03-23-2011, 12:44 PM
Challenge 1st option 2nd Option
[WindowsVista]The several selection is disabled
Sometimes, the variety of different files and folders under Vista doesnot operate any more. (a bug that hardly ever comes about). To solve this condition:
1st alternative Check out this page: Click Resolve Single Find link to download the file FixSingleSelect.zip Preserve it to the desktop, after which extract its contents. Shut all windows while in the browser open, and don't until the stop of your procedure. Make a double click on on the file FixSingleSelect.vbs which can be on the desktop. Validate by clicking Ok.
Wait a minute, then validate the message.
Restart your Personal computer and test once more.
If the download website link doesn't get the job done, you possibly can set up the file FixSingleSelect.vbs: Open the notepad. Copy inside subsequent code:
Option Explicit const HKCU = &H80000001 const FWF_SINGLESEL = &H00000040 dim objReg msgbox "Close all Explorer windows before continuing." Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:impersonationLevel=impersonate!\\.\root\d efault:StdRegProv") FixBags FixDefaults msgbox "Done! Logoff and Logon before opening any Explorer windows." '================================================= ================================================== Sub FixBags const BagsPath = "Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags" dim iFFlags dim strBag, strShellPath, strFolderID, strKeyPath dim arrBags, arrFolderIDs objReg.EnumKey HKCU, BagsPath, arrBags For Each strBag in arrBags strShellPath = BagsPath & "\" & strBag & "\Shell" If RegKeyExists(strShellPath) Then If objReg.EnumKey(HKCU, strShellPath, arrFolderIDs) = 0 Then If Not IsNull(arrFolderIDs) Then For each strFolderID in arrFolderIDs strKeyPath = strShellPath & "\" & strFolderID If objReg.GetDWORDValue(HKCU, strKeyPath, "FFlags", iFFlags) = 0 Then If (iFFlags AND FWF_SINGLESEL) <> 0 Then iFFlags = (iFFlags AND (NOT(FWF_SINGLESEL))) If objReg.SetDWORDValue(HKCU, strKeyPath, "FFlags", iFFlags) <> 0 Then Msgbox "SetDWORDValue Failed" Conclude If End If End If Next Stop If Stop If Finish If Next End Sub '================================================= ================================================== '================================================= ================================================== Sub FixDefaults const StreamsPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer \Streams\Defaults" dim bytTemp, bytFFlags dim iByteIndex dim strFolderID, strViewSettings, strSearch dim arrFolderIDs, arrRegTypes, arrViewSettings If (objReg.EnumValues(HKCU, StreamsPath,microsoft office Pro Plus 2007 key (http://www.office2007-key.in/), arrFolderIDs,windows 7 home basic activation key (http://www.key-windows-7.co.uk/), arrRegTypes) <> 0) Or IsNull(arrFolderIDs) Then Exit Sub Stop If For Each strFolderID in arrFolderIDs If objReg.GetBinaryValue(HKCU, StreamsPath, strFolderID, arrViewSettings) = 0 Then '--- Convert Byte array to string to facilitate searching --- strViewSettings = "" For each bytTemp in arrViewSettings strViewSettings = strViewSettings & chr(bytTemp) Next strSearch = "F" & chr(0) & "F" & chr(0) & "l" & chr(0) & "a" & chr(0) & "g" & chr(0) & "s" iByteIndex = instr(strViewSettings, strSearch) + 17 bytFFlags = arrViewSettings(iByteIndex) If (bytFFlags AND FWF_SINGLESEL) <> 0 Then arrViewSettings(iByteIndex) = (bytFFlags AND NOT(FWF_SINGLESEL)) If objReg.SetBinaryValue(HKCU, StreamsPath, strFolderID, arrViewSettings) <> 0 Then msgbox "SetBinaryValue Failed" End If End If End If Next Conclude Sub '================================================= ================================================== Function RegKeyExists(sRegKey) dim aValueNames, aValueTypes sRegKey = Trim(sRegKey) If objReg.EnumValues(HKCU,office 2007 Professional keygen (http://www.office2007-key.in/), sRegKey,microsoft office pro plus 2010 64 bit (http://www.office2010-key.ca/), aValueNames,windows 7 ultimate x86 (http://www.windows7-key.org/), aValueTypes) = 0 Then RegKeyExists = True Else RegKeyExists = False Conclude If End Function Preserve the file by giving it the name FixSingleSelect.vbs Find All files of this type.
2nd Method Drop by Control Panel> Folder Options (Classic View). Pick out the View tab and click Reset Folders. Click Yes and after that press the Ok button.
This document entitled « WindowsVista - The many different choice is disabled » from Kioskea (en.kioskea.net) is made available beneath the Creative Commons license. You may copy, modify copies of this page, under the conditions stipulated by the licence, as this note appears clearly.
[WindowsVista]The several selection is disabled
Sometimes, the variety of different files and folders under Vista doesnot operate any more. (a bug that hardly ever comes about). To solve this condition:
1st alternative Check out this page: Click Resolve Single Find link to download the file FixSingleSelect.zip Preserve it to the desktop, after which extract its contents. Shut all windows while in the browser open, and don't until the stop of your procedure. Make a double click on on the file FixSingleSelect.vbs which can be on the desktop. Validate by clicking Ok.
Wait a minute, then validate the message.
Restart your Personal computer and test once more.
If the download website link doesn't get the job done, you possibly can set up the file FixSingleSelect.vbs: Open the notepad. Copy inside subsequent code:
Option Explicit const HKCU = &H80000001 const FWF_SINGLESEL = &H00000040 dim objReg msgbox "Close all Explorer windows before continuing." Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:impersonationLevel=impersonate!\\.\root\d efault:StdRegProv") FixBags FixDefaults msgbox "Done! Logoff and Logon before opening any Explorer windows." '================================================= ================================================== Sub FixBags const BagsPath = "Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags" dim iFFlags dim strBag, strShellPath, strFolderID, strKeyPath dim arrBags, arrFolderIDs objReg.EnumKey HKCU, BagsPath, arrBags For Each strBag in arrBags strShellPath = BagsPath & "\" & strBag & "\Shell" If RegKeyExists(strShellPath) Then If objReg.EnumKey(HKCU, strShellPath, arrFolderIDs) = 0 Then If Not IsNull(arrFolderIDs) Then For each strFolderID in arrFolderIDs strKeyPath = strShellPath & "\" & strFolderID If objReg.GetDWORDValue(HKCU, strKeyPath, "FFlags", iFFlags) = 0 Then If (iFFlags AND FWF_SINGLESEL) <> 0 Then iFFlags = (iFFlags AND (NOT(FWF_SINGLESEL))) If objReg.SetDWORDValue(HKCU, strKeyPath, "FFlags", iFFlags) <> 0 Then Msgbox "SetDWORDValue Failed" Conclude If End If End If Next Stop If Stop If Finish If Next End Sub '================================================= ================================================== '================================================= ================================================== Sub FixDefaults const StreamsPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer \Streams\Defaults" dim bytTemp, bytFFlags dim iByteIndex dim strFolderID, strViewSettings, strSearch dim arrFolderIDs, arrRegTypes, arrViewSettings If (objReg.EnumValues(HKCU, StreamsPath,microsoft office Pro Plus 2007 key (http://www.office2007-key.in/), arrFolderIDs,windows 7 home basic activation key (http://www.key-windows-7.co.uk/), arrRegTypes) <> 0) Or IsNull(arrFolderIDs) Then Exit Sub Stop If For Each strFolderID in arrFolderIDs If objReg.GetBinaryValue(HKCU, StreamsPath, strFolderID, arrViewSettings) = 0 Then '--- Convert Byte array to string to facilitate searching --- strViewSettings = "" For each bytTemp in arrViewSettings strViewSettings = strViewSettings & chr(bytTemp) Next strSearch = "F" & chr(0) & "F" & chr(0) & "l" & chr(0) & "a" & chr(0) & "g" & chr(0) & "s" iByteIndex = instr(strViewSettings, strSearch) + 17 bytFFlags = arrViewSettings(iByteIndex) If (bytFFlags AND FWF_SINGLESEL) <> 0 Then arrViewSettings(iByteIndex) = (bytFFlags AND NOT(FWF_SINGLESEL)) If objReg.SetBinaryValue(HKCU, StreamsPath, strFolderID, arrViewSettings) <> 0 Then msgbox "SetBinaryValue Failed" End If End If End If Next Conclude Sub '================================================= ================================================== Function RegKeyExists(sRegKey) dim aValueNames, aValueTypes sRegKey = Trim(sRegKey) If objReg.EnumValues(HKCU,office 2007 Professional keygen (http://www.office2007-key.in/), sRegKey,microsoft office pro plus 2010 64 bit (http://www.office2010-key.ca/), aValueNames,windows 7 ultimate x86 (http://www.windows7-key.org/), aValueTypes) = 0 Then RegKeyExists = True Else RegKeyExists = False Conclude If End Function Preserve the file by giving it the name FixSingleSelect.vbs Find All files of this type.
2nd Method Drop by Control Panel> Folder Options (Classic View). Pick out the View tab and click Reset Folders. Click Yes and after that press the Ok button.
This document entitled « WindowsVista - The many different choice is disabled » from Kioskea (en.kioskea.net) is made available beneath the Creative Commons license. You may copy, modify copies of this page, under the conditions stipulated by the licence, as this note appears clearly.