View Full Version : christian louboutins online 村支书组织救火献出生命

11-09-2011, 04:00 AM
  10时30分,当果园村二社村民许立生和高明准备推倒北面的一堵土坯墙压灭蔓延的火势时,南面的一堵不 足2米高的土坯墙因火烧和灭火时被水泡等原因突然倒塌下来砸在了高明身上,高明随即被压在废墟下。许立生见 状立即和其他几名村民从废墟下将高明扒出来。

  十几分钟后,胡翠玲赶到现场,得知是一社一村民在烧柴草时将村民张某家后院柴草引燃引发了火灾,kar en millen dark mesh wear 66岁老人被北大录取为佛学方向研究生(图) (http://www.zarida.com/forum/index.php?topic=104720.msg233712#msg233712),而且火势已经 开始蔓延。闻讯赶来的高明已经站在了村民的屋顶上,他一边指挥村民灭火,一边打电话向巷道乡党委、乡政府汇 报火灾情况,随后两辆消防车赶到火场。眼看火势越来越凶猛,100多名村民也先后提着水桶、脸盆赶来,在用 水桶、脸盆打水灭火的同时,村民们还忙着帮助起火农户抢救后院的牲畜和物资。胡翠玲告诉记者,christ ian louboutin booties sale (http://www.louboutinshoesgoodsale.com/),当时她看到高明在房顶上大声提醒村民:“注意安全,注意安全,christian louboutin ########s (http://www.louboutinshoesgoodsale.com/)。”胡翠玲几次哽咽着说:“当时高书记只顾着提醒大家在救火的同时注意安全,却完全忽视了自己 的安全。”

  高明牺牲后,果园村十里八乡的村民700多人纷纷自发赶来吊唁、送行。据悉,这么多人前来为一个人吊唁 送葬,在果园村的历史上还从未有过。 本报记者 曹勇

  据了解,果园村一社3户村民后院火灾在消防官兵和乡镇干部、村民的合力扑救下于当日中午12时许被扑灭 。

  4月21日对于高台县巷道乡果园村的村民来说是一个难以忘怀的日子。当日早晨9时许,该村一社一农户家 后院着火,火势迅速蔓延至相邻2户邻居家,情况相当危急。此时,正在自家蔬菜温室大棚内帮助妻子劳作的果园 村党支部书记高明得知情况后,立即骑摩托车赶往火灾现场组织村民救火。10时30分,火灾现场一堵2米高的 土坯墙倒塌,砸在了正忙着救火的高明身上,村民七手八脚急忙将高明送往医院抢救,可是最终因抢救无效,高明 永远地闭上了眼睛。
  在采访中,果园村一社村民高虎林告诉记者,高明在村民中间威信很高,karen millen aboard bargain 银河娱乐(00027)非执行董事 Martin Clarke 辞任-搜狐滚 (http://www.dllxs.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=363790&extra=),谁家有纠纷、谁家有困难,高明都会一一帮忙解决,christian louboutin clearance (http://www.louboutinshoesgoodsale.com/),从不拖泥带水。果园村二社村民许立新也告诉记者,高明给群众办事从来不推辞,他上任后新修了村委会办公 室、新修了几座危桥、集资新修了30户村民居住的公寓楼、引进外资建成村里300多亩地的养殖场。现任果园 村二社社长的许立兵也告诉记者,高明出事前2天还召集村民准备对新修的公寓楼周边环境进行硬化、植树,而且 还准备今年再扩大村里养殖场的规模。

  高明的妻子米会玲告诉记者,起火时他和高明正在自家蔬菜大棚干活,christian louboutins online (http://www.bestchristianlouboutin.com/),得知情况后高明急忙放下手中的活骑摩托车从四社赶去一社救火。当日早晨10时30分,她接到村民电话说 高明被砸了,她的第一反应是肯定不严重,因此也没太在意。后来又有村民打电话说高明已经被送到医院抢救了, 此时她才意识到问题的严重性,随后她急忙赶到医院,可是丈夫却永远地闭上了眼睛,而她21岁的儿子当时在武 威上学,也没有见到父亲最后一面。

  4月21日,uk christian shoes (http://www.bestchristianlouboutin.com/),高台县巷道乡果园村的村民大都在田里忙碌着自己的农活。9时许,一名村民发现1公里外的一处居民点冒着 浓烟,随即将该情况告诉了果园村妇联主任胡翠玲,正在自家地头忙活的胡翠玲立即将情况向果园村党支部书记高 明进行了电话汇报。

11-09-2011, 04:01 AM
- Qzone log

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141795 2009 年 10 月 30 日 15:58 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (5) Category: Personal Diary
a work regardless of the length of both the content as long as the viewer is moved by a good work

a dream as long as I believe no matter the actual size of the insistence of both down is the most important realization

miss a love as long as each other regardless of the outcome, whether we cling to the old is slowly being

one if I give her ten stars of the film

a few pen it is so touching expression of romantic love and dreams of a movie

actually in a packed movie theater when you can appreciate the quiet time to breathe more freely when you finish dripping
nostalgia film

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had no recollection of his right

slowly as to why I am called up think it may be a positive force of courage to move forward a

a peach glow of the United States as a group of cranes birds
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have exhausted every task the final five lesions and injured seven other an angel flew the original cloud of angry clouds and thunder and lightning heavy rain sad camera, changing the original Cape
birds is to be a complete set of protective devices clouds crane shot birds return to the battlefield each of the offerings embracing smile only this time the task is a small fish will discharge

intoxicated laughter until you see the Disney logo was again found out that the story is just fine warm up saying titles What words describe my humble is not to say I'm open-minded I do not say that I trespass to see it but this is not a small model of Lu Ban it

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childhood grow up, similar to the expedition house dressed as a lifetime love of home are sweet days for each day

helpless life is not perfect can not have two people their own children and cherish each other, regardless of
two chairs together to read books by the cloud that I hold your hand all

every day she shot him tie a tie, one by one cut in the past Article transform passing his days as water balloons at the zoo bought her training at the zoo in South America the beautiful bird

finally one day she was ill, he bought two tickets to south America it is two people can never be together When the lens

journey to the old lady who played Grandpa in the hospital holding her hand when the hear the quiet breathing cinema sound

then grandpa sitting alone full of flowers a vote of the church were wet eyes

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Grandpa loved to stick their face large-scale demolition of homes new construction does not compromise
close ourselves in a room all day inside the home hopes of a medal to help elderly people get the little boy is not interested in

Ho finally after a conflict and project team faced the choice must be to a home with thousands of balloons made a huge take-off devices throughout the house so Triumph In The Skies

balloon bunch of beautiful color, like each of us Personal hearts of the most fantastic dreams of flying over the most eager to fly to distant window

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After the little boy and the explorers and their dogs the final confrontation forces to a fire when the explorer grandfather's house burned distracted their attention caught bird

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Thank you for the adventure with me.
This is over and start your new adventure now.
Love Eile

tears this time to stay silent no hidden
so many fairy tale love eachother so much we
ultimately want the most is a warm day, but spend the day with each other

dynamic we've seen so many stories
We even staged their own sense of heaven and earth are asked to plot
Love it when I can not believe
when asked about the future not promised

love always extremely difficult because even if there is no love in life will come
as extremely difficult, but love gives us a reasons one can sustain a reason for

shared this belief we learn to love from the family learn to learn to learn in life

friendship grandfather hesitate to start again then finally rescued bird over difficulties
the tall beautiful little house will always remain in the waterfall with the boy back to their homes

little boy to get that one long-awaited medals and memorable life adventures
old round his dream of adventure and his wife also learned to start a new journey

film ends we all want to leave looking around looking at subtitles to break out all light up

Help rival in the animated feature Oscar
best original screenplay should be more than that the best music title it should have reasonably tight plot lines
fun seize the audience's emotions and feelings

a film is a story of a life a love a book
everyone sees not the same for each body will also have different

what happiness is what dreams What is happiness
how willing How is the pursuit of how to give up life lessons

happy to do if we continue with the dream has reached

ninety minutes of time for me, let me think about it.

I do not remember how well you know it,
but I remember how we met.

I do not remember our love,
but I remember you dressed in white, the moment and I exchanged rings.

I do not remember the accumulation of hard work,
but I remember how we decorate the new house,
have different styles but we depend on each other's seats,
have your best moment in my heart photos.

life I do not remember many trivial,
but I remember those tender moments, and I quietly accompany you to share time in the circulation.

I do not remember the fate of the unhappy and cruel,
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I do not remember one person alone adventure,
but I remember you have a dream unfulfilled.

I will not regret for the defeat, because I know you remember these clips.