说,门市人员心里都愿意接高单,但并不是每个人都会在接单过程中把高套系很有步 骤、有准备的介绍给客户的。因为有的门市人员会在高单客人面前紧张,词不达意的不知道自己在说什么;而有的 则怕把客人吓跑,怕客人有很大的反弹,所以在客户面前不敢把好的高价值的产品及特别服务事项推荐给客户,在 客户自己问到时也不敢清晰、大声的报出价格。其实这样的门市人员主要是因为对自己的产品和服务缺乏深入、细 致的了解,而且自己的表达能力也有一定欠缺,所以对自己也就缺乏了足够的信心和勇气。
photoshop :店长及门市主管必须针对此对门市人员进行足够的专业知识和店内特色的讲解和培训,借此来培养和提高门市人 员接高单的信心和勇气。
:是的,对于新门市来说虽然有了严格的培训,但是实际操作还是要再一次的由一线的主管对其进综合性的指导培 训,让他们快速成长,但对于接高单还是不够吧!
photoshop :对,除对自己的专业知识和店内产品和服务外,门市人员要会分析了解客户的心理和需求。所以门市人员必须学 会对各种类型客人的表象特征及其反应进行分析,最短时间内判断出客人大致的需求点并立即调整自己的推荐重点 和方法。门市人员必须要有完整的推荐介绍
过程。每家婚纱店都有自己的推荐介绍流程,只是有的简单一些,有的完整一些。就以钟爱一生来说,因为有5楼 和6楼的硬件设施,所以应该在客户进店5分钟之内,马上陪同客户上5楼和6楼参观,对全貌做个大概的简略介 绍,而对一些有特色的拍摄景点则要进行详细的解说和介绍,对6楼的工作室更是一定要带进去介绍一番,如果化 妆总监或摄影总监正好在的话,一定要介绍双方认识一下,礼貌对客人进行招呼。在下楼后还要带客户对礼服区及 产品陈列区进行游览。

PS/空间/市场:这样倒不错,借助影楼本身优越的条件让顾客产生信任感,也会让顾客对影楼有了留恋,也让门市在桌面上 少了不说口舌去介绍影楼实力和其它重要的东西。
photoshop :对,belstaff jackets online,这样坐下来就不用再做这方面的介绍啦,顾客已经感受到啦,重新入座,开始回答客户的咨询。在此过程中,一 定要明确豪不模糊地说出不同的价格区域和服务区域,但千万不要马上让客户去选择,belstaff sky jacket,而只是看上去在做一番“无心”的全面周到的说明即可。
photoshop :充分运用“欲擒故纵”的手法,让客户自己对感兴趣的东西来询问价格,门市人员再“顺口”说出什么样的套系 可以享受这些产品和服务。前面我说过,门市人员要对客户的需求和心理进行了解,目的就是为了在跟客户做进一 步深入的销单过程中,寻找到最合适的“抓手”来灵活运用。绝对不能因为客人看高套系了,为了能定单,就客人 喜欢什么就给什么。恰恰相反,我们要做到客户最喜欢什么,就用什么来“难”他一下,当然,最后经过主管或店 长的批准也许可以给他,但要给客户一个好不容易争取来的感觉,这样他基本上不会再在别的方面跟你做过多纠缠 ,而且还不会轻易后悔去改单。
:现在门市都怕顾客为难自己,你却要难一下顾客,这可是很稀有的方式,也很少有人用的,不怕把 顾客难走吗?
photoshop :不会的,但这里最关键的问题是门市人员在“难”客户的时候要十分注意掌握一个“度”的问题,要有一定的技 巧,既不能让客户感觉到扫兴。又要让他感到如果马上定单可能就会得到他想要的,不然以后就没这么好的机会了 。“难”的前提是确定自己对客户感兴趣的东西已经包装到位,并且客户已经非常有兴趣摆明了一定 要它。

photoshop :是的,"抓手"的设置是成交的关键点。
:请问张老师,你门市在那说这好那好,顾客也许不是走你一家影楼,如何让客户对你的推荐介绍感 兴趣?
photoshop :这就需要门市人员要有一定的包装技能。如何让客户认可影楼的产品和技术以及其他的服务?首先是要对自己影 楼的产品十分的了解和熟悉,尤其对是别的同类产品比不上的特点,更要详细解说,并配以丰富的表情和手势,加 强客户的印象。再者就是对自己影楼的一些有特点的专业部门人员的技术特色有相当的了解,能大概说出他们的各 自特色,并对他们的“荣誉、奖状和经历”非常的熟悉,同时还要跟随几个曾经在服务客人的过程中发生的“有趣 的小故事”。门市人员跟这些专业部门的人员多进行一些沟通,做一个深入的了解,这样给顾客介绍 显得很专业。
photoshop :这个也很重要,因此建议门市人员抽时间去多看社会上一些高端产品的广告说明词,丰富自己的包装词汇和语言 表达能力。
PS/空间/市场:言下之意就是让门市去看下高档手表、饰口、包、化妆品、服装、皮鞋等名牌商品并了解这些商品的性能及 价值,能快速看出顾客的消费能力。
photoshop :对的,除此门市人员一定要有团队作战的意识和能力并加以运用,belstaff panther jacket,在高单客户面前,有时候门市人员一个人是应付不过来的,不仅需要主管及店长的帮助,有时候更需要专业技术 人员的帮助。
PS/空间/市场:是不是现在影楼常用的一些谈单方式,belstaff jacket,门市摆不平求助门市主管,再摆不平就上店经理、再上店长、副总,群攻?
Photoshop:不是这样的,真正需要求助的是各部门的专业人员,因为一般高单客户对摄影品质的要求相 对会比较高,对礼服的要求也会比较高,所以从专业的化妆师、礼服师和摄影师的嘴里说出来的东西 ,belstaff motorcycle jackets,客户比较容易认同和接受。尤其是专业技术人员要学会在假设客户已经定单的情况下,直接对这对客户日后的化 妆和拍摄进行一番生动的又专业的描述,给客户造成强烈的心理暗示,门市人员这是要在旁边察言观色,一见客户 的心已经被打动,立即做“关门”的动作,要求主管或店长出面来夸奖一番客户的眼光和品位,然后适当地“做人 情”送客户一些适当的优惠,让客户心理感觉舒服,然后把单完成。
photoshop :也不是模式,在实际运用中,还要根据临场情况自己善加变化。另外,门市主管或店长在上场帮单时,切记不要 把自己变成第二或第三个门市,去重复之前门市人员已经讲过的话,除非她的话讲错了,belstaff london,你去进行更正。主管和店长要站在自己的更高的立场,让客户从你身上尽快建立起对该影楼的信心 。
photoshop :是的,那么今天我们就聊到这儿吧!
:好的好的,再次感谢张老师接受这次与众不同的访问! 后感:现在影楼接高单,都很费力,不得技巧,不过也有很多门市高手接高单也很轻松自如,但 是高单还是存在着张老师所讲层面上的东西,让顾客看出品牌价值和服务价值,有时产品却不很重要啦,就象买一 袋速溶咖啡和去五星级酒店喝咖啡一样,品牌、环境、氛围、服务就产生了价值,也有打出五星级服务或六星级影 楼,您的服务跟上了吗?

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ug6ht3mh8tg 10-07-2011 01:32 AM

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Reprinted from 415043180 at 00:38 on September 19, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: life feeling
a man out for 20 years, finally going home, the boss asked him: You are 20 years of wages to be three or advice? The man said the road tomorrow, tomorrow morning to give you the answer right? The boss said I could. Men did not sleep that night ... morning, his boss said: I want to three warnings. So the boss gave him three words. First, do not try to find a shortcut, there were no cheap thing, only down to earth is the best way ... Whatever it takes. Second, do not knows is not a good thing to do too much curiosity, there is likely you will have died. Third, do not make any impulsive decisions when, otherwise, this decision is likely to become your lifetime of regret. Having the boss to the man some money and three bread, and told: the biggest in the home after the eat bread. Men hit the road ... he was gone for several days ... the first half of bread, and did not take long encounter an intersection, he inquired: Which way does the ** Near? Passerby: it walked the path, near. Lu Renyi: walk on the path bar, safe. He can not wait to meet with his wife, then go down the lane. Not long to go to hear some passers-by near the downtown Bandit said, and he remembered the boss's first piece of advice: Do not try to find shortcuts. So he walked back to the piece of road. And went a few days, the second part of the bread and ate it ... he found a very cheap inn lodging. Middle of the night heard a woman crying, he slept high. Decided to go look. Then he thought of a second piece of advice: Do not knows is not a good thing to do too much curiosity. So he lie in it. Second day of the leave, the store scared and said: you still alive? ! He puzzled, then asked why. Store said he had a crazy daughter, when the disease introduced by crying out to kill and then, last night lodging guests only you alive. Man sighed: ah ... and go a few days, when the second time he had finished the bread not far away from home. He is more excited. Tian Ganghei down not long after, he went to his village. When he was just going to knock on the door at home, they heard the voice of a man inside. He was in a rage, picked up a wood cutting knife burst into the room will be ready to kill that man. But when he thought the third piece of advice: Do not make any impulse decision, this decision may make you regret it for life. So he calmed down,belstaff leather, sat outside the house overnight. He was an early morning knock on the door, his wife is very happy to see him back. But he is very cold: the man? His wife laughed and said: That is our Son ... you're gone ... I did not take long when he found the young man and his actually looks very similar. Father and son first met, hugged a man cry out ... After a while the third concerns the bread preparation and wife, child share together ... only to find that 20 years after cutting the wages of all inside. So we have to think clearly to do anything else to the last regret is that his

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5. courage to overcome difficulties prescription
6. Katsuhito who force conquers himself is strong
7. persistence and perseverance are great things in the basic skills
8. adhere to the hard into the event, a little attitude no way out
Five: Six good cooperation
mind: balance
contentment of mind of Seven: the mentality of the eight
optimist: the mentality of the nine generous guest,
: always confident of doing things
22 dollars

1. see through but do not tell the truth. A lot of things, as long as you know what you like, no need to say so.
2. glad to laugh and let everyone know. Sad to pretend nothing happened.
3. does not contravene the principles of, and be forgiving of others, can help to help, do not leave people to force the no way out, giving the lines of ... ...
4. happiness the most important, who , what, the stuff make you happy, you with them. What things make you unhappy, you will leave him. No conditions, to create the conditions have to leave him.
5. Do not talk to the old in front of others for your predicament bare your fragile.
6. there is no perfect thing, there is no perfect person, the key is clear that in the end what you want. Be desired, will have lost another part. If you want everything, just nothing.
7. I like a friend said this \, sooner or later also.
9. they do not like people, can be reported with silence; their favorite people, how about it casually, because you love will be no stopping to show it.
10. do not do hedgehog, can not with enemies, not with enemies, who are not with you forever, some things do not need to keep in mind.
11. learn to compromise, we should also stick to basic principles.
12. Do not stop learning. No matter what, language, cooking, all kinds of skills.
13. Money is important, but can not rely on men or parents, and he must maintain a certain ability to make money ... ....
14. not a bit overestimating their own strength in the collective, because when you choose to leave, they will find that even without you, The Sun Also Rises ....��
15. The last thing you can not forget, but it must be put down.
16. Even if you have lost everything, and do not lose the smile ... ....
17. No matter what choice do, do not regret it, because the regret does not help.
18. Do not have an impulse to say something radical to say.
19. Do not promise, can not promise is worse than no promise.
20. Do not think there will not understand love. In do not know, we just like to not reach the love. When exposed the shortcomings of each other after many this like it will end.
21. words can be very direct, very straightforward person, hypocrisy is better than good.
22. For their own good that in a bad mood, what are other considerations, to eat their favorite bar. But do not drink.

mind, the decision of your life (daily must-read)

1. then trouble: Do not forget to smile
2. then urgent: should Note tone
3. no matter how tough: do not forget to adhere to the
4. No matter how tired: have to love their
5. low-key life; you will sound every time
6. high-profile work; you every time outstanding
7. Do not forget the past, when the success of
8. Do not forget to also fail the future
9. is expected to get to work; no hope of do not mind
10. Whether winning or losing should be a high-profile
11. Life is not a single line, a road leads nowhere, you can turn
12. similar to the composition of tears and sweat; but the former can only sympathize with you in return. The latter can earn you success
13. Growing old is compulsory in life
14. Become mature is elective
15. To exercise-based, learn healthy
16. To meet the this, learn to survive
17. learn to give up, loneliness, and can withstand the temptation
18. When all low-key, you can choose a high-profile, but not out of tune
19. learn to forget is the technology life
20. learn to smile is the art of living
21. lazy, like rust,belstaff sale, consumes faster than labor wears more
22. The best way to make dreams come true is to wake up
23. philosophers worry, wise man always happy. Not because we should have love, but with all the love
24. Can not lose something: the power of self, calm strength, hope and confidence

sad to read 50 words when

1. I thought the bird, but the sea It is thought that birds do not fly over the sea of courage, a decade later I found, not the bird not the past, but the sea that one, had no wait ... ...
2. the day you left, I decided not to tears, eyes propped against the wind force does not blink ... ...
3. thank you for the unfeeling, so I learned to give up hope ... ...
4. with a cigarette. ... ...
wandering 5. wood on the fire, said: \When the tears stream down, know, separate is another to understand.
7. I really love you, close your eyes, thinking that I could forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive themselves ... ...
8. on the way home I cried, tears once again crash relic . do anything that walked, no longer afraid to be proud to carry on. I can say what I can do? I really hope that you will hear, because I love you, let you go ... ...
9. Do not say love, a promise is a debt owed!
10. is my `I have always been my one passing you, after all, you still do not love me,` `you and I meant what will happen is bound to` doomed `` No matter how I just destined to cross whatever I `how to be close to you or will you leave my` `I miss you miss miss miss you` Good to see you

11. face to the happy, other people see. Who can feel the pain of my heart.
12. Can not be friends after breaking up, because the two sides hurt. Can not do the enemy. Because loving each other too, so we become the most familiar of strangers.
13. Some of the encounters between people like a meteor, and instantly burst out of the spark of envy, but destined to just go by.
14. time will slowly settling, some people will your heart slowly blurred. Learn to let go, you need to own sake of happiness.
15. I can feel your heartache, you have no choice ... but you can not say you do not care to make an appearance, the more uncomfortable the more you so I `
16. Some of time, it is to love it quietly escape. escape the figure, it is immune to the feelings quietly share.
17. love to be shared was precious treasure a lot of people do not understand. only to lose only to see, in fact, that most familiar is the most precious.
18. Sometimes, love is kind of damage. cruel people, choose to hurt other people, good people, choose to injure themselves.
19. you go, with all my love is gone, just a break. I endured the tears watching your back, miss Finally, to hold you once said you really want in a \21. Since love, why not say it, something is lost, has come back in!
22. love is a feeling that when this feeling is not, I still struggled to get their own, called responsibility! Breaking up is kind of courage! When this kind of courage is not, I still encourage their own, called tragic! -
23. More than life, lonely endless. None lonely life love, the theme of loneliness is love forever. Me and my shadow alone. It said it had a private message to tell me. It said it was the original `^ I miss you and I both think you` shadow `
24. in a perfect side just staged a tragedy, all the blood and tears in the withered thorns breeds a bud, it will cycle through the seven thunderstorm, and then bloom in the humid air ... ...
25. fish bait, it is because the fish love the fisherman, it was willing to give their lives to Bo fisherman smile ... ...
26. like to leave your body belongs to my mark, does not have to remember you from does not belong to me ... ...
If one day, not like you, I would like a previous life as degenerate, decadent ... I do not want any kind of life, so I have not given up on you before , you at least like my ... ...
27. In fact, I have been waiting by your side, waiting for you on my shoulder to tell, will not some day, you belong to me gently, I will not let you feel bad, let your tears flow again!
28. you when I was a kite, or put me, or else receive a good home, not tied by an invisible mind sees me, so my heart hurt.
29. out of the window under the snow, a cup of coffee, cold grip to it, before we know they think of you. How can I expect you to know!
30. for the first time crying because you're not the first time met you laugh because the first time in tears because a smile can not have you!
31. years like a river, left bank is unable to forget the memories, grasp the right bank is worthy of their youth, the middle of fast flowing, the young faint sad. There are many good things this world, but it really is not much of their own. Pretrial see the flowers Rongrubujing, hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu, fate has no intention. Fun around in the secular world, to learn to treat a common heart all around, also a state.
32. we live there are too many helpless, we can not change, but also unable to change, even worse, we lost the idea of change ... ...
33. look at pre-trial blossom Rongrubujing , hope the sky Yunjuanyunshu, fate has no intention.
34. in the numerous secular around the world, can learn to treat a common heart all around, also a state.
35. life is most regrettable, than to simply give up that should not give up, and stubbornly, insisted should not adhere to the ... ...
36. simple and quiet life is not really happy, so I just hug moment, the feeling does not stretch lasting happiness, I believe only an instant.
37. Some are doomed to lose, some fate is never a result. would not necessarily have to love a person, a person must have a good love her ... ...
38. the heart is dead, tears are dry, bitterly painful soul has led. dreams awakened, not love, ma'am, a lot get rid of. are also virtual reality, but also love is also hate, Yela silent flower self-mutilation. only road is searching, desolate, desolately Cancan sad; but helpless, forever and sometimes do, of sorrow was everlasting.
39. in the world there can be no eternal. If it flows, it flows away; if it is kept with it dry; if it grows, it will slowly wither away.
40. the pain of a woman to do: When she and the man she loved had physical relationship, she is very natural to this relationship as a forever, but it can be different men, they may only think that is the way to survive yet another interpretation. As the book says: men and women, in the absence of pre-commitment of marriage, or to maintain the simple relationship for good, otherwise, really do not have years to go back.
41. If you do not Well, if not happy, then let her go; If, reluctant, fit, then the pain it.
42. Through thousands of years, you do not leave any regrets, Laugh, cry cry, when the love is meaningless to oppress yourself. Depression in life there are two, one desires have not been met, and that it had been met.
43. The so-called polygamous, that is with love and bread, the mood would also like to eat cake; the so-called affair, is the potential of the siege, fall into the trap; the so-called romantic, that is, the time to help his wife buy a cabbage, but also brought back a smoothly Support rose; the so-called kitchen, that is, marriage leads to a red carpet in front of the ... ...
44. that dare not speak, because I am timid, because if you refuse, I will not be able to see you, rather silent love you, can not let you know, until, until you dropped into someone else's surrounded!
45. a good thing people want someone to accompany you. A man lost his. I wonder if there is not expected to be in the chase.
46. the world is so imperfect. What do you want to have to lose something.
47. love, emotionally, when you want to conquer each other, to some extent actually conquered by the other side. The first is to attract the other side of you, then is your desire to conquer each other.
48. I put down the dignity and the personality down, put down a stubborn, only because does not fit you.
49. If you fall in love, do not easily let go the opportunity. Rash,belstaff uk, may make you regret it for a while; cowardice, it may make you regret it for life.
50. did not experience the love of life is not complete without experiencing the pain of love is not profound. Love makes life rich and painful to love sublimation.

the basic etiquette (to ensure that you can learn a lot)

1. someone to pour, do not dry look, use Rotary hand, to show courtesy.
2. people talking to you, then you should at least be able to access, can not people say that the last sentence, you're not the next sentence, or blindly saying ah ah ah, yes yes yes.
3. Some people stare at you when not to look directly at each other, pretending not to notice.
4. a bad mood, even the best skin care products and cosmetics are not remedied by the skin.
5. sleep well, people will speak incoherent, unresponsive, prominent black eye.
6. others release \
7. reprimanded by the leadership, do not bow their heads to look directly at the leadership, with a smile, accepted the criticism, the leadership of the fire will gradually subside, otherwise, the leadership will be fuel.
8. a woman man life can not ask for money to palms facing up. .
9. After dinner withdrew, said: \
11. Do not tilt the chair to sit.
12. You eat Duanwan, do not pick the plate.
13. Finally, remember to close the door of a door.
14. anyone to go to say: \

16. handed delivery tool for others to remember that one end of the handle.
17. do not throw stones.
18. listen when people talk, their eyes do not waver. This appeared to be very rude.
19. someone else to pour tea, the spout should not at another person.
20. Stand up, take a ride phase.

21. experience that can open the door inside out, pull, not push.
22. said, had to be done, can not be done should not promise.
23. not because they are cheap not greedy for money, amount of money spent, but also time.
24. the house was when the light hand to close out.
25. The world does not believe in tears ....��
26. Instead of spending an empty mind to keep a man, let a man take an empty mind to retain their own.
27. the people are poor go rather short.
28. hold rice or served tea to others, if in the interval of the people, not through the delivery from the front of others, but from others around the back of delivery.
29. they have a skill is really capable.
30. Society of gently learn to listen.

31. to another home, do not sit on someone's bed.
32. clink with others in the wine on the table, their hand must be lower than the other, especially the other is an ascendant or leadership.
33. sunny umbrella, full with dry food --- rainy day is always good.
34. If you ask people if people do not answer you, do not die with the nerve to keep asking.
35. eat, try not to sound.
36. pick something to wear shoes or time to squat, bend over you gotta do.
37. others to criticize you, even if he is wrong, do not split first identified, so we all calm down and re-interpretation.
38. to do things to stop, whether it is binge eating favorite food or losing his temper.
39. to a friend's house after dinner, take the initiative to help clean up the table ----- wash owner has been very hard to cook, can not also allow the owner to clean up afterwards.
40. life will meet a wide range of people, you can not in tune with each person, but one thing is universally applicable: How do you treat others, how others will treat you.

41. hospitality have large, have small household.
42. back to the fist is more powerful to fight back.
43. who live in the world, we must first learn a \
44. at any time to anyone Do not tell each other your secrets.
45. save money does not depend on, and will spend will be earned.
46. life-long learning, not just learn book knowledge, but also to learn how to dealing with people, society more complex than you think.
47. Do not talk with my colleagues in the non-supervisors or other colleagues, your mood is likely to be someone else's words against your evidence.
48. to do things, do a good job is your part, is that you do not dereliction of duty.
49. only the wrong buy, nothing wrong with selling. Do not just a petty advantages.
50. Sometimes the loneliness is normal, do not be afraid, it has to adjust.
51. a true friend, but I wonder if you have good fortune encountered. With or without experience, do not deny it. Do not calculated to others, especially not calculating your favorite people. Of your favorite people, do not use means to be.
52. the most courageous thing is to recognize the truth of life after the still love life. Do not be afraid to deceive, but to know there is deception in the world.
53. to borrow money when the heart must be a bottom, is to think of the money from him. So take forever to get the money he can afford to lose range. Less than the number of affordable, even if not come back, but also as early as prepared mind. They can not afford to lose the number,belstaff coat, it can not borrow.
54. the best friends, unless he could eat poor food, and it would be best not to have economic relations. Many valuable friendships are ruined on the money.
55. gentleman can be meaning in things, but not pay attention to things.
56. away from home you may be able to tolerate the broader picture.
57. wipe the table, when to go its own direction wipe.
58. to call the phone the first thing it must be a \
59. a hundred times not to be unfaithful.
60. do not spit throwing things, and if there is no trash to carry home to throw trash.
61. more books to our mind, you will see a wider world.
62. but for you to adapt to society, not society to adapt to you.
63. Do not let others know their true thoughts, to laugh in front of people laugh,belstaff online, cry tears of a man hiding.
64. Do not walk hand in his pockets.
65. to do simple things complicated and complicated things simple to do.
66. opportunity to leave only those who are prepared, the sky will not fall out.
67. No matter under what conditions, carefully brush your teeth, especially at night.
68. morning, eat some breakfast, no breakfast, a cup of water is also necessary to.
69. the less people right and wrong, his own management firm.
70. You're invaluable.
71. girls, and boys go out to their own pay.
72. To be responsible for their actions, not blaming Heaven by the people, think before doing should not be out of trouble to learn themselves.
73. in order to dignitaries in front of people, we must first suffer after people.
learn to grow up
1. learn to family first and second place to friendship, to love the position on the reach
2. Society and parents are not talk back, learn to compromise in order to maintain the friendship
3. learn not to rely on other people think and do their own, let others rely on you
4. learn to recognize their own, not very good, not too bad, it does not head Yang high, do not get eyes on other people's feet 5. learn to love the people at the bottom of my heart, silently like a kind of love does not need publicity
6. learned not to debate their favorite people and others, perhaps you and do not understand his
7. Institute of duplicity, to see their favorite people and someone else, bless
8. learn some things a person to bear alone, one person guarding some secret
9. Institute of appropriate weight loss, do not over, for some people, adhere to
10. learn to care about family, friends, do not think they will not leave us to do not care
11. Institute of Communication and good relations with all people, into the community, people will face more
12. learn to ######## sadness, people laugh, cry, hide under the covers
13. Institute of maturity of doing things, even faking
14. Institute In a special holiday, and give them a little surprise, touched a very simple person, let her (him) know in your heart with her (his) position
15. learn not to believe in fairy tales, always remember Xiandu Rui Some glass slipper that you do not pull the
16. learn the necessary deception, do not say you are honest, kind and more hateful buried
17. learn to do for my own life plan, to the more worthy of their value for 18. learn not to care about, forget some unpleasant, and perhaps you will be happier
19. Institute of unconditional giving, think about the parents, you will relieved
20. learn to write diaries, our life is not very long, it down enough to allow you to regain your memory
good live, and finally grow up and learn to love our people let us down
afford to take, let go, to let go, do not dragging its feet, to tell themselves, learn self-love, will be alive and well ...

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Reprinted from 1013829311 at 10:52 on 30 October 2009 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

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t5uun2ng6tg 10-07-2011 01:51 AM

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2126482 2009 年 01 月 01 日 23:25 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
I we should get along with one year and married his girlfriend,belstaff coat, no doubt,belstaff sale, I am very happy.
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day, my future sister called me and let me see the marriage the wedding invitations. When I went to when she was alone her home to meet my endless Resentment of her eyes: \to you. \I was looking in her eyes.
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Each size W39 Trek weighs just under 5 ounces,indian diamond jewelry sets, or 140 grams. Although this is the heaviest of the VFFs that I own, they are far from heavy as a minimalist shoe. Even after relatively long runs, I do not feel the weight of these shoes on my feet.
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The sole is comprised of a 4 mm EVA midsole,tiffany earrings, which offers plating protection from stone bruising,tunnel earrings, and a 4 mm Vibram performance rubber outsole with considerable lugs (for a minimalist shoe) to improve traction on rugged terrain. Although it is not as flexible as the KSO and other VFF models’ soles,infinity bracelets, it is still quite flexible when bent in any direction. The total 8 mm sole is the thickest sole I’ve tried on a minimalist shoe but considering the rocky terrain that I’ve run on with them, I do not have a problem with the thickness in the least. I have experienced stone bruising while running on trails in my KSOs and after running on the same trails and gravel roads in the Treks,butterfly earrings, I have never experienced a similar problem. The 4 mm midsole definitely does its job protecting the foot arch from stone bruising.
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ug6bt0zh4cg 10-07-2011 02:39 AM

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2127296 2010 年 11 月 13 日 13:58 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
a One psychologist has written,belstaff outlet, a mature love affair must be regarded as four phases, that is:
coexistence (codependent) anti-dependent (counterdependent) independent (independent) symbiotic (interdependent)
stage conversion between the time required is not necessarily, the person asking questions.
first stage: co-exist. This is love period, regardless of when and where lovers always want to bored together.
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