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10-09-2011, 05:57 PM
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45331 2007 年 03 月 31 日 01:51 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (9) Category: 'Reprinted で

it is their first night. his, and her. She said that in his arms. I was you. after all only you.
said he held her, his wife. I will never touch another woman ...
that stage .... they are good gluey ...
woman ... once .... he himself gave his all to think he's a ....
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3 times per week from week 1 ... and then turned into once a month ...
energy ... he said he did not forget ... you should pay attention to the body,designer handbags cheap (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/products_new.html), she said ...
date night into a telephone message .... and then later replaced with a few messages ... sometimes not .... he even said that we old couple ...
Why care so much in the form
ah ... .. he said she did not speak she was crying .... good night ....
she did not know what's wrong between them .... so ... he would remember who she was and she said ... If a man does not touch her .... just do not love her the ..
Later she knew that he had slept with another woman .....
said the woman was not the first time. but that woman can make him very happy. he and the woman every day,alexa mulberry (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/mulberry-handbags-c-101.html), stick together.
and she and he had been almost two months .... did not happen even contact between a very little ...
when he saw her a little surprised to see him .... she started crying ... she said you never touched me almost two months ...
He did not speak ... took her to a nearby hotel ... along the way say nothing ....
they opened the room .... as usual out of her bath ... he was sitting motionless on the hair ... he did not even * look at her .... there is that moment .. Her heart is breaking ....
off her bathrobe and forced back the tears ... ... .. he did not respond
She said the last time, okay? He did not speak out .... a condom from his pocket ...
she said no .... I do not want you accountable ... This is our last time ....
did all she could to make him happy ... tried every means to meet his ...
she let him know that ... that woman can give to you, she can ...
but she found that no matter how hard she ....
have been between them before the end ... he will take her body Kiss ....
but today he did not ...
finished she asked him in bed ... still remember our first time?
him smoke at his mouth, that was a long time ago, right ...
she said that you remember that time you said,paul smith uk (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/paul-smith-handbags-c-99.html), said?
he said .. a man can change .... we break up ...
she still clearly remember his sentence, a man can change ....
And,designer handbags online (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/specials.html), she also found the people really become the ... ....
after she broke up during the day and stay at home all day ....
The only thing
can do online ... met online once a man ....
He said he depends on my body ... to see a 100Q currency ....
she suddenly thought of them last time ...
his interest in her body that she did not cry ... .... ########## .... even
night and that she never met the users to open the room ....
.... she was happy to let him do his girlfriend he made her ... she refused ....
The next day, she began looking for new objects to the one-night stand at night .... ....
and prostitutes, she felt he had the same ... She went to bed with different men ....
some handsome and some ugly ... .. small, sixteen-year-old to three-year-old ... old ....
and ... she never asked them to use condoms ...
she wanted his body covered with the smell .... different men so as not to smell the flavor of his ....
QQ, met him ... he changed his name ... she did not recognize ...
He said you can see it? she thought it was a guy .... look at the body
drag her clothes still camera, facing the light ... his body ...
see each other when the image ... she forgot what it feels like ...
face has appeared in countless memories ... now ... only in my dreams ....
She laughed ...
he was about to meet her. He said, how do you like this.
she answered him, always capricious. not only you will.
he said, why do you spoil yourself. what you do and the difference between a prostitute.
she said, the difference ah. I do not make money.
But if the object is to you. you give me a million I will not sleep with you again.
cigarette spit in his face. I'm gone.
later learn about from a friend. He went to the bar every day with a different girl home for the night.
once, she said, in your arms. I was you.
are just for you. you hold me,designer handbags (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/specials.html), I will never touch another woman ..

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女孩拉开门 看见他的脸 紧张得像个孩子 只会把拧着面包的手在她眼前晃 我想这就是爱情或者生活 被幸福平静的包围时 一些平凡的爱意 总被渴望激情和浪漫的心忽略- 爱!在双方引起的许多个微不足道的动作里,从来就没有固定的模式 只有爱 可以是任何一中平淡无奇的形式 花朵、浪漫 不过是浮在生活表面的浅浅点缀 在它们的下面才是我们真真的生活。

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10-09-2011, 06:34 PM
­表演者: Choying Drolma & Steve Tibbetts
发行时间: 1997-01-21 ­
出版者: Hannibal 琼英?卓玛,Prada Shoes (paqfsagdytru@yeah.net),Choying Drolma,来自尼泊尔,Prada Sunglasses (http://www.mybestprada.com/pradasunglasses-c-296.html),是一个比丘尼。 Ani Choying Drolma,出生于1971年,尼泊尔。在她13岁时,进入一座位于喜玛拉雅山下,名叫Nagi的藏式佛 教尼姑庵内修行。之后,她有幸师从禅师 Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche学习参禅、咏唱、典礼与仪式等禅宗教仪,并很快成为出色的唱咏者。自此,她一直服待老师直 到他于1996年圆寂。而Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche喇嘛宽容博大的利他之心和处世态度也深深影响到Ani Choying Drolma。后来她有感当地妇女接受的教育过于落后并且不被重视,于是她成立了Nuns Welfare Foundation of Nepal( 尼泊尔尼姑福利基金会 ),并在2000年开办了Arya Tara School,教授11-20岁刚开始修行的尼姑们诸如藏文、英文、数学、自然科学、艺术以及禅宗等课程。 ­
   1993年,美国吉他手Steve Tibbetts偶然拜访了一个位于Pharping的寺院,当时Nagi的一些女尼正在这儿学习,有天当 她们在神殿做功课时,Steve被这神秘平和的歌声所吸引。这些流传了数百年的宗教歌曲丝毫未受外界影响, 仍保持着最初的原始形态,平稳的曲调里透露着某种终极的纯净、详和的灵性光华。他极想把这歌声录下来,但由 于当时他并未准备好录音设备,所以次年他带上自己设备亲赴偏远的Nagi寺院做正式的录音。回到家后,他再 加入自己的一些演奏,Prada Bags Sale (http://www.mybestprada.com/pradahandbagssale-c-307.html),于是就有了这张令人惊异的专辑。 ­
   专辑名Cho( 意"断" )是藏式佛教里的一套祈祷仪式,也是Choying和她的同伴修行的功课之一,其大致涵意和我们 常听到的"绝七情六欲"、"求六根清净"之类相仿,是一种提高修行者透过事物的实体表像从其无色无相的本质天性认知世界能力的修炼,而这些歌曲咏唱 也被视做一种能增强和加深对教义的理解的修行内容。或者我们不用孜求那跳出五行方外的清明境界,但如能时常 从这些喻含着亘古睿智的歌声中获得一份从容平静的心境,也许能免去一些不必要的执迷之苦... ­
【琼英?卓玛 Selwa】 Ayi Choying?Drolma 阿一琼英卓玛是个充满善心智慧的女尼姑,用自己发行专辑得到的资金在尼泊尔开办阿尼度母学校专收女尼教育其 获得更多修行高层次佛法的机会。完成她上师和她的夙愿。这张专辑是SteveTibbetts和Choyi ng?Drolma第3次合作. ! ­
K: K! T9 b Q1 w/ h1 Z! J+ D+ o9 Haoxiu.com ­
琼英卓玛唱歌的时候低音饱满实在,基本上在唱颂经文的时候可以使得共鸣更好的释放,Prada Sunglasses 2011 (http://www.mybestprada.com/pradasunglasses-c-296.html),有的时候感觉一个专业声乐歌手在歌唱一般,不过她没有象央金拉毛那样的泛音高音出现, 也许是本身修行者的缘故吧。在低音的处理中,她可以自由的做一些修饰转音,当然这是藏地歌曲里常有的民谣旋 律。做为ECM公司混音、录音、吉他大师SteveTibbetts,他在与琼英卓玛合作的时候尽可能的把 佛性、佛法以一种具象的方式呈现在录音作品里,能使的听者感受到当琼英卓玛演唱时接近佛。 ­
不要忘记上师,时时向他祈求。不要随顺妄念,时时观照自心。 ­
不要忘记死亡,时时谨守戒律。不要忘记有情,时时回向功德。 ­
习一切善法为道粮,Prada Mens Sunglasses (http://www.mybestprada.com/pradasunglasses-c-296.html),持密咒为方便之契入 ­

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48270 2010 年 05 月 15 日 17:11 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Health Food

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10-09-2011, 06:45 PM
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cold body what food people eat better? better not be drugs

First of all: Do not let women do their own cold. Cold is the root of all trouble. Poor woman cold blood, cold hands and feet, and dysmenorrhea. Poor facial blood spots on the president, the body's energy can not moisturize the skin, the skin does not get angry, so many women, like perfect skin like fine china, but he is not young, the false feeling; and some young woman, no matter how long Peas still very alive.

still more terrible thing is, our reproductive system is the most cold-blooded, cold once our constitution, it will select the length of more fat to heat, under our navel fat on the president. Once sufficient blood warm, these fat no longer necessary, automatically will be vanished.

woman body cold, cold hands and feet easily and dysmenorrhea is a common phenomenon. Now more common:
First: MM are diet, eating only vegetables and fruits, and vegetables and fruits, the majority of cold, fear of fat, not eating red meat. In fact, red meat is a boon of women, especially beef and lamb, all with a lot of iron, can effectively avoid anemia. MM anemia naturally pale face.

Second, MM are mostly white-collar workers, to work every day, sitting on the computer, watching TV after work backwards, wearing high heels are really not suitable for hyperactivity. 'll Pick my brother would go out and buy a gym does not take too twice a year. Because sitting too much blood to all parts of the silt in the lower abdomen. Sweep the flow of blood is not always the backlog in our pelvis, pelvic inflammation, how can it not long, if there is inflammation, the face will naturally turn yellow and spot. Even Buzhi Yu inflammation, blocking the blood does not flow in the capillaries in the skin, the color will be uneven.

say that again, MM their beauty, with the recoil underwear to gird tightly, in fact, that it did not help, beam too tightly, your reproductive system is no blood supply, more cold, cold to long more fleshy. Now that winter is popular skirt ah, here is a thin sock, the entire lower body is cold, cold starting from the foot of the Well.

there, MM who love to eat ice, in order not to drink more herbal tea Health and acne. In fact, a woman afraid of the cold, it is best to avoid contact with the cold medicine. Peas in a lot of people long not because of too much yang wang, but because of deficiency, yin can not Han Yang, and its loss of the yang, yin is more appropriate than (later to say this.) I have observed, drinking herbal tea and more southern provinces such as Guangdong and Guangxi, the woman behind the growth of the more serious case of Minister of plaque (fat after birth is not completed on the yard, is the birth had a wound to the reproductive system, inflammation, not smooth to restore the system more vulnerable to cold requires more fat protection). Even the ancient prostitutes, in order to effective contraception will also take traditional Chinese medicine cold, showing that these drugs damage the reproductive system. In the herbal tea, some yin qi, it can take, but of too cold, can not be used, such as aloe vera MM popular raw food, it is terror, the most effective ingredients of aloe emodin is extremely cold , topical aloe vera can cure burns (like Centipede), we can imagine how cold it is, nothing or eat better.

Oh, that so much, we do not do is to cold beauty, that is also very easy, eat red meat, eat more ginger, red dates, animal blood, rice wine, cherry. . . Anyway, more moderate iron-rich or something, some good stuff, like white fungus, lemon, do not shoot something to eat during menstruation. And pay attention to insulation, do not drink too much ice things, drink hot drinks, do not stay in air conditioning room and old, and do not want to grace not to temperature, the cool autumn air, you still wear Lu Qizhuang. Winter is the best foam insulation of hot water, do not save gas, Paoshang thirty minutes in hot water, plus massage, and then the body will heat the cold. Can not bath on feet is required. Re not on the day holding a cup of hot water, hot water bottle embrace, cold woman is perfectly justified.

of course be better to let their own warm up, too much strenuous exercise is not conducive to weight loss, the most effective is the waist and abdomen and inner thighs stretching movements, such as stretching up in the morning, around the waist, In short campaign is focused on the waist, not too short, otherwise one will be more blood to stop silt set in waist. Very effective gentle yoga, Latin dance is also good. But I also recommend yoga, because yoga is more emphasis on breathing, blood gas line to line.

there is to pay attention to taking some blood stasis in traditional Chinese medicine and food. This should be very careful, not everyone has the gore, blood had even, it will damage the body, such as excessive menstrual flow caused. Therefore, the amount of MM and according to menstrual blood viscosity, there are no spots on his face to judge. Blood circulation category of traditional Chinese medicine are: Motherwort, peach, peach kernel, safflower, which is ranked from mild to severe, the more back the more powerful, I suggest eating the first two on the line. May be taking tea (hot tea), peach sparkling wine with a more effective, and the tea and wine can also be used to wipe her face, the face is to dark spots.

In winter, many girls will have the phenomenon of cold hands and feet, cold hands and feet long, is not only uncomfortable, but also easy Health frostbite and other diseases. Cold hands and feet of the main reasons for the metabolism of blood is mainly slow winter, low temperatures to vasoconstriction, blood returning diminished capacity, making the hands and feet, especially the fingers, toes and other Ministry of the end of poor blood circulation, poor circulation caused by peripheral nerve .

hands and feet cold feet a day care program

feet is the most effective method. Joined in a deep pot of hot water about 40 degrees, allowing water to overflow the ankle. Soak for 20 minutes or so, you will feel the body heat, indicating that blood circulation after the body begins to heat. If the feet and then rub your feet at the same time, the effect will be better.

aerobics jogging, brisk walking, skipping, disco, tai chi, will be active up to all parts of the body, promote blood circulation, but not movement over, high-intensity exercise, a lot of sweat, would

wear cotton socks, cotton socks

not only soft and comfortable, but also absorb sweat, so that can keep your feet dry and comfortable all day long.

calorie foods

cold tonic, to increase the heat, cold hands and feet to be interested in improving tonic. Cold northern winter, you can make hot food, such as beef, mutton or dog; and the more moderate southern climate, should make clear sweet warm flavor, such as chickens, ducks,mulberry handbags (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/mulberry-handbags-c-101.html), fish was more suitable; but also to try to eat cold fruit such as pears, chestnuts and so on.

ensure adequate sleep every day to ensure that at least 6 hours of sleep, adequate sleep is conducive to storage yang, ###### fluid accumulation.

heart massage hands and feet when you can have time to rub the hands and feet are often the heart, blood vessels to improve micro-circulation in the end, and has the effect of hands and feet warm. cold hands and feet peel treatment

Japanese scientists discovered that orange peel extract hesperidin, added to drinking water, can significantly improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet of women. In the experiment, researchers asked 10 female patients suffering from cold hands and feet hesperidin drinking water, drinking water in 10 patients. Two hours later so that they soak their hands in cold water for 1 minute, and then detected the recovery of blood flow and temperature. The results showed that a group of drinking water, 40 minutes flip the temperature has not been restored, and drinking water, a group of hesperidin, just 30-35 minutes to return to cold water immersion hand prior to the temperature of the capillary fingertip blood flow improved significantly.

some people always feel the winter cold hands and feet is a common phenomenon. This is mainly because the nature of the temperature decreases, yang deficiency, and yang will be the body's own lack of performance of the body appears yang. In addition, because the cold weather, human blood vessels, blood returning ability will be weakened, making the hands and feet, especially the finger part of the blood circulation, which is commonly known as This situation occurs more commonly in women, especially middle-aged women are more common, more mental than manual cold hands and feet occurs in healthy young men who are rare.
cold will make people's body or local blood circulation, or limb peripheral blood circulation disorder children, which causes cold hands and feet. Cold hands and feet are often long term, can be called TCM theory holds that it is qi, qi stagnation, lack of response to yang. Women during menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth and other special physiological periods, as physically weak and more prone to cold hands and feet. If you do not be prevented in time, will result in poor mental, physical reaction chills, severe lower extremity varicose veins can cause.

1. Eat ginseng. This is a qi medicine, ######ual peace, meeting but not dry. Can be soaked in water to drink alone.

2. Eat sesame seeds, peanuts. Rich in vitamin E and a variety of nutrients that can help the absorption of vitamin B, to enhance the ability of nerves against the cold. Vitamin E also expand the role of blood vessels, can enhance the peripheral limbs of children with blood circulation.

3. Eat onions, peppers, etc., may help the body generate heat, promote blood circulation of food.

other measures:

feet with hot water more than usual, both the body warm, but also relieve fatigue nerves.

winter cold hands and feet to improve the way

clinical manifestations of deficiency: 1. Low back pain and coldness. 2. Cold hands and feet, frequent urination.

deficiency are suitable foods to eat seafood, leek seeds. Kidney can choose Jinguishenqi Yanzong balls.

kidney case is easy to fire Wang, Yin Huo-wang, if the next time you use those warm impotence drug, equivalent to fuel, the patient is even greater heat . Conversely, if the patient deficiency, cold, and you use some yin drugs, equivalent to worse, the patient also can not stand.

in cold climates, some people dress thin, but full of energy. And some young people are particularly sensitive to cold, the body cover tightly, still cold hands and feet.

in medicine, In other words, the decline of the human body yang, qi and blood deficiency, Wei Yang is not solid,designer handbags (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/specials.html), not very inviting to resist the external muscle invasion of pathogenic cold, people are particularly vulnerable to the cold. Modern research shows that the main body and the so-called Yang deficiency, low blood pressure, body weight loss,alexa mulberry (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/mulberry-handbags-c-101.html), hypothyroidism, and so on. How to change the constitution Yang, eliminating the cold feeling? First of all varieties should pay attention to dietary adjustments to the yang fire with a fire were poor.
often eat cold mutton, dog, etc. There Wenshen aphrodisiac foods, and pepper, shrimp, walnuts, etc., to improve the ability to help a great cold. Lamb sweet and warm, rich in fat, protein, carbohydrates, and minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., can be warm in the tonic, Kidney and Liver, spleen appetizer is rich in warm winter care to share. Dog sweet and warm, can Buzhongyiqi, Wenshen impotence, An internal organs, strong waist and knee, warm under the coke, rich in protein, carbohydrates and calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc., on the limbs back pain, physical weakness patients with cold temperature and other effects. As the saying goes, Peppers contain capsaicin, can stimulate appetite, improve digestion, makes heart rate, peripheral telangiectasia, increased blood flow to the body surface. Winter proper eating chili, people feel warm and comfortable, and can prevent the cold and wet on the invasion of joint and muscle damage. Shrimp in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron were higher than those of meat, eggs, milk, with Wenshen Xing Yang, spleen and stomach, around the blood vessels of the power, the most suitable for spleen deficiency, impotence, low back pain in patients with winter consumption. Walnut more than 40% fat, and is mainly unsaturated fatty acids, can lower cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension. The rich in phospholipids constitute an important raw material of human cells, could improve cell activity, promote hematopoietic function, increase appetite. In addition, it is rich in carbohydrates, high heat production, increase body heat, warm warm.
worth mentioning are: the method by drinking cold is a common misunderstanding. Because very little heat generated by the wine itself, have a fever after drinking the feeling of the body, alcohol dilates blood vessels, distribution of body heat results of the original. Jiujin the past, a lot of heat stored in the body distribution of in vitro, but decreased ability to keep out the cold, tend to make people the creeps, it is often said,

cold winter, in addition to exercise, more clothes, the daily if more cold food, can improve the body's resistance to cold. Living foods common cold:
meat: the dog, lamb, beef, venison's cold is better. They contain protein, carbohydrates and fat are high, kidney yang, warm in the warm, the Buqihuoxue effect. Eat the meat and yang of the body can speed up the metabolism, endocrine function increases, so to keep out the cold effect.
rhizomes: Medical researchers have found that people afraid of the cold and lack of body salts. Lotus root, carrots, lily, potato, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and other rich in inorganic salts, such food may wish to doping with other foods for human consumption.
spicy food: Pepper contains capsaicin, ginger contains the aromatic volatile oil, pepper contains piperine. Eating spicy food can drive the wind and cold, promoting blood circulation, increase body temperature.
iodine-containing food: kelp, seaweed, sea salt, seaweed, jellyfish, clams, cabbage, spinach, corn and other iodine-containing foods can contribute to human thyroid hormone secretion.
with heat effects of thyroid hormone,paul smith uk (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/paul-smith-handbags-c-99.html), which can speed up the body (except brain, glands, uterus) during the oxidation of most tissue cells, increasing heat, the increased basal metabolic rate, skin blood circulation and enhanced resistance to cold cold.
high iron foods: Pennsylvania State University researchers found that iron deficiency in human blood are afraid of the cold. Women's anemia hemoglobin than normal body temperature of women with low 0.7 ��, 13% less heat production, when the increase in iron intake, the cold was markedly increased.
Therefore, the cold-blooded women can consciously increase the food intake of high iron content, such as liver, lean meat, spinach, egg yolk and other diet regimen

first talk about ######.
cool or cold, where applicable, physical and disease in the heat of food to fall or cold food cold. If applicable, fever, thirst, irritability embolism as a watermelon; for cough, chest pain, phlegm embolism as the pears are cold and so the nature of the food.

warm or hot or cold and cool the contrary, where applicable, physical and disease in the cold food is warm or hot to foods. If applied to cold cold, fever, chills, runny nose, headache embolism as the ginger, scallion stalk, parsley; for abdominal pain, vomiting, hi hot embolism as the ginger, black tea; for cold extremities, chills, rheumatic joint pain are like the pepper, wine, etc., belong to the warm nature of the food.

level between the nature of the food cold and hot food between nature, suitable for general physical fitness, cold, heat illness people can choose. Food in the general level of nutrition and health care of the goods. Such as rice, flour, soybeans, potato, radish, apple, milk.

ancient Chinese diet books from the 300 recorded in many common food analysis, foods are mostly flat; temperature, followed by heat; cold, after cold abode. In general, the various properties of food in addition have the effect of nutrition and health, the cold foods are negative, there is heat, purging fire, cooling blood,paul smith bag (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/paul-smith-handbags-c-99.html), and detoxification; hot foods are positive, there is cold, warm the , meridians, to help Yang and other effects.

neutral and peaceful nature of the food

perspective from the Chinese food is divided into five, general is flat, cold, cold,burberry bags (http://www.designerhandbagsonlinecheap.co.uk/burberry-handbags-c-1.html), warm, hot these five ######. Summer, we advocate that people eat more flat, cold, cold food, such as common beans, edible fungus and so on. Tofu in food cool more common, as well as wax gourd, loofah. Cold food is bitter gourd, tomatoes, watermelon

level of foods:

rice, soybeans, black sesame, peanuts, potatoes, cabbage, cabbage, carrots, onions, black fungus, lemon pork, themes, eggs, fish of the carp, crucian carp, loach, fish, pomfret. In addition, we drink milk everyday in foods are flat.

cold foods:

buckwheat, corn, radish, melon, mushrooms, celery, lettuce, rape, oranges, apples and more.

cold food:

millet, mung beans, seaweed, mung bean sprouts, bitter gourd, tomatoes, cucumbers, bananas, watermelon, melon and more.

In general, the nature of food can be divided into cold, heat two categories:

burning those imported, nice and warm food into the stomach, most belong to heat, such as ginger, garlic, pepper, cinnamon, pepper, pepper, wine and so on.

import cool, fresh food into the stomach, basically are cool. Summer to eat jelly, made from mung bean flour Department, eat hot weather heat. South of the cold tofu, with additional mint stick flour, gypsum point into the entrance, and feeling very cool. The watermelon, water chestnuts, pear, cucumber, raw lotus root, persimmon and other fruits, but also mostly cold.

However, with the mouth and stomach to perceive the nature of the food is not too accurate after all, the vast majority of food after eating cold and heat is based on the reaction to the decision. Such as lamb, winter Dishuichengbing, a people around the pot to eat lamb, fresh graduates covered in the warm, eat meat, people do not stand the cold, so we say that lamb and warm. There are dog meat, beef and so on. If the hot summer, such as eating dog food, you can not help but dry mouth and throat, nose bleeding. On the contrary, eating certain foods and sometimes the belly of faint sounds, or even loose stools, mouth feel light, these foods are mostly cold thing.

typical example is the crab. Then Jiamu told: mouth shochu Xue said the crab poem: Wine, ginger are hot, so used to fin crab, sometimes with vinegar,

sometimes after eating imported feel and response is not consistent. Such as litchi, fresh lychee juice Gan after ripping flesh white, sip on one, but also feel Gan Liang, Su said, but if really like as Orange, too, the juice, creatinine, food is not thermal. If more food would cause numbness of the mouth, tongue erosion, because the temperature due to their ######ual side.

sum up, the food's cold, cold, warm, hot (Chinese medicine called , we can call it even, level of food eat it regularly for a long time most suitable for food, such as rice, pork and the like.

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  想着想着,阿来心头的寂寞就这样雪融冰开,鬼使神差般地再次点击了Install,正如一年多以前一样 。
  晚上铁炉堡没比白天热闹多少,例行公事的人们跑来跑去、高声交谈,突然综合频道有人喊话“联盟的同学可 不可以组织一下来部落屠城,我们这边都没人了,来刺激一下吧……”这联盟部落互想挤兑最是平常不过,虽然大 都是图个嘴瘾,但这次如此放下身段,高喊“屠城,Pleasw”,转变未免快得有些让人吃惊。可惜这位悲伤 的同学最终没能实现愿望,溅起的微微的涟漪马上消失不见,因为有件事他并未料到,联盟这边也没 什么人了……
  如同所有WOW的Fans一样,阿来曾经对WOW有种近乎狂热的喜爱,每天都挂在NGA上刷新贴子,从 职业区到综合区,偶尔看看技能区,但有一阵最常去的还是《巫妖王之怒》区,每打新消息都像兴奋剂一样刺激着 他的神经。但越来越多的期盼渐渐变成了焦急,继尔转为小孩子耍性般的生气,于是出炉了如此签名。对于阿来的 表现,公会里的猎人一毛只有耻笑。一毛是个矮人,平时说话异常粗俗,他给阿来的定义就是:“小屁孩,闲的! ”其实阿来并非心智未开之辈,漂亮的履历表便是最好的证明,尤其经过TBC一役,阿来以为自己不会再为这虚 拟社会牵肠挂肚,Prada Handbags (http://www.mybestprada.com/pradahandbagssale-c-307.html),但真当身临其境时,却再次不由自主,Prada Men Shoes (http://www.mybestprada.com/)。
  不过到头来,随着国服WLK一天天的拖延,阿来的心情也越来越平淡,不是久经磨练后的淡定,而是类似于 心灰意冷的茫然。现实和虚拟的次第关系阿来是分得清的,工作、女朋友,阿来都处得很好,不折不扣的成功人士 ,可总有一种空虚弥漫心头。难到WOW是我唯一的精神寄托吗?阿来时常如此责问自己,但总也找不到答案,唯 一知道的就是在玩WOW的非常快乐,而WLK可延续这种快乐。
  认为阿来是小屁孩的一毛同样在追寻自己的快乐:修声望。本来只为了听听奥山战场女指挥的声音,却让一毛 着实爱上了战场,杀戮的快感令人神往,但打到现在,让一毛坚持下去的却是主城的声望。多日的奋战终于有了回 报,当一毛看着面板里一片“崇拜”的字样时,脱口而出的却是“WLK怎么还不开啊……”同样的心情出现在“ 小号党”身上。会里的沙包对Raid啊、竞技场啊兴趣不大,过去国为跟着公会活动,没有多少时间操练小号, 这阵子Raid Leader邪邪的淡出,便愉快地把有限的生命投入到了无限的小号中去。对沙包小号的可怕,大家是在一次刷 无头骑士过程中认识到的。5具无头骑士尸身顽皮地躺在地上时,大家轮流换了各自的小号,转眼10具无头骑士 倒地,在地上显得有点拥挤。法师正准备开门撤退,沙包突然提出自己还有几个小号,要不要来用掉?出于对浮云 般缰绳的渴望,大家欣然应允,11、13、17……当满地都是无头骑士,甚至找不到一块空地下脚时,气氛变 得有些诡异。“你的号都满了吧?怎么还有?”面对大家的提问,沙包羞涩的一笑,答道:“还有朋友的号,我也 给他们练了小号……”
  阿来有个很要好的战士朋友叫大红。大红性格耿直,认死理,最佳的证明就是从1级到70级未曾换过的防御 天赋。较差的Solo能力让大红手头始终拮据。于是便积下了卖点卡的陋习。为防受骗,他培养了几个想当稳定 的客户,会里的RL邪邪便是其中之一。大红最近发现客户越来越少出现,正欲觅新财源时,邪邪突然上线,于是 迅速密过去,“老大,还要卡吗?”那边迟迟没有回音,大红准备再问一次,这时一句让大红面部表情瞬间扭曲的 回答弹入视线,“你……有《诛仙》的点卡吗?”“你这个流氓!”大红内心深处竖起了中指,然后问到:“你要 几张?”
  邪邪在澳洲读完大学,准备去美国继续深造,这中间空闲的时段本打算好好玩玩WLK。作为一名优秀的RL ,WLK的各BOSS的属性特点早已烂熟于心,无奈巧妇难为无米之炊,渐渐也没了心情。适逢一个小学女同学 哭着喊着拉他去玩《诛仙》,本着对国产网游“批判的态度”邪邪迅速下载好客户端。几天玩下来,游戏好坏不感 断言,但和女同学并辔而行的乐趣却迅速冲刷了对WKL的期盼,Prada Bags Sale (http://www.mybestprada.com/pradahandbagssale-c-307.html)。对这种叛敌行为,邪邪认为他只是淡出,等WLK一开,自当抽身回来,继续那未竟的大业 。“淡出,淡出你晓得伐?”邪邪常说。
  同样淡出的还有阿来的好朋友��牧师蚂蚁。同牧师这个神圣的职业一样,蚂蚁心志坚定,博爱众生,心中一 股正气,以600点治疗效果混迹于黑暗神殿而闻名于世。准确的说蚂蚁是真正的“Play for Fun”,装备、进度都不看在眼里,有得玩就好,Prada Shoes Women (http://www.mybestprada.com/)。于蚂蚁便毅然去了台服,飞向了梦中的世界……没事时,蚂蚁总给阿来讲讲在台服的见闻,当然包括贴一张W LK的登录界面,“一起来台服玩吧,这里有不少大陆过来的,还有自己的公会。我跟你说,台服的人技术还不如 我……”蚂蚁不止一次的拉阿来过去,但阿来没有蚂蚁洒脱,舍不得自己苦心经营的人物,也没精力再去重练。“ 我不去,我就不信它不出……”阿来的回应越来越没气势,后来蚂蚁也就懒得叫他。
  还有第三种淡出,就是类似于伊格和怀袖这样的小夫妻。别的游戏玩得没劲,转去台服又嫌麻烦,于是夫妻两 人找了个新服一切从头开始,重温白手起家、夫唱妇随的乐子。此种乐趣难度较大,毕竟多少个宅男宅女还都是孤 家寡人,阿来也曾试图拉女朋友共同游历这让他魂牵梦绕的游戏世界,但在选择人物模型界面时,女朋友便弃之而 去,“什么啊,这都是,太丑了,不玩!对了,你快来帮帮我,这个人在联众很有名的!”阿来知道此法不通,也 就不存在奢望��“让她知道我在游戏里的种种劣迹也不好……”阿来宽慰自己。
  逐渐淡出的朋友让阿来有些惆怅,过去把酒言欢的战友虽然还有联系,但交谈话题明显减少,“WLK一开一 定都回来了……”想及此处,阿来却更加惆怅了。
  心水是阿来朋友里竞技场打得最好的一个,个人积分足足1500,并发誓这不是重组的队伍。心水是传说中 的技术流,或者说他喜欢欢研技术,但领会多少则很难讲。有Raid时,心水永远会里邪邪出错里及时提醒,会 里众人对天赋、技能有了疑问,他也是第一个出来解答。不能否认,长时间浸淫在技术的海洋里,让心水确实比大 部分人来得通透,但实践和理论总会出现偏差,所以大家都叫心水“专家”
  “专家”心水在Raid消失后把对PvE的乐趣转到PvP上,并且非常看不起猎人一毛混战场。“不就是 一堆人瞎打吗?有技术吗?啊?有吗?”于是在综合频道便出现阶段了一个寂寞高手的身影,“强力Dru寻找战 士打22冲分!”开始的时候不少战士冲着这句傲气十足、充满信心的叫喊伸出了橄榄枝,但时光茬苒,心水在综 合频道喊话的频率却是越来越高了……有一次心水和阿来闲聊,谈及早眼下惨状,心水长叹一声,不小心道出了心 声:“唉,我根本不喜欢打竞技场,进去之后就很紧张,平时看来的心得全都派不上用场。可是不打竞技场还能干 嘛呢?”阿来心有所感,同样黯然,心水那边话锋一转,又说起了别的,“昨天我打了一场,Pra da Shoes Online (http://www.mybestprada.com/),足足一个小时,他们杀不死我们,我们也杀不死他们,就在战士告诉我‘要去WC,我们放弃吧’的时候,你 猜怎么样,对方来这边开了个小号,要和我Roll点比大小,输了就退出战斗,没想到如今我变成‘肾斗士’了 ……”
  阿来在网上也见过此种说法,平时看来觉得挺好玩,今天从好友嘴里说来却是另一番滋味,“是啊……在WL K面前,我们大家都是‘肾斗士’……还是很高阶的那种……”
  如果把对WLK的等待比喻成尿意,阿来觉得真是恰当无比。这东西不是常有,但到了时候自然就会出现,如 果顺利解决当然是欢喜非常,可如果无处宣泄,它就以肉眼可见的加速度强追猛进,越是焦急,越是难受。最后整 个人都被这怨念指挥,失魂落魄,浑身发抖,其它东西统统不入法眼,内心所想只剩一事,至此练就肾斗士真身… …

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