View Full Version : insanity 13 dvd workout Report doubles spend of Ir

09-15-2011, 07:58 AM

The total cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan namely anticipated apt be US$1.6 trillion - double the amount President George W. Bush says it will price.

A report entitled "The Hidden Costs of the Iraq War" says the true cost of the wars namely virtually double the US$804 billion the White House has requested as military actions up to 2008.

It says the wars could cost the United States US$3.5 trillion by the end of 2017 if "hidden costs" like higher fuel prices insanity 13 dvd workout (http://www.cheapinsanityprogram.com/insanity-workout-dvd/), a standing ovation wounded soldiers and amuse aboard borrowed money are counted.

The report, arranged along Democrats in Congress, says an average American home of 4 has already disbursed extra than US$20,000 to fund the President's naval adventures.

The estimate, in a report via the Joint Economic Committee, namely about US$1 trillion higher than an October 24 thinking of battle costs by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which mostly measured direct battle expenditures and borrowing costs of more than US$700 billion.

The current report assumed the US would retreat about half of its present battle troops from Iraq by 2013 and maintain 75,000 infantry there from 2013-2017.

The Democratic majority in Congress will this week make different - probably condemned - attempt to compel Bush to retreat US troops from Iraq discount designer handbags (http://www.coachoutletstoreol.com/coach-handbags/), before providing him with the US$50 billion he has requested to reserve the war going.

Since catching the majority last annual, the Democrats have forced 40 votes ashore bills limiting Bush's war policy. Not an has passed in the House and the Senate, even although both are sprint by Democrats.

The only war legislation namely has been passed by this Congress has handed Bush precisely what he wants: unrestricted way to money to persist the wars.

Despite his rock-bottom permission rating, Bush remains in charge when it comes to fighting wars. The Democrats are divided amid themselves, unsure if to mow and flee alternatively fund the troops. Constant failure by the Democrats to compel alteration in Iraq has strengthened the party's political disability. That has given Republican candidates hope in the 2008 co-optation movement.

Despite the overwhelming fashionable against to the war in Iraq, the digit of American families instantly affected via decease or injury remains limited. Now the Democrats are trying to show that wars are placing a mammoth burden on families not directly affected by the fighting.

"This report makes crystal remove namely the cost to our country in lives lost and greenbacks spent is tragically unacceptable," mentioned Senator Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat.

The report says: "The full economic costs of the war to the American taxpayers and the overall US economy work well further even the immense federal budget costs yet reported."

It says the war is diverting billions of greenbacks away from "fruitful investment" in the US. Economic disruption occasioned by reservists creature taken away from their jobs is costing employers up to US$2 billion.

Both conflicts are expected to cost US$3.5 trillion among 2003 and 2017 - a burden of US$46,400 because an mean American kin.

"We cannot afford this war," mentioned Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid running shoes barefoot (http://www.cheapvibram5fingers.com/vibram-fivefinger-shoes-for-men/), a Nevada Democrat. He added that 3860 US troops have been annihilated and 38,164 wounded in Iraq.

The senior Republicans on the Joint Economic Committee, Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas and Representative Jim Saxton of New Jersey, questioned the precision of the cost estimate: "The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq surely comprise costs, but headlong pulling out of these wars would too comprise huge costs that are ignored in the Democrats' report."

CNN reported Office of Budget and Management Director Jim Nussle dismissing the report, saying "the Congressional leading is attempting to manipulate economic data for public relations intentions".

"There are several ... distortions within the report, such as attempting to tie war costs to overall commerce investment and the cost of fuel."

The US military is sending 3000 soldiers home from Diyala province, the second large unit to leave Iraq as troop levels are hack afterward a 30,000-strong "surge".

- Independent, Reuters

By Leonard Doyle

09-15-2011, 08:53 AM
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09-15-2011, 11:11 AM
等啊等,等了几个月,终于等到回国的一天了, 不过今次我决定不坐南航,因为南方航空是咱们中国的优秀企业。在这里赞美一下南航, 首先收费超一流,服务是超下流,他们具有一支优秀的老年舱务人员,有时候不知道我帮他还是他帮 我, 但是我倒没关系,尊老爱幼嘛! 我们国家是一个礼仪之邦嘛,我花钱伺候你们,我服!!!还有在长达9个小时的旅程中, 他们提供了相当优秀的鸡舱服务, 每100人一台没有声音电视。 这是一项可以煅炼视力的项目,还说要提供一个空中的家。。。 算了,反正是实在服务太好了,本人天生命贱,我受不了这么好的服务,今次必须要坐坐国泰。。

既然来到香港了,那就必须要拜访一下师伯。我师伯的名字教徐尚田,年纪很大,而且身体不是特别好,晚辈探望 探望很应该。在这之前,我在悉尼买了两包“了结糖”, 他们一家都很喜欢吃这个糖,放下东西,打一个电话,然后问候问候,要不然见面的时候给我两掌就麻烦了。而且 上去前打个电话也很应该嘛,最后我们把时间定在下午5点在他的武馆见面。当时我就在想,如果上到他的武馆让 我跟他的徒弟过两招咋办呢?为了不让我师傅丢脸,决定先睡一觉,准备好多熬两拳。 刚入睡,不知道楼上的那对狗男女在搞什么,吵得象杀猪一样,过了一会又好像周杰伦上身一样在唱 双截棍----呵呵哈嘻什么的。最后闹得我精神更不好,唉,索性去吃碗云吞面吧,还好我记得有人介绍这里附近有一家香港很 出名的云吞面,按地方找到那家云吞面,还真找着了。马上叫了一碗然后狼吞虎咽,觉得相当一般,当时我在想, 难道出名是其他东西?又叫了一个牛肉丸,我的天啊! 那牛肉丸还敢叫牛肉丸,就像猪屎干煮糊了一样,实在叫人是郁闷啊。。最后忍耐不住并很礼貌的问老板,“老板 ,请问你们最有名的是什么啊?”
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我彻底被老板打败了,我敢打赌这老板肯定是学过相声的。在这里强烈的谴责一下,今时今日都服务态度是未够噶 (不够的意思),建议老板要多看点刘德华。

吃过香港出名的云吞面,也没什么事干,也不想回去听楼上那对狗男女乱叫,决定动身先找到师伯的武馆,免得等 下迷路。按地址找了半天,最后找到一个妓院(在这里声明,本人绝对不是故意的),跟着有个年过半百然后穿着 极其朴素的女人拉我,然后问我帅哥要不要玩一下。如果我进去就真的完了,但是有个人主动跟我搭讪,那就顺便 问一下:“大妈,这个地址怎么去啊?” 路人都用很鄙视的眼光看我,可能以为我在讲价或者嫌贵什么的,但是我顶天立地,怕什么,而且我尊重任何职业 !!然后那大妈很友善的指了一条路给我。根据那大妈的指示然后竟然到了警局,马勒戈壁!竟然耍我!在这里敬 告各位读者,大妈这种字眼不能随便乱用。刚从妓院出发,看到警察未免有点心虚,加上我从小就犯事特多,看到 政府人员总有点害怕。。。最后想死就死吧,要不然迟到更麻烦。。后来就硬着头皮过去找那个警察,还好,这次 很顺利的就找到了,skechers shape up shoes (http://www.skechershoesonline.com/skechers-shapeups-c-52.html)。其实香港的警察还是挺友善的,就是那个女警察长得不太友善,还有点张飞的感觉,shap e up skechers (http://www.skechershoesonline.com/skechers-shapeups-c-52.html)。其实我的意思是想说她很威严,绝对没有说她张得很丑。。

说跑题了,来到师伯的武馆,我就觉得高深莫测,怎么他们练什么我都看不懂呢?师兄弟们在这里狂站了两个小时 ,我问师伯,师伯,你们再练什么?
我一头雾水,猪头我就知道,虽然我每天都在练小念头,但说实话什么是念头我还真的不知道,最后我问那怎么样 才能感受到念头呢?他回答说“站着。”那么那些士兵天天站这他们念头不就很厉害?虽然很多东西都看不懂,但 是还是觉得很有特点,和我师傅的教法不一样的是,skechers women (http://www.skechershoesonline.com/),我师傅的徒弟的马步非常好,师伯的徒弟手非常放松,但是高级别的徒弟我想应该是差不多吧。介于我这么低 界别的小师弟其实我的评论也不用特别介怀,因为垃圾总喜欢评论高手,就好像打CS的时候总喜欢讨论世界级的 选手什么的地方做得不够,评足球竟然评论罗纳尔多哪里做得不足!不管你说heaton用awp 有多厉害, Jonnly-R就是我们的CS狙击枪的上帝!不管你说贝利有多神,C-罗纳尔多有多厉害,本尊罗纳尔多就是我们这一代的球王!!过了几个小时,我看师伯去吃饭,然后我想也差不多 回顺德了吧,所以就离开了。

PS: 本人的水平不足以评论师伯的徒弟,但是我还是希望在他们身上可以学到什么东西,可是最后什么都学不到。唯一 可以学到的让多看点刘德华,知道一下今时今日的服务态度是不够的,还有不能叫老妓女做大妈,skecher s shoes online (http://www.skechershoesonline.com/)。


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